987 resultados para Stilbene-like ligand photoisomerization


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The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins (IGFBPs) modulate the actions of the insulin-like growth factors in endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine settings. Additionally, some IGFBPs appear to exhibit biological effects that are IGF independent. The six high-affinity IGFBPs that have been characterized to date exhibit 40–60% amino acid sequence identity overall, with the most conserved sequences in their NH2 and COOH termini. We have recently demonstrated that the product of the mac25/IGFBP-7 gene, which shows significant conservation in the NH2 terminus, including an “IGFBP motif” (GCGCCXXC), exhibits low-affinity IGF binding. The closely related mammalian genes connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) gene, nov, and cyr61 encode secreted proteins that also contain the conserved sequences and IGFBP motifs in their NH2 termini. To ascertain if these genes, along with mac25/IGFBP-7, encode a family of low-affinity IGFBPs, we assessed the IGF binding characteristics of recombinant human CTGF (rhCTGF). The ability of baculovirus-synthesized rhCTGF to bind IGFs was demonstrated by Western ligand blotting, affinity cross-linking, and competitive affinity binding assays using 125I-labeled IGF-I or IGF-II and unlabeled IGFs. CTGF, like mac25/IGFBP-7, specifically binds IGFs, although with relatively low affinity. On the basis of these data, we propose that CTGF represents another member of the IGFBP family (IGFBP-8) and that the CTGF gene, mac25/IGFBP-7, nov, and cyr61 are members of a family of low-affinity IGFBP genes. These genes, along with those encoding the high-affinity IGFBPs 1–6, together constitute an IGFBP superfamily whose products function in IGF-dependent or IGF-independent modes to regulate normal and neoplastic cell growth.


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We have investigated the protective role of the membrane-bound HLA-G1 and HLA-G2 isoforms against natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity. For this purpose, HLA-G1 and HLA-G2 cDNAs were transfected into the HLA class I-negative human K562 cell line, a known reference target for NK lysis. The HLA-G1 protein, encoded by a full-length mRNA, presents a structure similar to that of classical HLA class I antigens. The HLA-G2 protein, deduced from an alternatively spliced transcript, consists of the α1 domain linked to the α3 domain. In this study we demonstrate that (i) HLA-G2 is present at the cell surface as a truncated class I molecule associated with β2-microglobulin; (ii) NK cytolysis, observed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and in polyclonal CD3− CD16+ CD56+ NK cells obtained from 20 donors, is inhibited by both HLA-G1 and HLA-G2; this HLA-G-mediated inhibition is reversed by blocking HLA-G with a specific mAb; this led us to the conjecture that HLA-G is the public ligand for NK inhibitory receptors (NKIR) present in all individuals; (iii) the α1 domain common to HLA-G1 and HLA-G2 could mediate this protection from NK lysis; and (iv) when transfected into the K562 cell line, both HLA-G1 and HLA-G2 abolish lysis by the T cell leukemia NK-like YT2C2 clone due to interaction between the HLA-G isoform on the target cell surface and a membrane receptor on YT2C2. Because NKIR1 and NKIR2, known to interact with HLA-G, were undetectable on YT2C2, we conclude that a yet-unknown specific receptor for HLA-G1 and HLA-G2 is present on these cells.


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It was previously shown that mutations of integrin α4 chain sites, within putative EF-hand-type divalent cation-binding domains, each caused a marked reduction in α4β1-dependent cell adhesion. Some reports have suggested that α-chain “EF-hand” sites may interact directly with ligands. However, we show here that mutations of three different α4 “EF-hand” sites each had no effect on binding of soluble monovalent or bivalent vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 whether measured indirectly or directly. Furthermore, these mutations had minimal effect on α4β1-dependent cell tethering to vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 under shear. However, EF-hand mutants did show severe impairments in cellular resistance to detachment under shear flow. Thus, mutation of integrin α4 “EF-hand-like” sites may impair 1) static cell adhesion and 2) adhesion strengthening under shear flow by a mechanism that does not involve alterations of initial ligand binding.


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CD1 is an MHC class I-like antigen-presenting molecule consisting of a heavy chain and β2-microglobulin light chain. The in vitro refolding of synthetic MHC class I molecules has always required the presence of ligand. We report here the use of a folding method using an immobilized chaperone fragment, a protein disulphide isomerase, and a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (oxidative refolding chromatography) for the fast and efficient assembly of ligand-free and ligand-associated CD1a and CD1b, starting with material synthesized in Escherichia coli. The results suggest that “empty” MHC class I-like molecules can assemble and remain stable at physiological temperatures in the absence of ligand. The use of oxidative refolding chromatography thus is extended to encompass complex multisubunit proteins and specifically to members of the extensive, functionally diverse and important immunoglobulin supergene family of proteins, including those for which a ligand has yet to be identified.


