935 resultados para Socially Conscious Self-identity


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Globally countries are faced with an aging population and Australia is no different. This creates challenges for the maintenance of well-being which can be enhanced by active engagement in society. There is extensive research that confirms that engagement in music by older people is positively related to individual and community wellbeing. Music engagement encompasses a range of social participation and has the potential to recognise the contribution of older people to their local communities. Music participation can contribute to a better quality of life, particularly in relation to health and happiness. There are many possible forms of music engagement. This study is part of an on-going Deakin University and Monash University research project, Well-being and ageing: community, diversity and the arts in Victoria. This article focuses on three members of a mixed voluntary singing group formed by older residents of an outer suburban community in Melbourne, Australia. This group, The Skylarkers, were established in 1999 as a four-part choir. Over the years the nature of the choir has changed under subsequent music directors. Since 2009 the group has focused on music theatre repertoire and performance style. Membership of the group is fluid reflecting changing life circumstances of the members but the ensemble is resilient. This small amateur music theatre group is based in suburban Melbourne, rehearses weekly and performs regularly at retirement villages, nursing homes and facilities for senior citizens. This article presents a phenomenological qualitative single case study of members of the Skylarkers. In this study, interview data were gathered in 2011-2012 and analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Two significant themes emerged that concern musical self-identity and gaining a sense of purpose and fulfilment. The Skylarkers are more than a choir; they are an amateur entertainment troupe that engages with each other and the wider community. This resilient group holds true to the motto ‘the show must go on’.


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In this study, we examine the nature of the relationship between ethical leadership and unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB), defined as unethical behavior conducted by employees with the aim of benefiting their organization, and whether the strength of the relationship differs between subordinates experiencing high and low identification with supervisor. Based on three-wave survey data obtained from 239 public sector employees in China, we find that ethical leadership has an inverted u-shaped (curvilinear) relationship with UPB. As the level of ethical leadership increases from low to moderate, UPB increases; as the level of ethical leadership increases from moderate to high, UPB decreases. Further, we find that the strength of this inverted u-curve relationship differs between subordinates with high and low identification with supervisor. That is to say, the inverted u-shaped relationship between ethical leadership and UPB was stronger when subordinates experienced high levels of identification with supervisor. The theoretical and managerial implications of our findings for understanding how to manage UPB in an organizational context are discussed. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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The achievement of an adolescent’s psychosocial identity is influenced by identifications developed within the family. Along the schooling process, the adolescent experiences success and failure. Such experiences are given a special meaning, according to social ideals that are reproduced at school. The assimilation of these ideals, as values, can be perceived in the social representations of success or failure at school. The spreading of a certain ideological order acts as a background for self-identity. This is the framework within which the choice of a future role, translated by the desired profession, will be done. Statistical analysis of data, collected by a survey that held such assumptions, led to the conclusion that family and school select each other, and make an agreement that is honored by common social values, in search of a social role for the coming generations.


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Currently in the social sciences the question of self-identity and its meanings, absorb as a central objective aspects that concern analysis of an imaginary (re) constructed from processes of identity affirmation. Ethnic discourse in the consolidation of social boundaries (re) assemble a social policy apparatus able to claim their belongings concerning his ancestry, as well as the interpretation of the meanings given to their territory by any group. This dissertation work is the result of an ethnographic study undertaken with the residents of the Community Maloca, Vargas located in the neighborhood adjacent to the commercial center in Aracaju - SE. Since February 2007 the group is certified by FCP - Palmares Cultural Foundation as a lasting community, while it is part of a special gift for being an urban center, varying from the majority of that remaining Maroons in their contexts, outcrops and specific land rural. It focuses on the work process of territorial formation of the hut, and the arrival of their first actors, contextualizing the process of legitimation refers to the territory they live, as well as the various narratives that (re) construct the time he lived, the relations kinship, conflict, the process of self-affirmation as runaways and the relationship of belonging with their living space / living contained in the imaginary city of Aracaju. Attempts are made to the opportunity to understand the meanings that affirm their ethnicity, parallel group for the pursuit of effective policies and guarantee of constitutional rights in the urban context.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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From one dimension of culture, the word boundary breaks away from the idea of territorial boundary defined a priori as something fixed to the delineation of boundaries. Released this commitment, it can be thought of in other dimensions: as of transition moments of identity experienced by individuals, for women, compared to established norms. Questioning the determinant and connected speech processes of change, they left the banks in which they lived and sought recognition of self, identity and new choices have taken up other possibilities for being, social inclusion, coupled with the guarantee of their rights. Recognizing the existence of this movement, I propose a look at border on the inclusion of women as widows in order to observe the multiple identities of their female protagonists. This reflection aims to take account of social fraying beyond the limits and directions in taxes and if the widow, to expand the boundaries of its meaning and consider the possibility of hybrid subjects, differentiated, and therefore mobile and moving all the time an ongoing performance of operations, as well as contemporary studies have shown about gender relations that take into account the distinctions of race, class, ethnicity, and especially for generations.


