959 resultados para Sub-sector
This paper examines the potential mutual conflict between interventions aimed at formalising artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) on the one hand, and policies implemented in response to the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) initiative on the other. Deforestation caused by ASM undermines sound forest management, and potentially threatens the implementation of REDD. Conversely, the adoption of REDD could further marginalise and criminalise the ASM sector, reducing its contribution to poverty alleviation. Reviewing a series of commonalities between ASM and forest management highlights many difficulties facing policy-makers. Potentially, contradictory outcomes of evolving governance arrangements means novel cross-sectoral institutions will be required in order to realise the full potential of REDD and ASM to address poverty reduction in a complementary fashion. The analysis reiterates the centrality of livelihoods to REDD and the need for policies to take into account local contexts.
OBJETIVO: Estimar o número de acidentes do trabalho ocorridos em determinada localidade e intervalo de tempo e a extensão do sub-registro de casos. MÉTODOS: Amostraram-se 4.782 domicílios residenciais do município de Botucatu, SP, contendo 17.219 moradores, em primeiro de julho de 1997. em cada um dos domicílios, um morador adulto era entrevistado para identificar ocorrência de acidentes do trabalho nos três meses precedentes à entrevista. Nos casos positivos, os acidentados foram entrevistados. Para cálculo do intervalo de confiança utilizou-se a formula de Cochran. RESULTADOS: Confirmaram ter sofrido acidente do trabalho 76 indivíduos, estimando-se em 1.810 o número desses eventos em Botucatu no ano de 1997 e a proporção de incidência em 4,1% (IC95% 3,0%-5,3%). Dos 76 acidentados, 39 não eram cobertos pelo seguro acidente previdenciário (51,3% IC95% 41,1%-61,6%), não se enquadrando na obrigatoriedade de emissão de Comunicação de Acidente do Trabalho (funcionários públicos estatutários, autônomos, assalariados sem registro em carteira, proprietários e outros). Dentre os 37 casos com obrigatoriedade de emissão desse documento, 20 casos não possuíam (54,1% IC39,4%-68,7%). Houve maior proporção de sub-registro de casos em trabalhadores de micro, pequenas e médias empresas, do que entre grandes empresas. Apenas 22,4% (IC13,8%, 30,9%) dos acidentes do trabalho informados nas entrevistas domiciliares foram captados pelos registros previdenciários CONCLUSÕES: Os achados indicam a necessidade de melhoria de utilização de outras fontes de informação, além das Comunicações de Acidentes do Trabalho, para elaboração das estatísticas oficiais sobre acidentes do trabalho.
Includes bibliography
Información básica del sector agropecuario: subregión norte de América Latina y el Caribe, 1990-2003
Incluye Bibliografía
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
[EN]Labile Fe(II) distributions were investigated in the Sub-Tropical South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean during the BONUS-GoodHope cruise from 34 to 57_ S (February? March 2008). Concentrations ranged from below the detection limit (0.009 nM) to values as high 5 as 0.125 nM. In the surface mixed layer, labile Fe(II) concentrations were always higher than the detection limit, with values higher than 0.060nM south of 47_ S, representing between 39% and 63% of dissolved Fe (DFe). Biological production was evidenced. At intermediate depth, local maxima were observed, with the highest values in the Sub-Tropical domain at around 200 m, and represented more than 70% of DFe. Remineralization processes were likely responsible for those sub-surface maxima. Below 1500 m, concentrations were close to or below the detection limit, except at two stations (at the vicinity of the Agulhas ridge and in the north of the Weddell Sea Gyre) where values remained as high as _0.030?0.050 nM. Hydrothermal or sediment inputs may provide Fe(II) to these deep waters. Fe(II) half life times (t1/2) at 4 _C were measured in the upper and deep waters and ranged from 2.9 to 11.3min, and from 10.0 to 72.3 min, respectively. Measured values compared quite well in the upper waters with theoretical values from two published models, but not in the deep waters. This may be due to the lack of knowledge for some parameters in the models and/or to organic complexation of Fe(II) that impact its oxidation rates. This study helped to considerably increase the Fe(II) data set in the Ocean and to better understand the Fe redox cycle.
