1000 resultados para Street dust


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The dust-charge variation process is revisited, accounting for the background density variation associated with electron capture and release by the dust grains. It appears possible to maintain overall charge neutrality in the plasma without any external particle source or sink. It is shown that if the dust charge and density are sufficiently high, the effect of the background electron density variation on dust-charge relaxation is important. The equilibrium dust charge and its rate of variation are obtained for dusty plasmas subject to strong UV irradiation. The latter releases photoelectrons from the dust surface and can significantly affect the equilibrium dust charge, its variation rate, as well as the overall charge neutrality in the plasma.


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The effect of charged particulates or dusts on surface wave produced microwave discharges is studied. The frequencies of the standing electromagnetic eigenmodes of large-area flat plasmas are calculated. The dusts absorb a significant amount of the plasma electrons and can lead to a modification of the electromagnetic field structure in the discharge by shifting the originally excited operating mode out of resonance. For certain given proportions of dusts, mode conversion is found to be possible. The power loss in the discharge is also increased because of dust-specific dissipations, leading to a decrease of the operating mode quality factor.


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The charge of an isolated dust grain and ion drag forces on the grain in a collisionless, high-voltage, capacitive rf sheath are studied theoretically. The studies are carried out assuming that the positive ions are monoenergetic, as well as in more realistic approximation, assuming that the time-averaged energy distribution of ions impinging on the dust grain has a double-peaked hollow profile. For the nonmonoenergetic case, an analytical expression for the ion flux to the dust grain is obtained. It is studied how the dust charge and ion drag forces depend on the rf frequency, electron density at plasma-sheath boundary, electron temperature and ratio of the effective oscillation amplitude of rf current to the electron Debye length. It is shown that the dust charge and ion drag forces obtained in the monoenergetic ion approximation may differ from those calculated assuming that the ions are nonmonoenergetic. The difference increases with increasing the width of the ion energy spread in the ion distribution. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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A self-consistent theory of ion-acoustic waves in dusty gas discharge plasmas is presented. The plasma is contaminated by fine dust particles with variable charge. The stationary state of the plasma and the dispersion and damping characteristics of the waves are investigated accounting for ionization, recombination, dust charge relaxation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dusts, as well as charging collisions with the dusts.


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A complex low-pressure argon discharge plasma containing dust grains is studied using a Boltzmann equation for the electrons and fluid equations for the ions. Local effects, such as the spatial distribution of the dust density and external electric field, are included, and their effect on the electron energy distribution, the electron and ion number densities, the electron temperature, and the dust charge are investigated. It is found that dust particles can strongly affect the plasma parameters by modifying the electron energy distribution, the electron temperature, the creation and loss of plasma particles, as well as the spatial distributions of the electrons and ions. In particular, for sufficiently high grain density and/or size, in a low-pressure argon glow discharge, the Druyvesteyn-like electron distribution in pristine plasmas can become nearly Maxwellian. Electron collection by the dust grains is the main cause for the change in the electron distribution function.


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High-frequency electrostatic surface waves at the interface of a dusty plasma and a dielectric wall are investigated. The effects of ionization, recombination, and dust-charge variation are taken into account in a self-consistent manner, so that the system considered is closed. It is shown that a coupling of the surface waves and the dust-charge relaxation mode leads to anomalous damping and frequency downshift of the waves.


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The current-driven dust ion-acoustic instability in a collisional dusty plasma is studied. The effects of dust-charge variation, electron and ion capture by the dust grains, as well as various dissipative mechanisms leading to the changes of the particles momenta, are taken into account. It is shown that the threshold for the excitation of the dust ion-acoustic waves can be high because of the large dissipation rate induced by the dusts. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.


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By 2012 mobile devices had become the main interface for people to access information about anything from their current GPS position to the latest book reviews. What was less accessible were tools and techniques for writers to leverage this new technology to construct and distribute located stories. This project began with a series of master classes for local Brisbane writers to demonstrate processes and techniques for imagining, constructing and distributing stories. Most significantly, this project equipped writers with how to identify and adopt various mobile services and applications to research, produce and deliver packaged multi-modal content for readers to access and experience stories in the very locations from which they were inspired. Four stories by four writers were selected to be developed and published as location-based events in four different neighbourhoods across Brisbane. These writers were mentored throughout the writing process and a model was developed for them to simply upload several multi-modal chapters for access on location by readers using QR codes. These activities culminated in a major 25 day event presented by Brisbane City Council and supported by Brisbane Writers Festival and Queensland Writers Centre. The 'Street Reads' event presented the four stories on location in Cannon Hill, Darra, Toowong and West End. The significance of the Street Reads project went beyond extending the capacity for writers to access mobile technologies as a new platform for distributing stories. This event also motivated readers to travel to neighbourhoods to experience them in ways that had not previously imagined possible. These located stories were fictionalisations of actual events and characters that have current and historic importance to these places. These histories are hidden from view and yet can provide locals and visitors with a new found appreciation for the past and set an example for how neighbourhoods can become active stages for the sharing of stories inspiring a deeper connection with each other and an agency for participating in the development of the identity of the local places they inhabit together. Due to the success of the project and by employing more advanced tools now available, Street reads has been further developed by Brisbane City Council and is now available as a the Story City App available for download at itunes.


