998 resultados para Socio-territorial vulnerability


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La gestión integrada de cuencas resulta ser una directriz de los organismos internacionales. Desde la gestión local se apela a la participación social, al tiempo que las redes de organizaciones socio-territoriales reclaman mayor injerencia en procesos de control para el saneamiento de las cuencas en Buenos Aires. En cualquier caso, sobrevuelan ideas tales como "integración" (de componentes) y "participación" (de grupos y sectores), que no necesariamente son concebidas unívocamente por todos los actores sociales en juego. Mientras tanto, el control de la contaminación del agua sigue siendo una zona gris en la gestión, a pesar de la creación de autoridades de cuenca. Desde un enfoque de redes, el presente trabajo rastrea en documentos de organismos internacionales, entrevistas a funcionarios locales y miembros de organizaciones territoriales, las acepciones sobre la "gestión integrada" y la "participación" en torno a cuencas metropolitanas degradadas


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El partido de General Pueyrredón es una unidad administrativa de fuerte tradición urbana, encabezada por la ciudad de Mar del Plata. No obstante, debe indicarse que hacia 1980 otros centros poblados del partido comenzaron a mostrar signos positivos en su dinámica demográfica. El reconocimiento de localidades dentro de una unidad civil de tercer rango, como son los partidos o departamentos, presupone un nivel de complejidad vinculado con aspectos teóricos, socio-culturales y metodológicos, por cuanto existen diversas elaboraciones referidas a la definición de localidades. Así, el aporte del presente trabajo consiste en aunar criterios, evidenciar la dinámica de las categorizaciones y remarcar la importancia de conocer directamente el territorio para mejorar las tipologías. El objetivo del trabajo es identificar las localidades del Partido de General Pueyrredón mediante el uso de TIGs como herramienta con potencialidad para el análisis de los procesos socioterritoriales


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En este trabajo examinamos los principales resultados generados por el incremento de la desigualdad en la sociedad y el territorio argentinos durante el último período intercensal (1991-2001). En primer lugar, desarrollamos una aproximación conceptual a las nociones de pobreza, nivel de vida y bienestar, explicando las diversas dimensiones que lo constituyen. En segunda instancia, exponemos los ejes metodológicos del trabajo, señalando las fuentes y las variables e indicadores utilizados. A continuación, elaboramos los índices de bienestar, plasmados en los respectivos mapas de la sociedad y el territorio. Por último, presentamos las reflexiones finales a las que arribamos.


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La expansión de la frontera agrícola en la región pampeana argentina supuso la revalorización de los espacios de "borde", considerados "marginales" por el capital. El propósito de este artículo es interpretar los impactos socioterritoriales, desde los planos materiales y simbólicos, que está generando la expansión de la frontera productiva (agropecuaria y petrolera), liderada por agentes con perfil empresarial, en el centro-oeste de La Pampa. Desde el abordaje interpretativo que ofrecen las metodologías cualitativas proponemos analizar, mediante un estudio de caso, cómo estos procesos de expansión de la frontera alteraron y redefinieron el campo social entre los años 2000 y 2010, la construcción social del espacio y las relaciones de poder en el paraje Chos Malal


