295 resultados para Starter


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Studiens overordnede hensikt er å bestemme begrepet ensomhet i et vårdvitenskapelig perspektiv. Avhandlingen er en monografisk eksplorativ hermeneutisk studie og oppbygget i fire større helheter, der første hoveddel starter med en inntreden i den hermeneutiske spiral, og hvor paradigme, ontologiske, epistemologiske og metodologiske overveielser angir studiens videre retning. Andre hoveddel anses som studiens teoretiske substans og belyser ensomhetens `Hva´ gjennom ulike teoretiske perspektiv og begrepsanalyse av ensom. I belysningen framkommer ensomhet både som lidelse og som meningsfullt for eksistensen. Første hoveddel avsluttes med en bestemmelse av ensomhet som substanskunnskap innenfor vårdvitenskapens helse-og lidelsesforhold som utgjør ulike nivåer av gjørende, værende og vardende. Tredje hoveddel er en empiriskstudie med deltagende observasjon, forskersamtaler og kvalitative intervjuer i samtaleform. Informantene var åtte aleneboende personer med alvorlig psykisk lidelse i en storby og foregikk over ca. ett år. I tolkningsprosessen søkes en gradvis fordypende forståelse av den enkelte informants ensomhet i relasjon til vårdvitenskapens livs-, sykdoms- og vårdlidelse. Tolkningsrammen er i det vesentligefra første teoridel, samtidig som nye tolkningsteoretikere innlemmes som opplysende "lamper". Forståelsens tolkningsresultater framkommer gjennom en sammenfattende diskusjon, der livsberettelsens felles skjebne synliggjør savn som ideografisk invarians. Fjerde hoveddel er en vårdvitenskapelig filosofisk belysning av forholdet ensomhet og savn, hvor Levinas' fundamentaletikk utgjør tolkningsrammen. Studien avsluttes med en horisontsammensmeltning av forholdet ensomhet og savngjennom fellesskap og oppfyllelse i tid og rom. Horisontsammensmeltningen viserat ensomhet og savn i sin dybdestruktur forholder seg til hverandre i en dialektikk til motsetningene: fellesskap og oppfyllelse. Det nedfelles fem teser som ansatser til vårdvitenskapelig teori. Resultatene får implikasjoner for så vel pedagogikk som vårdpraksis.


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After hatching, pullets are transported to brooding area and vaccinated. One day old chicks have not already developed thermoregulation ability; thus, brooding temperature variations may affect pullet quality leading to broiler meat production losses. This research aimed to calculate sensible heat loss in one day old pullets in hatching area and vaccination room. Ten one day old pullets were randomly selected from hatching area of a commercial hatchery. Infrared images were used to calculate bird surface temperature. Exposure areas for the two conditions were quantified, and both air temperature and wind speed was recorded. Total sensible heat loss was calculated as heat loss by radiation plus heat loss by convection. It was found that heat transfer occurs in different ways at different bird body parts. Total heat loss found for hatching baskets was equivalent to 0.81 J s-1 while for vaccination room was 1.16 J s-1. Pullet nutrition is based on energy loss from brooding to farm, and the overall pullet heat loss from hatchery to farm accepted is 13.95 J s-1. Thus, "starter feed" has relevant excess of energy input. These findings indicate that less energy can be used in initial feed, once heat loss is lower than assumed nowadays. Improved knowledge on these conditions may enhance broiler farm feeding strategies and economics during first rearing week.


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In Finland the thermal treatment of sewage sludge has been moderate in 21th century. The reason has been the high moisture content of sludge. During 2005-2008, 97-99% of sewage sludge was utilized in landscaping and agriculture. However agricultural use has been during 2005-2007 less than 3 %. The aim of national waste management plan is that by 2016 100% of sludge is used either as soil amendment or energy. The most popular utilization method for manure is spreading it on arable land. The dry manures such as poultry manure and horse manure could also be used in incineration. The ashes could be used as fertilizers and while it is not suitable as a starter fertilizer, it is suitable in maintaining P levels in the soil. One of the main drivers for more efficient nutrient management is the eutrophication in lakes and the Baltic See. ASH DEC process can be used in concentrating phosphorus rich ashes while separating the heavy metals that could be included. ASH DEC process uses thermochemical treatment to produce renewable phosphate for fertilizer production. The process includes mixing of ashes and chlorine donors and subsequent treatment in rotary kiln for 20 min in temperature of 900 – 1 050 oC. The heavy metals evaporate and P-rich product is obtained. The toxic substances are retained in air pollution control system in form of mixed metal hydroxides. The aim of conducting this study is to estimate the potential of ASH DEC process in treating phosphorus rich ashes in Finland. The masses considered in are sewage sludge, dry manure from horses, and poultry and liquid pig manure. To date the usual treatment method for sewage sludge in Finland is composting or anaerobic digestion. Part of the amount of produced sewage sludge (800 kt/a fresh mass and 160 kt/a TS) could also be incinerated and the residual ashes used in ASH DEC process. Incinerating only manure can be economically difficult to manage because the incineration of manure is in Finland considered as waste incineration. Getting a permit for waste incineration is difficult and also small scale waste incineration is too expensive. The manure could act as an additional feedstock in counties with high density of animal husbandry where the land area might not be enough for spreading of manure. Now when the manure acts as a supplementary feedstock beside sludge, the ash can’t be used directly as fertilizer. Then it could be used in ASH DEC process. The perquisite is that the manure producers could pay for the incineration, which might prove problematic.