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Skateboarding gets practitioners and followers all over the world and it's still growing. Thus performing a detailed analysis of its tracks becomes exciting. This study has a purpose of investigation about the evolution of the skateboard as a leisure activity and as a sport, supported by historical and social factors analysis that influenced their growth. Furthermore to understand the sport history and its influence in the socialization process, and also in the insertion of individuals in a social context within the body movement culture. The methodology used in this study was based on a literature review, analyzing articles, books, documents, websites and reports of the genre. It was concluded that the practice of skateboarding is unique and it's promoted to be and to have self identity and it is directly related to an activity that is characterized as free and creative without any molded identity. And also promote the insertion of this kind of skateboarding as a universal phenomenon about the body movement seeking social interactions in different educational views through a sharing attitude


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Il lavoro presentato si propone di fornire un contributo all'implementazione di indagini finalizzate a misurare l'evoluzione delle intenzioni d'acquisto del consumatore italiano nei confronti degli OGM, data anche l'impossibilità  al momento di avere indicazioni e dati sul comportamento (vista la quasi totale assenza dei prodotti OGM nella distribuzione, se si eccettuano i prodotti d'allevamento di animali alimentati con OGM per cui non è previsto nessun obbligo di etichettatura). Le coltivazioni transgeniche (Organismi Geneticamente Modificati) si stanno diffondendo abbastanza rapidamente nel contesto mondiale, dal 1996, primo anno in cui sono uscite dalla fase sperimentale, ad oggi. Nel 2008 la superficie globale delle colture biotech è stata di 125 milioni di ettari, circa il 9% in più rispetto ai 114 milioni del 2007, mentre il numero dei Paesi che hanno adottato varietà  GM è giunto a 25. Di questi sono soprattutto Usa, Canada, Argentina, Brasile, Cina e India a trainare la crescita; le colture più diffuse sono soia, mais, cotone e colza, prodotti destinati principalmente al segmento feed e al segmento no-food e solo in minima parte al segmento food (cioè all'alimentazione diretta umana). Molte più resistenze ha incontrato tale sviluppo nei Paesi dell'Unione europea. A tutt'oggi le coltivazioni GM hanno raggiunto estensioni significative solamente in Spagna, con alcune decine di migliaia di ettari di mais GM. Mais che peraltro è l'unica produzione per cui è stata autorizzata una varietà  GM alla coltivazione. Si intuisce in sostanza come in Europa si sia assunto un atteggiamento molto più prudente verso l'utilizzo su larga scala di tale innovazione scientifica, rispetto a quanto accaduto nei grandi Paesi citati in precedenza. Una prudenza dettata dal serrato dibattito, tuttora in corso, tra possibilisti e contrari, con contrapposizioni anche radicali, al limite dell'ideologia. D'altro canto, le indagini di Eurobarometro hanno messo in luce un miglioramento negli ultimi anni nella percezione dei cittadini europei verso le biotecnologie: dopo aver raggiunto un livello minimo di fiducia nel 1999, si è manifestata una lenta risalita verso i livelli di inizio anni '90, con percentuali di "fiduciosi" intorno al 55-60% sul totale della popolazione. Tuttavia, sebbene sulle biotecnologie in genere (l'Eurobarometro individua quattro filoni: alimenti contenenti OGM, terapie geniche, nanotecnologie e farmaci contenenti OGM), il giudizio sia abbastanza positivo, sugli alimenti permane un certo scetticismo legato soprattutto a considerazioni di inutilità  della tecnologia, di rischio percepito e di accettabilità morale: per citare il caso italiano, che, contrariamente a quello che si potrebbe pensare, è tra i più elevati nel contesto europeo, solamente un cittadino su tre valuta positivamente gli alimenti contenenti OGM. Se si analizza, inoltre, il sentiment del settore agricolo, nel quale il tema riveste anche un'importanza di natura economico-produttiva, in quanto incidente sui comportamenti e sulla strategie aziendali, sembra emergere un'apertura significativamente più elevata, se non una vera e propria frattura rispetto all'opinione pubblica. Infatti, circa