909 resultados para Stereotypes (Social psychology)


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Atualmente o tabagismo é considerado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) como um fator de risco à vida a ser combatido com alta prioridade. No entanto, um processo maciço de propaganda e marketing parece ter sido historicamente decisivo para dar à prática de fumar uma representação positiva, através de uma associação sistemática entre o consumo de derivados do tabaco e o ideal de auto-imagem, como beleza, sucesso, saúde e liberdade. Essa transformação da imagem do cigarro de símbolo de status e saúde para uma séria doença a ser combatida evidencia a importância de analisar o tabagismo como um fenômeno psicossocial. O objetivo geral desta investigação consiste, portanto, em analisar comparativamente as representações sociais acerca do tabagismo construídas por grupos de indivíduos que se incluam diferencialmente nas condições de fumantes, ex-fumantes e não-fumantes. A pesquisa foi realizada com uma amostra de 500 (quinhentos) participantes residentes no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, de ambos os sexos, podendo pertencer às categorias de fumantes, ex-fumantes e não-fumantes. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio eletrônico, através da aplicação de um questionário, que em parte focaliza os dados sóciodemográficos dos participantes e, em outra, apresenta questões abertas e fechadas, incorporando ainda uma tarefa de evocação livre ante o termo indutor tabagismo ou prática de fumar. Os resultados da análise estrutural da representação social do tabagismo possibilitou verificar uma unanimidade quanto à significação controversa que é atribuída a ele. De um lado, verificam-se dimensões negativas desta prática, que são objetivadas pelas implicações e repercussões na saúde dos fumantes ativos e passivos e, por outro lado, existem as dimensões positivas, que representam as funções sociais do tabagismo, e as sensações prazerosas que ele provoca nos fumantes. Observa-se o processo de construção de uma nova representação social do tabagismo, onde é estabelecida uma conexão entre uma velha representação do tabagismo enquanto hábito de vida, estilo de vida, com uma nova representação, o tabagismo como vício/dependência, criando novos significados e imagens do objeto. Para concluir, vale ressaltar que as representações sociais dos ex-fumantes e dos não-fumantes mostraram-se bastantes próximas, ressaltando essencialmente os aspectos negativos do tabagismo, enquanto que a dos fumantes diferenciam-se um pouco ao apresentar elementos como prazer. Mas de modo geral, as representações não mostraram-se tão distintas, revelando que os próprios fumantes vivenciam uma relação muito antagônica com o tabagismo, manifestando em diversos momentos vontade de tornarem-se ex-fumantes. Parece que a representação do tabagismo como um hábito glamoroso não mais existe e que de fato a política de controle a ele vem obtendo êxito com suas medidas restritivas o que é algo extremamente positivo para nossa sociedade do ponto de vista da saúde pública. No entanto, na esfera social, parece necessário que essa atmosfera de temor e asco envolta no tabagismo seja pensada e refletida, para que não resulte em discriminação social com os tabagistas, tornando-os novamente vítima, mas de uma nova situação social


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Este estudo tem como objeto o cuidado de Enfermagem e suas memórias e representações sociais para enfermeiros hospitalares inseridos nas unidades de referências para pessoas que viviam com o HIV/aids no Rio de Janeiro, no decorrer de 1980 a 1991. Os objetivos específicos foram: identificar a memória social do cuidado de enfermagem implementado pelos enfermeiros aos acometidos pelo HIV/aids no Município do Rio de Janeiro; descrever as práticas de cuidado pelos enfermeiros no contexto do recorte temporal adotado no estudo; descrever o processo de enfrentamento da epidemia da aids pelos enfermeiros, tanto no contexto do cuidado de enfermagem no espaço hospitalar, quanto nas relações sociais estabelecidas; analisar as memórias e representações sociais de enfermeiros acerca do cuidado de Enfermagem prestado às pessoas com HIV/aids em situação de hospitalização na primeira década da epidemia. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, de campo, com abordagem qualitativa, baseada nos pressupostos teóricos da memória social propostos por Sá em sua interface com a teoria de representações sociais no campo da Psicologia Social. Realizada com 30 enfermeiros que atuaram em hospitais considerados de referência para o tratamento de clientes que viviam com HIV/aids. Os dados foram coletados por uma entrevista semiestruturada e a visualização de 12 fac-símiles escolhidos de forma aleatória na imprensa. A população de estudo é predominantemente do sexo feminino e com idade entre 51 a 60 anos. Os principais resultados apontam que a memória social do cuidado de enfermagem se constitui a partir de diferentes objetos representacionais (cuidado de enfermagem, aids e biossegurança), instâncias da memória social (pessoal, pública, prática, coletiva, comuns, histórica oral e histórica documental) e diversos elementos que constituem esta memória (ambiente de cuidado e relações sociais, familiares e laborais, dentre outras). Emergiram sete categorias de análise: O processo do cuidado de Enfermagem: do enfrentamento, da capacitação e do desenvolvimento; Sentimentos dos enfermeiros e dos clientes descritos pelos participantes no processo de cuidar; O processo de cuidado direto ao cliente no início da epidemia; Memórias da autoproteção profissional e da proteção ao cliente no contexto do HIV/aids; Os contextos do cuidado: ambiente, materiais e recursos humanos; Memórias dos enfermeiros sobre os clientes acometidos pelo HIV e Relacionamento interpessoal. Destaca-se que a memória do cuidado de enfermagem se mostra ligada à construção representacional da aids (não familiar/familiar), do cuidado de enfermagem (sem controle/sob controle) e à constituição de um grupo social com forte identidade, o dos enfermeiros da aids. Concluímos que o estudo mostrou o trabalho pioneiro dos enfermeiros com o HIV/aids no ambiente hospitalar. Esses profissionais tiveram que cuidar desses clientes em meio à possibilidade de contaminação, ao mesmo tempo em que desenvolviam um autocuidado, em alguns momentos exagerados devido ao desconhecimento sobre a síndrome, como forma de preservação da sua saúde, bem como de sua família. A memória social como conceito guarda-chuva mostrou-se pertinente para a análise dos dados, permitindo recuperar, ao menos em parte, a dinâmica do cuidado de enfermagem nos primeiros anos da síndrome.


