975 resultados para Stereo image pairs
Typically, algorithms for generating stereo disparity maps have been developed to minimise the energy equation of a single image. This paper proposes a method for implementing cross validation in a belief propagation optimisation. When tested using the Middlebury online stereo evaluation, the cross validation improves upon the results of standard belief propagation. Furthermore, it has been shown that regions of homogeneous colour within the images can be used for enforcing the so-called "Segment Constraint". Developing from this, Segment Support is introduced to boost belief between pixels of the same image region and improve propagation into textureless regions.
AIRES, Kelson R. T. ; ARAÚJO, Hélder J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. . Plane Detection from Monocular Image Sequences. In: VISUALIZATION, IMAGING AND IMAGE PROCESSING, 2008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Proceedings..., Palma de Mallorca: VIIP, 2008
This paper describes two solutions for systematic measurement of surface elevation that can be used for both profile and surface reconstructions for quantitative fractography case studies. The first one is developed under Khoros graphical interface environment. It consists of an adaption of the almost classical area matching algorithm, that is based on cross-correlation operations, to the well-known method of parallax measurements from stereo pairs. A normalization function was created to avoid false cross-correlation peaks, driving to the true window best matching solution at each region analyzed on both stereo projections. Some limitations to the use of scanning electron microscopy and the types of surface patterns are also discussed. The second algorithm is based on a spatial correlation function. This solution is implemented under the NIH Image macro programming, combining a good representation for low contrast regions and many improvements on overall user interface and performance. Its advantages and limitations are also presented.
We propose new circuits for the implementation of Radial Basis Functions such as Gaussian and Gaussian-like functions. These RBFs are obtained by the subtraction of two differential pair output currents in a folded cascode configuration. We also propose a multidimensional version based on the unidimensional circuits. SPICE simulation results indicate good functionality. These circuits are intended to be applied in the implementation of radial basis function networks. One possible application of these networks is transducer signal conditioning in aircraft and spacecraft vehicles onboard telemetry systems. Copyright 2008 ACM.
In this paper, we propose new circuits for the implementation of Radial Basis Functions (RBF). These RBFs are obtained by the subtraction of two differential pair output currents in a folded cascode configuration. We also propose a multidimensional version based on the unidimensional circuits. SPICE simulation and experimental results indicate good functionality. These circuits are intended to be applied in the implementation of radial basis function networks. Possible applications of these networks include transducer signal conditioning and processing in onboard telemetry systems for aircraft and spacecraft vehicles. © 2010 IEEE.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this letter, a semiautomatic method for road extraction in object space is proposed that combines a stereoscopic pair of low-resolution aerial images with a digital terrain model (DTM) structured as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). First, we formulate an objective function in the object space to allow the modeling of roads in 3-D. In this model, the TIN-based DTM allows the search for the optimal polyline to be restricted along a narrow band that is overlaid upon it. Finally, the optimal polyline for each road is obtained by optimizing the objective function using the dynamic programming optimization algorithm. A few seed points need to be supplied by an operator. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, a set of experiments was designed using two stereoscopic pairs of low-resolution aerial images and a TIN-based DTM with an average resolution of 1 m. The experimental results showed that the proposed method worked properly, even when faced with anomalies along roads, such as obstructions caused by shadows and trees.
[EN] We present an energy based approach to estimate a dense disparity map from a set of two weakly calibrated stereoscopic images while preserving its discontinuities resulting from image boundaries. We first derive a simplified expression for the disparity that allows us to estimate it from a stereo pair of images using an energy minimization approach. We assume that the epipolar geometry is known, and we include this information in the energy model. Discontinuities are preserved by means of a regularization term based on the Nagel-Enkelmann operator. We investigate the associated Euler-Lagrange equation of the energy functional, and we approach the solution of the underlying partial differential equation (PDE) using a gradient descent method The resulting parabolic problem has a unique solution. In order to reduce the risk to be trapped within some irrelevant local minima during the iterations, we use a focusing strategy based on a linear scalespace. Experimental results on both synthetic and real images arere presented to illustrate the capabilities of this PDE and scale-space based method.
[EN] In this paper we present a method for the regularization of a set of unstructured 3D points obtained from a sequence of stereo images. This method takes into account the information supplied by the disparity maps computed between pairs of images to constraint the regularization of the set of 3D points. We propose a model based on an energy which is composed of two terms: an attachment term that minimizes the distance from 3D points to the projective lines of camera points, and a second term that allows for the regularization of the set of 3D points by preserving discontinuities presented on the disparity maps. We embed this energy in a 2D finite element method. After minimizing, this method results in a large system of equations that can be optimized for fast computations. We derive an efficient implicit numerical scheme which reduces the number of calculations and memory allocations.