due maiscoltori lombardi su tre (Demoskopea, 2008), cioè la tipologia di agricoltori che potrebbe beneficiare di tale innovazione, coltiverebbero mais GM se la normativa lo consentisse. Ebbene, in tale contesto diventa d'estremo interesse, sebbene di non facile praticabilità , lo studio e l'implementazione di modelli volti a monitorare le componenti che concorrono a formare l'intenzione e, in ultima analisi, il comportamento, dei consumatori verso gli OGM. Un esercizio da attuare per lo più tramite una serie di misurazioni indirette che devono fermarsi necessariamente all'intenzione nel caso italiano, mentre in altri Paesi che hanno avuto legislazioni più favorevoli all'introduzione degli OGM stessi nella produzione food può perseguire approcci d'analisi field, focalizzati non solo sull'intenzione, ma anche sul legame tra intenzione ed effettivo comportamento. Esiste una vasta letteratura che studia l'intenzione del consumatore verso l'acquisto di determinati beni. Uno degli approcci teorici che negli ultimi anni ha avuto più seguito è stato quello della Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato (Ajzen, 1991). Tale teoria prevede che l'atteggiamento (cioè l'insieme delle convinzioni, credenze, opinioni del soggetto), la norma soggettiva (cioè l'influenza dell'opinione delle persone importanti per l'individuo) e il controllo comportamentale percepito (ovvero la capacità , auto-percepita dal soggetto, di riuscire a compiere un determinato comportamento, in presenza di un'intenzione di ugual segno) siano variabili sufficienti a spiegare l'intenzione del consumatore. Tuttavia, vari ricercatori hanno e stanno cercando di verificare la correlazione di altre variabili: per esempio la norma morale, l'esperienza, l'attitudine al rischio, le caratteristiche socio-demografiche, la cosiddetta self-identity, la conoscenza razionale, la fiducia nelle fonti d'informazione e via discorrendo. In tale lavoro si è cercato, quindi, di esplorare, in un'indagine "pilota" quali-quantitativa su un campione ragionato e non probabilistico, l'influenza sull'intenzione d'acquisto di prodotti alimentari contenenti OGM delle variabili tipiche della Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato e di alcune altre variabili, che, nel caso degli OGM, appaiono particolarmente rilevanti, cioè conoscenza, fiducia nelle fonti d'informazione ed elementi socio-demografici. Tra i principali risultati da porre come indicazioni di lavoro per successive analisi su campioni rappresentativi sono emersi: - La conoscenza, soprattutto se tecnica, sembra un fattore, relativamente al campione ragionato analizzato, che conduce ad una maggiore accettazione degli OGM; le stesse statistiche descrittive mettono in luce una netta differenza in termini di intenzione d'acquisto dei prodotti contenenti OGM da parte del sub-campione più preparato sull'argomento; - L'esplorazione della fiducia nelle fonti d'informazione è sicuramente da approfondire ulteriormente. Dall'indagine effettuata risulta come l'unica fonte che influenza con le sue informazioni la decisione d'acquisto sugli OGM è la filiera agroalimentare. Dato che tali attori si caratterizzano per lo più con indicazioni contrarie all'introduzione degli OGM nei loro processi produttivi, è chiaro che se il consumatore dichiara di avere fiducia in loro, sarà  anche portato a non acquistare gli OGM; - Per quanto riguarda le variabili della Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato, l'atteggiamento mette in luce una netta preponderanza nella spiegazione dell'intenzione rispetto alla norma soggettiva e al controllo comportamentale percepito. Al contrario, queste ultime appaiono variabili deboli, forse perchè a tutt'oggi la possibilità  concreta di acquistare OGM è praticamente ridotta a zero ; - Tra le variabili socio-demografiche, l'influenza positiva del titolo di studio sulla decisione d'acquisto sembra confermare almeno in parte quanto emerso rispetto alla variabile "conoscenza"; - Infine, il fatto che il livello di reddito non influisca sull'intenzione d'acquisto appare abbastanza scontato, se si pensa, ancora una volta, come a tutt'oggi gli OGM non siano presenti sugli scaffali. Il consumatore non ha al momento nessuna idea sul loro prezzo. Decisamente interessante sarà  indagare l'incidenza di tale variabile quando il "fattore OGM" sarà  prezzato, presumibilmente al ribasso rispetto ai prodotti non OGM.


