994 resultados para Solanum glaucophyllum
Cubiu shrubs (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal) have drawn the attention of researchers for their biological versatility (preferential heliophilous or facultative ombrophilous shrubs), their capacity to grow in upland or lowland areas, and the good technological quality of their fruits for the food industry. The aim of this study was to verify physicochemical changes in cubiu fruits during maturation. The fruits were harvested from the experimental station of olericulture of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Brazil. The analyses were performed in whole cubiu fruits (peel, pulp, and placenta) at four traditional ripening stages (green, turning, ripe, and fully ripe) for the determination of weight, moisture, total solids, total carotenoids, proteins, lipids, and ash. Cubiu fruits showed large weight variation, with amodal distribution. The ripe stage was critical to maintain moisture, and from that stage on, water loss became evident. The lipids increased steadily over the four ripening stages, maintaining, however, insignificant calorie content. Total carotenoids, proteins, and ash reached the maximum level at the fully ripe stage. With the exception of weight and moisture, all physicochemical changes exhibited the same general behavior, i.e. they increased as the fruits ripened at the four investigated stages.
AbstractThermal processing and production practices used in vegetables can cause changes in their phytochemical contents. Eggplant is characterized by its high antioxidant content. The objective of this work was to determine levels of anthocyanins, polyphenols, and flavonoids and antioxidant capacity in organically and conventionally grown eggplant prepared fresh or subjected to one of three thermal preparation methods: boiling, baking or steaming. The soluble and hydrolyzable polyphenols and flavonoids content were quantified by Folin-Ciocalteu and Aluminum chloride methods, respectively. Anthocyanins were quantified according to the pH differential method. Antioxidant capacity was determined by DPPH and ORAC methods. The results showed differences between organic and conventional eggplant for some variables although cultivation method did not have a consistent effect. Hydrolysable polyphenol content was greater, and soluble and hydrolysable antioxidant capacities were higher in organically grown eggplant, while anthocyanin content was greater in conventionally grown eggplant. Fresh eggplant produced under conventional cultivation had a much greater content of anthocyanins compared to that of other cultivation method-thermal treatment combination. In general, steamed eggplant contained higher total polyphenol and flavonoid levels as well as greater antioxidant capacity. Steamed eggplant from both conventional and organic systems also had high amounts of anthocyanins compared to other thermal treatments.
AbstractThe aim of this study was to analyze the impact that heat treatment with salts and freezing processes on the sensory, instrumental, and physico-chemical characteristics of fried potatoes of the Monalisa cultivar. The potatoes were blanched in distilled water (P); sodium chloride solution (B1); calcium chloride solution (B2), and a solution with both of these salts (B3). They were then pre-cooked and frozen for 24 hours and for 30 days. After frying, sensory characteristics were analyzed (color, texture, flavor, oiliness), along with overall preference and instrumental determinations of texture, color, and oil content. Further tests were conducted on the sample with the best results in the sensory analysis (B1), along with sample P as a control, to determine granule microstructure, carbohydrate fractions, glycemic index, and glycemic load. Blanching B3, despite reducing oil absorption and providing less oiliness, obtained lesser overall preference. Freezing for 30 days increased the lightness, except for when sodium chloride was used, which intensified the color yellow. The use of sodium chloride did not interfere with the type of starch granules, nor with the formation of resistant starch; however, longer freezing time reduced the glycemic index and concentrated the dietary fiber content. All samples exhibited low glycemic index and moderate glycemic loads.
Abstract In the postharvest stage, taste and flavor are the key components of the marketability of tomato. Therefore, greater emphasis is now being placed on improving traits such as sugar content. In this study postharvest ultraviolet-B (UV-B) treatments on sugar, total soluble solids, and color of tomatoes harvested at different stages were investigated. Tomatoes harvested at turning, pink, and red stages were treated with two different doses of UV-B irradiation: UVB4 and UVB8. Color L* and hue angle values of tomatoes treated with UV-B were found to be high, which means the red color of tomatoes was improved. UVB4 treatments increased the color a* and saturation index values of tomatoes at pink and red harvest stage, although it did not affect at the turning stage. Additionally, UV-B irradiation treatments had no effect on sucrose content of the tomatoes. Fructose, glucose, and TSS content of tomatoes treated with UVB8 at red harvest stage were found to be high. Hence, the results obtained from this study are of great importance in terms of providing an increase in the amount of sugar without the need for breeding, and also consumer satisfaction.
O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar a morfologia do fruto e da semente de três espécies florestais nativas do Brasil, Solanum granuloso-leprosum Dunal, S. lycocarpum A.St.-Hil. e S. pseudoquina A.St.-Hil., recomendadas para plantações destinadas à recuperação de áreas degradadas. Os frutos são indeiscentes, carnosos, do tipo baga, globosos, polispérmicos e constituídos por dois ou mais lóculos. As sementes são estenospérmicas, campilótropas, elipsóides, comprimidas, apresentando seção longitudinal largo-ovalada ou achatado-ovalada e seção transversal elíptica. Hilo mediano-marginal localizado em uma depressão e micrópila arredondada. Sementes albuminosas, com endosperma abundante, periférico, carnoso-firme, semitransparente e de coloração esbranquiçada. Embrião axial, linear, contínuo e curvado. Em Solanum lycocarpum e S. pseudoquina o embrião é circinado e em S. granuloso-leprosum é espiralado.