L'analisi di un'immagine con strumenti automatici si è sviluppata in quella che oggi viene chiamata "computer vision", la materia di studio proveniente dal mondo informatico che si occupa, letteralmente, di "vedere oltre", di estrarre da una figura una serie di aspetti strutturali, sotto forma di dati numerici. Tra le tante aree di ricerca che ne derivano, una in particolare è dedicata alla comprensione di un dettaglio estremamente interessante, che si presta ad applicazioni di molteplici tipologie: la profondità. L'idea di poter recuperare ciò che, apparentemente, si era perso fermando una scena ed imprimendone l'istante in un piano a due dimensioni poteva sembrare, fino a non troppi anni fa, qualcosa di impossibile. Grazie alla cosiddetta "visione stereo", invece, oggi possiamo godere della "terza dimensione" in diversi ambiti, legati ad attività professionali piuttosto che di svago. Inoltre, si presta ad utilizzi ancora più interessanti quando gli strumenti possono vantare caratteristiche tecniche accessibili, come dimensioni ridotte e facilità d'uso. Proprio quest'ultimo aspetto ha catturato l'attenzione di un gruppo di lavoro, dal quale è nata l'idea di sviluppare una soluzione, chiamata "SuperStereo", capace di permettere la stereo vision usando uno strumento estremamente diffuso nel mercato tecnologico globale: uno smartphone e, più in generale, qualsiasi dispositivo mobile appartenente a questa categoria.
Accurate placement of lesions is crucial for the effectiveness and safety of a retinal laser photocoagulation treatment. Computer assistance provides the capability for improvements to treatment accuracy and execution time. The idea is to use video frames acquired from a scanning digital ophthalmoscope (SDO) to compensate for retinal motion during laser treatment. This paper presents a method for the multimodal registration of the initial frame from an SDO retinal video sequence to a retinal composite image, which may contain a treatment plan. The retinal registration procedure comprises the following steps: 1) detection of vessel centerline points and identification of the optic disc; 2) prealignment of the video frame and the composite image based on optic disc parameters; and 3) iterative matching of the detected vessel centerline points in expanding matching regions. This registration algorithm was designed for the initialization of a real-time registration procedure that registers the subsequent video frames to the composite image. The algorithm demonstrated its capability to register various pairs of SDO video frames and composite images acquired from patients.
Adding virtual objects to real environments plays an important role in todays computer graphics: Typical examples are virtual furniture in a real room and virtual characters in real movies. For a believable appearance, consistent lighting of the virtual objects is required. We present an augmented reality system that displays virtual objects with consistent illumination and shadows in the image of a simple webcam. We use two high dynamic range video cameras with fisheye lenses permanently recording the environment illumination. A sampling algorithm selects a few bright parts in one of the wide angle images and the corresponding points in the second camera image. The 3D position can then be calculated using epipolar geometry. Finally, the selected point lights are used in a multi pass algorithm to draw the virtual object with shadows. To validate our approach, we compare the appearance and shadows of the synthetic objects with real objects.
We present an algorithm for estimating dense image correspondences. Our versatile approach lends itself to various tasks typical for video post-processing, including image morphing, optical flow estimation, stereo rectification, disparity/depth reconstruction, and baseline adjustment. We incorporate recent advances in feature matching, energy minimization, stereo vision, and data clustering into our approach. At the core of our correspondence estimation we use Efficient Belief Propagation for energy minimization. While state-of-the-art algorithms only work on thumbnail-sized images, our novel feature downsampling scheme in combination with a simple, yet efficient data term compression, can cope with high-resolution data. The incorporation of SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) features into data term computation further resolves matching ambiguities, making long-range correspondence estimation possible. We detect occluded areas by evaluating the correspondence symmetry, we further apply Geodesic matting to automatically determine plausible values in these regions.
We describe a user assisted technique for 3D stereo conversion from 2D images. Our approach exploits the geometric structure of perspective images including vanishing points. We allow a user to indicate lines, planes, and vanishing points in the input image, and directly employ these as constraints in an image warping framework to produce a stereo pair. By sidestepping explicit construction of a depth map, our approach is applicable to more general scenes and avoids potential artifacts of depth-image-based rendering. Our method is most suitable for scenes with large scale structures such as buildings.
We present a novel stereo-to-multiview video conversion method for glasses-free multiview displays. Different from previous stereo-to-multiview approaches, our mapping algorithm utilizes the limited depth range of autostereoscopic displays optimally and strives to preserve the scene's artistic composition and perceived depth even under strong depth compression. We first present an investigation of how perceived image quality relates to spatial frequency and disparity. The outcome of this study is utilized in a two-step mapping algorithm, where we (i) compress the scene depth using a non-linear global function to the depth range of an autostereoscopic display and (ii) enhance the depth gradients of salient objects to restore the perceived depth and salient scene structure. Finally, an adapted image domain warping algorithm is proposed to generate the multiview output, which enables overall disparity range extension.