950 resultados para Student drop out.


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For young people and adults that have not yet conquered reading and writing, being literate is the most important thing in life , a dream . Scholarly learning for them is like hegemonic knowledge in contemporary literate society. Thus, for them to get into school is to be able to have such knowledge and, through it, feel inserted into this society. However, along this process of learning, they start to drop out, little by little, statistically increasing the number of people who give up on young people and adult education Eja, as well as slowly reducing the contingent of illiteracy in the country. With this reality as a starting point, we question the concrete and symbolic reasons or motives that lead to a dropping out of the literacy classes at Eja. To do so, we have established, as the object of our study, the feelings of giving up among those involved in young people and adult literacy training. To understand such feelings is our purpose in this investigation. The theory of Social Representations (MOSCOVICI, 1978, 2004) was the theoretical-methodological option for subsidizing data search, analyses and interpretation, making us perceive the significance of the object of this study for these individuals. The gathering of such symbolic content involved the use of semi-structured interviews with eleven drop-outs and ten students who had repeated this modality of teaching in public schools in Natal, RN, during the 2006 school year. From the thematic and categorical analyses (BARDIN, 1977), we identified elements that gave support to some themes. Later, these themes led to three categories, suggesting that feelings associated with dropping out were based on the following: learning difficulties because they did not understand the contents; having their lack of knowledge exposed, thus bringing forth feelings of shame, humiliation, and embarrassment for not knowing how to read and write at a mature age; work, tiredness and sickness. The students who manage to remain in school are those who force themselves to live with the feelings of maladaptation and those who develop a sense of adaptation the other way round to the institution, that is, acceptance of institutional failures and omissions


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This research builds on a qualitative approach and proposes action research to develop, implement and evaluate a strategy grounded in the teaching of geometry reading from different text types, in order to enhance the understanding of mathematical concepts by students in the 6th grade of elementary school. The teaching of mathematics, strengthened by a reading practice that fosters a greater understanding of science, because it would contribute to the expansion of vocabulary, acquire a higher level of reasoning, interpretation and understanding, providing opportunities thus a greater contextualization of the student, making out the role of mere spectator to the builder of mathematical knowledge. As a methodological course comply with the following steps: selecting a field of intervention school, the class-subject (6 years of elementary school) and teacher-collaborator. Then there was a diagnostic activity involving the content of geometry - geometric solids, flat regions and contours - with the class chosen, and it was found, in addition to the unknown geometry, a great difficulty to contextualize it. From the analysis of the answers given by students, was drawn up and applied three interventional activities developed from various text (legends, poems, articles, artwork) for the purpose of leading the student to realize, through reading these texts, the discussions generated from these questions and activities proposed by the present mathematics in context, thus getting a better understanding and interaction with this discipline as hostility by most students. It was found from the intervention, the student had a greater ability to understand concepts, internalize information and use of geometry is more consistent and conscientious, and above all, learning math more enjoyable