Different tools have been used to set up and adopt the model for the fulfillment of the objective of this research. 1. The Model The base model that has been used is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) adapted with the aim to perform a Benefit Cost Analysis. The AHP developed by Thomas Saaty is a multicriteria decision - making technique which decomposes a complex problem into a hierarchy. It is used to derive ratio scales from both discreet and continuous paired comparisons in multilevel hierarchic structures. These comparisons may be taken from actual measurements or from a fundamental scale that reflects the relative strength of preferences and feelings. 2. Tools and methods 2.1. The Expert Choice Software The software Expert Choice is a tool that allows each operator to easily implement the AHP model in every stage of the problem. 2.2. Personal Interviews to the farms For this research, the farms of the region Emilia Romagna certified EMAS have been detected. Information has been given by EMAS center in Wien. Personal interviews have been carried out to each farm in order to have a complete and realistic judgment of each criteria of the hierarchy. 2.3. Questionnaire A supporting questionnaire has also been delivered and used for the interviews . 3. Elaboration of the data After data collection, the data elaboration has taken place. The software support Expert Choice has been used . 4. Results of the Analysis The result of the figures above (vedere altro documento) gives a series of numbers which are fractions of the unit. This has to be interpreted as the relative contribution of each element to the fulfillment of the relative objective. So calculating the Benefits/costs ratio for each alternative the following will be obtained: Alternative One: Implement EMAS Benefits ratio: 0, 877 Costs ratio: 0, 815 Benfit/Cost ratio: 0,877/0,815=1,08 Alternative Two: Not Implement EMAS Benefits ratio: 0,123 Costs ration: 0,185 Benefit/Cost ratio: 0,123/0,185=0,66 As stated above, the alternative with the highest ratio will be the best solution for the organization. This means that the research carried out and the model implemented suggests that EMAS adoption in the agricultural sector is the best alternative. It has to be noted that the ratio is 1,08 which is a relatively low positive value. This shows the fragility of this conclusion and suggests a careful exam of the benefits and costs for each farm before adopting the scheme. On the other part, the result needs to be taken in consideration by the policy makers in order to enhance their intervention regarding the scheme adoption on the agricultural sector. According to the AHP elaboration of judgments we have the following main considerations on Benefits: - Legal compliance seems to be the most important benefit for the agricultural sector since its rank is 0,471 - The next two most important benefits are Improved internal organization (ranking 0,230) followed by Competitive advantage (ranking 0, 221) mostly due to the sub-element Improved image (ranking 0,743) Finally, even though Incentives are not ranked among the most important elements, the financial ones seem to have been decisive on the decision making process. According to the AHP elaboration of judgments we have the following main considerations on Costs: - External costs seem to be largely more important than the internal ones (ranking 0, 857 over 0,143) suggesting that Emas costs over consultancy and verification remain the biggest obstacle. - The implementation of the EMS is the most challenging element regarding the internal costs (ranking 0,750).