Foi objetivo deste trabalho obter informações básicas sobre a germinação de sementes de três espécies do gênero Solanum: S. granuloso-leprosum (gravitinga), S. lycocarpum (lobeira) e S.pseudoquina (quina-de-são paulo). Dependendo da espécie, foram testados diferentes lotes, bem como sementes de diferentes densidades e colorações. Os testes de germinação foram conduzidos a 25ºC e a 20-30ºC, com fotoperíodo de oito horas sob luz branca, sobre papel de filtro. Foram avaliados a porcentagem final e o índice de velocidade de germinação das sementes e determinados os períodos de duração do teste, adotando diferentes critérios de germinação. Os resultados mostraram que as sementes de gravitinga de baixa densidade devem ser descartadas; as sementes de gravitinga de coloração amarela e as de quina-de-são paulo de coloração verde são de maior qualidade fisiológica; houve diferença na germinação das sementes de lobeira e de quina-de-são paulo extraídas de diferentes lotes. A alternância da temperatura e luz beneficiou a germinação das sementes das três espécies. O teste padrão de germinação, teve a duração de 60 dias para as sementes de gravitinga (primeira contagem com 37 dias), de 62 dias para as de quina-de-são paulo (primeira contagem com 33 dias) e de 88 dias para as de lobeira (primeira contagem com 39 dias). Quando o critério botânico para germinação foi adotado (emissão da raiz primária) houve redução no período de duração de germinação em 30 dias para as sementes de gravitinga e de quina-de-são paulo e de 58 dias para as sementes de lobeira.
Arabidopsis is a model plant used to study disease resistance; Solanum tuberosum or potato is a crop species. Both plants possess inducible defense mechanisms that are deployed upon recognition of pathogen invasion. Transcriptional reprogramming is crucial to the activation of defense responses. The Pathogenesis-Related (PR) genes are activated in these defense programs. Expression of Arabidopsis PR-l and potato PR-10a serve as markers for the deployment of defense responses in these plants. PR-l expression indicates induction of systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Activation of SAR requires accumulation of salicylic acid (SA), in addition to the interaction of the non-expressor of pathogenesis-related genes I (NPRI), with the TGA transcription factors. The PR-10a is activated in response to pathogen invasion, wounding and elicitor treatment. PR-10a induction requires recruitment of the Whirly I (Whyl) activator to the promoter. This locus is also negatively regulated by the silencer element binding factor (SEBF). We established that both the PR-l and PR-10a are occupied by repressors under non-inducing conditions. TGA2 was found to be a constitutive resident and repressor of PR-l, which mediates repression by forming an oligomeric complex on the promoter. The DNA-binding activity of this oligomer required the TGA2 N-terminus (NT). Under resting conditions we determined that the PR-10a is bound by a repressosome containing SEBF and curiously the activator Pto interacting protein 4 (Pti4). In the context of this repressosome, SEBF is responsible for PR-10a binding, yet rWe also showed that PR-l and PR-10a are activated by different means. In PR-l activation the NPRI NT domain alleviates TGA2-mediated repression by interacting with the TGA2 NT. TGA2 remains at the PR-l but adopts a dimeric conformation and forms an enhanceosome with NPRl. In contrast, the PR-10a is activated by evicting the repressosome and recruiting Why! to the promoter. These results advance our understanding of the mechanisms regulating PR-l and PR-10a expression under resting and inducing conditions. This study also revealed that the means of regulation for related genes can differ greatly between model and crop s
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Producción Agrícola) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Botánica) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con la Especialidad en Producción Agrícola) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Agrícolas) UANL, 2011.
Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias en Producción Agrícola) UANL, 2014.
1Tesis ( Doctor en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biotecnología ) U.A.N.L.
[Tesis] (Doctor en Ciencias Agrícolas con Especialidad en Agua-Suelo) U.A.N.L.
L’hexokinase (HK) est la première enzyme du métabolisme des hexoses et catalyse la réaction qui permet aux hexoses d’entrer dans le pool des hexoses phosphates et donc par le fait même la glycolyse. Bien que le glucose soit son principal substrat, cette enzyme peut aussi phosphoryler le mannose et le fructose. Malgré son importance dans le métabolisme primaire, l’HK n’a jamais été purifiée à homogénéité sous forme native. Le but de ce travail était donc de purifier une isoforme d’HK à partir de tubercule de Solanum tuberosum et par la suite de caractériser ses propriétés cinétiques. Bien avant que je commence mon travail, un groupe de recherche avait déjà séparé et partiellement purifié trois isoformes d’HK de S. tuberosum. Un protocole d’extraction était donc disponible, mais l’HK ainsi extraite était peu stable d’où le besoin d’y apporter certaines modifications. En y ajoutant certains inhibiteurs de protéases ainsi qu’en modifiant les concentrations de certains éléments, le tampon d’extraction ainsi modifié a permis d’obtenir un extrait dont l’activité HK était stable pendant au moins 72h après l’extraction, en empêchant la dégradation. À l’aide du tampon d’extraction optimisé et d’une chromatographie sur colonne de butyl sépharose, il a été possible de séparer 4 isoformes d’HKs. Par la suite, une isoforme d’HK (HK1) a été purifiée à l’homogénéité à l’aide de 5 étapes de chromatographie supplémentaires. En plus de caractériser les propriétés cinétiques de cette enzyme, l’analyse de séquençage par MS/MS a permis de l’associer au produit du gène StHK1 de Solanum tuberosum. Avec une activité spécifique de 10.2 U/mg de protéine, il s’agit de l’HK purifiée avec l’activité spécifique la plus élevée jamais rapportée d’un tissu végétal.L’ensemble des informations recueillies lors de la purification de HK1 a ensuite été utilisée pour commencer la purification d’une deuxième isoforme (HK3). Ce travail a permis de donner des lignes directrices pour la purification de cette isoforme et certains résultats préliminaires sur sa caractérisation enzymatique.