358 resultados para Supronowicz, Mack
Effects of wall temperature on stabilities of hypersonic boundary layer over a 7-degree half-cone-angle blunt cone are studied by using both direct numerical simulation (DNS) and linear stability theory (LST) analysis. Four isothermal wall cases with Tw/T0= 0.5, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9, as well as an adiabatic wall case are considered. Results of both DNS and LST indicate that wall temperature has significant effects on the growth of disturbance waves. Cooling the surface accelerates unstable Mack II mode waves and decelerates the first mode (Tollmien–Schlichting mode) waves. LST results show that growth rate of the most unstable Mack II mode waves for the cases of cold wall Tw/T0=0.5 and 0.7 are about 45% and 25% larger than that for the adiabatic wall, respectively. Numerical results show that surface cooling modifies the profiles of rdut/dyn and temperature in the boundary layers, and thus changes the stability haracteristic of the boundary layers, and then effects on the growth of unstable waves. The results of DNS indicate that the disturbances with the frequency range from about 119.4 to 179.1 kHz, including the most unstable Mack modes, produce strong mode competition in the downstream region from about 11 to 100 nose radii. And adiabatic wall enhances the amplitudes of disturbance according to the results of DNS, although the LST indicates that the growth rate of the disturbance of cold wall is larger. That because the growth of the disturbance does not only depend on the development of the second unstable mode.
The direct numerical simulation of boundary layer transition over a 5° half-cone-angle blunt cone is performed. The free-stream Mach number is 6 and the angle of attack is 1°. Random wall blow-and-suction perturbations are used to trigger the transition. Different from the authors’ previous work [Li et al., AIAA J. 46, 2899(2008)], the whole boundary layer flow over the cone is simulated (while in the author’s previous work, only two 45° regions around the leeward and the windward sections are simulated). The transition location on the cone surface is determined through the rapid increase in skin fraction coefficient (Cf). The transition line on the cone surface shows a nonmonotonic curve and the transition is delayed in the range of 0° ≤ θ ≤ 30° (θ = 0° is the leeward section). The mechanism of the delayed transition is studied by using joint frequency spectrum analysis and linear stability theory (LST). It is shown that the growth rates of unstable waves of the second mode are suppressed in the range of 20° ≤ θ ≤ 30°, which leads to the delayed transition location. Very low frequency waves VLFWs� are found in the time series recorded just before the transition location, and the periodic times of VLFWs are about one order larger than those of ordinary Mack second mode waves. Band-pass filter is used to analyze the low frequency waves, and they are deemed as the effect of large scale nonlinear perturbations triggered by LST waves when they are strong enough.The direct numerical simulation of boundary layer transition over a 5° half-cone-angle blunt cone is performed. The free-stream Mach number is 6 and the angle of attack is 1°. Random wall blow-and-suction perturbations are used to trigger the transition. Different from the authors’ previous work [ Li et al., AIAA J. 46, 2899 (2008) ], the whole boundary layer flow over the cone is simulated (while in the author’s previous work, only two 45° regions around the leeward and the windward sections are simulated). The transition location on the cone surface is determined through the rapid increase in skin fraction coefficient (Cf). The transition line on the cone surface shows a nonmonotonic curve and the transition is delayed in the range of 20° ≤ θ ≤ 30° (θ = 0° is the leeward section). The mechanism of the delayed transition is studied by using joint frequency spectrum analysis and linear stability theory (LST). It is shown that the growth rates of unstable waves of the second mode are suppressed in the range of 20° ≤ θ ≤ 30°, which leads to the delayed transition location. Very low frequency waves (VLFWs) are found in the time series recorded just before the transition location, and the periodic times of VLFWs are about one order larger than those of ordinary Mack second mode waves. Band-pass filter is used to analyze the low frequency waves, and they are deemed as the effect of large scale nonlinear perturbations triggered by LST waves when they are strong enough.
