659 resultados para Superconductivity


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A simple phenomenological model for the relationship between structure and composition of the high Tc cuprates is presented. The model is based on two simple crystal chemistry principles: unit cell doping and charge balance within unit cells. These principles are inspired by key experimental observations of how the materials accommodate large deviations from stoichiometry. Consistent explanations for significant HTSC properties can be explained without any additional assumptions while retaining valuable insight for geometric interpretation. Combining these two chemical principles with a review of Crystal Field Theory (CFT) or Ligand Field Theory (LFT), it becomes clear that the two oxidation states in the conduction planes (typically d8 and d9) belong to the most strongly divergent d-levels as a function of deformation from regular octahedral coordination. This observation offers a link to a range of coupling effects relating vibrations and spin waves through application of Hund’s rules. An indication of this model’s capacity to predict physical properties for HTSC is provided and will be elaborated in subsequent publications. Simple criteria for the relationship between structure and composition in HTSC systems may guide chemical syntheses within new material systems.


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Bi-2212 tapes are prepared by a combination of dip-coating and partial melt processing. We investigate the effect of re-melting of those tapes by partial melting followed by slow cooling on the structure and superconducting properties. Microstructural studies of re-melted samples show that they have the same overall composition as partially melted tapes. However, the fractional volumes of the secondary phases differ and the amounts and distribution of the secondary phases have a significant effect on the critical current. Critical current of Bi-2212/Ag tapes strongly depends on the maximum processing temperature. Initial J(c)'s of the tapes, which are partially melted, then slowly solidified at optimum conditions and finally post-annealed in an inert atmosphere, are up to 10.4 x 10(3) A/cm(2). It is found that the maximum processing temperature at initial partial melting has an influence on the optimum re-heat treatment conditions for the tapes. Re-melted tapes processed at optimum conditions recover superconducting properties after post-annealing in an inert atmosphere: the J(c) values of the tapes are about 80-110% of initial J(c)'s of those tapes.


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YBa2Cu3O7-δ - 25mol%Y2BaCuO5 bars and thick films have been melt textured using a stationary furnace with a temperature gradient of 3 or 6°C/cm. Samples are heated above the peritectic reaction temperature and quenched to just above the solidification temperature and then slowly cooled below the solidification temperature. All bar shaped samples consist of 2-5 mm grains though the grain orientations strongly depend on the heat treatment conditions. The bar shows the maximum Jc of above 3,000 A/cm2, whereas the maximum Jc of 200 A/cm2 and Tczero of 88K are obtained for the thick film on (100) LaAlO3 single crystal.


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Superconducting composite Bi-2212/Ag tapes and their joints are fabricated by a combination of dip-coating and partial melt processing. The heat treated tapes have a critical current (Ic) between 8 and 26A, depending on tape thickness and the number of Bi-2212 layers. Current transmissions between 80% and 100% have been achieved through the joints of tapes. Different types of HTS joints of Bi-2212/Ag laminated tapes are made and their transport properties during winding operations are investigated. Irreversible strain values (ε irrev) for laminated tapes and their joints are determined and it is found that the degradation of Ic during tape bending depends on the type of joint.


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YBa2Cu3O7-x wires have been extruded with 2 and 5 wt.% of hydroxy propyl methylcellulose (HPMC) as binder. Both sets of wires sintered below 930°C have equiaxed grains while the wires sintered above this temperature have elongated grains. In the temperature range which gives equiaxed grains, the wires extruded with 5 wt.% HPMC have higher grain size and density. Cracks along the grain boundaries are often observed in the wires having elongated grains. Critical current density, Jc, increases initially, reaches a peak and then decreases with the sintering temperature. The sintering temperature giving a peak in Jc strongly depends on the heat treatment scheme for the wires extruded with 5 wt.% HPMC. TEM studies show that defective layers are formed along grain boundaries for the wires extruded with 5 wt.% HPMC after 5 h oxygenation. After 55 h oxygenation, the defective layers become more localised and grain boundaries adopt an overall cleaner appearance. Densification with equiaxed grains and clean grain boundaries produces the highest Jc's for polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7 wires.


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A co-precipitation process for large-scale manufacture of bismuth-based HTSC powders has been demonstrated. Powders manufactured by this process have a high phase purity and precisely reproducible stoichiometry. Controlled time and temperature variations are used to convert precursors to HTSC compounds and to obtain specific particle-size distributions. The process has been demonstrated for a variety of compositions in the BSCCO system. Electron microscopy X-ray diffraction, inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy and magnetic-susceptibility measurements are used to characterize the powders.


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This work presents an assessment of the coprecipitation technique for the reliable production of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) copper-oxide powders in quantities scaled up to 1 kg. This process affords precise control of cation stoichiometry (< 4% relative), occurs rapidly (almost instantaneously) and can be suitably developed for large-scale (e.g. tonne) manufacture of HTS materials. The process is based upon a simple control of the chemistry of the cation solution and precipitation with oxalic acid. This coprecipitation method is applicable to all copper-oxides and has been demonstrated in this work using over thirty separate experiments for the following compositions: YBa2Cu3O7-δ, Y2BaCuO5 and YBa2Cu4O8. The precursor powders formed via this coprecipitation process are fine-grained (∼ 5-10 nm), chemically homogeneous at the nanometer scale and reactive, Conversion to phase-pure HTS powders can therefore occur in minutes at appropriate firing temperatures. © 1995.