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In this paper we propose the hybrid use of illuminant invariant and RGB images to perform image classification of urban scenes despite challenging variation in lighting conditions. Coping with lighting change (and the shadows thereby invoked) is a non-negotiable requirement for long term autonomy using vision. One aspect of this is the ability to reliably classify scene components in the presence of marked and often sudden changes in lighting. This is the focus of this paper. Posed with the task of classifying all parts in a scene from a full colour image, we propose that lighting invariant transforms can reduce the variability of the scene, resulting in a more reliable classification. We leverage the ideas of “data transfer” for classification, beginning with full colour images for obtaining candidate scene-level matches using global image descriptors. This is commonly followed by superpixellevel matching with local features. However, we show that if the RGB images are subjected to an illuminant invariant transform before computing the superpixel-level features, classification is significantly more robust to scene illumination effects. The approach is evaluated using three datasets. The first being our own dataset and the second being the KITTI dataset using manually generated ground truth for quantitative analysis. We qualitatively evaluate the method on a third custom dataset over a 750m trajectory.


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It could be argued that architecture has an inherent social responsibility to enrich the urban and spatial environments for the city’s occupants. However how we define quality, and how ‘places’ can be designed to be fair and equitable, catering for individuals on a humanistic and psychological level, is often not clearly addressed. Lefebvre discusses the idea of the ‘right to the city’; the belief that public space design should facilitate freedom of expression and incite a sense of spatial ownership for its occupants in public/commercial precincts. Lefebvre also points out the importance of sensory experience in the urban environment. “Street-scape theatrics” are performative activities that summarise these two concepts, advocating the ‘right to the city’ by way of art as well as providing sensual engagement for city users. Literature discusses the importance of Street-scape Theatrics however few sources attempt to discuss this topic in terms of how to design these spaces/places to enhance the city on both a sensory and political level. This research, grounded in political theory, investigates the case of street music, in particular busking, in the city of Brisbane, Australia. Street culture is a notion that already exists in Brisbane, but it is heavily controlled especially in central locations. The study discusses how sensory experience of the urban environment in Brisbane can be enriched through the design for busking; multiple case studies, interviews, observations and thematic mappings provide data to gather an understanding of how street performers see and understand the built form. Results are sometime surprisingly incongruous with general assumptions in regards to street artist as well as the established political and ideological framework, supporting the idea that the best and most effective way of urban hacking is working within the system. Ultimately, it was found that the Central Business District in Brisbane, Australia, could adopt certain political and design tactics which attempt to reconcile systematic quality control with freedom of expression into the public/commercial sphere, realism upheld. This can bridge the gap between the micro scale of the body and the macro of the political economy through freedom of expression, thus celebrating the idiosyncratic nature of the city.


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This paper is a bridge between two studies by the author: (i) completed MA research; and (ii) on-going PhD research, on male sexual health and the street healing system in Bangladesh. Street healing, a traditional healing system in Bangladesh, is at the centre of the studies. This is a popular form of folk healing in Bangladesh, where male impotency is a central issue. The author has been researching street healing to understand male sexual health-seeking behaviour in Bangladesh. In this paper, the author brings in experiences from his MA research to explore the challenges of studying sexuality and street healing in Bangladesh and concludes by describing his plan to address those issues in his on-going PhD research.


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This study assessed the prevalence of and factors associated with HIV testing among male street laborers. In a cross-sectional survey, social mapping was done to recruit and interview 450 men aged 18–59 years in Hanoi. Although many of these men engaged in multiple risk behaviors for HIV, only 19.8 percent had been tested for HIV. A modified theoretical model provided better fit than the conventional Information–Motivation–Behavioral Skills model, as it explained much more variance in HIV testing. This model included three Information–Motivation–Behavioral components and four additional factors, namely, the origin of residence, sexual orientation, the number of sexual partners, and the status of condom use.