495 resultados para Staffordshire pottery.
Type X is one of four Post-Lapita pottery styles reported from Huon Peninsula and the Siassi Islands of Papua New Guinea. Previous petrographic work was inconclusive about its likely area of origin but indicated a possible Huon Peninsula source. Renewed analysis of a larger sample supports this conclusion and confirms the use of grog temper. This kind of temper is otherwise not recorded in the New Guinea region, and its use in the production of Type X was probably culturally driven. Comparisons between Type X and grog-tempered pottery from Palau, Yap, and Pohnpei in Micronesia lead to the suggestion that Type X probably derived from an otherwise unrecorded contact between Huon Peninsula and Palau about 1000 years ago. The article reviews other evidence for interaction between the New Guinea-Bismarck Archipelago region and various parts of Micronesia and concludes that the proposed Type X connection with Palau is but one of several prehistoric contacts between different parts of the regions. Recognition of such contacts, which could have been unintentional and on a small scale, may contribute to explaining the complex ethnolinguistic situation of Huon Peninsula.
This research identifies factors which influence the consumption of potable water supplied to customers' property. A complete spectrum of the customer base is examined including household, commercial and industrial properties. The research considers information from around the world, particularly demand management and tariff related projects from North America. A device termed the Flow Moderator was developed and proven, with extensive trials, to conserve water at a rate equivalent to 40 litres/property/day whilst maintaining standards-of-service considerably in excess of Regulatory requirements. A detailed appraisal of the Moderator underlines the costs and benefits available to the industry through deliberate application of even mild demand management. More radically the concept of a charging policy utilising the Moderator is developed and appraised. Advantages include the lower costs of conventional fixed-price charging systems coupled with the conservation and equitability aspects associated with metering. Explanatory models were developed linking consumption to a range of variables demonstrated that households served by a communal water service-pipe (known in the UK as a shared supply) are subject to associated restrictions equivalent to -180 litres/property/day. The research confirmed that occupancy levels were a significant predictive element for household, commercial and industrial customers. The occurrence of on-property leakage was also demonstrated to be a significant factor recorded as an event which offers considerable scope for demand management in its own right.
Inscription: Verso: Women at work: miscellaneous occupations. Isla Del Sol Carolina, pottery factory, Puerto Rico.
The intention of this thesis, “Ceramics in Britain (1840–90): Meanings and Metaphors” is to present new approaches for interpreting ceramics in nineteenth-century Britain by situating, problematizing, and contextualizing pottery and porcelain in the popular debates of the day within the methodologies of material culture, design, cultural and art histories. I ask how did ceramics—portable, functional, and often decorative objects—contribute to shaping modes of experiences? Crockery, tableware and blue-white-porcelain, admittedly largely mediated in texts and paintings, are at the centre of this research to examine how they imposed symbolism and influenced the engagement of their subjects beyond their intended meanings and functions. This thesis tracks a common rhetoric shared by writers and artists across genres and understood by readers and viewers: crockery in the cupboard, on the mantel, the table or the floor were popular motifs exemplifying class, gender, character, etiquette, and taste. This thesis also seeks to map ceramics’ relations with other objects and people depicted. Their meanings and metaphors changed, depending on their exchange with other objects in the room and who uses them. The conventions of representing ceramics dictated a particular grammar that writers and artists used, critiqued, discarded or personalized. The examination of ceramics mediated in text and image especially in comparison with extant objects invites a deeper probing of both material culture and artistic practice, which helps to situate the agency of the ceramic objects themselves. Also this thesis, in attempt to explore new methodological approaches for ceramic studies, examines the social life of the mid-Victorian relief-moulded “Minster” Jug in the Gardiner Museum in Toronto. The product originating in Staffordshire in 1843 and exported to the colonies holds significance due to its multiple life histories. Viewing the “Minster” through the lenses of curator, collector, consumer, and critic its layered lives unfold to reveal the protocols of museum praxis as well as important aspects of mid-nineteenth-century British society related to design reform, gender, imperialism and consumption patterns. This thesis contends that the British experienced ceramics in sometimes unexpected ways, unrelated to their original purpose, such as tools of violence or containers of solace, and transformative fantasy.
