989 resultados para Stress corrosion cracking


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In this work, the thermally induced cracking behavior of a segmented coating has been investigated. The geometry under consideration is a hollow cylinder with a segmented coating deposited onto its outer surface. The segmentation cracks are modeled as a periodic array of axial edge cracks. The finite element method is utilized to obtain the solution of the multiple crack problem and the Thermal Stress Intensity Factors (TSIFs) are calculated. Based on dimensional analysis, the main parameters affecting TSIFs are identified. It has been found that the TSIF is a monotonically increasing function of segmentation crack spacing. This result confirms that a segmented coating exhibits much higher thermal shock resistance than an intact counterpart, if only the segmentation crack spacing is narrow enough. The dependence of TSIF on some other parameters, such as normalized time, segmentation crack depth, convection severity as well as material constants, has also been discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The failure mode of axially loaded simple, single lap joints formed between thin adherends which are flexible in bending is conventionally described as one of axial peeling. We have observed - using high-speed photography - that it is also possible for failure to be preceded by the separation front, or crack, moving in a transverse direction, i.e. perpendicular to the direction of the axial load. A simple energy balance analysis suggests that the critical load for transverse failure is the same as that for axial separation for both flexible lap joints, where the bulk of the stored elastic energy lies in the adhesive, and structural lap joints in which the energy stored in the adherends dominates. The initiation of the failure is dependent on a local increases in either stress or strain energy to some critical values. In the case of a flexible joint, this will occur within the adhesive layer and the critical site will be close to one of the corners of the joint overlap from which the separation front can proceed either axially or transversely. These conclusions are supported by a finite element analysis of a joint formed between adherends of finite width by a low modulus adhesive. © 2012 Taylor & Francis.


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Hydrogen permeation of 16Mn steel under a cyclic wet-dry condition was investigated by Devanathan-Stachurski's electrolytic cell with a membrane covered on the exit side by a nickel layer and the weight loss was measured for each wet-dry cycle. The results show that hydrogen permeation current change with different atmospheric environment: distilled water, seawater, and seawater containing 100 ppm H2S. The results show that seawater can induce an increase in the hydrogen permeation current due to the hydrolyzation reaction. And after the increase, equilibrium is reached due to the equilibrium of hydrolyzation reaction effect and the block of the rust layer. On the other hand, H2S contamination also can induce an increase in the maximum hydrogen permeation current due to the hydrolyzation reaction. And H2S contamination delays the time that hydrogen permeation is detected because of the formation of the FeS(1-x) film. The FeS(1-x) film can block the absorption of hydrogen onto the specimen surface. The surface potential change and the pH change of the metal surface control the hydrogen permeation current. And a clear linear correlation exists between the quantities of hydrogen permeated through the 16Mn steel and the weight loss. Based on the linear correlation, we monitored the corrosion rate by monitoring the hydrogen permeation current by a sensor outside. Good coherences were shown between results in laboratory and outside.


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This paper describes an experimental investigation of the behaviour of corroded reinforced concrete beams. These have been stored in a chloride environment for a period of 26 years under service loading so as to be representative of real structural and environmental conditions. The configuration and the widths of the cracks in the two seriously corroded short-span beams were depicted carefully, and then the beams were tested until failure by a three-point loading system. Another two beams of the same age but without corrosion were also tested as control specimens. A short span arrangement was chosen to investigate any effect of a reduction in the area and bond strength of the reinforcement on shear capacity. The relationship of load and deflection was recorded so as to better understand the mechanical behaviour of the corroded beams, together with the slip of the tensile bars. The corrosion maps and the loss of area of the tensile bars were also described after having extracted the corroded bars from the concrete beams. Tensile tests of the main longitudinal bars were also carried out. The residual mechanical behaviour of the beams is discussed in terms of the experimental results and the cracking maps. The results show that the corrosion of the reinforcement in the beams induced by chloride has a very important effect on the mechanical behaviour of the short-span beams, as loss of cross-sectional area and bond strength have a very significant effect on the bending capacity.