This paper is the maritime and sub–Antarctic contribution to the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) Past Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics (PAIS) community Antarctic Ice Sheet reconstruction. The overarching aim for all sectors of Antarctica was to reconstruct the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice sheet extent and thickness, and map the subsequent deglaciation in a series of 5000 year time slices. However, our review of the literature found surprisingly few high quality chronological constraints on changing glacier extents on these timescales in the maritime and sub–Antarctic sector. Therefore, in this paper we focus on an assessment of the terrestrial and offshore evidence for the LGM ice extent, establishing minimum ages for the onset of deglaciation, and separating evidence of deglaciation from LGM limits from those associated with later Holocene glacier fluctuations. Evidence included geomorphological descriptions of glacial landscapes, radiocarbon dated basal peat and lake sediment deposits, cosmogenic isotope ages of glacial features and molecular biological data. We propose a classification of the glacial history of the maritime and sub–Antarctic islands based on this assembled evidence. These include: (Type I) islands which accumulated little or no LGM ice; (Type II) islands with a limited LGM ice extent but evidence of extensive earlier continental shelf glaciations; (Type III) seamounts and volcanoes unlikely to have accumulated significant LGM ice cover; (Type IV) islands on shallow shelves with both terrestrial and submarine evidence of LGM (and/or earlier) ice expansion; (Type V) Islands north of the Antarctic Polar Front with terrestrial evidence of LGM ice expansion; and (Type VI) islands with no data. Finally, we review the climatological and geomorphological settings that separate the glaciological history of the islands within this classification scheme.
The Socio-Economic Atlas of Kenya is the first of its kind to offer high-resolution spatial depictions and analyses of data collected in the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census . The combination of geographic and socio-eco - nomic data enables policymakers at all levels, development experts, and other interested readers to gain a spatial understanding of dynamics affecting Kenya. Where is the informal economic sector most prominent? Which areas have adequate water and sanitation? Where is population growth being slowed effectively? How do education levels vary throughout the country? And where are poverty rates lowest? Answers to questions such as these, grouped into seven broad themes, are visually illustrated on high-resolution maps. By supplying precise information at the sub-location level and summarizing it at the county level, the atlas facilitates better planning that accounts for local contexts and needs. It is a valuable decision-support tool for government institutions at different administrative levels, educational institutions, and others. Three organizations – two in Kenya and one in Switzerland – worked together to create the atlas: the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the Nanyuki-based Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development (CETRAD), and the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) at the University of Bern. Close cooperation between KNBS, CETRAD, and CDE maximized synergies and knowledge exchange.
Estetrabajo propone una reflexiónrespecto a las demandas que el Foro Nacional de la Agricultura Familiar (FONAF) plantea desde el año 2006y las respuestas institucionales promovidas por el estado en términos de políticas públicas. Puntualmente, se considera 'el acceso a la salud' como demanda colectiva y como un aspecto de 'vida', que refiere a las posibilidades de desarrollo de las familias en el medio rural en un contexto de 'acumulación por desposesión' (Harvey, 2004). El análisis y la reflexión hará referencia a la implementación del monotributo social para la agricultura familiar en la región centro-este de la provincia de Catamarca, haciendo hincapié en un proceso de institucionalización de la necesidad (acceso a la salud) a través de un sistema de seguridad social que (a modo de hipótesis) promueve la des-territorialización de la vida en el ámbito rural-local. En este sentido, se sostiene a priori que las prácticasvinculadas a la salud-enfermedad- atención que desarrollan los agricultores familiares,reconfiguran el espacio social, planteando desafíos que interpelan la situación del sector en términos de 'sub-alternidad' dentro del sistema productivo actual
An array of four sediment trap moorings recorded the particulate flux across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) at 170 °W, between November 1996 and January 1998, as part of the US JGOFS-Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS) program. The trap locations represent sampling within the Polar Frontal Zone, the Antarctic Polar Front, the Antarctic Zone and the Southern Antarctic Zone. Here we report observations from 1000 m below the sea-surface compared to seafloor and surface water distributions. Sub-sample splits from each trap were obtained and total diatom flux and species composition were determined. The diatom fluxes were quantified using both a dilution and a 'spike' method to allow for the rapid repeatability of measurements. Diatom flux was found to be highly seasonal across the ACC particularly at higher latitudes. Marine snow aggregates of intact diatom cells and chains were the major components of the biogenic flux. Siliceous particle size was noted to decrease with increasing latitude, which could be aligned with a shift of the diatom assemblage to small-size species/sea-ice affiliated species. A 'double-structured' diatom flux was recorded at the location of the Antarctic Polar Front trap, with a shift in the diatom assemblage from larger to smaller diatoms in the second flux episode. The sediment trap assemblage shows deviations from the surface water assemblage, while surface sediment samples indicate that significant dissolution occurs after 1000 m and at the sediment-water interface. Estimation of diatom biovolumes across the ACC shows that large diatoms have the potential to greatly impact biogenic fluxes to the ocean interior despite their low fluxes. Small species of the genus Fragilariopsis could potentially export as much Corg as Fragilariopsis kerguelensis near the retreating ice edge. However, their low abundance in the surface sediments also suggests that these diatoms are a shallow export species.
