364 resultados para Stomata.


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As folhas de Theobroma grandiflorum Schum. são morfologicamente descritas. A espécie apresenta elementos histológicos comuns para a família, destacando-se tipos de tricomas, estômatos e contornos das células epidérmicas em visão frontal. Empregou-se microscopia eletrônica de varredura para a caracterização de segmentos foliares jovens, em que ficou evidenciada a presença de tricomas estrelados nas superfícies adaxial e abaxial dos mesmos. As folhas de cupuaçu são hipoestomáticas com número elevado de estômatos anomocíticos. As nervuras principais apresentaram-se desprovidas de tricomas, com estômatos esparsamente distribuídos.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo descrever a morfologia do fruto, da semente e do desenvolvimento pós-seminal de oiti (Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch.). As sementes e os frutos foram avaliados quanto às dimensões e forma por meio de mensurações com paquímetro digital e observações realizadas em microscópio estereoscópico e microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Os frutos de oiti são drupáceos, elípticos, monospérmicos, carnosos, indeiscentes, com pedúnculos não articulados, epicarpo liso, glabro, de coloração amarela a alaranjada, mesocarpo carnoso, fibroso, coloração amarela a laranja e endocarpo membranáceo, de coloração branca a creme, medindo aproximadamente 6,19cm de comprimento, 3,3cm de largura, 39,5g de massa fresca e 17,3g de massa seca. As sementes são exalbuminosas, de forma elíptica, com tegumento liso, de coloração marrom, de cartáceo a coriáceo, com rafe visível longitudinalmente, micrópila inconspícua e hilo pouco aparente, com cotilédones crassos, elípticos e plano-convexos, de coloração creme a levemente rósea. O embrião é diminuto, reto, central, com eixo embrionário diferenciado em plúmula e eixo hipocótilo-radicular. O comprimento, largura e massa fresca e seca das sementes são cerca de 4,07, 2,18cm, 12,7 e 7,2g, respectivamente. A germinação é criptocotiledonar hipógea, com eófilos alterno-dísticos e lanosos, com estômatos paracíticos e duas glândulas na base do limbo ou, raramente no ápice, na face abaxial da folha.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar os efeitos dos reguladores vegetais GA3 50 mg.l-1, NAA 100 mg.l-1, CCC 1500 mg.l-1 e SADH 3000 mg.l-1 em folhas de tomate, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. 'Ângela Gigante'. Os promotores de crescimento aumentaram o número de estômatos por milímetro quadrado na epiderme adaxial e diminuíram o número de células epidérmicas em ambos os lados da folha. em relação ao controle, os retardantes de crescimento aumentaram em maior nível a espessura do parênquima lacunoso do que os promotores de crescimento.


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Resultados de pesquisa envolvendo aspectos fisiológicos da pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes Kunth), fruteira nativa da América Tropical, são escassos. Procurando completar essa lacuna, um experimento sob deficiência hídrica foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, durante um período de 13 dias, utilizando plantas de 12 meses de idade. O objetivo principal foi avaliar as respostas da pupunheira à deficiência hídrica. As variáveis observadas foram: taxa de assimilação de CO2, transpiração, condutância estomática e potencial de água das folhas. As coletas dos dados foram realizadas diariamente em laboratório e sob fluxo de 1200 mim-2 s-1. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e de regressão. Verificou-se decréscimo no potencial de água da folha e nas trocas gasosas quando a irrigação foi interrompida por mais de seis dias. Valores mínimos foram obtidos no décimo dia, com redução de 92% da fotossíntese líquida, 87% da condutância estomática e 70% da transpiração. O menor potencial de água nas folhas (-1,9 MPa) foi também observado nesse período. Houve recuperação total de todas as variáveis dois dias após reirrigação, com exceção da condutância estomática. A diminuição da condutância estomática e a queda mais rápida da taxa de transpiração que a queda na fotossíntese, indicam a existência de mecanismos de aclimatação em pupunheira, no sentido de diminuir as perdas de água, quando sob condição de estresse hídrico moderado.


