929 resultados para Stockholm (Sweden). Stora Bollhuset.


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O objetivo desta tese é avaliar o impacto do estilo de vida materno no ganho de peso durante a gestação e na sua evolução durante o pós-parto. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre os indicadores utilizados para computar as mudanças de peso ocorridas durante a gestação e o pós-parto (artigo I). Posteriormente, utilizou-se o modelo de regressão logística para avaliar a associação entre a abstinência ao fumo durante o pré-natal e o ganho de peso gestacional (GPG) excessivo, segundo as recomendações do Institute of Medicine (IOM), em 1.249 mulheres que deram à luz a recém-nascidos vivos a termo em 1984/85 em Estocolmo, Suécia (artigo II). Em seguida, foi utilizado o modelo de regressão linear múltipla para avaliar o efeito do GPG excessivo no índice de massa corporal (IMC) materno 15 anos após o parto. A população elegível para análise foi constituída de 483 mulheres suecas, que foram acompanhadas desde o nascimento da criança índice em 1984/85 até 1999/2000 (artigo III). Por último, uma revisão sistemática com a utilização de metanálise foi realizada para apreciar o efeito da dieta, exercício ou ambos na perda de peso no pós-parto (artigo IV). A diversidade de indicadores utilizada para computar o GPG e a retenção de peso no pós-parto dificulta a interpretação e comparação dos resultados de pesquisas sobre o tema. A baixa qualidade dos registros obstétricos e a escolha inadequada do indicador são consideradas as possíveis causas da não associação entre o ganho de peso materno e os desfechos gestacionais encontrada em alguns estudos (artigo I). Ex-fumantes apresentam 1,8 vezes mais chance de GPG excessivo em relação às mulheres não fumantes, mesmo após o ajuste pelas variáveis de confusão, como o consumo de álcool, atividade física, entre outras (artigo II). Mulheres que tiveram GPG excessivo apresentaram maior retenção de peso 15 anos após parto (10,0 kg) do que as mulheres que ganharam peso conforme os limites recomendados pelo IOM (6,7 kg). Mesmo após o controle pelas variáveis de confusão, o GPG excessivo provocou um aumento significativo de 0,72 kg/m2 no IMC materno (artigo III). Mulheres aconselhadas a praticarem exercícios aeróbicos durante o pós-parto não perderam, significativamente, mais peso que as mulheres alocadas no grupo controle (diferença de média ponderada (DMP): 0,00; IC 95%: -8,63/ 8,63). Mulheres alocadas no grupo dieta (DMP: -1,70; IC 95%: -2,08/ -1,32) ou dieta e exercício (DMP: -2,89; IC 95%: -4,83/ -0,95) perderam, significativamente, mais peso que as mulheres alocadas no grupo controle. Nenhuma das estratégias de intervenção para perda de peso no pós-parto (exercício; dieta; dieta e exercício) provocou efeitos adversos à saúde materno-infantil (artigo IV). Os achados apontam para a importância da identificação precoce de mulheres sob-risco GPG excessivo. Os profissionais de saúde devem fornecer aconselhamento adequado durante o pré-natal para o controle do GPG e motivar as mulheres a perderem o peso retido durante o pós-parto. Assinala-se também que os profissionais de saúde devem recomendar programas de modificação do estilo de vida relacionados à dieta combinada ao exercício físico para perda de peso durante o pós-parto e, consequentemente, para a prevenção da obesidade associada ao ciclo reprodutivo.


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1. The stripe-backed weasel Mustela strigidorsa is one of the rarest and least-known mustelids in the world. Its phylogenetic relationships with other Mustela species remain controversial, though several unique morphological features distinguish it from congeners. 2. It probably lives mainly in evergreen forests in hills and mountains, but has also been recorded from plains forest, dense scrub, secondary forest, grassland and farmland. Known sites range in altitude from 90 m to 2500 m. Data are insufficient to distinguish between habitat and altitudes which support populations, and those where only dispersing animals may occur. 3. It has been confirmed from many localities in north-east India, north and central Myanmar, south China, north Thailand, north and central Laos, and north and central Vietnam. Given the limited survey effort, the number of recent records shows that the species is not as rare as hitherto believed. Neither specific nor urgent conservation needs are apparent.