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This work has as object the elaboration of social environmental indicator of disaster risk that are present in precarious areas of human occupation, related to intense environmental dynamic from the perspective of the studies about the subject in Geography. The District of Mãe Luiza in Natal, capital city of Rio Grande do Norte, was defined as the study area. The place was chosen because it presents –historically- several vulnerability conditions and exposure to disaster risk. After a local social environmental description, two indexes were elaborated: the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI or IVS in Portuguese), based on 17 (seventeen) variables arranged on a questionnaire addressed to the population nucleus of the district, on regular grid (systematic sampling), classified into 5 (five) levels of SV from the weighted average; and the Physical and Natural Exposure to the Mass Movements Index (EMMI or IEMM in Portuguese) which had 16 (sixteen) variables that feature conditions of exposure to the mass movements in the district with classified levels from the weighted average of 1 (one) to 5 (five). The relationship between these two results, specialized in the district map, produced the Social Environmental Vulnerability Index (SEVI or IVSA in Portuguese) of Mãe Luiza, also classified into 5 (five) levels, following the Boolean logic correlation for cartographic overlay with use of computer software ArcGIS v.9.3, being named as: Very Low; low; average; high; and Very High Environmental Vulnerability in District. The study is based on the methodology proposed by Guerra et al (2009) for EMMI and by Almeida (2010) for SVI. They were modified and adapted according to the local reality, producing a new methodology in this study area. It was concluded that the neighborhood has most of its area with High and Very High Socio-environmental vulnerability to disasters, defined seven (7) critical areas, with Very High IVSA, and hazards associated with mass movements or flooding. In the end, the main issues that were found, such as generating elements for proposing mitigation measures and/or the proposed interventions were enumerated, related to structural order of vulnerability factors: how low constructive pattern of households; poor urban drainage; Real Estate forsaken in landslide routes; infrastructure ready access roads and slope containment. And social: as a lack of education about environmental risk; income and education of residents; presence of persons with limited mobility and/or those with special needs. This reality highlights the need for urgent action applied to the resolution and/or reduction of these problems, which is focusing the end of this work.


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The solidary economy as the organization of production, alternative to the capitalist economy provides new forms of organization and social behavior, that, in the sight of geography, it is shown by the different territory uses. The territory assume new meanings that, influenced by the Solidary Economy movement, tries to reach for new ways of acting that differ from social order already stablished. However, the different uses show themselves in a more complex and contradictory way, given that, in solidary undertakings, different corporative agents start to act, the State being a last resource on this process. Given this reality, our goal on the present paper is to analyze the different uses of the territory from the rural economic solidary undertakings and the relationship it establishes to the different agents involved on the socio-territorial dynamics on Rio Grande do Norte. Starting from a study that contemplates the territorial organization forms and contents of the analyzed phenomena, the methodology utilized for this research is based on a bibliographic review, with authors from the geography and areas related to the Solidary Economy, besides the use of secondary data, acquired from official offices such as SIES and IBGE, from the documented research, SENAES and field interviews conducted with local solidary undertakings. The results obtained in the study reveal the complexity of the agricultural use of the territory by Solidary Economy on the RN, while a resource of intensified use, from the state actions and important economical agents, and regulating the use while shelter, that marginalize solidary workers, making them subdued to the hegemonic logic. Therefore, we can infer that the solidary economy, despite its image of new form of organization between agricultural workers, given the expressivity of the rural solidary undertakings presented on RN, it hasn’t shown a full social development as an instrument of reproduction and emancipation of the associates. Nevertheless, the undertakings articulated in nets excel, even when considering its punctual and residual form. The given contradictions show that it is necessary to fortify the building of the solidary economy as being horizontal and popular based for it to have strength to surpass the regulative actions of the capitalist state and ownership created by the Capital.


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In this article I offer a general analysis of social-environmental vulnerability, considered as a permanent condition of the various scenarios characteristic of our regional realities, and the challenges such vulnerability presents, given the current global, regional, national, and local circumstances. Similarly, I consider the contribution that the analysis of social-environmental vulnerability offers to students of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA).


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El fenómeno de la fragmentación socio territorial es tomado como base en el presente análisis. El que está guiado  por el siguiente objetivo general: Analizar las posibles conexiones en el comportamiento de los indicadores de oferta ambiental y de demanda social puestos en relieve en un barrio de viviendas sociales ubicado en el noroeste del ejido  de la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina. Se trata de un complejo habitacional de 1600 viviendas que alberga aproximadamente a 20000 habitantes.  Con alta proporción de jefes de hogar desocupados, subocupados e informales. Y que presenta en la actualidad deficiencias de mantenimiento edilicio. El trabajo pretende aportar al  conocimiento de la  problemática de vivienda en la ciudad así como dar cuenta de la importancia de la planificación que contemplara cuestiones de salubridad  asociada  a la producción de desechos  acumulados en áreas dispuestas a tal fin con capacidad y mantenimiento deficientes, así como la previsión de vías de acceso y circulación interna acorde con el número de habitantes. También se incluyen los problemas generados por la eliminación de espacios verdes.


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La formación del geógrafo -Escuela de Geografía -Universidad de Los Andes, preparar profesionales para asumir compromisos de desarrollo nacional, constituye una línea de investigación. Ello anima propuestas para formular un diseño curricular a partir de tres aspectos básicos que demandan la sociedad y la ciencia. La necesidad de analizar ideas dominantes en el campo de la ciencia para formular ejes curriculares convenientes a los futuros geógrafos.El tratamiento de aspectos socioeducativos que reconozcan respuestas a problemas educativos, económicos, políticos y sociales.La congruencia con necesidades cualitativas de la sociedad, partiendo del principio de que la formación profesional debe relacionar la planificación del recurso humano y el problema del desarrollo. Conocer la significación que para la formación del geógrafo tiene la visión de desarrollo configurada por la base socio territorial de un país, la articulación entre objetivos, estrategias y problemas enunciados por los planes de desarrollo con su proceso formativo y sus capacidades para dar respuestas pertinentes, es interesante. Desde finales de los setenta, la Escuela de Geografía ha propuesto ideas que buscan un nuevo diseño curricular. La más reciente corresponde a 2008. Nuestro objetivo es realizar un análisis comparativo, desde los aspectos mencionados.


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L'obesità infantile può essere considerata una delle maggiori sfide sanitarie del XXI secolo. In Italia, la fascia d'età più colpita è quella tra i 6 e gli 11 anni. L'infanzia e l'adolescenza non solo influenzano lo sviluppo fisico, cognitivo e sociale dell'adulto, ma anche l'aspettativa di vita. Inoltre, l'interruzione dell'insegnamento in classe e le misure di contenimento di Covid-19 hanno aumentato il comfort food, la sedentarietà e la vulnerabilità socio-economica delle famiglie. Lo scopo del lavoro di ricerca è stato quello di studiare i fattori sociali che hanno influenzato le abitudini alimentari e gli stili di vita delle famiglie con bambini di età compresa tra i 6 e gli 11 anni, all'interno dell'ambiente di socializzazione primario (famiglia) e secondario (scuola e altre istituzioni) anche durante la pandemia di COVID-19. La ricerca è stata condotta in Emilia-Romagna nella città di Rimini e poi estesa al contesto europeo contemporaneo. Per indagare questo punto, è stata utilizzata una metodologia in parte qualitativa e in parte quantitativa. L'approccio mosaico composto da 15 interviste semi-strutturate; 8 focus group e 5 etnografie ha permesso di costruire un questionario, online e cartaceo, somministrato a 361 genitori. I principali risultati rivelano che (1) i bambini sono ingrassati durante il periodo di Covid; (2) esiste una correlazione tra il peso della madre e il peso del bambino; (3) le madri sottovalutano l'obesità dei figli.


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Globalization as progress of economic development has increased population socioeconomical vulnerability when unequal wealth distribution within economic development process constitutes the main rule, with widening the gap between rich and poors by environmental pricing. Econological vulnerability is therefore increasing too, as dangerous substance and techniques should produce polluted effluents and industrial or climatic risk increasing (Woloszyn, Quenault, Faburel, 2012). To illustrate and model this process, we propose to introduce an analogical induction-model to describe both vulnerability situations and associated resilience procedures. At this aim, we first develop a well-known late 80?s model of socio-economic crack-up, known as 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars', which presents economics as a social extension of natural energy systems. This last, also named 'E-model', is constituted by three passive components, potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation, thus allowing economical data to be treated as a thermodynamical system. To extend this model to social and ecological sustainability pillars, we propose to built an extended E(Economic)-S(Social)-O(Organic) model, based on the three previous components, as an open model considering feedbacks as evolution sources. An applicative illustration of this model will then be described, through this summer's american severe drought event analysis


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Globalization as progress of economic development has increased population socioeconomical vulnerability when unequal wealth distribution within economic development process constitutes the main rule, with widening the gap between rich and poors by environmental pricing. Econological vulnerability is therefore increasing too, as dangerous substance and techniques should produce polluted effluents and industrial or climatic risk increasing (Woloszyn, Quenault, Faburel, 2012). To illustrate and model this process, we propose to introduce an analogical induction-model to describe both vulnerability situations and associated resilience procedures. At this aim, we first develop a well-known late 80?s model of socio-economic crack-up, known as 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars', which presents economics as a social extension of natural energy systems. This last, also named 'E-model', is constituted by three passive components, potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation, thus allowing economical data to be treated as a thermodynamical system. To extend this model to social and ecological sustainability pillars, we propose to built an extended E(Economic)-S(Social)-O(Organic) model, based on the three previous components, as an open model considering feedbacks as evolution sources. An applicative illustration of this model will then be described, through this summer's american severe drought event analysis


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Globalization as progress of economic development has increased population socioeconomical vulnerability when unequal wealth distribution within economic development process constitutes the main rule, with widening the gap between rich and poors by environmental pricing. Econological vulnerability is therefore increasing too, as dangerous substance and techniques should produce polluted effluents and industrial or climatic risk increasing (Woloszyn, Quenault, Faburel, 2012). To illustrate and model this process, we propose to introduce an analogical induction-model to describe both vulnerability situations and associated resilience procedures. At this aim, we first develop a well-known late 80?s model of socio-economic crack-up, known as 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars', which presents economics as a social extension of natural energy systems. This last, also named 'E-model', is constituted by three passive components, potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation, thus allowing economical data to be treated as a thermodynamical system. To extend this model to social and ecological sustainability pillars, we propose to built an extended E(Economic)-S(Social)-O(Organic) model, based on the three previous components, as an open model considering feedbacks as evolution sources. An applicative illustration of this model will then be described, through this summer's american severe drought event analysis


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The development has been a phenomenon in constant discussion today, whose fundamental importance should be to promote the welfare of humanity. Thus, the development becomes an element that adds political, economic, social and environmental values . In Mozambique the development model adopted by the State prioritizes the economic dimension, in this case favoring the growth of capitalist structure production. Thus , the basic conditions for human survival still leaves much to be desired and the Mozambican population in general and the district of Chibuto , in particular , continue to face several difficulties to have access to such conditions, and the lack of potable water is a that most of the problems afflicting this population . The water was always a factor related to the socio-economic development of the population, where great civilizations and major economic marks were always influenced by water availability, and today this feature is present in all sectors of production. In Mozambique, much effort has been made by the government, national and international organizations to enhance and guarantee the supply of potable and drinking water, and despite all this effort, most of the population does not have access to this precious resource. In this sense, this work presents an analysis of the effects of the National Water Policy in the study area, analyzes the shortage of potable water in the district of Chibuto, discusses the design and development contained in the official discourse of the state and, opposes the idea of human development. For such issues that help to understand the phenomenon under study, such as territory, public policy and criticism of hegemonic conception of development are addressed. To make the desired approach, we performed a characterization of the District of Chibuto, addressing the issue of poverty, with a brief discussion of this concept, from different approaches, and analyze the impact of the PARPA (Action Plan for the Reduction of Absolute Poverty) in fighting poverty in Mozambique, and became a description of the scenario of poverty and vulnerability in Chibuto district with the construction of Territorial Human Development Index. Research also brings up a discussion about territory and technicization which describes the senary of the water supply system in the District and territorial dynamics of Chibuto, from the analysis and description of existing structures and other technical objects that structure the territory under study. Thus, it was found that the development should be summarized in the satisfaction of human needs, and should be the cornerstone of the new type of development that is intended for the purpose of triggering urgently actions to overcome or combat bleak misery suffered by the majority of inhabitants of the District of Chibuto