The laminar to turbulent transition process in boundary layer flows in thermochemical nonequilibrium at high enthalpy is measured and characterized. Experiments are performed in the T5 Hypervelocity Reflected Shock Tunnel at Caltech, using a 1 m length 5-degree half angle axisymmetric cone instrumented with 80 fast-response annular thermocouples, complemented by boundary layer stability computations using the STABL software suite. A new mixing tank is added to the shock tube fill apparatus for premixed freestream gas experiments, and a new cleaning procedure results in more consistent transition measurements. Transition location is nondimensionalized using a scaling with the boundary layer thickness, which is correlated with the acoustic properties of the boundary layer, and compared with parabolized stability equation (PSE) analysis. In these nondimensionalized terms, transition delay with increasing CO2 concentration is observed: tests in 100% and 50% CO2, by mass, transition up to 25% and 15% later, respectively, than air experiments. These results are consistent with previous work indicating that CO2 molecules at elevated temperatures absorb acoustic instabilities in the MHz range, which is the expected frequency of the Mack second-mode instability at these conditions, and also consistent with predictions from PSE analysis. A strong unit Reynolds number effect is observed, which is believed to arise from tunnel noise. NTr for air from 5.4 to 13.2 is computed, substantially higher than previously reported for noisy facilities. Time- and spatially-resolved heat transfer traces are used to track the propagation of turbulent spots, and convection rates at 90%, 76%, and 63% of the boundary layer edge velocity, respectively, are observed for the leading edge, centroid, and trailing edge of the spots. A model constructed with these spot propagation parameters is used to infer spot generation rates from measured transition onset to completion distance. Finally, a novel method to control transition location with boundary layer gas injection is investigated. An appropriate porous-metal injector section for the cone is designed and fabricated, and the efficacy of injected CO2 for delaying transition is gauged at various mass flow rates, and compared with both no injection and chemically inert argon injection cases. While CO2 injection seems to delay transition, and argon injection seems to promote it, the experimental results are inconclusive and matching computations do not predict a reduction in N factor from any CO2 injection condition computed.
Refletindo sobre a emergência da categoria da transexualidade como a conhecemos na atualidade e seus desdobramentos sociais, políticos e subjetivos, especialmente a partir da segunda metade do século XX, procuramos nessa dissertação discutir o contexto que possibilitou o fenômeno da medicalização tecnológica dessa categoria. Ao desenvolvê-lo, essa pesquisa aponta atores da categoria médica e da militância que compuseram uma relação de negociação entre a demanda do indivíduo transexual e as possibilidades técnicas, legais e discursivas da biomedicina. Inicialmente, buscamos compreender como os profissionais médicos, psiquiatras e psicanalistas, pertencentes à ciência da sexologia a partir do fim do século XIX, incluíram em seus discursos e práticas os comportamentos sexuais considerados desviantes na época. O homossexualismo e o travestismo, representantes dessas perversões, constituíram categorias diagnósticas e identitárias de fundamental importância para a inauguração da transexualidade enquanto categoria nosológica médico-psiquiátrica e enquanto tipo humano, ou seja, uma forma subjetiva de experiência e identidade de gênero. Diante disso, e considerando o contexto sociocultural e o desenvolvimento biotecnológico hormonal e cirúrgico na época, temos a hipótese que a criação dessa categoria só foi possível devido à incorporação em indivíduos transexuais de procedimentos tecnocientíficos que possibilitaram que suas transformações anatomobiológicas construíssem o gênero desejado. A medicalização da transexualidade e sua regulação médico-jurídica, ao mesmo tempo em que são vetores de patologização e de estigma, possibilitaram o acesso à essas transformações corporais. Essa pesquisa problematiza o acesso à essas tecnologias, condicionado à obtenção do diagnóstico psiquiátrico, e aborda a relação interativa entre os aspectos discursivos e práticos da categoria médica e dos indivíduos transexuais e militância, assim como seus efeitos que iluminam essa questão. Finalmente, com o objetivo de ilustrar e compreender a interação entre a tecnologia e o corpo transexual, descrevemos e discutimos brevemente os principais procedimentos aplicados em homens transexuais e mulheres transexuais na transição de gênero.