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The demand for more efficient manufacturing processes has been increasing in the last few years. The cold forging process is presented as a possible solution, because it allows the production of parts with a good surface finish and with good mechanical properties. Nevertheless, the cold forming sequence design is very empirical and it is based on the designer experience. The computational modeling of each forming process stage by the finite element method can make the sequence design faster and more efficient, decreasing the use of conventional "trial and error" methods. In this study, the application of a commercial general finite element software - ANSYS - has been applied to model a forming operation. Models have been developed to simulate the ring compression test and to simulate a basic forming operation (upsetting) that is applied in most of the cold forging parts sequences. The simulated upsetting operation is one stage of the automotive starter parts manufacturing process. Experiments have been done to obtain the stress-strain material curve, the material flow during the simulated stage, and the required forming force. These experiments provided results used as numerical model input data and as validation of model results. The comparison between experiments and numerical results confirms the developed methodology potential on die filling prediction.


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Jerked beef - JB - é um produto cárneo curado, salgado e seco ao sol, derivado de um típico produto cárneo brasileiro - o charque. Ambos carecem de estudos que orientem seu aprimoramento. Staphylococcus spp. têm sido reportado como o gênero predominante na microbiota do produto, o que evidencia o risco de desenvolvimento de linhagens enterotoxigênicas de S. aureus. Foram empregadas duas linhagens inócuas de estafilococos na elaboração de JB, a fim de avaliar sua influência sobre o desenvolvimento de S. aureus por mecanismo competitivo ou pela produção de bacteriocinas. Os resultados demonstraram que ambas inibiram o desenvolvimento do patógeno tanto in vitro como durante o processamento do produto. Não se observou produção de compostos inibitórios pelas linhagens iniciadoras, ficando a explicação para a inibição observada restrita ao mecanismo competitivo. Este trabalho permitiu demonstrar a possibilidade de aumentar a segurança e padronização de JB pelo emprego de culturas bacterianas selecionadas.


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Com o objetivo de determinar as isotermas de adsorção de cádmio por Saccharomyces cerevisiae, foram utilizados os sais cloreto e nitrato de cádmio nas concentrações de 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100mg L-1. A biomassa foi produzida a partir de uma cultura "starter"de Saccharomyces cerevisiae IZ 1904. Após o contato de 16h entre o microrganismo e as soluções em estudo, a biomassa foi separada por centrifugação e o teor de cádmio residual foi determinado no sobrenadante por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Para os dois sais empregados foi observado um acúmulo crescente de cádmio nas concentrações de 5, 10, 20 e 40mg L-1. Nas concentrações de 60, 80 e 100mg L-1 foi observado que a levedura acumulou teores menores do metal, evidenciando danos na parede celular, nem sempre acompanhados de iguais danos da membrana citoplasmática, tais alterações da parede visualizadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura.


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O efeito de diferentes combinações de gomas sobre os parâmetros de textura instrumental de queijo tipo petit-suisse probiótico foi avaliado. Queijos petit-suisse foram produzidos utilizando-se massa-base de queijo quark preparada com o starter Streptococcus thermophilus e os probióticos Lactobacillus acidophilus e Bifidobacterium longum. Três formulações de queijo petit-suisse foram preparadas, a partir de massa-base de queijo quark adicionada de 0,75% do produto final da mistura de gomas - xantana (X), carragena (C), guar (G), pectina (P): F1 = 2,5X:2,5C:5G; F2 = 2X:3C:5P; F3 = 5C:5G. Os parâmetros avaliados após 1, 7, 14 e 21 dias de armazenamento do produto a 4±1ºC incluíram a contagem de probióticos, a textura instrumental, o pH e a umidade. As populações de probióticos mantiveram-se acima de 6,40 log UFC/g para L. acidophilus e de 7,30 log UFC/g para B. longum. Houve diferença significativa entre as formulações (p<0,05) para todos os parâmetros de textura, exceto a firmeza de F1. O pH e a umidade apresentaram comportamento semelhante para as três formulações. Dentre as formulações estudadas, F1 foi considerada a melhor, por sua firmeza mais estável durante o período de armazenamento.