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Results are presented of systematic studies of vibration damping in steel of a type, and processed by a route, rel-evant to Caribbean steel pans. Damping is likely to be a significant factor in the variation of sound quality be-tween different pans. The main stages in pan manufac-ture are simulated in a controlled manner using sheet steel, cold-rolled to a prescribed level of thickness reduc-tion then annealed at a chosen temperature in a laboratory furnace. Small test strips were cut from the resulting material, and tested in free-free beam bending to deduce the Young’s modulus and its associated loss factor. It is shown that the steel type, the degree of cold working and the annealing temperature all have a significant influence on damping. Furthermore, for each individual specimen damping is found to decrease with rising frequency, ap-proximately following a power law. Comparison with samples cut from a real pan show that there are further influences from the pan’s geometrical details.


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The dissociative recombination of the acetaldehyde cation, CH3CHO+, has been investigated at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING at the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory in Stockholm, Sweden. The dependence of the absolute cross section of the reaction on the relative kinetic energy has been determined and a thermal rate coefficient of k(T) = (1.5 +/- 0.2) x 10(-6) (T/300)(-0.70 +/- 0.02) cm(3) s(-1) has been deduced, which is valid for electron temperatures between similar to 10 and 1000 K. The branching fractions of the reaction were studied at similar to 0 eV relative kinetic energy and we found that breaking one of the bonds between two of the heavy atoms occurs in 72 +/- 2% of the reactions. In the remaining events the three heavy atoms stay in the same product fragment. While the branching fractions are fairly similar to the results from an earlier investigation into the dissociative recombination of the fully deuterated acetaldehyde cation, CD3CDO+, the thermal rate coefficient is somewhat larger for CH3CHO+. Astrochemical implications of the results are discussed.


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Aims. We determine branching fractions, cross sections and thermal rate constants for the dissociative recombination of CD3CDOD+ and CH3CH2OH2+ at the low relative kinetic energies encountered in the interstellar medium. Methods. The experiments were carried out by merging an ion and electron beam at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING, Stockholm, Sweden. Results. Break-up of the CCO structure into three heavy fragments is not found for either of the ions. Instead the CCO structure is retained in 23 +/- 3% of the DR reactions of CD3CDOD+ and 7 +/- 3% in the DR of CH3CH2OH2+, whereas rupture into two heavy fragments occurs in 77 +/- 3% and 93 +/- 3% of the DR events of the respective ions. The measured cross sections were fitted between 1-200 meV yielding the following thermal rate constants and cross-section dependencies on the relative kinetic energy: sigma(E-cm[eV]) = 1.7 +/- 0.3 x 10(-15)(Ecm[eV])(-1.23 +/- 0.02) cm(2) and k(T) = 1.9 +/- 0.4 x 10(-6)(T/300)-0.73 +/- 0.02 cm(3) s(-1) for CH3CH2OH2+ as well as k(T) = 1.1 +/- 0.4 x 10(-6)(T/300)(-0.74 +/- 0.05) cm(3) s(-1) and s(Ecm[eV]) = 9.2 +/- 4 x 10(-16)(Ecm[eV])-1.24 +/- 0.05 cm(2) for CD3CDOD+


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Cooperatives, as a kind of firms, are considered by many scholars as an remarkable alternative for overcoming the economic crisis started in 2008. Besides, there are other scholars which pointed out the important role that these firms play in the regional economic development. Nevertheless, when one examines the economic literature on cooperatives, it is detected that this kind of firms is mainly studied starting from the point of view of their own characteristics and particularities of participation and solidarity. In this sense, following a different analysis framework, this article proposes a theoretical model in order to explain the behavior of cooperatives based on the entrepreneurship theory with the aim of increasing the knowledge about this kind of firms and, more specifically, their contribution to regional economic development.


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Measurements on the dissociative recombination (DR) of protonated acrylonitrile, CH2CHCNH+, have been performed at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING located in the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory in Stockholm, Sweden. It has been found that at~2meV relative kinetic energy about 50% of the DR events involve only ruptures of X–H bonds (where X=C or N)while the rest leads to the production of a pair of fragments each containing two heavy atoms (alongside H and/or H2). The absolute DR cross section has been investigated for relative kinetic energies ranging from ~1 meV to 1 eV. The thermal rate coefficient has been determined to follow the expression k(T) = 1.78 × 10-6 (T/300)-0.80 cm3 s-1 for electron temperatures ranging from ~10 to 1000 K. Gas-phase models of the nitrile chemistry in the dark molecular cloud TMC-1 have been run and results are compared with observations. Also, implications of the present results for the nitrile chemistry of Titan’s upper atmosphere are discussed.