嵩草属隶属于莎草科苔草亚科苔草族,主要分布于北半球温带地区,少数种类为环北极分布,有一种产于泰国清迈,一种产于苏门达腊岛北部高山。本‘文在形态学、微形态学、解剖学和胚胎学研究的基础上,对嵩草属植物进行了全面的分类学修订,根据属内各类群之间的系统演化关系建立了一个新的属下分类系统,确认了世界范围内53种3亚种嵩草属植物,并做出5个种上等级的新组合,描述了一个新亚组。 作者研究了国内外14家标本馆(室)的3000多份腊叶标本并进行多次野外的实地观察,对嵩草属植物的形态学性状进行了详细的比较和分析,评价了它们的系统学价值及其演化趋势。在嵩草属中,花序是由小穗排列成的圆锥花序或穗状花序,花序各部分的形态性状是种及种上等级分类的基础;花序的演化趋势是由圆锥花序到穗状花序,小穗是从由数朵雄花与1朵雌花组成简化到由1朵雌花组成。但是,花序和小穗由复杂到简单的进化在嵩草属中平行地发生于不同的类群中。先出叶的性状状态是分种的主要特征之一,通常认为边缘开裂的先出叶是原始的,边缘合生而为囊状的先出叶是进化的。同样,先出叶由开裂到合生的进化也是多次发生的。此外,根状茎、秆、叶鞘、叶片、柱头及小坚果等的性状状态对于种及种上等级的分类都具有重要的意义。 应用扫描电子显微镜对38种(或亚种)嵩草属植物的小坚果表面进行了观察,证明小坚果纹饰在种及种上等级的分类中具有重要的参考价值,并能揭示种及种下等级的亲缘关系。例如,分布于喜马拉雅东部至横断山地区的3种植物,K.clarkeana、K.curvata和K.fragilis外部形态非常相似,难于区分,而其小坚果的微形态特征却可以提供3种之间关系的证据。K.clarkeana与K.fragilis果实表面的特征完全一致,且与其它植物有显著区别,应为同种植物;K.curvata与它们明显不同,也与其它种有较大差异,应为独立的种。K.gramini folia,K.cercostach ys和K. nepalensis果实表面纹饰具有一些共同的特征,说明它们之间的亲缘关系较近。K.filicina和K.duthiei也存在同样的情形。 通过对秆和叶片的横切面和表皮的解剖学观察比较,发现嵩草属植物秆的横切面表现出由三角形到圆形的一系列变化。秆的横切面明显地分两个区域,中部的髓由较大而无色的细胞组成,其中心常碎裂形成大的气腔;外围的绿色部分,由绿色组织及分布其中的气腔和外韧维管束及与其相伴的厚壁组织组成。秆的表皮与叶片下表皮非常相象。叶片横切面的外形为V形、新月形或半圆形。V形的叶片具有明显发育的中脉并且在远轴面凸起,形成脊;新月形和半圆形的叶片中脉发育不明显,也无脊。叶片的表皮细胞均为长方形,垂周壁波纹状;平列型的气孔器纵向成行排列,多局限于下表皮;上表皮近边缘及脉附近的细胞常常在细胞的一端形成乳突。秆和叶片横切面的形态对于分种及种上等级的划分具有参考价值。 胚胎学研究表明小孢子、胚囊和胚的发育与莎草科其它类群一致。花粉为假单体花粉( pseudomonad),成熟花粉三核。胚珠倒生,厚珠心,双层珠被,珠孑L由内珠被形成。胚囊的发育为蓼型,原胚的发育为柳叶菜型灯芯草变型。首次观察到,在大孢子四分体时期,合点端和珠孔端两个大孢子细胞开始时体积都增大,而中部两个很快退化,稍后珠孔端一个也退化,合点端一个为功能大孢子,发育成为胚囊。根据胚胎学证据,不支持将嵩草属与苔草族一起另立为嵩草科。 嵩草属中较原始的一个亚属subg. Compositae主要分布于西喜马拉雅至横断山地区,还有一种见于泰国,一种产于苏门达腊,而后2种植物还具有一些最原始的形态性状。结合地史的变化推测,嵩草属可能在第三纪早期起源于古地中海的东部和北部。 根据形态学和解剖学性状的分析表明,许多性状在嵩草属中是平行演化的,如花序和小穗由复杂到简单、秆由圆柱形到三棱形、叶片横切面由V形到半圆形等。该属的属下分类应该追溯这些平行的演化线,而不能像以前的分类那样,将它们横向地划分为几个组或亚属。作者认为嵩草属有3个大的进化分支,据此将其划分为3个亚属。Subg. Compositae,12种,是较原始的一个分支。叶近基生,叶片扁平;花序多疏松圆锥状,少穗状,苞片多为叶状;小穗两性到单性,先出叶多为囊状,少边缘分离,退化小穗轴明显、扁平、较长。Subg. Blysmocarex,仅2种,是较早分化而相对隔离的一个分支。根状茎匍匐状;花序由圆锥状到穗状,小穗两性或单性;柱头2。Subg. Kobresia,种类最多。叶片扁平或内卷;秆三棱形到圆柱形;花序紧密,复杂到简单,苞片不为叶状;小穗两性或单性,先出叶由开裂到合生,退化小穗轴较小而不显著。根据该亚属呈现出的不同的性状演化系列,可以分为3个组。Sect. Kobresia花序圆锥状至穗状,小穗多为两性,少为单性,先出叶边缘分离。含3个亚组:subsect. Kobresia,8种2亚种.