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A diversidade morfológica da superfície foliar existente entre as espécies de plantas e a presença de estruturas foliares como tricomas, estômatos, cutícula e ceras podem exercer grande influência na aderência e deposição das gotas de pulverização, assim como na absorção do herbicida. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar, em quatro espécies de plantas daninhas aquáticas (Enhydra anagallis, Eichhornia crassipes, Heteranthera reniformis e Typha subulata), a área de molhamento de gotas de pulverização nas superfícies foliares adaxial e abaxial, bem como o pH foliar. O experimento foi realizado em Botucatu-SP. As plantas foram cultivadas em caixas d'água sob condições de campo, e quando atingiram seu pleno desenvolvimento (antes do florescimento), foram realizadas as avaliações de pH foliar e da área de molhamento de gotas de pulverização. As tensões superficiais das gotas aplicadas (0,5 mL), apresentadas pelas soluções de glyphosate aplicado isolado a 5,0% v v-1 (Rodeo 480 g L-1 e.a. produto comercial), glyphosate + Aterbane BR (5,0% + 0,5% v v-1), glyphosate + Silwet L-77 (5,0% + 0,05% v v-1), além das soluções com os adjuvantes isolados, Aterbane BR (0,5% v v-1) e Silwet L-77 (0,05% v v-1) foram respectivamente 72,1; 28,7; 23,3; 37,3 e 22,1 mN m-1. As médias obtidas de pH foliar variaram entre 5,50 e 7,50, destacando-se a espécie E. anagallis com valores de 6,68 e 7,02 para as faces adaxial e abaxial, respectivamente. Dentre as plantas daninhas aquáticas avaliadas T. subulata foi a espécie que apresentou as maiores médias de área de molhamento nas faces adaxial e abaxial da folha, proporcionada pelas as soluções de glyphosate + Aterbane BR, glyphosate + Silwet L-77 e Silwet L-77, com valores de 12,99-7,03; 20,04-17,95 e 31,81-25,91 mm², respectivamente.


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Neste trabalho quantificaram-se as principais alterações histológicas ocorridas em cultivares de capim-elefante (Pennisetumpurpureum Schumach.), em três estádios de desenvolvimento. A degradação dos tecidos foi avaliada após incubação em líquido ruminal de bovinos. As porcentagens de tecidos presentes em colmo, quilha, limbo e bainha foliares foram determinadas. A quilha e o colmo apresentaram maior proporção de tecido lignificado, enquanto o limbo foliar, maior quantidade de tecido epidérmico e tecido vascular não-lignificado. O tecido parenquimático foi encontrado em menor proporção na bainha foliar, principalmente pela presença do aerênquima, a partir da segunda coleta. A proporção de tecido lignificado aumentou com a maturidade do vegetal, sendo mais acentuado em colmos e limbos. Entre as principais alterações, destaca-se a grande área de degradação encontrada na bainha foliar, mesmo com o envelhecimento dos tecidos. Isto foi associado à presença do aerênquima encontrado nos estádios de desenvolvimento mais avançados. Os estômatos favoreceram a penetração dos microorganismos nos tecidos mais internos da folha (mesofilo). O espessamento e a lignificação da parede celular ocorreram com o envelhecimento das plantas, acompanhado de redução na área de degradação dos tecidos.


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Studies were conducted to identify and characterize different accessions of itchgrass. Seeds were collected in the counties of Aramina, Campinas, Dumont, Igarapava, Jaboticabal, and Ribeirao Preto, all in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Accessions were characterized based on dimensions of their stomata, stomatal index (SI), and length and width of their seed (caryopses and husk). Chromosome number and length also were determined, and accessions were further differentiated using molecular markers (polymerase chain reaction [PCR]). Itchgrass from Ribeirao Preto had much longer and narrower seeds than those from the other locations, and their husks were longer as well. Accessions had similar SIs, both on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces. Stomata from Campinas and Igarapava accessions were longer and wider, whereas those from Dumont and Ribeirao Preto were similar and smaller than all others. The accession from Ribeirao Preto is diploid (2n = 20); the rest are polyploid, with the total length of chromosomes smaller than all others. These differences were confirmed by molecular differentiation (PCR).


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Estudou-se a lixiviação (leaching) de potássio em folhas destacadas de várias plantas através das superfícies adaxial e abaxial sob luz e obscuridade. Os resultados indicam que no lado mais rico em estomatos a lixiviação é maior tanto na luz como na obscuridade, embora as diferenças sejam bem mais acentuadas na obscuridade.