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ATP has recently been identified as a fast neurotransmitter in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Several studies have suggested that ATP can also affect the release of classical neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine with which it is co-released. We have searched for ATP receptors on a cholinergic presynaptic nerve terminal using the calyx-type synapse of the chicken ciliary ganglion. ATP was pulsed onto the terminals under voltage clamp and induced a short latency cation current that exhibited inward rectification and marked desensitization. This current was not seen with adenosine but was mimicked by several sterically restricted ATP analogs and was blocked by suramin. ATP-activated single ion channels exhibited prominent flickering and had a conductance of approximately 17 pS. Our results demonstrate a ligand-gated P2X-like purinergic receptor on a cholinergic presynaptic nerve terminal.


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The tyrosine kinases Flt4, Flt1, and Flk1 (or KDR) constitute a family of endothelial cell-specific receptors with seven immunoglobulin-like domains and a split kinase domain. Flt1 and Flk1 have been shown to play key roles in vascular development; these two receptors bind and are activated by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). No ligand has been identified for Flt4, whose expression becomes restricted during development to the lymphatic endothelium. We have identified cDNA clones from a human glioma cell line that encode a secreted protein with 32% amino acid identity to VEGF. This protein, designated VEGF-related protein (VRP), specifically binds to the extracellular domain of Flt4, stimulates the tyrosine phosphorylation of Flt4 expressed in mammalian cells, and promotes the mitogenesis of human lung endothelial cells. VRP fails to bind appreciably to the extracellular domain of Flt1 or Flk1. The protein contains a C-terminal, cysteine-rich region of about 180 amino acids that is not found in VEGF. A 2.4-kb VRP mRNA is found in several human tissues including adult heart, placenta, ovary, and small intestine and in fetal lung and kidney.


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Binding of the lipid A portion of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to leukocyte CD14 activates phagocytes and initiates the septic shock syndrome. Two lipid A analogs, lipid IVA and Rhodobacter sphaeroides lipid A (RSLA), have been described as LPS-receptor antagonists when tested with human phagocytes. In contrast, lipid IVA activated murine phagocytes, whereas RSLA was an LPS antagonist. Thus, these compounds displayed a species-specific pharmacology. To determine whether the species specificity of these LPS antagonists occurred as a result of interactions with CD14, the effects of lipid IVA and RSLA were examined by using human, mouse, and hamster cell lines transfected with murine or human CD14 cDNA expression vectors. These transfectants displayed sensitivities to lipid IVA and RSLA that reflected the sensitivities of macrophages of similar genotype (species) and were independent of the source of CD14 cDNA. For example, hamster macrophages and hamster fibroblasts transfected with either mouse or human-derived CD14 cDNA responded to lipid IVA and RSLA as LPS mimetics. Similarly, lipid IVA and RSLA acted as LPS antagonists in human phagocytes and human fibrosarcoma cells transfected with either mouse or human-derived CD14 cDNA. Therefore, the target of these LPS antagonists, which is encoded in the genomes of these cells, is distinct from CD14. Although the expression of CD14 is required for macrophage-like sensitivity to LPS, CD14 cannot discriminate between the lipid A moieties of these agents. We hypothesize that the target of the LPS antagonists is a lipid A recognition protein which functions as a signaling receptor that is triggered after interaction with CD14-bound LPS.


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Nerve growth cones isolated from fetal rat brain are highly enriched in a 97-kDa glycoprotein, termed beta gc, that comigrates with the beta subunit of the IGF-I receptor upon two-dimensional PAGE and is disulfide-linked to this receptor's alpha subunit. Antibodies prepared to a conserved domain shared by the insulin and IGF-I receptor beta subunits (AbP2) or to beta gc were used to study receptor distribution further. Subcellular fractionation of the fetal brain segregated most AbP2 immunoreactivity away from growth cones, whereas most beta gc immunoreactivity copurified with growth cones. Experiments involving ligand-activated receptor autophosphorylation confirmed the concentration of IGF-I but not of insulin receptors in growth cone fractions. These results indicate the enrichment of IGF-I receptors in (presumably axonal) growth cones of the differentiating neuron. Furthermore, the segregation of beta gc from AbP2 immunoreactivity suggests that such neurons express an immunochemically distinct variant of the IGF-I receptor beta subunit at the growth cone.