植株纤细,秆与叶均为丝状;subsect. Royleanae,8种l亚种,植株较粗壮,叶片扁平或对折;subsect. Sibiri-cae,4种,秆较粗,叶片内卷。Sect. Psmmostachys,仅2种,小穗两性,先出叶完全合生为囊状。Sect.Hemicarex花序一般为穗状,稀圆锥状,小穗多为单性,少两性。分为四个亚组:subsect. Forexeta,6种,叶片内卷或对折,先出叶线形,边缘分离或合生;subsect. Chlorostachys,3种,叶片扁平,小穗两性;subsect. Holmia,4种,叶片扁平,小穗单性;subsect.Utriculatae,5种,叶片丝状,先出叶完全合生为囊状,不为线形。嵩草属的属下分类纲要如下: Subgenus 1. Compositae (Clarke) Kukkonen Type: K. laxa Nees. Subgenus 2. Blysmocarex (Ivanova) S. R. Zhang Type: K. macrantha Boeck. Subgenus 3. Kobresia Section 1. Kobresia Subsection 1. Kobresia Type: K. simpliciuscula (Wahl. ) Mack. Subsection 2. Royleanae (Ivanova) S. R. Zhang Type: K. royleana (Nees) Boeck. Subsection 3. Sibiricae (Ivanova) Egorova Type: K. sibirica (Turcz. ex Ledeb. ) Boeck. Section 2. Psmmostachys Ivanova Type: K. robusta Maxim. Section 3. Hemicarex (Bentham) Clarke Subsection 4. Forexeta (Raffin. ) S. R. Zhang Type: K. cercostachys (Franch. ) C. B. Clarke. Subsection 5. Chlorostachys (Ivanova) S. R. Zhang Type: K. duthiei C B. Clarke. Subsection 6. Holmia (Boern. ) S. R. Zhang Type: K. esenbeckii (Kunth) Noltie. Subsection 7. Utriculatae S. R. Zhang Type: K. prainii Kukenthal.
This paper reports the application of Advanced Process Control (APC) techniques for improving the thermal energy efficiency of a paperboard-making process by regulating the Machine Direction (MD) profile of the basis weight and moisture content of the paper-board. A Model Predictive Controller (MPC) is designed so that the sheet moisture and basis weight tracking errors along with variations of the sheet moisture and basis weight are reduced. Also, the drainage is maximised through improved wet-end stability which can facilitate driving the sheet moisture set-point closer to its upper specification limit over time. It is shown that the proposed strategy can result in reducing steam usage by 8-10%. A simulation study based on a UK board machine is presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed technique. © 2011 Intl Journal of Adv Mechatr.
