996 resultados para Sunflower seed


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The project will evaluate seed bank depletion of key northern herbicide resistant weeds under different environments, cropping systems, crop agronomies and non-chemical control tactics. The project will also evaluate soil biology and seed bank relationships to explain differences in seed bank persistence.


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Management of Tobacco streak virus in sunflower and pulse crops.


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Implementing technologies for the management of sunflower rust.


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Epidemiology and management of tobacco streak virus in sunflower and pulse crops.


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Control measures for an unidentified disorder in sunflower crops in Central Queensland.


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Pre-emptive breeding for host disease resistance is an effective strategy for combating and managing devastating incursions of plant pathogens. Comprehensive, long-term studies have revealed that virulence to the R (2) sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) rust resistance gene in the line MC29 does not exist in the Australian rust (Puccinia helianthi) population. We report in this study the identification of molecular markers linked to this gene. The three simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers ORS795, ORS882, and ORS938 were linked in coupling to the gene, while the SSR marker ORS333 was linked in repulsion. Reliable selection for homozygous-resistant individuals was efficient when the three markers, ORS795, ORS882, and ORS333, were used in combination. Phenotyping for this resistance gene is not possible in Australia without introducing a quarantinable race of the pathogen. Therefore, the availability of reliable and heritable DNA-based markers will enable the efficient deployment of this gene, permitting a more effective strategy for generating sustainable commercial cultivars containing this rust resistance gene.


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THE use of NMR to investigate the quality of the oil as a function of maturity of the seeds is demonstrated for sunflower seeds. The percentages of the saturated and individual unsaturated aids are determined as a function of time after flowering of the seeds. The percentage of saturated fatty acids is found to decrease with maturity of seeds whereas the extent of the unsaturated acids increases.


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The identification of Diaporthe (anamorph Phomopsis) species associated with stem canker of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in Australia was studied using morphology, DNA sequence analysis and pathology. Phylogenetic analysis revealed three clades that did not correspond with known taxa, and these are believed to represent novel species. Diaporthe gulyae sp. nov. is described for isolates that caused a severe stem canker, specifically pale brown to dark brown, irregularly shaped lesions centred at the stem nodes with pith deterioration and mid-stem lodging. This pathogenicity of D. gulyae was confirmed by satisfying Koch's Postulates. These symptoms are almost identical to those of sunflower stem canker caused by D. helianthi that can cause yield reductions of up to 40% in Europe and the USA, although it has not been found in Australia. We show that there has been broad misapplication of the name D. helianthi to many isolates of Diaporthe ( Phomopsis) found causing, or associated with, stem cankers on sunflower. In GenBank, a number of isolates had been identified as D. helianthi, which were accommodated in several clades by molecular phylogenetic analysis. Two less damaging species, D. kochmanii sp. nov. and D. kongii sp. nov., are also described from cankers on sunflower in Australia.


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The longevity of seed in the soil is a key determinant of the cost and length of weed eradication programs. Soil seed bank information and ongoing research have input into the planning and reporting of two nationally cost shared weed eradication programs based in tropical north Queensland. These eradication programs are targeting serious weeds such as Chromoleana odorata, Mikania micrantha, Miconia calvescens, Clidemia hirta and Limnocharis flava. Various methods are available for estimating soil seed persistence. Field methods to estimate the total and germinable soil seed densities include seed packet burial trials, extracting seed from field soil samples, germinating seed in field soil samples and observations from native range seed bank studies. Interrogating field control records can also indicate the length of the control and monitoring periods needed to exhaust the seed bank. Recently, laboratory tests which rapidly age seed have provided an additional indicator of relative seed persistence. Each method has its advantages, drawbacks and logistical constraints.


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Bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypifolia L.) is an invasive shrub that adversely impacts agricultural and natural systems of northern Australia. While several techniques are available to control bellyache bush, depletion of soil seed banks is central to its management. A 10-year study determined the persistence of intact and ant-discarded bellyache bush seeds buried in shade cloth packets at six depths (ranging from 0 to 40 cm) under both natural rainfall and rainfall-excluded conditions. A second study monitored changes in seedling emergence over time, to provide an indication of the natural rate of seed bank depletion at two sites (rocky and heavy clay) following the physical removal of all bellyache bush plants. Persistence of seed in the burial trial varied depending on seed type, rainfall conditions and burial depth. No viable seeds of bellyache bush remained after 72 months irrespective of seed type under natural rainfall conditions. When rainfall was excluded seeds persisted for much longer, with a small portion (0.4%) of ant-discarded seeds still viable after 120 months. Seed persistence was prolonged (> 96 months to decline to < 1% viability) at all burial depths under rainfall-excluded conditions. In contrast, under natural rainfall, surface located seeds took twice as long (70 months) to decline to 1% viability compared with buried seeds (35 months). No seedling emergence was observed after 58 months and 36 months at the rocky and heavy clay soil sites, respectively. These results suggest that the required duration of control programs on bellyache bush may vary due to the effect of biotic and abiotic factors on persistence of soil seed banks.