The pottery found in the burials of El Cano is uniform in style to these made in the coclesanos valleys between 700 and 1000 AD. The coefficient of variability of the different pottery forms, evidence diverse standardizations values for polychrome and non-polychrome ceramics. Moreover, data of funerary contexts from the Cano recently excavated, suggest that elite has controlled ceramic production. This control over the production of certain goods reveals that these were important in the support or proper operational of the chiefdoms in Panama and mark the phase of splendour of this culture.
South Staffordshire College. Thought leadership interview with Jamie Smith, director of strategy and infrastructure
The thesis examines the technical aspects of unglazed molded ceramics from Mértola, in the context of Islamic archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula (Almohad period, end of 12th and the beginning of 13th century). Ceramics of the time period under discussion (12th – 13th century) are understudied, including in what concern to shaping and firing of ceramic vessels, the origin of raw materials used in ceramics and glazes, and decoration methods such as slip painting and/or colored glazes. Moreover, the use of archaeometry tools is rare. Along with providing a general picture of molded ceramic production in Mértola, this work provides a new dimension to the discipline of Islamic ceramic studies by the analytical tool used and demonstrating the importance of archaeological ceramics of the western peripheries to the understanding the production of ceramics and the transmission of knowledge and cultural traditions within the Islamic caliphate. The chemical and mineralogical characterization of 12th/13th century Almohad unglazed molded ware from Mértola was accomplished through multi – analytical approach combining SEM, Powder/uXRD and LA-ICP-MS methods. In this paper unglazed and glazed samples were analyzed but the attention was given to unglazed specimens, while the glazed samples were used for the comparison with the previous group in order to determine possible similarities or dissimilarities, thus providing enough data to discuss about technical aspects and potential provenance; Resumo: A tese debruça-se sobre os aspetos técnicos de cerâmica de molde não-vidrada de Mértola, no contexto da arqueologia islâmica da Península Ibérica (período Almóada, final de XII e início do século XIII). A cerâmica do período em discussão (séculos XII-XIII) é pouco estudada inclusive no que concerne ao fabrico e à cozedura, à de fonte de matérias-primas, na pasta ou nos esmaltes e aos métodos de decoração, como pintura, presença de engobes ou esmaltes. Além disso, o uso de ferramentas de Arqueometria é raro. Para fornecer uma visão geral da produção de cerâmica moldada em Mértola, este trabalho oferece uma nova dimensão para a disciplina de cerâmica islâmicas pelas ferramentas analíticas utilizadas. Demonstrando a importância da cerâmica arqueológica da periferia ocidental para a compreensão da produção cerâmica e a transmissão de conhecimentos e tradições culturais no califado islâmico. A caracterização mineralógica e química das cerâmicas de molde e não-vidrada, Almóada, dos séculos XII-XIII de Mértola foi realizada através de uma abordagem multi-analítica que combina métodos de SEM-EDS, uXRD e LA-ICP-MS. Neste trabalho, as cerâmicas vidradas e não-vidradas foram analisadas conjuntamente, dando mais atenção aos espécimes não vidrados. As amostras de cerâmicas vidradas foram utilizados para a comparação com o grupo anterior, a fim de determinar as possíveis semelhanças ou diferenças, proporcionando, assim, dados suficientes para discutir os aspetos técnicos e o potencial de proveniência das cerâmicas não vidradas
The aim of the project is the creation of a new model for the analysis of the political and social structures of the Northern Levant during the Iron Age, through the study of the production and circulation of ceramics in urban and rural centers. The project includes an innovative approach compared to a traditional contextual and analytical study of ceramic material. The geographical area under consideration represents an ideal context for understanding these dynamics, as a place of interaction between culturally different but constantly communicating areas (Eastern Mediterranean, Syria, Upper Mesopotamia). They corresponds to present-day southeastern Turkey and northern Syria, with the Mediterranean coast and the Euphrates River as limits to the west and east, respectively. The chronological interval taken into consideration by the study extends from the twelfth century BC. to the seventh century BC, corresponding to a phase of political fragmentation of the region into small-medium state entities and their subsequent conquest by the Neo-Assyrian empire starting from the end of the ninth century BC.