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Ioan Fazey, John A. Fazey, Joern Fischer, Kate Sherren, John Warren, Reed F. Noss, Stephen R. Dovers (2007) Adaptive capacity and learning to learn as leverage for social?ecological resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5(7),375-380. RAE2008


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Income inequality undermines societies: The more inequality, the more health problems, social tensions, and the lower social mobility, trust, life expectancy. Given people's tendency to legitimate existing social arrangements, the stereotype content model (SCM) argues that ambivalence-perceiving many groups as either warm or competent, but not both-may help maintain socio-economic disparities. The association between stereotype ambivalence and income inequality in 37 cross-national samples from Europe, the Americas, Oceania, Asia, and Africa investigates how groups' overall warmth-competence, status-competence, and competition-warmth correlations vary across societies, and whether these variations associate with income inequality (Gini index). More unequal societies report more ambivalent stereotypes, whereas more equal ones dislike competitive groups and do not necessarily respect them as competent. Unequal societies may need ambivalence for system stability: Income inequality compensates groups with partially positive social images. © 2012 The British Psychological Society.


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This study aimed to examine the structure of the statistics anxiety rating scale. Responses from 650 undergraduate psychology students throughout the UK were collected through an on-line study. Based on previous research three different models were specified and estimated using confirmatory factor analysis. Fit indices were used to determine if the model fitted the data and a likelihood ratio difference test was used to determine the best fitting model. The original six factor model was the best explanation of the data. All six subscales were intercorrelated and internally consistent. It was concluded that the statistics anxiety rating scale was found to measure the six subscales it was designed to assess in a UK population.


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Several personality constructs have been theorised to underlie right-wing authoritarianism (RWA). In samples from New Zealand and Germany (Ns = 218, 259), we tested whether these constructs can account for specific variance in RWA. In both samples, social conformity and personal need for structure were independent predictors of RWA. In Sample 2, where also openness to experience was measured, social conformity and personal need for structure fully mediated the impact of the higher-order factor of openness on RWA. Our results contribute to the integration of current approaches to the personality basis of authoritarianism. and suggest that two distinct personality processes contribute to RWA: An interpersonal process related to social conformity and an intrapersonal process related to rigid cognitive style. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This research rests on the assumption that individual differences approaches to prejudice benefit from all integration of intergroup factors. Following Duckitt (2001), we assumed that two prominent individual differences variables, right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO), would differentially predict majority members' levels of ethnic prejudice depending on specific factors of the intergroup context: RWA as all index of motivational concerns about social cohesion, stability and security should drive prejudice against outgroups perceived as socially threatening, and SDO as an index of concerns about ingroup superiority and dominance should predict prejudice against outgroups perceived as potential competitors for power-status. Across two studies (Ns = 82, 176), using between-participants and within-participants experimental designs, the effects of RWA on prejudice were particularly powerful when the outgroup was manipulated to be socially threatening, but the effects of SDO on prejudice appeared not to increase when the outgroup was manipulated to be competitive. In Study 2, presenting the outgroup as having low status also increased the effect of RWA, but not the effect of SDO. These results support the differential prediction assumption for RWA, but not for SDO. Implications for the conceptualisation of RWA and SDO are discussed. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Social identity complexity defines people's more or less complex cognitive representations of the interrelationships among their multiple ingroup identities. Being high in complexity is contingent on situational, cognitive, or motivational factors, and has positive consequences for intergroup relations. Two survey studies conducted in Northern Ireland examined the extent to which intergroup contact and distinctiveness threat act as antecedents, and outgroup attitudes as consequences, of social identity complexity. In both studies, contact was positively, and distinctiveness threat negatively, associated with complex multiple ingroup perceptions, whereas respondents with more complex identity structures also reported more favorable outgroup attitudes. Social identity complexity also mediated the effects of contact and distinctiveness threat on attitudes. This research highlights that the extent to which individuals perceive their multiple ingroups in more or less complex and differentiated ways is of central importance to understanding intergroup phenomena.