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The hybrid Mentha pulegium x spicata, also well-known as poejo de praia, it is a perennial, low plant, with fields, violet stem and opposite leaves, with lance format and sawed board, presenting characteristic smell. The objective of the present work was accomplish a study of the leaf anatomy, including a biometric study of tissue and quantitative analysis of secretory trichomes/mm2 and of stomata/mm2 in both faces of the epidermis, besides a chemical analysis of the essential oil. Histological permanent laminas were made for anatomical analysis of the leaf surface and also sheets of the impression to foliate for the count of the trichomes number and stomatas. The chemical studies were made through the extraction of the essential oil by hydrodistillation and analyzed in GC-MS. The capitate and peltates trichomes are present on both sides of the leaf, even so they prevail in the abaxial surface. The variance analysis show that there are significant differences for the number of capitate trichomes and tectores between the adaxial and abaxial surfaces, but they are not significant for the peltate trichoma. The analyzed of essential oil shows the presence of a majority component, trans piperitone epoxide, being it responsible for more than 80% of the relative composition in the essential oil.


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Aiming to describe seedlings' morphology and cotyledons and eophylls anatomy of Gomphrena elegans Mart., 100 seeds were put into plastic bags, with sand and fertilized soil (1:3), kept in the greenhouse under room conditions, with 50% shady and watered daily. Cotyledonous petiole and limb and seedlings eophylls were sectioned in median and border. They were then analyzed in transversal and paradermic sections. Seedlings initial morphology is epigeal-foliar, the root is axial, and hypocotyls and epicotyl are reddish. Venation is of pinnate type, camptodrome and brochidrodome in cotyledons and eophylls. Petiole and leaf show uniseriated epidermis with cells of varied sizes and anomocytic stomata. Druses of calcium oxalate occurred in leaves and petiole. Dorsiventral mesophyll shows one palisade parenchyma layer and several lacunary ones.


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The studies were developed with plants of Eucalyptus urograndis under greenhouse conditions, at Paulista State University (UNESP), Botucatu - SP, from March to July, 2005. The objective was to evaluate hydric stress influence on morphological and physiological characteristics of plants in clayay (1) and medium (2) soil texture. Two water treatment were used: -0.03 and -1.5 MPa minimum soil water potentials (□w). Plants from soil 2 and - 1.5MPa showed 43% reduction on leaf área, 34% on base stem diameter, 54% on aerial vegetal dry matter and plants from soil 1 presented 42.3% reduction on leaf área, 39,5% base stem diameter and 42% dry matter root reduction in relation to -0.03 MPa. The lowest leaf water potential (□f) value was-17.166 MPa on □w = -1.5 MPa and soil 2 and the greatest one on soil 1 and □w = -0.03 MPa., -6.766 MPa. The treatment -0.03MPa showed about 11,3% higher transpiration values than those plants from -1.5MPa. The higher Rs value (2.149 s.cm-1) occurred on plants under -1.5MPa and soil 2. There was significant correlation between Tf and Rs, and the treatmens from medium soil were more sensitive, reaching until 32°C.