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Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) is a weed of great significance in Australia and worldwide, but little is known about connections among components of its life history. We document over a 3-year period, the links between L. camara seed-bank dynamics and its above-ground growth, including size asymmetry in four land-use types (a farm, a hoop pine plantation and two open eucalypt forests) invaded by the weed near Brisbane, Queensland Australia. Seed-bank populations varied appreciably across sites and in response to rainfall and control measures, and they were higher (~1,000 seeds/m2) when annual rainfall was 15-30 % below the long-term yearly average. Fire reduced seed-bank populations but not the proportion germinating (6-8 %). Nearly a quarter of fresh seeds remain germinable after 3 years of soil burial. For small seedlings (<10 cm high), the expected trade-offs in two life-history traits-survival and growth-did not apply; rather the observed positive association between these two traits, coupled with a persistent seed-bank population could contribute to the invasiveness of the plant. Relationships between absolute growth rate and initial plant size (crown volume) were positively linear, suggesting that most populations are still at varying stages of the exponential phase of the sigmoid growth; this trend also suggests that at most sites and despite increasing stand density and limiting environmental resources of light and soil moisture, lantana growth is inversely size asymmetric. From the observed changes in measures of plant size inequality, asymmetric competition appeared limited in all the infestations surveyed. © 2013 Crown Copyright as represented by: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia.


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Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) is a common stored grain pest for which a wide range of suitable resources has been recorded. These beetles are facultatively fungivorous and their resource range may extend to fungi associated with non-grain resources (e.g. cotton seed) and other decaying plant matter. Little is known with respect to fungi in terms of resource location by these beetles in the field. We, therefore, conducted a series of experiments in laboratory arenas, glasshouse cages and the field to determine how beetles respond to grain resources in relation to cotton seed (together with its lint stubble and associated fungal flora). Results from the tests conducted in relatively small arenas and cages in the laboratory and glasshouse reveal that the responses of T. castaneum adults to food resources were twice as strong when walking as when flying (as measured by the proportion of the released beetles that were trapped). Also, a clear preference for linted cotton seeds was evident in walking T. castaneum, especially in small-scale arenas in the laboratory, where at least 60% of beetles released preferred linted cotton seeds over wheat and sorghum. Similarly, in cages (1 m3) they responded five times more strongly to linted cotton seed than to conventional grain resources. However, this pattern was not consistent with those obtained from field trapping over 20 m and the beetles did not show any particular preference to any of the resources tested above. Our results suggest a focus on walking beetles in trapping studies for population estimations and, for developing effective food-based trapping lures, the potential use of active volatiles from the fungi associated with linted cotton seed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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The aim of this thesis was to increase our knowledge about the effects of seed origin on the timing of height growth cessation and field performance of silver birch from different latitudes, with special attention paid to the browsing damage by moose in young birch plantations. The effect of seed origin latitude and sowing time on timing of height growth cessation of first-year seedlings was studied in a greenhouse experiment with seven seed origins (lat. 58º - 67ºN). Variation in critical night length (CNL) for 50 % bud set within two latitudinally distant stands (60º and 67ºN) was studied in three phytotron experiments. Browsing by moose on 5-11 -year-old silver birch saplings from latitudinally different seed origins (53º - 67ºN) was studied in a field experiment in southern Finland. Yield and stem quality of 22-year-old silver birch trees of Baltic, Finnish and Russian origin (54º - 63ºN) and the effect of latitudinal seed transfers were studied in two provenance trials at Tuusula, southern and Viitasaari, central Finland. The timing of height growth cessation depended systematically on latitude of seed origin and sowing date. The more northern the seed origin, the earlier the growth cessation and the shorter the growth period. Later sowing dates delayed growth cessation but also shortened the growth period. The mean CNL of the southern ecotype was longer, 6.3 ± 0.2 h (95 % confidence interval), than that of the northern ecotype, 3.1 ± 0.3 h. Within-ecotype variance of the CNL was higher in the northern ecotype (0.484 h2) than in the southern ecotype (0.150 h2). Browsing by moose decreased with increasing latitude of seed origin and sapling height. Origins transferred from more southern latitudes were more heavily browsed than the more northern native ones. Southern Finnish seed origins produced the highest volume per unit area in central Finland (lat. 63º11'N). Estonian and north Latvian stand seed origins, and the southern Finnish plus tree origins, were the most productive ones in southern Finland (lat. 60º21'N). Latitudinal seed transfer distance had a significant effect on survival, stem volume/ha and proportion of trees with a stem defect. The relationship of both survival and stem volume/ha to the latitudinal seed transfer distance was curvilinear. Volume was increased by transferring seed from ca. 2 degrees of latitude from the south. A longer transfer from the south, and transfer from the north, decreased the yield. The proportion of trees with a stem defect increased linearly in relation to the latitudinal seed transfer distance from the south.


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Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is grown as a dryland crop in semiarid subtropical and tropical environments where it is often exposed to high temperatures around flowering. Projected climate change is likely to increase the incidence of exposure to high temperature, with potential adverse effects on growth, development and grain yield. The objectives of this study were to explore genetic variability for the effects of high temperature on crop growth and development, in vitro pollen germination and seed-set. Eighteen diverse sorghum genotypes were grown at day : night temperatures of 32 : 21 degrees C (optimum temperature, OT) and 38 : 21 degrees C (high temperature, HT during the middle of the day) in controlled environment chambers. HT significantly accelerated development, and reduced plant height and individual leaf size. However, there was no consistent effect on leaf area per plant. HT significantly reduced pollen germination and seed-set percentage of all genotypes; under HT, genotypes differed significantly in pollen viability percentage (17-63%) and seed-set percentage (7-65%). The two traits were strongly and positively associated (R-2 = 0.93, n = 36, P < 0.001), suggesting a causal association. The observed genetic variation in pollen and seed-set traits should be able to be exploited through breeding to develop heat-tolerant varieties for future climates.