This paper presents the results of a project aimed at minimising fuel usage while maximising steam availability in the power and steam plant of a large newsprint mill. The approach taken was to utilise the better regulation and plant wide optimisation capabilities of Advanced Process Control, especially Model Predictive Control (MPC) techniques. These have recently made their appearance in the pulp and paper industry but are better known in the oil and petrochemical industry where they have been used for nearly 30 years. The issue in the power and steam plant is to ensure that sufficient steam is available when the paper machines require it and yet not to have to waste too much steam when one or more of the machines suffers an outage. This is a problem for which MPC is well suited. It allows variables to be kept within declared constraint ranges, a feature which has been used, effectively, to increase the steam storage capacity of the existing plant. This has resulted in less steam being condensed when it is not required and in significant reductions in the need for supplementary firing. The incidence of steam being dump-condensed while also supplementary firing the Combined Heat & Power (CHP) plant has been reduced by 95% and the overall use of supplementary firing is less than 30% of what it was. In addition the plant runs more smoothly and requires less operator time. The yearly benefit provided by the control system is greater than £200,000, measured in terms of 2005 gas prices.
Over the last two or three years, the increasing costs of energy and worsening market conditions have focussed even greater attention within paper mills than before, on considering ways to improve efficiency and reduce the energy used in paper making. Arising from a multivariable understanding of paper machine operation, Advanced Process Control (APC) technology enables paper machine behaviour to be controlled in a more coherent way, using all the variables available for control. Furthermore, with the machine under better regulation and with more variables used in control, there is the opportunity to optimise machine operation, usually providing very striking multi-objective performance improvement benefits of a number of kinds. Traditional three term control technology does not offer this capability. The paper presents results from several different paper machine projects we have undertaken around the world. These projects have been aimed at improving machine stability, optimising chemicals usage and reducing energy use. On a brown paperboard machine in Australasia, APC has reduced specific steam usage by 10%, averaged across the grades; the controller has also provided a significant capacity to increase production. On a North American newsprint machine, the APC system has reduced steam usage by more than 10%, and it provides better control of colour and much improved wet end stability. The paper also outlines early results from two other performance improvement projects, each incorporating a different approach to reducing the energy used in paper making. The first of these two projects is focussed on optimising sheet drainage, aiming to present the dryer with a sheet having higher solids content than before. The second project aims to reduce specific steam usage by optimising the operation of the dryer hood.
Perovskite-type SrZrO3 has been investigated as a candidate material for thermal barrier coating application. During plasma spraying of SrZrO3, SrO volatilized more than ZrO2 and the coating composition deviates from initial stoichiometry. In this investigation, partial evaporation was investigated by spraying SrZrO3 powders into water. The influences of spraying current, distance and particle size of the powder on the partial evaporation were also investigated in a quantitative way. With optimized spraying parameters, stoichiometric SrZrO3 coating was produced by adding an excess amount of Sr in the precursors before plasma spraying to compensate for the volatilized component.
With an ever increasing number of people taking numerous medications, the need to safely administer drugs and limit unintended side effects has never been greater. Antidote control remains the most direct means to counteract acute side effects of drugs, but, unfortunately, it has been challenging and cost prohibitive to generate antidotes for most therapeutic agents. Here we describe the development of a set of antidote molecules that are capable of counteracting the effects of an entire class of therapeutic agents based upon aptamers. These universal antidotes exploit the fact that, when systemically administered, aptamers are the only free extracellular oligonucleotides found in circulation. We show that protein- and polymer-based molecules that capture oligonucleotides can reverse the activity of several aptamers in vitro and counteract aptamer activity in vivo. The availability of universal antidotes to control the activity of any aptamer suggests that aptamers may be a particularly safe class of therapeutics.