Estetrabajo propone una reflexiónrespecto a las demandas que el Foro Nacional de la Agricultura Familiar (FONAF) plantea desde el año 2006y las respuestas institucionales promovidas por el estado en términos de políticas públicas. Puntualmente, se considera 'el acceso a la salud' como demanda colectiva y como un aspecto de 'vida', que refiere a las posibilidades de desarrollo de las familias en el medio rural en un contexto de 'acumulación por desposesión' (Harvey, 2004). El análisis y la reflexión hará referencia a la implementación del monotributo social para la agricultura familiar en la región centro-este de la provincia de Catamarca, haciendo hincapié en un proceso de institucionalización de la necesidad (acceso a la salud) a través de un sistema de seguridad social que (a modo de hipótesis) promueve la des-territorialización de la vida en el ámbito rural-local. En este sentido, se sostiene a priori que las prácticasvinculadas a la salud-enfermedad- atención que desarrollan los agricultores familiares,reconfiguran el espacio social, planteando desafíos que interpelan la situación del sector en términos de 'sub-alternidad' dentro del sistema productivo actual
Estetrabajo propone una reflexiónrespecto a las demandas que el Foro Nacional de la Agricultura Familiar (FONAF) plantea desde el año 2006y las respuestas institucionales promovidas por el estado en términos de políticas públicas. Puntualmente, se considera 'el acceso a la salud' como demanda colectiva y como un aspecto de 'vida', que refiere a las posibilidades de desarrollo de las familias en el medio rural en un contexto de 'acumulación por desposesión' (Harvey, 2004). El análisis y la reflexión hará referencia a la implementación del monotributo social para la agricultura familiar en la región centro-este de la provincia de Catamarca, haciendo hincapié en un proceso de institucionalización de la necesidad (acceso a la salud) a través de un sistema de seguridad social que (a modo de hipótesis) promueve la des-territorialización de la vida en el ámbito rural-local. En este sentido, se sostiene a priori que las prácticasvinculadas a la salud-enfermedad- atención que desarrollan los agricultores familiares,reconfiguran el espacio social, planteando desafíos que interpelan la situación del sector en términos de 'sub-alternidad' dentro del sistema productivo actual
The biogeochemistry of iodine in the waters of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean was investigated during the Polarstern cruise ANTXXIV-3 ZERO&DRAKE. The speciation and distribution of iodine (iodate and iodide) in seawater was examined across gradients of iron concentrations and phytoplankton abundance, ranging from an open ocean region along the Zero Meridian to the Weddell Sea and Drake Passage. Iodine cycling in high latitudes differs from that in low latitudes due to differences in the plankton community composition and the physicochemical characteristics. Iodate concentrations ranged between 400 and 450 nmol/L from the surface to the bottom. Surface concentrations of iodide (17 to over 60 nmol/L) were about an order of magnitude higher than below the pycnocline. The peak values of iodide lay nearly always within the euphotic zone and showed a weak, positive correlation with nitrite concentrations in the upper 200 m. In all vertical profiles a pronounced sub-surface maximum in iodide appears between 50 and 200 m depth indicating an iodide drawdown at the near surface. Iodide distribution in the Weddell Sea showed elevated levels in Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW) indicating slow oxidation kinetics and the potential for iodide as a tracer of WSBW formation.