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Para determinar as isotermas de adsorção de cádmio por Saccharomyces cerevisiae, foram utilizados os sais acetato e sulfato de cádmio, nas concentrações de 5; 10; 20; 40; 60; 80 e 100 mg.L-1. A biomassa foi produzida a partir de uma cultura "starter" de Saccharomyces cerevisiae IZ 1904. Após o contato de 16 horas entre o microrganismo em estudo e as soluções teste, a biomassa foi separada por centrifugação e o teor de cádmio residual foi determinado por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica diretamente no sobrenadante. Os dois sais testados demonstraram acúmulo crescente do metal nas concentrações de 5; 10; 20 e 40 mg.L-1. Porém, nas concentrações de 60; 80 e 100 mg.L-1, foi observado um acúmulo decrescente do metal, mostrando assim danos da parede celular, nem sempre evidenciados em nível de membrana citoplasmática, visualizados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo produzir uma cultura starter com uma cepa de Lactobacillus plantarum em um meio de cultura com plasma suíno e verificar a viabilidade de sua aplicação em salame. O meio de cultura foi preparado com plasma suíno e água destilada (1:1, pH 11,0). Após a esterilização, 300 mL foram adicionados de 400 mL de uma solução estéril de glicose e difosfato de potássio. A cepa de Lb. plantarum foi semeada no meio de cultura e submetida à fermentação em pH 7,0, durante 36 horas (100 rpm, 37 ± 0,1 °C). Ao alcançar a fase estacionária, a cultura foi centrifugada e ressuspendida em leite desnatado estéril, liofilizada e aplicada em salame. A influência do inóculo foi avaliada nas características microbiológicas, físico-químicas e sensoriais de salames. Os resultados encontrados foram comparados com tratamentos sem adição de cultura starter e com uma cultura comercial. O microrganismo Lb. plantarum teve um crescimento máximo de 9,82 Log UFC.mL-1, após 30 horas de fermentação. Os salames elaborados com a cultura starter produzida apresentaram uma queda de pH significativamente maior, e menor valor de atividade de água que os demais tratamentos. O microrganismo Lb. plantarum melhorou significativamente o sabor dos salames.


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The thermotolerant capacity of several lactic acid bacteria strains isolated from cooked commercial sausages was determined. Four strains were positively identified as Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus curvatus, Pediococcus pentosaceus and Pediococcus acidilacti, after surviving thermal treatment (70 °C during 60 minutes). Thermotolerant strains were inoculated in sausage batters before cooking in order to determine their effect on color, texture, acceptance and inhibition of Enterobacteria during 12 days at 8 °C. No significant effect of the inoculated strains was detected on color parameters. Textural profile parameters, cohesiveness and resilience, were not affected by the inoculation of thermotolerant lactic acid bacteria, but L. curvatus sausages resulted softer than the rest of the treatments. Samples inoculated with L. curvatus also obtained the lowest scores for the sensory attributes evaluated, with the remaining treatments causing no unfavorable effects on sausage acceptance. There was a reduction in enterobacterial counts after 12 days of cold storage in inoculated samples. The performance of inoculated lactic acid bacteria strains can be explained in a similar way as that of starter cultures in dry-fermented sausages, where the growth in nests impairs other pathogenic microorganisms present in the rest of the sausage, since environmental conditions and the early inoculation of these thermotolerant strains favor them to become the dominant flora.


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Os probióticos têm sido largamente utilizados em produtos lácteos. Recentemente, seu uso em produtos cárneos tem despertado interesse, principalmente em embutidos fermentados consumidos na forma crua e sem aquecimento prévio. Verificou-se a influência da utilização de Lactobacillus casei, L. paracasei e L. rhamnosus sobre as características físico-químicas e sensoriais de embutido fermentado, bem como o desenvolvimento e a viabilidade das culturas no produto cárneo. Os embutidos foram processados em quatro tratamentos, sendo o primeiro tratamento usado como controle, enquanto os demais receberam a adição de uma espécie de Lactobacillus probiótico, seguindo procedimento de fabricação descrito para salame italiano por um período de 25 dias. A presença das culturas probióticas promoveu redução mais rápida do pH dos embutidos em relação ao tratamento controle, proporcionando gosto ácido mais intenso na avaliação sensorial, principalmente para cepa de L. rhamnosus. O crescimento de Staphylococcus xylosus da cultura starter sofreu redução com a adição dos probióticos, porém o desenvolvimento de Pediococcus pentosaceus não foi afetado. Os probióticos testados mostraram crescimento durante o processamento e permaneceram viáveis no produto final. Ficou demonstrada a viabilidade da utilização das culturas probióticas em embutido cárneo fermentado, principalmente L. casei e L. paracasei, preservando suas propriedades tecnológicas e sensoriais.


