990 resultados para Structural Geology


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Quartz Crystallographic Preferred Orientation (CPO) patterns are most commonly a result of deformation by dislocation creep. We investigated whether Dissolution-Precipitation Creep (DPC) a process that occur at lower differential stresses and temperatures, may result in CPO in quartz. Within the Purgatory Conglomerate, DPC led to quartz dissolution along cobble surfaces perpendicular to the shortening direction, and quartz precipitation in overgrowths at the ends of the cobbles (strain shadows), parallel to the maximum extension direction. The Purgatory Conglomerate is part of the SE Narragansett basin where strain intensity increases from west to east and is associated with top-to-the-west transport and folding during the Alleghanian orogeny. Quartz c-axis orientations as revealed by Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) methods, were random in all analyzed domains within the cobbles and strain shadows irrespective of the intensity of strain or metamorphic grade of the sample. Quartz dissolution probably occurred exclusively along the cobbles' margins, leaving the remaining grains unaffected by DPC. The fact that quartz precipitated in random orientations may indicate that the strain shadows were regions of little or no differential stress.


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Plane strain simple shearing of norcamphor (C7H10O) in a see-through deformation rig to a shear strain of γ = 10.5 at a homologous temperature of Th = 0.81 yields a microfabric similar to that of quartz in amphibolite facies mylonite. Synkinematic analysis of the norcamphor microfabric reveals that the development of a steady-state texture is linked to changes in the relative activities of several grain-scale mechanisms. Three stages of textural and microstructural evolution are distinguished: (1) rotation and shearing of the intracrystalline glide planes are accommodated by localized deformation along three sets of anastomozing microshears. A symmetrical c-axis girdle reflects localized pure shear extension along the main microshear set (Sa) oblique to the bulk shear zone boundary (abbreviated as SZB); (2) progressive rotation of the microshears into parallelism with the SZB increases the component of simple shear on the Sa microshears. Grain-boundary migration recrystallization favours the survival of grains with slip systems oriented for easy glide. This is associated with a textural transition towards two stable c-axis point maxima whose skeletal outline is oblique with respect to the Sa microshears and the SZB; and (3) at high shear strains (γ > 8), the microstructure, texture and mechanism assemblage are strain invariant, but strain continues to partition into rotating sets of microshears. Steady state is therefore a dynamic, heterogeneous condition involving the cyclic nucleation, growth and consumption of grains.


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Se ha realizado un modelo geológico en 3D de la porción NO de la Cuenca del Bajo Segura, por ser esta la que mostraba una menor complicación geológica. La cuenca se ha dividido en 7 sintemas (nombrados Ab,M1, M2, P1, P2, Pc y Q) y se ha utilizado como base de la cuenca el techo de la Formación Calizas de Las Ventanas (Ve). La construcción del modelo 3D permite un mejor conocimiento geológico de la cuenca. El modelo apunta a una mayor complicación tectónica de lo supuesto en un principio.


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The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) has been measured with low- and high-field methods, in deformed carbonate rocks along the Morcles nappe shear zone (Helvetic Alps). High-field measurements at room temperature and 77 K enable the separation of the ferrimagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic anisotropy. The ferrimagnetic sub-fabric is generally insignificant in these rocks, contributing less than 10% to the total AMS. AMS results for both the separated diamagnetic and paramagnetic subfabrics are consistent with the regional shear movement in the late-stage formation of the Helvetic nappes, as seen in the Morcles nappe, whose inverted limb indicate shear displacement towards the northwest. The diamagnetic anisotropy correlates well quantitatively with the calculated magnetic anisotropy based on the calcite texture. There is a gradational change in the degree of anisotropy related to the strain gradient along the shear zone. A more complex magnetic fabric, resulting from partial overprinting due to displacement along the Simplon–Rhône fault, is evident at one site near the root zone of the nappe. Partial overprinting of the magnetic fabric appears to have taken place in two locations farther up the shear zone as well. This late phase deformation is associated with recent exhumation of the Mont Blanc and Belledonne external massifs and orogen parallel extension, and is reflected by the AMS. Rocks with bulk susceptibility ∼0 SI, and simple mineral compositions are ideal for low temperature high-field torque, as this method helps to enhance the paramagnetic susceptibility and anisotropy, which may otherwise be masked by the mixed magnetic contributions of the composite magnetic fabric.