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The ciliary neurotrophic factor alpha-receptor(CNTFRalpha) is required for motoneuron survival during development, but the relevant ligand(s) has not been determined. One candidate is the heterodimer formed by cardiotrophin-like cytokine (CLC) and cytokine-like factor 1 (CLF). CLC/CLF binds to CNTFRalpha and enhances the survival of developing motoneurons in vitro; whether this novel trophic factor plays a role in neural development in vivo has not been tested. We examined motor and sensory neurons in embryonic chicks treated with CLC and in mice with a targeted deletion of the clf gene. Treatment with CLC increased the number of lumbar spinal cord motoneurons that survived the cell death period in chicks. However, this effect was regionally specific, because brachial and thoracic motoneurons were unaffected. Similarly, newborn clf -/- mice exhibited a significant reduction in lumbar motoneurons, with no change in the brachial or thoracic cord. Clf deletion also affected brainstem motor nuclei in a regionally specific manner; the number of motoneurons in the facial but not hypoglossal nucleus was significantly reduced. Sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia were not affected by either CLC treatment or clf gene deletion. Finally, mRNA for both clc and clf was found in skeletal muscle fibers of embryonic mice during the motoneuron cell death period. These findings support the view that CLC/CLF is a target-derived factor required for the survival of specific pools of motoneurons. The in vivo actions of CLC and CLF can account for many of the effects of CNTFRalpha on developing motoneurons.


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The role of growth hormone (GH) in embryonic growth is controversial, yet preimplantation embryos express GH, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and their receptors. In this study, addition of bovine GH doubled the proportion of two-cell embryos forming blastocysts and increased by about 25% the number of cells in those blastocysts with a concentration-response curve showing maximal activity at 1 pg bovine GH ml(-1), with decreasing activity at higher and lower concentrations. GH increased the number of cells in the trophectoderm by 25%, but did not affect the inner cell mass of blastocysts. Inhibition of cell proliferation by anti-GH antiserum indicated that GH is a potent autocrine or paracrine regulator of the number of trophectoderm cells in vivo. Type 1 IGF receptors (IGF1R) were localized to cytoplasmic vesicles and plasma membrane in the apical domains of uncompacted and compacted eight-cell embryos, but were predominantly apparent in cytoplasmic vesicles of the trophectoderm cells of the blastocyst, similar to GH receptors. Studies using alphaIR3 antiserum which blocks ligand activation of IGF1R, showed that IGF1R participate in the autocrine or paracrine regulation of the number of cells in the inner cell mass by an endogenous IGF-I-IGF1R pathway. However, alphaIR3 did not affect GH stimulation of the number of trophectoderm cells. Therefore, CH does not use secondary actions via embryonic IGF-I to modify the number of blastocyst cells. This result indicates that GH and IGF-I act independently. GH may selectively regulate the number of trophectoderm cells and thus implantation and placental growth. Embryonic GH may act in concert with IGF-I, which stimulates proliferation in the inner cell mass, to optimize blastocyst development.


