447 resultados para Spark


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Turbocompounding is generally regarded as the process of recovering a proportion of the exhaust gas energy from a reciprocating engine and applying it to the output power of the crankshaft. In conventional turbocompounding, the power turbine has been mechanically connected to the crankshaft but now a new method has emerged. Recent advances in high speed electrical machines have enabled the power turbine to be coupled to an electric generator. Decoupling the power turbine from the crankshaft and coupling it to a generator allows the power electronics to control the turbine speed independently in order to optimize the turbine efficiency for different engine operating conditions.


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Endogenous electric fields (EF) have long been known to influence cell behaviour during development, neural cell tropism, wound healing and cell behaviour generally. The effect is based on short circuiting of electrical potential differences across cell and tissue boundaries generated by ionic segregation. Recent in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that EF regulate not only cell movement but orientation of cells during mitosis, an effect which may underlie shaping of tissues and organs. The molecular basis of this effect is founded on receptor-mediated cell signalling events and alterations in cytoskeletal function as revealed in studies of gene deficient cells. Remarkably, not all cells respond directionally to EF in the same way and this has consequences, for instance, for lens development and vascular remodelling. The physical basis of EF effect may be related to changes induced in 'bound water' at the cell surface, whose organisation in association with trans-membrane proteins (e.g. receptors) is disrupted when EF are generated. Copyright © 2007 S. Karger AG.


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Neste trabalho foram produzidos nanocompósitos de AlSiC misturando alumínio puro com nano partículas de SiC com diâmetro de 45 – 55 nm, usando, de forma sequencial, a técnica da metalurgia do pó e a compactação por “ Spark Plasma Sintering”. O compósito obtido apresentava grãos com 100 nm de diâmetro, encontrandose as partículas de SiC localizadas, principalmente, nas fronteiras de grão. O nanocompósito sob a forma de provetes cilíndricos foi submetido a testes de compressão uniaxial e a testes de nanoindentação para analisar a influência das nanopartículas de SiC, da fração volúmica de ácido esteárico e do tempo de moagem, nas propriedades mecânicas do material. Para efeitos de comparação, utilizouse o comportamento mecânico do Al puro processado em condições similares e da liga de alumínio AA1050O. A tensão limite de elasticidade do nanocompósito com 1% Vol./Vol. de SiC é dez vezes superior à do AA1050. O refinamento de grão à escala nano constitui o principal mecanismo de aumento de resistência mecânica. Na realidade, o Al nanocristalino sem reforço de partículas de SiC, apresenta uma tensão limite de elasticidade sete vezes superior à da liga AA1050O. A adição de 0,5 % Vol./Vol. e de 1 % Vol./Vol. de SiC conduzem, respetivamente, ao aumento da tensão limite de elasticidade em 47 % e 50%. O aumento do tempo de moagem e a adição de ácido esteárico ao pó durante a moagem conduzem apenas a um pequeno aumento da tensão de escoamento. A dureza do material medida através de testes de nanoindentação confirmaram os dados anteriores. A estabilidade das microestruturas do alumínio puro e do nanocompósito AlSiC, foi testada através de recozimento de restauração realizado às temperaturas de 150 °C e 250 °C durante 2 horas. Aparentemente, o tratamento térmico não influenciou as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais, excepto do nanocompósito com 1 % Vol./Vol. de SiC restaurado à temperatura de 250 °C, para o qual se observou uma redução da tensão limite de elasticidade na ordem dos 13 %. No alumínio nanocristalino, a tensão de escoamento é controlada pelo efeito de HallPetch. As partículas de SiC, são segregadas pelas fronteiras do grão e não contribuem para o aumento de resistência mecânica segundo o mecanismo de Orowan. Alternativamente, as nanopartículas de SiC constituem um reforço das fronteiras do grão, impedindo o seu escorregamento e estabilizando a nanoestrutura. Deste modo, as propriedades mecânicas do alumínio nanocristalino e do nanocompósito de AlSiC poderão estar relacionadas com a facilidade ou dificuldade do escorregamento das fronteiras de grão, embora não seja apresentada prova explícita deste mecanismo à temperatura ambiente.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2014


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A low inductance, triggered spark gap switch suitable for a high-current fast discharge system has been developed. The details of the design and fabrication of this pressurized spark gap, which uses only commonly available materials are described. A transverse discharge Blumlein-driven N2 laser incorporating this device gives a peak output power of 700 kW with a FWHM of 3 ns and an efficiency of 0.51%, which is remarkably high for a pulsed nitrogen laser system.


