975 resultados para Socio-educational adaptation


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aime to estimate the properties of the Escala de percepção de professores dos comportamentos agressivos de crianças na escola. The research was conducted in a socio-educational institution in two phases. In the first one different educators completed the scale concerning the children and teenagers who attended the institution (N = 100). In the second, the children and teenagers with the highest or the lowest scores on the scale above (n = 60) responded to the Children’s Action Tendency Scale, which investigates strategies of conflict resolution. The results demonstrated adequate reliability of the scale of perception. However, they indicated that the educators’ evaluation did not correspond to how children and teenagers judged the hypothetical conflicts since the boys were rated as more aggressive than girls on the perception scale.


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This report comes from psychological appointments to families of teenagers within the socio-educational approach of Assisted Freedom. The interventions were carried out to give teenagers the pertaining feeling to a family back and to manage conflict situations. The method included interviews and home appointments with the whole family, appointments in family groups within the institution and also with an available psychological attendance for urgent and emergent matters. In the mediator psychologist view, getting along with the family decreased teenagers feelings of abandonment and also their negative actions. Study results demonstrated the relevance of the proposal to improve the quality of the relationship between adolescents with their family, school and society in which they belong.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The design of oral health has as its most important to bring knowledge, prevention and treatment for the population of municipalities that have this important means of promoting health in general. These programs are based on socio-educational projects, such as tooth brushing, educational lectures, projects, preventive and, fluoride use, application of sealants in pits and even the prevention of oral cancer. In the area of healing, the centers of dental specialties (CEO) associated with the PSF are responsible for implementing treatment of periodontal diseases, trauma, restoration of teeth affected by dental caries, prosthesis design for functional rehabilitation of the patient, biopsies of oral lesions , among other specialties. This study aims to evaluate the students of the Graduate Program in Dentistry, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Araçatuba, in order to coordinate a program to promote health in their communities. The result based on parameters in the OMS showed that the majority of graduate students of the Faculty of Dentistry Araçatuba acquired knowledge to a reasonable oral health program in their city as a coordinator.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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In questa tesi dottorale viene preso in analisi il tema della famiglia, uno degli elementi fondanti della riflessione pedagogica, crocevia di una molteplicità di nuclei interpretativi con diramazioni e contaminazioni, con mutamenti attraverso le epoche storiche, rappresentati in pagine contenute nei Classici della letteratura per l’infanzia e nei migliori libri di narrativa contemporanea. Si tratta di un tema di grande ampiezza che ha comportato una scelta mirata di Autori che, nei loro romanzi hanno trattato questioni riguardanti la famiglia nelle sue pluralità delle sue tante accezioni, dalla vita familiare agli abbandoni, dalle infanzie senza famiglia alle famiglie altre. Nelle diverse epoche storiche, le loro narrazioni hanno lasciato un segno per l'originalità interpretativa che ancora oggi ci raccontano storie di vie familiale Dai romanzi ottocenteschi alle saghe fantasy degli ultimi cinquant’anni, fino ai picturebook, destinati ai più piccoli, le families stories possono costituire un materiale pedagogico privilegiato, sia offrendo occasioni di scoperta e conoscenza di sé e del mondo, attraverso le quali i lettori bambini, enigmatici frontalieri, varcano soglie verso altrovi misteriosi, sia fornendo spunti agli studiosi per approfondire tematiche multiple e complesse. Le families stories riflettono spesso in maniera critica le divergenze che possono manifestarsi tra le prassi individuate e studiate dalle scienze umane e sociali e le metafore narrative proposte dai numerosi Autori della letteratura per l’infanzia. Proponendo una prospettiva spesso spiazzante, esse interpretano la realtà a fondo, cogliendo i più piccoli ed inosservati particolari che, invece, hanno la capacità di rompere gli schemi socio-educativi dell’epoca storica in cui le storie prendono vita.


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Background Repetitive behaviours (RB) in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) are frequent. However, a controversy persists whether they are manifestations of obssessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or correspond to complex tics. Methods 166 consecutive patients with GTS aged 15–68 years were recruited and submitted to extensive neurological, psychiatric and psychological evaluations. RB were evaluated by the YBOCS symptom checklist and Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I), and classified on the basis of a semi-directive psychiatric interview as compulsions or tics. Results RB were present in 64.4% of patients with GTS (107/166) and categorised into 3 major groups: a ‘tic-like’ group (24.3%–40/166) characterised by RB such as touching, counting, ‘just right’ and symmetry searching; an ‘OCD-like’ group (20.5%–34/166) with washing and checking rituals; and a ‘mixed’ group (13.2%–22/166) with both ‘tics-like’ and ‘OCD-like’ types of RB present in the same patient. In 6.3% of patients, RB could not be classified into any of these groups and were thus considered ‘undetermined’. Conclusions The results confirm the phenomenological heterogeneity of RB in GTS patients and allows to distinguish two types: tic-like behaviours which are very likely an integral part of GTS; and OCD-like behaviours, which can be considered as a comorbid condition of GTS and were correlated with higher score of complex tics, neuroleptic and SSRIs treatment frequency and less successful socio-professional adaptation. We suggest that a meticulous semiological analysis of RB in GTS patients will help to tailor treatment and allow to better classify patients for future pathophysiologic studies. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00169351


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Social and political change in Europe, increasing labour mobility, development of the new European social policy and increasingly global nature of the social problems had a profound effect on the socio-cultural and socio-educational work in community and on its objectives. In order to keep these new communitarian standards of social policy, the first steps have to be made in fostering local community with the perspective it will reach the western European communitarian level. That is the reason why university in these changes started to turn more and more to the society and first of all has put a great emphasis on the community research. This initiative was induced by non-existence of civic tradition during the communist period, the gap in the development of civil society and its culture, the weakness and the poorness of the third sector. This paper is based on the analysis of the community and civil society research conducted during recent years by the researchers of Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences. The paper involves a review of the research methodology, interpretation of the received data and summary of the results. It discusses both theoretical and empirical possibilities of building and developing inclusive community.