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de cortadores de cana-de-açúcar. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal em uma usina sucroalcooleira no Oeste do estado de São Paulo de abril (final da entressafra) a outubro (final da safra) de 2010. Foram avaliados 44 cortadores de cana-de-açúcar tabagistas e não tabagistas em três períodos: ao final da entressafra, no fim do terceiro mês de safra e no final da safra. A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde foi avaliada pelo questionário Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Foram realizados análise de variância para medidas repetidas e teste de Friedman para comparar a qualidade de vida entre os períodos. Utilizou-se o teste de Goodman para identificar a frequência dos trabalhadores cujo escore aumentou nos períodos de safra em comparação com a entressafra (respondedores positivos), considerando-se as variáveis qualitativas dos domínios do SF-36. RESULTADOS: Ao final da entressafra, 23% dos trabalhadores desistiram do trabalho; 27% eram tabagistas. Houve decréscimo significativo no domínio vitalidade no final da safra em comparação com a entressafra. Os desistentes apresentaram maior escore no domínio aspecto social em relação ao grupo que permaneceu no trabalho. Não houve diferença na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde entre tabagistas e não tabagistas. No entanto, observou-se maior percentual de respondedores positivos entre não tabagistas nos domínios aspecto físico, social e emocional nos três meses de safra e nos domínios estado geral de saúde e aspecto social nos seis meses de safra, quando comparados aos tabagistas. CONCLUSÕES: A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em cortadores de cana-de-açúcar mostrou-se diminuída após o período de safra no domínio vitalidade. Os trabalhadores que permaneceram na safra são os que apresentaram piores aspectos sociais, o que mostra a necessidade de promoção de políticas assistencialistas de saúde a essa população específica, principalmente durante a safra canavieira.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o grau de adesão e a eficácia da fibra dietética no tratamento da constipação intestinal funcional. MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico longitudinal, envolvendo 59 indivíduos, 54 mulheres e 5 homens, idade média de 46 anos (variação: 18-74 anos), com diagnóstico de constipação intestinal funcional. Após regularização do hábito intestinal, com a introdução de fibra dietética, era recomendado aos pacientes manter a dieta com fibra e retornar quatro meses depois, a fim de ser verificada a continuidade da eficácia e o grau de adesão ao seu uso. Associação entre adesão e eficácia foi pesquisada pelo teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Nove pacientes abandonaram o estudo e 50 continuaram. Destes, 32 mantiveram hábito intestinal satisfatório e a constipação recorreu em 18. Naqueles com manutenção do hábito intestinal, dezesseis mantiveram a ingestão de fibra recomendada, quatro aumentaram, nove reduziram e três interromperam. Nos casos com recorrência do sintoma, a quantidade de fibra foi mantida em três, aumentada em um, diminuída em três e suspensa em onze. Foi encontrada associação estatisticamente significante entre adesão e eficácia (p=0,008). CONCLUSÃO: A eficácia da fibra dietética mostrou-se moderada, ocorrendo benefício em 64% dos casos. A perda de adesão foi grande, mais da metade dos indivíduos avaliados (52%). Tais resultados sugerem a necessidade de novas estratégias, visando garantir maior fidelidade à terapêutica com fibra e com isto melhorar seus resultados no tratamento da constipação intestinal.


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The question of evaluating the fight against poverty in a given society is very complex task, considering the range of factors that permeate, such as education, culture and economy itself. Come hence the relevance of the theme and its constant presence in discussions on the fruits of public policies, institutional structure and economic development which are the guiding elements of this work, and noted that seeks to highlight the social demographics and most important, the most significant trends and issues pertaining to her. The assessment was initially made in all the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte doing a verticalilzação to the municipalities Caicó, Pau dos Ferros, Ipueira and Taboleiro Grande. Highlighting the role of a social policy through government programs, such as the Bolsa Familia Program (PBF), which creates the possibility of changes in the socio demographic profile given the importance that the action of this public policy has in shaping the regional economic reality As well as social programs and actions of the government here reported that generate mobility of people and new social demands, such as rural retirements, the benefit of continuing provision (BPC), the Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (PETI) that put on the market of population living on the margins of various forms of consumption. Accordingly, the socio economic profile of the state shows a significant improvement in their social indicators, vital education and redistribution of income, due to the significant improvement in life expectancy in the fall of school drop-out rate and the drop in indicators of Proportion Poor and destitute of the state. Where the fall in the proportion of poor and indigent is strongly associated with an increase in income, from social programs. With this transfer and redistribution of income can be gauged that occurs a strengthening of local economies and an engagement of families with the conditionalities of social programs and PETI Bolsa Familia. Our research concludes that simply raising the rents caused by transfers, presents relevant impacts on the education of young people in beneficiary families. There is no doubt that the programs of transfer income, no facing the social field, representing a mechanism to decrease the most perverse ills of poverty, social and economic inequality that is hungry. For a significant portion of the Brazilian population living below the poverty line, programs for the transfer of income are expressed directly in improving the material conditions of life and indirectly in improving self-esteem of women and all family members receiving encouraging yet the integration family. Experiments have shown that improvements in health and nutrition can be obtained through the implementation of adequate social policies like the programs of transfer income, while social inclusion and economic does not become full