Erluanbi is the most southern tip of Taiwan (Formosa) where the Taiwan (Formosa) Strait meets the Pacific Ocean. The Erluanbi national park is renown for its lighthouse, and its coral reef, and it hosts also some prehistoric sites bating back to 5,000 to 6,500 years. The Erluanbi (or Eluan Pi) lighthouse was completed in 1883, following requests from the American and Japanese governments to the Chinese government after several ship wrecks in the 1860s. Chinese troops were sent to protect the lighthouse construction from attacks by local tribesmen, and the lighthouse was surrounded a small fort with cannons and a ditch to protect it. It is a rare example of a fortified lighthouse in the world. The lighthouse itself is 21.4 m high and its light is 56.4 m above high water. The light flashes every 10 seconds and its range is 27.2 nautical miles. The surrounding Erluanbi national park is located on a raised coral reef with some huge fringing reef : e.g., the "sea pavillon". With the topical oceanic climate, the elevated reef hosts an unique vegetation and ecology. Since 1956, numerous prehistoric artefacts were uncovered including stone slab coffins and pottery (plain and painted), that encompassed at least four cultural stages from BC 4,500 to AD 800.
The use of X-ray imaging to assess variability in ceramic fabrication is common in archaeological studies aimed at examining ancient pottery technologies. In this paper, a method based on the measurement of individual pores orientation is presented. This method is successfully applied to ceramic specimens of known origin whose structure signified different deformation histories.
Como o sector cerâmico é um consumidor intensivo de energia, este trabalho teve como objectivo principal a elaboração de um plano de optimização do desempenho energético da olaria número três da Fábrica Cerâmica de Valadares. Para o efeito, efectuou-se o levantamento energético desta fracção autónoma. O valor total obtido para os ganhos térmicos foi de 8,7x107 kJ/dia, sendo 82% desta energia obtida na combustão do gás natural. Por outro lado, as perdas energéticas rondam os 8,2x107 kJ/dia, sendo o ar de exaustão e a envolvente os principais responsáveis, com um peso de 42 % e 38%, respectivamente. Tendo em conta estes valores, estudaram-se várias medidas de isolamento da cobertura, pavimento, paredes e saída de ar através de fendas do edifício. No caso do isolamento da cobertura sugeriu-se a substituição das telhas de fibrocimento e do isolamento actualmente existentes por painéis sandwich de cobertura. Esta acção permite uma poupança de 64.796€/ano, com um investimento de 57.029€ e o seu período de retorno de 0,9 anos. O Valor Actualizado Líquido (VAL) no 5º ano foi de 184.069€, com uma Taxa Interna de Rentabilidade (TIR) de 92%. Para isolar o pavimento, sugeriu-se a utilização de placas de poliuretano expandido (PU) de 20mm de espessura. Assim, consegue-se uma poupança de 7.442 €/ano, com um investimento de 21.708€, e um tempo de retorno 2,9 anos. No final do 5º ano de vida útil do projecto, o VAL é de 4.070€ e a TIR 7%. Relativamente ao isolamento das paredes e pilares, sugeriu-se a utilização de placas de PU (30mm), recobertas com chapa de ferro galvanizado. O tempo de retorno do investimento é de 1,5 anos, uma vez que, o investimento é de 13.670€ e a poupança anual será de 9.183€. Esta solução apresenta no último ano um VAL de 12.835€ e uma TIR de 22%. No isolamento das fendas do edifício, sugeriu-se a redução de 20% da sua área livre. Esta medida de optimização implica um investimento de 8.000€, revelando-se suficientemente eficaz, pois apresenta um tempo de retorno de 0,67 anos. O VAL e a TIR da solução no último ano de vida útil do projecto de investimento são de 36.835€ e 35%, respectivamente. Por fim, sugeriu-se ainda a instalação de um sistema de controlo que visa o aproveitamento de ar quente proveniente do forno, instalado no piso inferior à olaria, para pré-aquecer o ar alimentado aos geradores de calor. Esta medida implicaria um investimento de 4.000€, com um tempo de retorno de 2,4 anos e uma poupança anual é de 1.686€. O investimento é aconselhável, já que, no 5º ano, o VAL é de 1.956€ e a TIR é de 17%.