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Residual stress due to shrinkage of polymethylmethacrylate bone cement after polymerisation is possibly one factor capable of initiating cracks in the mantle of cemented hip replacements. No relationship between residual stress and observed cracking of cement has yet been demonstrated. To investigate if any relationship exists, a physical model has been developed which allows direct observation of damage in the cement layer on the femoral side of total hip replacement. The model contains medial and lateral cement layers between a bony surface and a metal stem; the tubular nature of the cement mantle is ignored. Five specimens were prepared and examined for cracking using manual tracing of stained cracks, observed by transmission microscopy: cracks were located and measured using image analysis. A mathematical approach for the prediction of residual stress due to shrinkage was developed which uses the thermal history of the material to predict when stress-locking occurs, and estimates subsequent thermal stress. The residual stress distribution of the cement layer in the physical model was then calculated using finite element analysis. Results show maximum tensile stresses normal to the observed crack directions, suggesting a link between residual stress and preload cracking. The residual stress predicted depends strongly on the definition of the reference temperature for stress-locking. The highest residual stresses (4-7 MPa) are predicted for shrinkage from maximum temperature, in this case, magnitudes are sufficiently high to initiate cracks when the influence of stress raisers such as pores or interdigitation at the bone/cement interface are taken into account (up to 24 MPa when calculating stress around a pore according to the method of Harrigan and Harris (J. Biomech. 24(11) (1991) 1047-1058)). We conclude that the damage accumulation failure scenario begins before weight-bearing due to cracking induced by residual stress around pores or stress raisers. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chloride-induced corrosion of steel is one of the most commonly found problems affecting the durability of reinforced concrete structures in both marine environment and where de-icing salt is used in winter. As the significance of micro-cracks on chloride induced corrosion is not well documented, 24 reinforced concrete beams (4 different mixes - one containing Portland cement and another containing 35% ground granulated blastfurnace slag at 0.45 and 0.65 water-binder ratios) were subjected to three levels of sustained lateral loading (0%, 50% and 100% of the load that can induce 0.1 mm wide cracks on the tension surface of beam - F0.1) in this work. The beams were then subjected to weekly cycles of wetting with 10% NaCl solution for 1 day followed by 6 days of drying at 20 (±1) °C up to an exposure period of 60 weeks. The progress of corrosion of steel was monitored using half-cell potential apparatus and linear polarisation resistance (LPR) test. These results have shown that macro-cracks (at load F0.1) and micro-cracks (at 50% of F0.1) greatly accelerated both the initiation and propagation stages of the corrosion of steel in the concrete beams. Lager crack widths for the F0.1 load cases caused higher corrosion rates initially, but after about 38 weeks of exposure, there was a decrease in the rate of corrosion. However, such trends could not be found in 50% F 0.1 group of beams. The extent of chloride ingress also was influenced by the load level. These findings suggest that the effect of micro-cracking at lower loads are very important for deciding the service life of reinforced concrete structures in chloride exposure environments. © 2014 4th International Conference on the Durability of Concrete Structures.


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Pitting corrosion of stainless steels, one of the classical problems in materials science and electrochemistry, is generally believed to originate from the local dissolution in MnS inclusions, which are more or less ubiquitous in stainless steels. However, the initial location where MnS dissolution preferentially occurs is known to be unpredictable, which makes pitting corrosion a major concern. In this work we show, at an atomic scale, the initial site where MnS starts to dissolve in the presence of salt water. Using in situ ex-environment transmission electron microscopy (TEM), we found a number of nano-sized octahedral MnCr2O4 crystals (with a spinel structure and a space group of Fd (3) over barm) embedded in the MnS medium, generating local MnCr2O4/MnS nano-galvanic cells. The TEM experiments combined with first-principles calculations clarified that the nano-octahedron, enclosed by eight {1 1 1} facets with metal terminations, is "malignant", and this acts as the reactive site and catalyses the dissolution of MnS. This work not only uncovers the origin of MnS dissolution in stainless steels, but also presents an atomic-scale evolution in a material's failure which may occur in a wide range of engineering alloys and biomedical instruments serving in wet environments. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present paper shows preliminary results of an ongoing project which one of the goals is to investigate the viability of using waste FCC catalyst (wFCC), originated from Portuguese oil refinery, to produce low carbon blended cements. For this purpose, four blended cements were produced by substituting cement CEM I 42.5R up to 20% (w/w) by waste FCC catalyst. Initial and final setting times, consistency of standard paste, soundness and compressive strengths after 2, 7 and 28 days were measured. It was observed that the wFCC blended cements developed similar strength, at 28 days, compared to the reference cement, CEM I 42.5R. Moreover, cements with waste FCC catalyst incorporation up to 15% w/w meet European Standard EN 197-1 specifications for CEM II/A type cement, in the 42.5R strength class.


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The main consideration in recovering the macadamia kernal is to crack the spherical nutshell without damaging the kernal. Five mechanical cracking tools were tested, and the fracture mechanisms of nutshells, under various cracking loads, were studied. A classical theoretical approach and a numerical method were both used to investigate the influence of crack face closure on the stress intensity factor for a cracked spherical shell subjected to membrane forces and bending moments.