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A Triagem Auditiva Neonatal tem se efetivado mundialmente como meio para detecção precoce da surdez. Na Unicamp, desde 2002, os recém-nascidos na maternidade do Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher são agendados para a triagem auditiva no Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Reabilitação Prof. Dr. Gabriel Porto. No entanto, nem todos vêm para a triagem e alguns abandonam o processo de avaliação antes do diagnóstico. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi caracterizar as taxas de adesão de lactentes ao Programa de Triagem Auditiva Neonatal. Tratou-se de pesquisa que utilizou dados contidos nos prontuários dos lactentes que efetuaram a triagem no período de fevereiro a novembro de 2007. Permaneceram no alojamento conjunto do CAISM 2107 lactentes e vieram para a triagem 1310. Dentre aqueles que não passaram na triagem (92 lactentes), realizaram o exame de PEATE-A 73 lactentes. A adesão na primeira etapa da triagem foi de 62,17%, e na segunda, 79,34%. As taxas de adesão são inferiores às preconizadas pelo Joint Comittee on Infant Hearing e encontradas em alguns países desenvolvidos. No entanto, aproximam-se de outras experiências brasileiras de programas de triagem auditiva neonatal. O acompanhamento sistemático às famílias dos lactentes que não passaram na primeira avaliação e a conscientização destas sobre a detecção precoce da perda auditiva e suas consequências podem ter contribuído para o aumento da taxa de adesão na segunda etapa da triagem.


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Includes bibliography


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Many Caribbean youth are doing reasonably well. They live in loving and caring families, attend school and are involved in various social activities in their communities. The health and well-being of the children and youth1 in the Caribbean is, and has been, the centre of attention of many studies, meetings and policy directives set at the regional, subregional and national levels. Programmes have been put in place to address the basic needs of young children in the areas of health and education and to provide guidance and directives to youth and adolescents in the area of professional formation and transition to adulthood. Critical issues such as reproductive health and family planning combined with access to education and information on these topics have been promoted to some extent. And finally, the Caribbean is known for rather high school enrolment rates in primary education that hardly show any gender disparities. While the situation is still good for some, growing numbers of children and youth cannot cope anymore with the challenges experienced quite early in their lives. Absent parents, instable care-taking arrangements, violence and aggression subjected to at home, in schools and among their friends, lack of a perspective in schools and the labour-market, early sexual initiation and teenage pregnancies are some of those issues faced by a rising number of young persons in this part of the world. Emotional instability, psychological stress and increased violence are one of the key triggers for increased violence and involvement in crime exhibited by ever younger youth and children. Further, the region is grappling with rising drop-out rates in secondary education, declining quality schooling in the classrooms and increasing numbers of students who leave school without formal certification. Youth unemployment in the formal labour market is high and improving the quality of professional formation along with the provision of adequate employment opportunities would be critical to enable youth to complete consistently and effectively the transition into adulthood and to take advantage of the opportunities to develop and use their human capital in the process. On a rather general note, the region does not suffer from a shortage of policies and programmes to address the very specific needs of children and youth, but the prominent and severe lack of systematic analysis and monitoring of the situation of children, youth and young families in the Caribbean does not allow for targeted and efficient interventions that promise successful outcomes on the long term. In an effort to assist interested governments to fill this analytical gap, various initiatives are underway to enhance data collection and their systematic analysis2. Population and household censuses are conducted every decade and a variety of household surveys, such as surveys of living conditions, labour force surveys and special surveys focusing on particular sub-groups of the population are conducted, dependent on the resources available, to a varying degree in the countries of the region. One such example is the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)-funded Multi-Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) that assess the situation of children and youth in a country. Over the past years and at present, UNICEF has launched a series of surveys in a number of countries in the Caribbean3. But more needs to be done to ensure that the data available is analyzed to provide the empirical background information for evidence-based policy formulation and monitoring of the efficiency and effectiveness of the efforts undertaken.