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We report quantitative results from three brittle thrust wedge experiments, comparing numerical results directly with each other and with corresponding analogue results. We first test whether the participating codes reproduce predictions from analytical critical taper theory. Eleven codes pass the stable wedge test, showing negligible internal deformation and maintaining the initial surface slope upon horizontal translation over a frictional interface. Eight codes participated in the unstable wedge test that examines the evolution of a wedge by thrust formation from a subcritical state to the critical taper geometry. The critical taper is recovered, but the models show two deformation modes characterised by either mainly forward dipping thrusts or a series of thrust pop-ups. We speculate that the two modes are caused by differences in effective basal boundary friction related to different algorithms for modelling boundary friction. The third experiment examines stacking of forward thrusts that are translated upward along a backward thrust. The results of the seven codes that run this experiment show variability in deformation style, number of thrusts, thrust dip angles and surface slope. Overall, our experiments show that numerical models run with different numerical techniques can successfully simulate laboratory brittle thrust wedge models at the cm-scale. In more detail, however, we find that it is challenging to reproduce sandbox-type setups numerically, because of frictional boundary conditions and velocity discontinuities. We recommend that future numerical-analogue comparisons use simple boundary conditions and that the numerical Earth Science community defines a plasticity test to resolve the variability in model shear zones.


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We performed a quantitative comparison of brittle thrust wedge experiments to evaluate the variability among analogue models and to appraise the reproducibility and limits of model interpretation. Fifteen analogue modeling laboratories participated in this benchmark initiative. Each laboratory received a shipment of the same type of quartz and corundum sand and all laboratories adhered to a stringent model building protocol and used the same type of foil to cover base and sidewalls of the sandbox. Sieve structure, sifting height, filling rate, and details on off-scraping of excess sand followed prescribed procedures. Our analogue benchmark shows that even for simple plane-strain experiments with prescribed stringent model construction techniques, quantitative model results show variability, most notably for surface slope, thrust spacing and number of forward and backthrusts. One of the sources of the variability in model results is related to slight variations in how sand is deposited in the sandbox. Small changes in sifting height, sifting rate, and scraping will result in slightly heterogeneous material bulk densities, which will affect the mechanical properties of the sand, and will result in lateral and vertical differences in peak and boundary friction angles, as well as cohesion values once the model is constructed. Initial variations in basal friction are inferred to play the most important role in causing model variability. Our comparison shows that the human factor plays a decisive role, and even when one modeler repeats the same experiment, quantitative model results still show variability. Our observations highlight the limits of up-scaling quantitative analogue model results to nature or for making comparisons with numerical models. The frictional behavior of sand is highly sensitive to small variations in material state or experimental set-up, and hence, it will remain difficult to scale quantitative results such as number of thrusts, thrust spacing, and pop-up width from model to nature.


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Analogue modelling experiments using brittle materials are performed to study the inversion of extensional structures. Asymmetric grabens of two different orientations are first created during a phase of extension and progressively filled. They are subsequently shortened in the same direction. The aim of our experiments is to determine factors affecting the style of deformation during inversion. We specifically investigate variations in thickness and distribution of strong and weak layers constituting the graben fill and in initial basin orientation. The main advantage of our experimental set-up is that we have a complete control on graben location, width, infill and orientation before inversion. The experiments show that shortening results only in limited reactivation of pre-existing normal faults. In general, forward thrusts and backthrusts cut across normal faults into the footwall of the graben. The forward thrusts either propagate parallel to the enveloping surface of faulted blocks or they cut across basin-limiting normal faults at various angles. The graben fill is mechanically extruded by displacement along forward thrusts that accommodate most of the shortening. Both pre-existing faults and weak graben fill act as zones of weakness during inversion and determine the orientation and location of both backthrusts and forward thrusts. The results of our experiments conform well to natural examples of inverted graben structures.


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Analogue and finite element numerical models with frictional and viscous properties are used to model thrust wedge development. Comparison between model types yields valuable information about analogue model evolution, scaling laws and the relative strengths and limitations of the techniques. Both model types show a marked contrast in structural style between ‘frictional-viscous domains’ underlain by a thin viscous layer and purely ‘frictional domains’. Closely spaced thrusts form a narrow and highly asymmetric fold-and-thrust belt in the frictional domain, characterized by in-sequence propagation of forward thrusts. In contrast, the frictional-viscous domain shows a wide and low taper wedge and a thrust belt with a more symmetrical vergence, with both forward and back thrusts. The frictional-viscous domain numerical models show that the viscous layer initially simple shears as deformation propagates along it, while localized deformation resulting in the formation of a pop-up structure occurs in the overlying frictional layers. In both domains, thrust shear zones in the numerical model are generally steeper than the equivalent faults in the analogue model, because the finite element code uses a non-associated plasticity flow law. Nevertheless, the qualitative agreement between analogue and numerical models is encouraging. It shows that the continuum approximation used in numerical models can be used to model frictional materials, such as sand, provided caution is taken to properly scale the experiments, and some of the limitations are taken into account.


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"Contract No. AT(30-1)-1390."