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Corrosion testing (half-cell and LPR) was carried out on a number reinforced concrete panels which had been taken from the fascia of a twenty five year old high rise building in Melbourne, Australia. Corrosion, predominantly as a result of carbonation of the concrete, was associated with a limited amount of cracking. A monitoring technique was established in which probe electrodes (reference and counter) were retro-fitted into the concrete. The probe electrode setup was identical for all panels tested. It was found that the corrosion behaviour of all panels tested closely fitted a family of results when the corrosion potential is plotted against the polarisation resistance (Rp). This enabled the development of a so-called 'control curve' relating the corrosion potential to the Rp for all of the panels under investigation. This relationship was also confirmed on laboratory samples, indicating that for a fixed geometry and experimental conditions a relationship between the potential and polarisation resistance of steel can be established for the steel-concrete system. Experimental results will be presented which indicate that for a given monitoring cell geometry, it may be possible to propose criteria for the point at which remediation measures should be considered. The establishment of such a control curve has enabled the development of a powerful monitoring tool for the assessment of a number of proposed corrosion remediation techniques. The actual effect of any corrosion remediation technique becomes clearly apparent via the type and magnitude of deviation of post remediation data from the original (preremediation) control curve.


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A complete understanding of how grain refinement, grain size, and processing affect the corrosion resistance of different alloys has not yet been fully developed. Determining a definitive 'grain size-corrosion resistance' relationship, if one exists, is inherently complex as the processing needed to achieve grain refinement also imparts other changes to the microstructure (such as texture, internal stress, and impurity segregation). This work evaluates how variation in grain size and processing impact the corrosion resistance of high purity aluminium. Aluminium samples with a range of grain sizes, from ∼100 μm to ∼2000 μm, were produced using different processing routes, including cold rolling, cryo rolling, equal channel angular pressing, and surface mechanical attrition treatment. Evaluation of all the samples studied revealed a tendency for corrosion rate to decrease as grain size decreases. This suggests that a Hall-Petch type relationship may exist for corrosion rate and grain size. This phenomenon, discussed in the context of grain refinement and processing, reveals several interesting and fundamental relationships.


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This paper reports on the corrosion of Mg alloy AZ31 in simulated body fluid (SBF) using static immersion tests and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A preliminary study on the effect of flowing SBF on the corrosion behaviour of AZ31 has also been carried out. Low toxicity ionic liquids (ILs) trimethyl(butyl)phosphonium diphenyl phosphate P1444DPP and trihexyl(tetradecyl)-phosphonium bis-2,4,4trimethylpentyl-phosphinate [P66614][ i(C8) 2PO2] have been used to provide corrosion protection for AZ31 in SBF. Time dependent immersion tests indicate that under static conditions, AZ31 suffers severe localised corrosion in SBF, with pits developing predominantly beside the Al-Mn intermetallic phase in the α matrix. At longer immersion times, the corrosion product eventually precipitates and covers the entire specimen surface. When exposed to SBF under flowing conditions with a shear stress of 0·88 Pa, more uniform corrosion was observed. The optical profilometry results and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis suggest that both P
1444DPP and [P66614][i(C8)2PO2] pretreatments can increase the corrosion resistance of AZ31 in SBF, in particular by decreasing the number of deeper pits found on the alloy surface. Cytotoxic test shows that the presence of the ILs P
1444DPP and [P66614][i(C8)2PO2] in cell culture media slightly inhibits the growth of human coronary artery endothelial cells in comparison with the good cell viability around the treated specimen. A pretreatment with IL is used in order to improve the corrosion resistance of this alloy in SBF. © 2012 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.


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Surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) is a mechanical peening process used to generate ultrafine grain surfaces on a metal. SMAT was carried out on pure magnesium using different attrition media (zirconia [ZiO2], alumina [Al2O3], and steel balls) to observe the effect on microstructure, surface residual stress, surface composition, and corrosion. Surface contamination from SMAT was characterized using glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES). The SMAT process produced a refined grain structure on the surface of Mg but resulted in a region of elemental contamination extending ~10 μm into the substrate, regardless of the media used. Consequently, SMAT-treated surfaces showed an increased corrosion rate compared to untreated Mg, primarily through increased cathodic kinetics. This study highlights the issue of contamination resulting from the SMAT process, which is a penalty that accompanies the significant grain refinement of the surface produced by SMAT. This must be considered if attempting to exploit grain refinement for improving corrosion resistance.


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Organic coatings have been used in conjunction with cathodic protection as the most economical method of corrosion protection by the oil and gas pipeline industry. In a bid to prolong the life of the pipelines, the degradation and failure of pipeline coatings under the effects of major influencing factors including mechanical stress, the environmental corrosivity and cathodic protection have been extensively investigated over the past decades. This paper provides an overview of recent research for understanding coating degradation under the effect of these factors, either individually or in combination. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy remains the primary and the most commonly used technique of studying the degradation of organic coatings, although there have been attempts to use other techniques such as electrochemical polarization (both dynamic and static), electrochemical noise, Scanning Kelvin Probe, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Dynamic Mechanical Analyser. Major knowledge and technological gaps in the investigation of the combined effects of mechanical stress, environmental corrosivity and cathodic protection on coating degradation have been identified.