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This paper investigates social comparisons in people with schizophrenia. Stigma theories often suggest that people with stigmatized conditions face a chronic threat to self-esteem and that they respond to this in a variety of ways, one of which is by using ingroup downward comparisons. We analysed the spontaneous social comparisons used by, participants in semi-structured interviews. A wide range of comparison dimensions, target others, and groupings were used, most of which did not represent a category of people with schizophrenia in more negative terms than those without the illness. Participants presented themselves positively, referring to downward and lateral comparisons more often than upward comparisons. In addition, although downward comparisons did refer to people with schizophrenia, they were more likely to refer to others who did not have schizophrenia, and to dimensions which were not related to mental illness. It is suggested that investigations of the relations between stigma and self need to take account of the multiple identities and dimensions of comparisons available to people for construing themselves and the social context. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Self-categorization theory stresses the importance of the context in which the metacontrast principle is proposed to operate. This study is concerned with how 'the pool of psychologically relevant stimuli' (Turner, Hogg, Oakes, Reicher & Wetherell, 1987, p. 47) comprising the context is determined. Data from interviews with 33 people with learning difficulties were used to show how a positive sense of self might be constructed by members of a stigmatized social category through the social worlds that they describe, and therefore the social comparisons and categorizations that are made possible. Participants made downward comparisons which focused on people with learning difficulties who were less able or who displayed challenging behaviour, and with people who did not have learning difficulties but who, according to the participants, behaved badly, such as beggars, drunks and thieves. By selection of dimensions and comparison others, a positive sense of self and a particular set of social categorizations were presented. It is suggested that when using self-categorization theory to study real-world social categories, more attention needs to be paid to the involvement of the perceiver in determining which stimuli are psychologically relevant since this is a crucial determinant of category salience.


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College students (N = 3,435) in 26 cultures reported their perceptions of age-related changes in physical, cognitive, and socioemotional areas of functioning and rated societal views of aging within their culture. There was widespread cross-cultural consensus regarding the expected direction of aging trajectories with (a) perceived declines in societal views of aging, physical attractiveness, the ability to perform everyday tasks, and new learning; (b) perceived increases in wisdom, knowledge, and received respect; and (c) perceived stability in family authority and life satisfaction. Cross-cultural variations in aging perceptions were associated with culture-level indicators of population aging, education levels, values, and national character stereotypes. These associations were stronger for societal views on aging and perceptions of socioemotional changes than for perceptions of physical and cognitive changes. A consideration of culture-level variables also suggested that previously reported differences in aging perceptions between Asian and Western countries may be related to differences in population structure.


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Relatively little research has examined the relations between growing up in a community with a history of protracted violent political conflict and subsequent generations' well-being. The current article examines relations between mothers' self-report of the impact that the historical political violence in Northern Ireland (known, as the Troubles) has on her and her child's current mental health. These relations are framed within the social identity model of stress, which provides a framework for understanding coping responses within societies that have experienced intergroup conflict. Mother-child dyads (N = 695) living in Belfast completed interviews. Results suggest that the mother-reported impact of the Troubles continue to be associated with mothers' mental health, which, in, turn, is associated with her child's adjustment. The strength of mothers' social identity moderated pathways between the impact of the Troubles and her mental health, consistent with the social identity model of stress. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Unbalanced social-exchange processes at work have been linked to emotional exhaustion. In addition to organizational factors, individual differences are important determinants of reciprocity perceptions. This study explored whether broad and narrow personality traits were associated with perceived lack of reciprocity (organizational and interpersonal levels), and whether personality moderated the relationship between reciprocity and emotional exhaustion, in a sample of 322 civil servants. Extraversion, agreeableness, emotional stability, internal locus of control, and Type A behavior predicted reciprocity. The relationship between perceived lack of reciprocity with the organization and emotional exhaustion was stronger for individuals reporting lower negative affect or higher extraversion. These findings highlight the importance of personality for understanding perceived reciprocity at work and its impact on emotional exhaustion.