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Enforcement of chirality upon a macrocyclic tetramine ligand structure by the introduction of an asymmetric pendent arm which does not significantly modify the macrocycle conformation has no significant effect upon the geometry of the coordination sphere of a bound metal. Where substitution engendering chirality does cause a change in the ligand conformation, in particular for a ligand of restricted stereochemistry, these effects can be much greater. Thus, conversion of 3,7-diazacycloheptane to a macrocycle via attachment of chiral sidearms and ring closure through a template reaction leads to cyclam derivatives with unusual coordination properties. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New copper(II) complexes of general empirical formula, Cu(mpsme)X center dot xCH(3)COCH(3) (mpsme = anionic form of the 6-methyl-2-formylpyridine Schiff base of S-methyldithiocarbazate; X = Cl, N-3, NCS, NO3; x = 0, 0.5) have been synthesized and characterized by IR, electronic, EPR and susceptibility measurements. Room temperature mu(eff) values for the complexes are in the range 1.75-2.1 mu(beta) typical of uncoupled or weakly coupled Cu(II) centres. The EPR spectra of the [Cu(mpsme)X] (X = Cl, N-3, NO3, NCS) complexes reveal a tetragonally distorted coordination sphere around the mononuclear Cu(II) centre. We have exploited second derivative EPR spectra in conjunction with Fourier filtering (sine bell and Hamming functions) to extract all of the nitrogen hyperfine coupling matrices. While the X-ray crystallography of [Cu(mpsme)NCS] reveals a linear polymer in which the thiocyanate anion bridges the two copper(II) ions, the EPR spectra in solution are typical of a magnetically isolated monomeric Cu(II) centres indicating dissociation of the polymeric chain in solution. The structures of the free ligand, Hmpsme and the {[Cu(mpsme)NO3] center dot 0.5CH(3)COCH(3)}(2) and [Cu(mpsme)NCS](n) complexes have been determined by X-ray diffraction. The {[Cu(mpsme)NO3]0.5CH(3)COCH(3)}(2) complex is a centrosymmetric dimer in which each copper atom adopts a five-coordinate distorted square-pyramidal geometry with an N2OS2 coordination environment, the Schiff base coordinating as a uninegatively charged tridentate ligand chelating through the pyridine and azomethine nitrogen atoms and the thiolate, an oxygen atom of a unidentate nitrato ligand and a bridging sulfur atom from the second ligand completing the coordination sphere. The [Cu(mpsme)(NCS)](n) complex has a novel staircase-like one dimensional polymeric structure in which the NCS- ligands bridge two adjacent copper(II) ions asymmetrically in an end-to-end fashion providing its nitrogen atom to one copper and the sulfur atom to the other. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The receptor for CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) is a heterodimer between a GPCR (G-protein-coupled receptor), CLR (calcitonin receptor-like receptor) and an accessory protein, RAMP1 (receptor activity-modifying protein 1). Models have been produced of RAMP1 and CLR. It is likely that the C-terminus of CGRP interacts with the extracellular N-termini of CLR and RAMP1; the extreme N-terminus of CLR is particularly important and may interact directly with CGRP and also with RAMP1. The N-terminus of CGRP interacts with the TM (transmembrane) portion of the receptor; the second ECL (extracellular loop) is especially important. Receptor activation is likely to involve the relative movements of TMs 3 and 6 to create a G-protein-binding pocket, as in Family A GPCRs. Pro321 in TM6 appears to act as a pivot. At the base of TMs 2 and 3, Arg151, His155 and Glu211 may form a loose equivalent of the Family A DRY (Asp-Arg-Tyr) motif. Although the details of this proposed activation mechanism clearly do not apply to all Family B GPCRs, the broad outlines may be conserved. ©The Authors.


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Background Atherosclerosis is potentiated by stimulation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), which serve to detect pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). However little is known of which PAMPs may be present in atheroma, or capable of stimulating inflammatory signalling in vascular cells. Materials and Methods DNA extracted from human carotid atheroma samples was amplified and sequenced using broad-range 16S gene specific primers to establish historical exposure to bacterial PAMPs. Responsiveness of primary human arterial and venous endothelial and smooth muscle cells to PAMPs specific for each of the TLRs was assessed by measurement of interleukin-8 secretion and E-selectin expression. Results Extracts of atheromatous tissue stimulated little or no signalling in TLR-transfected HEK-293 cells. However, sequencing of bacterial DNA amplified from carotid atheroma revealed the presence of DNA from 17 different bacterial genera, suggesting historical exposure to bacterial lipopeptide, lipopolysaccharide and flagellin. All cells examined were responsive to the ligands of TLR3 and TLR4, poly inosine:cytosine and lipopolysaccharide. Arterial cells were responsive to a wider range of PAMPs than venous cells, being additionally responsive to bacterial flagellin and unmethylated cytosine-phosphate-guanosine DNA motifs, the ligands of TLR5 and TLR9, respectively. Cells were generally unresponsive towards the ligands of human TLR7 and TLR8, loxoribine and single stranded RNA. Only coronary artery endothelial cells expressed TLR2 mRNA and responded to the TLR2 ligand Pam3CSK4. Conclusions Vascular cells are responsive to a relatively diverse range of TLR ligands and may be exposed, at least transiently, to ligands of TLR2, TLR4, TLR5 and TLR9 during the development of carotid atheroma.


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The calcitonin receptor (CTR) and calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) are two of the 15 human family B (or Secretin-like) GPCRs. CTR and CLR are of considerable biological interest as their pharmacology is moulded by interactions with receptor activity-modifying proteins. They also have therapeutic relevance for many conditions, such as osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, lymphatic insufficiency, migraine and cardiovascular disease. In light of recent advances in understanding ligand docking and receptor activation in both the family as a whole and in CLR and CTR specifically, this review reflects how applicable general family B GPCR themes are to these two idiosyncratic receptors. We review the main functional domains of the receptors; the N-terminal extracellular domain, the juxtamembrane domain and ligand interface, the transmembrane domain and the intracellular C-terminal domain. Structural and functional findings from the CLR and CTR along with other family B GPCRs are critically appraised to gain insight into how these domains may function. The ability for CTR and CLR to interact with receptor activity-modifying proteins adds another level of sophistication to these receptor systems but means careful consideration is needed when trying to apply generic GPCR principles. This review encapsulates current thinking in the realm of family B GPCR research by highlighting both conflicting and recurring themes and how such findings relate to two unusual but important receptors, CTR and CLR.