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Reading is a complex process that involves cognitive and linguistic skills, such as decoding and comprehension. When the skill to understand texts is not performed there is a commitment throughout the learning process interfering with the development of the student as a whole. Ensuring that the student carries out reading efficiently is one of the main challenges of schools. Considering these aspects, this study, through reflection of previous studies, presents the processes involved in reading comprehension, as well as problems that can interfere with these processes, assessment and intervention strategies with the students so that possible difficulties in the educational context can be minimized.


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Examine the phenomenon of bullying behavior that makes people teased, laughter, sarcasm, irony, among other types of attacks. This is not only physically, but with moral violence, emotional or psychological. When there is an effective intervention against bullying, all individuals in the group start to suffer with this situation, which can lead to psychological disorders, hampering the progress of relations as well as team sports, over a period of training and competition. This article analyzed a sample of athletes in order to find behaviors that characterize the extent of bullying and can see the consequences of it, as early drop out. Through the results it was concluded that the actions that characterize bullying are present in very high performance football and may even lead to drop out the sport. We also evaluate the environments frequented by teams can become enhancers of this phenomenon, they are times when athletes have a living space and one that may become amenable to the events, plus the fact that many athletes have already thought about leaving the sport because to bullying


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the current brazilian high school situation that refers specifically to issues of infrastructure, training of professionals working in high school and the question of management of high school, because we believe that such questions also may have fundamental importance for both young people who drop out of high school and for young people who stay there. We will discuss these issues (infrastructure, management and training of professionals working in high school) as a reference, on the one hand, the goals and objectives proposed by the last National Education Plan (PNE - Law No. 10.172/2001), and on the other hand, the objectives and goals proposed for these same issues by the new PNE, to run until 2020, emphasizing that this is still under discussion in Congress, therefore, liable to modifications.


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The objective of this paper is: (a) to characterize behaviors of the 47 primary caregivers and their children who sought for psychological services, (b) to compare groups: abandonment x participants; boy x girl. The participants answered the interview inventory (RE-HSE-P), inventory (IHS-Del Prette) and scales (Rathus Assertiveness Scale and CBCL). For the results, 60% of the children presented behavior problems at clinical level. There is correlation between negative parenting practices and behavior problems and social skills among caregivers (HSE-P) and children. People who drop out psychological services, present lower frequence and quality of HSE-P and more behavior problems. There are not differences in comparisons between boys and girls. The results highlight the importance of evaluating clinical context, the contingent behaviors of parents and children employing different instruments in order to describe the relationship between behavior problem and potentialities of both interlocutors socially interacting.


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The aim of this study was to compare the speed and the agility between Brazilian soccer players and non-players, regarding maturity status in adolescents 11-15 years old. Forty and two soccer players (age – 159.30±17.28 months old; weight – 48.45±9.96 kg; height – 1.53±0.10 m) and 45 non-players (age – 162.62±24.92 months old; weight – 48.30±8.35 kg; height – 1.54±0.12 m) participated of this study. Participants were classified by maturity status. On 2 different days with 1 week of differences between the assessments the participants were evaluated the agility, by Shuttle Run test, and the speed, by 30 m maximum speed test. The results showed that the maturity status was an influential factor in the performance with better results for individuals in a more advanced stage. The soccer practice does not seem to interfere in the performance of the physical capacity components analyzed, only effective when different maturity levels are involved in the analysis. It is also possible that late maturing boys selectively drop-out of soccer as age and sport specialization increase.


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In contrast to the impressive advances in somatic research of erectile dysfunction (ED), scientific literature shows contradictory reports on the results of psychotherapy for the treatment of ED. Authors conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological interventions for the treatment of ED compared to oral drugs, local injection, vacuum devices, or other psychological intervention. Distinct sources of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were searched: electronic databases (between 1966 and 2007), cross checking of references, and contact with scientific societies. For dichotomous outcomes the pooled relative risks were calculated and for continuous outcomes mean differences between interventions. Statistical heterogeneity was addressed. Eleven RCTs involving 398 men met the inclusion criteria. There is evidence that group therapy improves ED. Focused sex group therapy showed greater efficacy than control group. Men randomized to receive psychotherapy plus sildenafil showed significant improvement of ED and were less likely than those receiving only sildenafil to drop out. Regarding to the effectiveness of psychological interventions for the treatment of ED compared to local injection and vacuum devices no difference was found. Melnik T, Soares BGO, and Nasello AG. The effectiveness of psychological interventions for the treatment of erectile dysfunction: Systematic review and meta-analysis, including comparisons to sildenafil treatment, intracavernosal injection, and vacuum devices. J Sex Med 2008;5:2562-2574.