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Floral nectaries have contributed to the systematics of different taxonomic groups. Since those of the neotropical genera included in subfamily Salacioideae-Cheiloclinium Miers, Peritassa Miers, Salacia L. and Tontelea Aubl.-have different forms and positions, we explored their anatomy to delimit more precisely the genera of subfamily Salacioideae. Buds and open flowers of six species were treated following the usual techniques in plant anatomy. The obtained data were helpful in characterizing the floral nectary anatomy of the studied species. Furthermore, some features such as form, position and surface of nectaries; form of their epidermal cells; presence and distribution of stomata; occurrence of idioblasts containing druses in the nectariferous parenchyma; and absence of nectary vascularization can contribute to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Salacioideae studied. In most of the studied species the nectar is probably released by both the stomata and the nectary epidermal surface. In Cheiloclinium cognatum, the structure acknowledged as nectary is actually a vestigial tissue and the functions of attracting and rewarding pollinators has phylogenetically migrated to the stigmatic region. The druses and phenolic substances observed in the nectariferous parenchyma probably help defend flowers against herbivore attacks. The minute size of the nectaries of Salacioideae may explain the absence of vascularization. The floral nectaries of Salacia elliptica are epithelial while those of the other species are mesenchymal. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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Bulbophyllum section Micranthae comprises 12 species of rupicolous or epiphytic orchids occurring in forests or in open rocky fields in Cerrado/Atlantic Forest ecotones throughout South America. We examined the leaf anatomy of 14 species and compared them with molecular data (nrITS) in phylogenetic analyses. The leaves of Bulbophyllum section Micranthae are characterised by uniseriate epidermis, with periclinal external cell wall thicker than the internal, presence of epicuticular wax, stomata present only on the abaxial surface with suprastomatic chambers, and collateral vascular bundles associated with sclerenchyma fibres. Some of these characters are shared with other rupicolous Orchidaceae species, demonstrating adaptive convergence in xeromorphic habitats. We found some anatomical characteristics with phylogenetic value. Bulbophyllum section Micranthae can be separated into two lineages: those with needle-like leaves, or flat leaves. The analyses show that anatomical characters as well as molecular data may contribute to the development of phylogenetic hypotheses. © 2013 Botanical Society of Sao Paulo.


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Deciduous forests from the neotropics are one of the most endangered forest types in the world due to the exploitation of their natural resources by mankind. Many aspects of these ecosystems have been studied; however, there is a lack of information about leaf structure and the effects of tree dominance on their structural leaf patterns. In this article, we examine leaf anatomy and specific leaf areas (SLA) in 13 tree species differing in their dominance in a Dry Forest site in Central Brazil, relating leaf anatomical traits with phytosociological aspects. Leaf anatomical traits differed according to tree dominance: greater leaf thickness (achieved through greater thickness of the mesophyll), low values of SLA and bigger stomata were found for the most dominant species, whereas the less dominant species showed thinner leaves with high SLA, as well as numerous and small stomata. These responses suggest that tree dominance is an important indirect effect associated with vertical light availability in the forest. These strategies are probably related to the accomplishment of a high performance in carbon gain and water economy, given the distinction in irradiance that the leaves of different species are subject to in the dry forest. © 2013 Copyright The Royal Society of New Zealand.


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A long-standing interest in cactus taxonomy has existed since the Linnaean generation, but an appreciation of the reproductive biology of cacti started early in the 1900s. Numerous studies indicate that plant reproductive traits provide valuable systematic information. Despite the extensive reproductive versatility and specializations in breeding systems coupled with the striking floral shapes, the reproductive biology of the Cactaceae has been investigated in approximately 10% of its species. Hence, the systematic value of architectural design and organization of internal floral parts has remained virtually unexplored in the family. This study represents the most extensive survey of flower and nectary morphology in the Cactaceae focusing on tribes Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae (subfamily Cactoideae). Our objectives were (1) to conduct comparative morphological analyses of flowers and floral nectaries and (2) to compare nectar solute concentration in these two tribes consisting of holo- and semi-epiphytic species. Flower morphology, nectary types, and sugar concentration of nectar have strong taxonomic implications at the tribal, generic and specific levels. Foremost, three types of nectaries were found, namely chamber nectary (with the open and diffuse subtypes), furrow nectary (including the holder nectary subtype), and annular nectary. All Hylocereeae species possess chamber nectaries, in which the nectarial tissue has both trichomes and stomata. The Rhipsalideae are distinguished by two kinds of floral nectaries: furrow and annular, both nectary types with stomata only. The annular nectary type characterizes the genus Rhipsalis. Nectar concentration is another significant taxonomic indicator separating the Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae and establishing trends linked to nectar sugar concentration and amount of nectar production in relation to flower size. There is an inverse relationship between flower size and amount of nectar production in the smaller Rhipsalideae flowers, in which nectar concentration is more than two-fold higher despite the smaller volume of nectar produced when compared to the large Hylocereeae flowers. Variability of nectary morphology and nectar concentration was also evaluated as potential synapomorphic characters in recent phylogenies of these tribes. In conclusion, our data provide strong evidence of the systematic value of floral nectaries and nectar sugar concentration in the Cactaceae, particularly at different taxonomic levels in the Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae. © 2013 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics.