994 resultados para Soil measurements


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Archived soils could represent a valuable resource for the spatio-temporal inventory of soil carbon stability. However, archived soils are usually air-dried before storage and the impact of a drying pretreatment on physically and chemically-defined C fractions has not yet been fully assessed. Through the comparison of field-moist and corresponding air-dried (at 25oC for 2 weeks) forest soil samples, we examined the effect of air-drying on: a) the quantity and the quality of cold- (CWEC) and hot-water (HWEC) extractable C and b) the concentration of C in physically isolated fractions (free- and intra-aggregate light and organo-mineral). Soil samples were collected from the organic (O) and mineral (A and B) horizons of three different forest soils from southeastern England: (i) Cambisol under Pine (Pinus nigra); (ii) Cambisol under Beech (Fagus sylvatica) and (iii) Gleysol under oak (Quercus robur). CWEC concentrations for dry samples were up to 2 times greater than for corresponding field moist samples and had significantly (p < 0.001) higher phenolic content. However, the effect of drying pretreatment on HWEC, its phenolic content was not significant (p > 0.05) for most samples. Dried soils had significantly (p < 0.001) higher concentrations of free light-C while having lower concentrations of intra-aggregate-C when compared to moist samples (p < 0.001). However, fine silt and clay fractions were not significantly affected by the drying pretreatment (p=0.789). Therefore, based on the results obtained from gleysol and cambisol forest soils studied here, C contents in hot-water extractions and fine particle size physical fractions (< 25µm) seem to be robust measurements for evaluating C fractions in dried stored forest soils. Further soil types should be tested to evaluate the wider generality of these findings.


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Long-term monitoring of surface water quality has shown increasing concentrations of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) across a large part of the Northern Hemisphere. Several drivers have been implicated including climate change, land management change, nitrogen and sulphur deposition and CO2 enrichment. Analysis of stream water data, supported by evidence from laboratory studies, indicates that an effect of declining sulphur deposition on catchment soil chemistry is likely to be the primary mechanism, but there are relatively few long term soil water chemistry records in the UK with which to investigate this, and other, hypotheses directly. In this paper, we assess temporal relationships between soil solution chemistry and parameters that have been argued to regulate DOC production and, using a unique set of co-located measurements of weather and bulk deposition and soil solution chemistry provided by the UK Environmental Change Network and the Intensive Forest Monitoring Level II Network . We used statistical non-linear trend analysis to investigate these relationships at 5 forested and 4 non-forested sites from 1993 to 2011. Most trends in soil solution DOC concentration were found to be non-linear. Significant increases in DOC occurred mostly prior to 2005. The magnitude and sign of the trends was associated qualitatively with changes in acid deposition, the presence/absence of a forest canopy, soil depth and soil properties. The strongest increases in DOC were seen in acidic forest soils and were most clearly linked to declining anthropogenic acid deposition, while DOC trends at some sites with westerly locations appeared to have been influenced by shorter-term hydrological variation. The results indicate that widespread DOC increases in surface waters observed elsewhere, are most likely dominated by enhanced mobilization of DOC in surficial organic horizons, rather than changes in the soil water chemistry of deeper horizons. While trends in DOC concentrations in surface horizons have flattened out in recent years, further increases may be expected as soil chemistry continues to adjust to declining inputs of acidity.


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Water repellent soils are difficult to irrigate and susceptible to preferential flow, which enhances the potential for accelerated leaching to groundwater of hazardous substances. Over 5 Mha of Australian soil is water repellent, while treated municipal sewage is increasingly used for irrigation. Only if a critical water content is exceeded will repellent soils become wettable. To avoid excessive loss of water from the root zone via preferential flow paths, irrigation schemes should therefore aim to keep the soil wet enough to maintain soil wettability. Our objective was to monitor the near-surface water content and water repellency in a blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantation irrigated with treated sewage. The plantation's sandy soil surface was strongly water repellent when dry. For 4 months, three rows of 15 blue gum trees each received no irrigation, three other rows received 50% of the estimated potential water use minus rainfall, and three more rows received 100%. During this period, 162 soil samples were obtained in three sampling rounds, and their water content (% dry mass) and degree of water repellency determined. Both high and low irrigation effectively wetted up the soil and eliminated water repellency after 2 (high) or 4 (low) months. A single-peaked distribution of water contents was observed in the soil samples, but the water repellency distribution was dichotomous, with 44% extremely water-repellent and 36% wettable. This is consistent with a threshold water content at which a soil sample changes from water repellent to wettable, with spatial variability of this threshold creating a much wider transition zone at the field scale. We characterized this transition zone by expressing the fraction of wettable samples as a function of water content, and demonstrated a way to estimate from this the wettable portion of a field from a number of water content measurements. To keep the plantation soil wettable, the water content must be maintained at a level at which a significant downward flux is likely, with the associated enhanced leaching. At water contents with negligible downward flux, the field is water repellent, and leaching through preferential flow paths is likely. Careful management is needed to resolve these conflicting requirements.


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Little attention has been paid to the possibility that soil water repellency could enhance non-equilibrium water flow and solute transport through macropores present in structured clay soils. In this study, we measured infiltration and solute transport in a clay soil under near-saturated conditions in both the field using tension infiltrometers and in the laboratory on undisturbed soil columns. Measurements were made on adjacent plots under grass and continuous arable cultivation. Steady-state field infiltration rates measured using water and ethanol as the infiltrating fluids demonstrated that the soil macroporosity under grass was better developed, but that much of the structural pore system was inactive due to water repellency. No water repellency was detected on the arable plot disturbed by tillage. Dye tracing showed that the conducting macroporosity was largely comprised of earthworm channels in the grassed plot and inter-aggregate voids resulting from ploughing in the arable plot. Tracer breakthrough curves measured on field-dry soil indicated rapid macropore transport in columns taken from both plots, although the degree of non-equilibrium transport appeared somewhat stronger under grass. This result, which was attributed to water repellency, was also consistent with the larger flow-weighted mean pore size found in the field infiltration experiments. It is concluded that water repellency in undisturbed structured clay soils can have significant effects on the occurrence of non-equilibrium water and solute transport in macropores.


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Perth is the largest city in Western Australia and home to three-quarters of the state's residents. In recent decades, there have been a lot of earthquake activities just east of Perth in an area known as the South-West Seismic Zone. Previous numerical results of site response analyses based on limited available geology information for PMA indicated that Perth Basin might amplify the bedrock motion by more than 10 times at some frequencies and at some sites. Hence, more detailed studies on site characterization and amplification are necessary. The microtremor method using spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) processing is a useful tool for gaining thickness and shear wave velocity (SWV) of sediments and has been adopted in many previous studies. In this study, the response spectrum of rock site corresponding to the 475-year return period for PMA is defined according to the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) based on the latest ground motion attenuation model of Southwest Western Australia. Site characterization in PMA is performed using two microtremor measurements, namely SPAC technique and H/V method. The clonal selection algorithm (CSA) is introduced to perform direct inversion of SPAC curves to determine the soil profiles of representative PMA sites investigated in this study. Using the simulated bedrock motion as input, the responses of the soil sites are estimated using numerical method based on the shear-wave velocity vs. depth profiles determined from the SPAC technique. The response spectrum of the earthquake ground motion on surface of each site is derived from the numerical results of the site response analysis, and compared with the respective design spectrum defined in the Australian Earthquake Loading Code. The comparison shows that the code spectra are conservative in the short period range, but may slightly underestimate the response spectrum at some long period range.


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In reforesting companies (cellulose industry), eucalyptus is usually cultivated in small plastic containers (50 mL). As seedlings remain for about 120 days in these containers-until transplantation-their roots become space restricted, with consequent limitations in water and nutrient absorption. These restrictions may lead to plant stress, decreasing productivity. In this work, we used the photoacoustic technique to evaluate the photosynthetic activity of Eucalyptus grandis, E. urophylla and E. urograndis seedlings subjected to this limited space availability, seeking a correlation with morphological parameters and fluorescence measurements in these seedlings. Photoacoustic, fluorescence, and morphological analysis were conducted every 15 days, from 45 to 120 days after sowing. Fluorescence and photosynthetic rate were evaluated in vivo and in situ, the latter one using the open photoacoustic technique. Data show that root dry matter diminished markedly at 90 and 120 days after sowing; this behavior showed a high correlation with the gas exchange component of the photoacoustic signal, as well as with the fluorescence ratio Fv/Fm. These results indicate that the soil volume of the container becomes insufficient for the roots after 90 days, probably leading to a nutritional deficiency in plants, which explains the decrease observed in the photosynthetic rate of seedlings. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A caracterização da variabilidade espacial dos atributos do solo é indispensável para subsidiar práticas agrícolas de maneira sustentável. A utilização da geoestatística para caracterizar a variabilidade espacial desses atributos, como a resistência mecânica do solo à penetração (RP) e a umidade gravimétrica do solo (UG), é, hoje, prática usual na agricultura de precisão. O resultado da análise geoestatística é dependente da densidade amostral e de outros fatores, como o método de georreferencimento utilizado. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar dois métodos de georreferenciamento para a caracterização da variabilidade espacial da RP e da UG, bem como a correlação espacial dessas variáveis. Foi implantada uma malha amostral de 60 pontos, espaçados em 20 m. Para as medições da RP, utilizou-se de penetrógrafo eletrônico e, para a determinação da UG, utilizou-se de trado holandês (profundidade de 0,0-0,1 m). As amostras foram georreferenciadas, utilizando-se do método de Posicionamento por Ponto Simples (PPS), com de (retirar) receptor GPS de navegação, e Posicionamento Relativo Semicinemático, com receptor GPS geodésico L1. Os resultados indicaram que o georreferenciamento realizado pelo PPS não interferiu na caracterização da variabilidade espacial da RP e da UG, assim como na estrutura espacial da relação dos atributos.


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A quantificação da evaporação do solo é requerida em estudos de balanço hídrico de culturas e em aplicações que visam a aumentar a eficiência do uso da água pelos cultivos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar um modelo de microlisímetro (ML) para medir a evaporação do solo em condições irrigada e não irrigada. Os MLs foram construídos utilizando tubos de PVC rígido, medindo 100 mm de diâmetro interno, 150 mm de profundidade e 2,5 mm de espessura da parede. Quatro MLs foram assentados sobre a superfície de dois lisímetros de pesagem de alta precisão conduzidos com solo nu, previamente instalados no Iapar, em Londrina-PR. Os lisímetros tinham dimensões de 1,4 m de largura, 1,9 m de comprimento e 1,3 m de profundidade, e estavam sendo conduzidos com e sem irrigação. A evaporação medida nos MLs (E ML) foi comparada com a medida nos lisímetros (E L), durante quatro períodos do ano. As diferenças entre E ML e E L foram mínimas para condições de baixa e elevada demanda atmosférica, e também para condições de solo irrigado ou não irrigado, indicado que o modelo de ML testado neste trabalho é adequado para medir a evaporação do solo.


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The adhesion force between an atomic force microscope (AFM) tip and sample surfaces, mica and quartz substrates, was measured in air and water. The force curves show that the adhesion has a strong dependence on both the surface roughness and the environmental conditions surrounding the sample. The variability of the adhesion force was examined in a series of measurements taken at the same point, as well as at different places on the sample surface. The adhesion maps obtained from the distribution of the measured forces indicated regions contaminated by either organic compounds or adsorbed water. Using simple mathematical expressions we could quantitatively predict the adhesion force behavior in both air and water. The experimental results are in good agreement with theoretical calculations, where the adhesion forces in air and water were mostly associated with capillary and van der Waals forces, respectively. A small long-range repulsive force is also observed in water due to the overlapping electrical double-layers formed on both the tip and sample surfaces.


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Blends of synthetic and biodegradable polymers can be important in attaining material plastic degradation in the environment. Biodegradation using soil and chorume (liquid waste from landfill) microorganisms is a promising area these days. This paper intends to study the PVC/PCL blend degradation in soil using aerobic biodegradation (Bartha respirometer). The morphology and structural changes of the blends were studied by FTIR, scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and contact angle measurements. Blend films prepared by the casting of dichloroethane solutions were buried in a Bartha respirometer containing soil and soil plus chorume and kept there for 120 days. During this time CO2 evolution was measured from time to time. The results showed that PCL films degrade faster than PVC/PCL and PVC films.


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A dispersão da amostra de solo é uma etapa fundamental da análise granulométrica, sendo realizada mediante o uso de dispersantes químicos e agitação mecânica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de mesa agitadora reciprocante de baixa rotação na dispersão mecânica de amostras de solos de diferentes classes texturais. Foram realizadas análises granulométricas em 61 amostras com quatro repetições, empregando o método da pipeta para determinação da fração argila e tamisagem para determinação das frações areia grossa, areia fina e areia total, sendo o silte determinado por diferença. Na avaliação de desempenho, os resultados obtidos com uso da mesa agitadora reciprocante (MAR) foram comparados com dados disponíveis para as mesmas amostras oriundos de relatórios do Ensaio de Proficiência IAC para Laboratórios de Análises de Solos - Prolab/IAC. Análises de acurácia foram realizadas com base nos valores dos intervalos de confiança definidos para cada fração granulométrica componente de cada amostra ensaiada. Indicadores gráficos também foram utilizados na comparação de dados, por meio de dispersão e ajuste linear. A estatística descritiva indicou preponderância de baixa variabilidade em mais de 90 % dos resultados obtidos para as amostras de texturas arenosa, média e argilosa e em 68 % dos obtidos para as amostras de textura muito argilosa, indicando boa repetibilidade dos resultados obtidos com a MAR. Média variabilidade foi mais frequentemente associada à fração silte, seguida da fração areia fina. Os resultados das análises de sensibilidade indicam acurácia de 100 % nas três frações granulométricas - areia total, silte e argila - para todas as amostras analisadas pertencentes às classes texturais muito argilosa, argilosa e média. Para as nove amostras de textura arenosa, a acurácia média foi de 85,2 %, e os maiores desvios ocorreram em relação à fração silte. Nas aproximações lineares, coeficientes de correlação igual (silte) ou superiores (areia total e argila) a 0,93, bem como diferenças menores do que 0,16 entre os coeficientes angulares das retas e o valor unitário, indicam alta correlação entre os resultados de referência (Prolab/IAC) e os obtidos nos ensaios com a MAR. Conclui-se pelo desempenho satisfatório da mesa agitadora reciprocante de baixa rotação para dispersão mecânica de amostras de solo de diferentes classes texturais para fins de análise granulométrica, permitindo recomendar o uso alternativo do equipamento quando se emprega agitação lenta. As vantagens do uso do equipamento nacional incluem o baixo custo, a possibilidade de análise simultânea de grande número de amostras e o uso de frascos comuns, de vidro ou de plástico, baratos e de fácil reposição.


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Soil surface roughness is known to influence water infiltration, runoff and erosion. Soil surface roughness changes with management and weather and its mathematical description still remains an important issue. The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of tillage on the two fractal indices, fractal dimension, D, and crossover length, 1, currently used in characterizing soil surface microrelief. The statistical index random roughness, RR, was also assessed. Field experiments were done on an Alfisol located at Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil). Two tillage treatments (conventional versus direct drilling) were tested. The soil surface microrelief was assessed by point elevation measurements in 16 plots for each treatment. The sampling scheme was a square grid with 20 x 20 mm between point spacing and the plot size was 280 x 280 mm, so that each data set consisted of 225 individual elevation points. All indices were calculated after trend removal, both by slope correction, i.e., oriented microrelief, and by slope plus tillage marks correction, i.e., random microrelief. The implemented algorithm for estimating D and 1 consisted in evaluating the roughness around the local root mean square deviation (RMS) of the point elevation values. Irrespective of tillage treatment and detrending procedure, fractal behavior extended only over a bounded range of scales, from 40 to 100 mm, due to the experimental setup. In these conditions, assessing fractal indices was not always straightforward. The statistical index RR and the fractal index I were significantly different between tillage treatments for oriented and random surface conditions. D values of random soil surfaces were not affected by tillage treatment, whereas D values of oriented microrelief were significantly lower in the direct drilled plots. Removal of tillage marks trend resulted in a significant increase in D values. Within each tillage treatment, 1 and D were significantly correlated. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Magnetic susceptibility (chi, mass specific) is useful for easy indirect estimation of other soil properties at a low cost. The aim of this study was to assess the use of chi as measured with an analytical balance for predicting properties with a substantial influence on the management of Typic Haplustalfs in southern Brazil. To achieve this 48 topsoil samples were taken at the intersection points in a rectangular grid of 20 m x 20 m cells, with 38 of these used for calibration and 10 for validation in regression analyses. The obtained chi values were slightly higher than, and highly correlated (r = 0.970; P < 0.001) with those measured with a susceptibility meter. Highly significant (P < 0.001) correlations were also found between chi and other soil properties relevant to soil classification and management such as clay content (r = 0.68), cation exchange capacity (r = 0.62), P sorption capacity (r = 0.76) and haematite content (r = 0.82). Results from a principal component analysis of eight properties important for soil classification explained 11% of the variance in the data set. The good predictive ability of chi was consistent with current knowledge on the formation pathways for pedogenic ferrimagnets. In summary, chi, which can be readily measured with an analytical balance, has the potential for quantifying soil attributes and may therefore be used in pedotransfer functions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)