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A study of the bulk formation of YBa2Cu3O7-x from the Y2BaCuO5 plus liquid regime reveals that phase formation occurs at appreciable rates below 950°C in air. This result has been observed for phase-pure YBa2Cu3O7-x starting material given two types of heat treatment: held at 1100°C and slow-cooled from 1030°C at 6°C/h or heat-treated isothermally. Differential thermal analysis, with a cooling rate of 10°C/min indicates that the degree of undercooling for the peritectic formation of YBa2Cu3O7-x is greater than 100°C. © 1994.


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Wires of YBa2Cu3O7-x were fabricated by extrusion using a hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) binder. As little as 2 wt.% binder was added to an oxide prepared by a novel co-precipitation process, to produce a plastic mass which readily gave continuous extrusion of long lengths of wire in a reproducible fashion. Critical temperatures of 92K were obtained for wires given optimum high-temperature heat treatments. Critical current densities greater than 1000 A cm-1 were measured at 77.3K using heat treatments at around 910°C for 10h. These transport critical current densities, measured on centimeter-long wires, were obtained with microstructures showing a relatively dense and uniform distribution of randomly oriented, small YBa2Cu3O7-x grains. © 1993.


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Comparison of well-determined single crystal data for stoichiometric, or near-stoichiometric, metal hexaborides con-firm previously identified lattice parameter trends using powder diffraction. Trends for both divalent and trivalent forms suggest that potential new forms for synthesis include Sc and Mn hexaborides. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations for KB6, CaB6, YB6, LaB6, boron octahedral clusters and Sc and Mn forms, show that the shapes of bonding orbitals are defined by the boron framework. Inclusion of metal into the boron framework induces a reduction in energy ranging from 1 eV to 6 eV increasing with ionic charge. For metals with d1 character, such a shift in energy brings a doubly degenerate band section along the G-M reciprocal space direction within the conduction bands tangential to the Fermi surface. ScB6 band structure and density of states calculations show directional and gap characteristics similar to those of YB6 and LaB6. These calculations for ScB6 suggest it may be possible to realize superconductivity in this compound if synthesized.


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Laser deposition was used to deposit YBaCuO thin films on Yttria-stabilized Zirconia substrates, at substrate holder temperatures of 710-765 °C. We observed a transition from singlecrystalline to polycrystalline growth at a temperature of ∼750 °C. All films were highly c-axis oriented and had critical temperatures between 89.5 and 92 K. In the twinned singlecrystalline films, the lowest measured microwave surface resistance was 0.37 mΩ at 4.2 K and 21.5 GHz, and the highest critical current 5×106 A/cm2 at 77 K. The polycrystalline films had up to a factor of 50 higher surface resistance and a factor of 10 lower critical current. A meander line resonator made of a film on a LaAlO3 substrate, showed a microwave surface resistance of 5μΩ at 4.2 K and 2.5 GHz. © 1991.


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The microstructure of artificial grain boundaries in YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) thin films grown on [001] tilt YZrO2 (YSZ) bicrystal substrates has been characterized using transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Despite a relatively straight morphology of the substrate boundaries, the film boundaries were wavy. The waviness was a result of the combined effects of grooving at the substrate boundaries prior to the film deposition and an island-growth mechanism for YBCO on YSZ substrates. The dihedral angle of the groove walls varied with the misorientation angle and depended on the symmetry of the substrate boundary. The amplitudes of the film boundary waviness compared well with the widths of the grooves. In addition, the grooves induced local bending of the YBCO lattice planes and additional tilt components perpendicular to the c-axis close to the film boundaries. © 1995.


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Our micro structural characterisation of Y-Ba-Cu-O quenched partial melts shows that the BaCuO2 (BC1) phase is crystalline at temperatures as high as 1100°C, and that the partial melt self-establishes a micro structural gradient from the surface towards the interior of the samples, which can be associated with a gradient in an equivalent partial pressure of O2 (pO2). The extension of the Y2BaCuO5-YBa2Cu3O7-x (Y211-Y123) tie-line intersects the primary crystallisation field of BC1 first. The actual peritectic reaction that takes place is Y2BaCuO5(s) + BaCuO2(s) + 2BaCu2O2(L) + 1/2O2 → 2YBa2Cu3O6(s). Two schematic representations which allow an analysis of the pO2 dependence are given. The gradient in micro structure self-established by the sample acts as a driving force for texturing. With this new perspective gained about the actual peritectic reaction and mechanisms of melt-texturing of Y123, it is possible to explain most of the aspects about partial melt-texturing. In addition, it seems possible to devise heat treatments that may allow for the production of well-oriented single domains with very large diameters. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Layers (about 60-100 μm thick) of almost pure BaCuO2 (BC1), as determined using X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), coat the surfaces of YBa2Cu3O7-x (Y123) samples partial melt processed using a single-zone vertical furnace. The actual Cu/Ba ratio of the BC1 phase is 1.2-1.3 as determined using energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). The nominally BC1 phase displays an exsolution of BC1.5 or BC2 in the form of thin plates (about 50-100 nm thick) along {100}-type cleavage planes or facets. The exsolved phase also fills cracks within the BC1 layer that require it to be in a molten state at some stage of processing. The samples were influenced by Pt contamination from the supporting wire, which may have stabilised the BC1.5 phase. Many of the Y123 grains have the same morphology as the exsolution domains, and run nearly parallel to the thin plates of the exsolved phases, strongly indicating that Y123 nucleation took place at the interface between the BC1 and the BC1.5 or BC2 exsolved phases. The network of nearly parallel exsolved 'channels' provides a matrix and a mechanism through which a high degree of local texture can be initiated in the material.