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This thesis consists of four self-contained essays in economics. Tournaments and unfair treatment. This paper introduces the negative feelings associated with the perception of being unfairly treated into a tournament model and examines the impact of these perceptions on workers’ efforts and their willingness to work overtime. The effect of unfair treatment on workers’ behavior is ambiguous in the model in that two countervailing effects arise: a negative impulsive effect and a positive strategic effect. The impulsive effect implies that workers react to the perception of being unfairly treated by reducing their level of effort. The strategic effect implies that workers raise this level in order to improve their career opportunities and thereby avoid feeling even more unfairly treated in the future. An empirical test of the model using survey data from a Swedish municipal utility shows that the overall effect is negative. This suggests that employers should consider the negative impulsive effect of unfair treatment on effort and overtime in designing contracts and determining on promotions. Late careers in Sweden between 1970 and 2000. In this essay Swedish workers’ late careers between 1970 and 2000 are studied. The aim is to examine older workers’ career patterns and whether they have changed during this period. For example, is there a difference in career mobility or labor market exiting between cohorts? What affects the late career, and does this differ between cohorts? The analysis shows that between 1970 and 2000 the late careers of Swedish workers comprised of few job changes and consisted more of “trying to keep the job you had in your mid-fifties” than of climbing up the promotion ladder. There are no cohort differences in this pattern. Also a large fraction of the older workers exited the labor market before the normal retirement age of 65. During the 1970s and first part of the 1980s, 56 percent of the older workers made an early exit and the average drop-out age was 63. During the late 1980s and the 1990s the share of old workers who made an early exit had risen to 76 percent and the average drop-out age had dropped to 61.5. Different factors have affected the probabilities of an early exit between 1970 and 2000. For example, skills did affect the risk of exiting the labor market during the 1970s and up to the mid-1980s, but not in the late 1980s or the 1990s. During the first period old workers in the lowest occupations or with the lowest level of education were more likely to exit the labor market than more highly skilled workers. In the second period old workers at all levels of skill had the same probability of leaving the labor market. The growth and survival of establishments: does gender segregation matter? We empirically examine the employment dynamics that arise in Becker’s (1957) model of labor market discrimination. According to the model, firms that employ a large fraction of women will be relatively more profitable due to lower wage costs, and thus enjoy a greater probability of surviving and growing by underselling other firms in the competitive product market. In order to test these implications, we use a unique Swedish matched employer-employee data set. We find that female-dominated establishments do not enjoy any greater probability of surviving and do not grow faster than other establishments. Additionally, we find that integrated establishments, in terms of gender, age and education levels, are more successful than other establishments. Thus, attempts by legislators to integrate firms along all dimensions of diversity may have positive effects on the growth and survival of firms. Risk and overconfidence – Gender differences in financial decision-making as revealed in the TV game-show Jeopardy. We have used unique data from the Swedish version of the TV-show Jeopardy to uncover gender differences in financial decision-making by looking at the contestants’ final wagering strategies. After ruling out empirical best-responses, which do appear in Jeopardy in the US, a simple model is derived to show that risk preferences, the subjective and objective probabilities of answering correctly (individual and group competence), determine wagering strategies. The empirical model shows that, on average, women adopt more conservative and diversified strategies, while men’s strategies aim for the greatest gains. Further, women’s strategies are more responsive to the competence measures, which suggests that they are less overconfident. Together these traits make women more successful players. These results are in line with earlier findings on gender and financial trading.