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Lactic beverages containing probiotics were prepared with whole UHT milk, whey of Mozzarella cheese, soybean hydrosoluble extract and sugar. Three formulations were studied, each one containing a different combination of probiotic/starter bacteria, fermented at two different temperatures (37 and 45 °C). The aim of this work was to verify the influence of these variables on the viability of probiotic microorganisms and on the physicochemical stability of lactic beverages during storage under refrigeration (21 days at 7 °C). The results indicated that the fermentation temperature had a significant effect on the viability of probiotic bacteria. Counts for Lactobacillus acidophilus were affected by storage time, resulting appropriate after 21 days only for the beverage fermented at 37 °C. Physicochemical parameters did not exhibit drastic variations - proving the stability of formulations during storage. Cells of Bifidobacterium spp. showed high survival ability, probably due to the presence of growth promoters from soybean and cheese whey. The fermentation temperature of 37 °C allowed counts above the minimum limit for all the studied microorganisms, being preferred to the temperature of 45 °C. The inclusion of soybean hydrosoluble extract, a prebiotics source, resulted in a symbiotic product with more benefits to the health of consumers.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate some physical and chemical parameters (total solids, pH, acidity, fat, acid degree value of fat, salt, protein and nitrogen fractions) and their effects on the beneficial (lactic acid bacteria: LAB) and undesirable microbial populations (coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, moulds, and yeast) during ripening of Artisanal Corrientes Cheese, an Argentinian cow's milk variety, to determine whether a longer ripening period than usual improve its hygienic-sanitary quality. The protein content was much higher than that of other cow's milk cheeses with similar values of fat. The larger peptides showed values three times higher in the 30 day-old cheese than those obtained in the beginning of the process. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were detected (3.04 ± 1.48 log10 cfu/g of cheese, 2.21 ± 0.84 log10 MPN/g of cheese) even at 15 and 30 days of ripening, respectively. The distribution of three hundred LAB strains classified to the genus level (lactococci:lactobacilli:leuconostocs) was maintained during the ripening period. The high number of LAB in rennet may have contributed to the fermentation as a natural whey starter, unknown source of LAB for this specific cheese so far. The physicochemical changes that occur during ripening were not big enough to inhibit the growth of undesirable microorganisms.


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The aim of this study was to compare the rheology of spreadable cheeses elaborated with autochthonous lactic starter cultures without the addition of exopolysaccharide-producing strain in the same starter with exopolysaccharide-producing strain. From a rheological standpoint, both samples were characterized as weak viscoelastic gels and pseudoplastic products. It was concluded that cheese made with exopolysaccharide-producing strain showed smaller G', G", and η* values over the range of frequencies studied and smaller critic stress values than the cheese without exopolysaccharide-producing strain. The results obtained indicate that cheeses without exopolysaccharide-producing strain need to be added with any texture enhancer product.


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This study aimed to evaluate the presence of enterotoxigenic S. aureus in the endogenous starter and in Artisan Minas cheeses from the Serra da Canastra. Sixteen samples of endogenous starters and cheese were collected during the rainy and dry seasons. The isolation and enumeration of S. aureus were performed using the PetrifilmTM-Rapid S. aureus Plate Count method. The presence of enterotoxin in the cheese samples was analyzed by the Optimal Sensitivity Plate (OSP) method and the ELFA-VIDAS®-Staph enterotoxin-II assay. S. aureus strains were tested for their ability to produce enterotoxins using the Optimal Sensitivity Plate (OSP) method and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the classical enterotoxin genes. The Optimal Sensitivity Plate (OSP) method data showed that staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) was detected in 75% of the cheese samples, but no toxin was detected with the ELFA-VIDAS method. It was found that 12.5% of the isolated strains produced staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) and staphylococcal enterotoxin C (SEC). When using the the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, only one isolate was found to harbor an enterotoxin gene, contrary our expectations. However, discrepancies between the immunological and molecular assays are not uncommon. Despite the fact that most isolates did not produce classical enterotoxins, high S. aureus counts in the cheese samples causes concern since there is a risk of the presence of non-classical enterotoxins.