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Network connectivity is reaching more and more into the physical world. This is potentially transformative – allowing every object and service in the world to talk to one other—and to their users—through any networked interface; where online services are the connective tissue of the physical world and where physical objects are avatars of online services.


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Varje år är det ett antal företag som på grund av besparingskrav tvingas till personalnedskärningar, eller till att avveckla sin verksamhet. Hur personalen påverkas vid sådana förändringar beror bland annat på hur delaktiga de får vara i beslutsprocessen, och på att kommunikation mellan ledning och medarbetarna fungerar så att alla får den information och det stöd de behöver.Ett Företag meddelar att deras verksamhet ska avvecklas och att delar av den ska flytta. Beskedet kommer mycket oväntat och beslutet innebär att en del anställda får möjlighet att flytta med Företaget, men att de flesta anställda kommer att sägas upp. Den här studien utgår från de anställdas perspektiv av upplevelsen då deras arbetsplats ska avvecklas. Materialet till undersökningen har samlats in via intervjuer och genom brev där anställda har fått skriva om hur de upplever situationen.Det visar sig att de anställda är missnöjda med hur avvecklingen har skötts, och de anser att de inte fått tillräckligt med information för att få en förståelse för beslutet. Deltagarna i undersökningen säger att de har haft svårt att motivera sig att arbeta eftersom arbetet känts meningslöst och att de inte känt sig behövda. Men flera säger också att avvecklingen var den kicken de behövde för att våga göra någonting annat, att byta arbete eller satsa på ett annat yrke.


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Air-atomized pure aluminium powder with 15 at.% MgB2 was mechanically milled (MMed) by using a vibrational ball mill, and MMed powders were consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) to produce composite materials with high specific strength. Solid-state reactions of MMed powders have been examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and mechanical properties of the SPSed materials have been evaluated by hardness measurements and compression tests. Orientation images of microstructures were obtained via the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique.

The solid-state reactions in the Al–15 at.% MgB2 composite materials occurred between the MMed powders and process control agent (PCA) after heating at 773–873 K for 24 h. The products of the solid-state reaction were a combination of AlB2, Al3BC and spinel MgAl2O4. Mechanical milling (MM) processing time and heating temperatures affect the characteristics of those intermetallic compounds. As the result of the solid-state reactions in MMed powders, a hardness increase was observed in MMed powders after heating at 573–873 K for 24 h. The full density was attained for the SPSed materials from 4 h or 8 h MMed powders in the Al–15 at.% MgB2 composite materials under an applied pressure of 49 MPa at 873 K for 1 h. The microstructure of the SPSed materials fabricated from the MMed powders presented the bimodal aluminium matrix grain structure with the randomly distributions. The Al–15 at.% MgB2SPSed material from powder MMed for 8 h exhibited the highest compressive 0.2% proof strength of 846 MPa at room temperature.


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The aluminium-rich ternary aluminium borocarbide, Al3BC was synthesised for the first time by solid-state reactions occurring during heat treatments after mechanical milling (MM) of pure aluminium with 15 or 50 at% MgB2 powder mixtures in the presence of the process control agent (PCA).

The solid-state reactions in the Al–15 and 50 at% MgB2 composite materials occurred between the MMed powders and process control agent (PCA) after heating at 773–873 K for 24 h. The products of the solid-state reaction induced Al3BC, AlB2, γ-Al2O3 and spinel MgAl2O4. MM processing time and heating temperatures in the Al–15 and 50 at% MgB2 composite materials affected the selection of those intermetallic compounds. When MM processing time was increased for a given composition, the formation of the Al3BC compound started at lower heat treatment temperatures. However, when the amount of MgB2 was increased in the 4 h MM processing regime, the formation of the Al3BC compound during heating was suppressed. As a result of the solid-state reactions in MMed powders the hardness was observed to increase after heating at 573–873 K for 24 h.

The fully dense bulk nano-composite materials have been successfully obtained through the combination of the MM and spark plasma sintering (SPS) processes for the 4 h or 8 h MMed powders of the Al–15 at% MgB2 composite materials sintered under an applied pressure of 49 MPa at 873 K for 1 h.


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Porous materials are now becoming attractive to researchers interested in both scientific and industrial applications due to their unique combinations of physical, mechanical, thermal, electrical and acoustic properties in conjunction with excellent energy absorption characteristics. Metallic foams allow efficient conversion of impact energy into deformation work, which has led to increasing applications in energy absorption devices. In particular, foams made of aluminum and its alloys are of special interest because they can be used as lightweight panels, for energy absorption in crash situations and sound or heat absorbing functions in the automotive industry with the aim to reduce weight to improve crashworthiness, safety and comfort.