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It has been nine decades since Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918) published a slim volume entitled The Social Principles of Jesus. Though today less well known than his other works Christianity and the Social Crisis (1907) and Theology for the Social Gospel (1917), it is Social Principles that most adeptly summarizes the theological ethics of Rauschenbusch’s “social gospel.” Taking the form of a pedagogical treatise, Social Principles reads as both a finely tuned analysis of the modern relevance of the teachings of Jesus, and an impassioned plea on the part of its author for an end to the folly of interpreting Christianity solely in “individualistic” terms. It is Rauschenbusch’s expressed aim to resurrect the core teachings of Jesus, which are social and ethical, and apply these to a renewed, socially conscious liberal democracy, establishing a grand harmony between religion, ethics, and social evolution. How far this vision was from the burgeoning “fundamentalism” of his day (and ours) is more than evidenced by the critical reaction of many of his more conservative peers, but also indicates the continuing relevance of his work for theologians and others looking for alternative paths. The following exposition is supplemented with appreciative and critical comments.


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Despite research gathered in the Campus Climate Report, I believe that it underrepresented the student experience of the social scene. The document primarily served as an identification tool for four major problems on campus: binge drinking, sexual assault, diversity, and disengagement in the classroom. Double Take Project also identifies similar issues however, this project uses theatrical techniques to gather the anecdotal reality of the student perspective. Double Take Project expands beyond the Campus Climate Report to inspire dialogue in a variety of student-to-student interactions and, more importantly, the project seeks action and solution plans. The social scene dominates our culture and its many issues result in concern for the safety, self-identity, and development of Bucknell students into thriving adults. Double Take Project is rooted in the belief that theatre is a palpable tool for social change. Over the course of many events, Double Take Project has utilized facets of theatre to provide opportunities to voice discontent, widen perception of normalcy on campus, and inspire confidence to act on personal beliefs. The Double Take Project uses many Applied Theatre methods to impact the social scene. For example, I conducted 36 student interviews and transformed the stories into a one-woman show, Rage Behind Curtains, which I performed at multiple venues across campus. I also used interviews to create a radio show airing one story per day. I conducted ten workshops with student groups, Fraternities and Sororities, and in the classroom utilizing Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) techniques. I also created a “social scene confessional” where I stood outside the Elaine Langone Center with a sign that read, “Tell me a story about the social scene” from a wide variety of Bucknell students. Finally, I have assembled a Forum Theatre Company based on Augusto Boal’s method of the spect-actor, utilizing participants as both actors and spectators in the theatre piece. All of the names indicated in this paper have been altered to protect the identity of the participants. While planning events and conducting various theatrical experiences, I learned that there are a series of internal and external issues contributing to our social environment. Internally, students are conflicted with personal beliefs while battling outward social pressure. Whether they are on the outskirts or center of the social scene determines their response to this conflict. For example, I have discovered that students on the borders of the social culture respond with criticism because they feel excluded, whereas the student’s centrally involved critique the culture in private and while their persona appears to not want change. Externally, there are many structural issues that contribute to the current social climate such as without Fraternity meal plans, Cafeteria space is not sufficient to feed all of the students, exclusive party culture, and gendered housing. Through meetings with Deans and staff, I have learned there are also problems between administration and students, resulting in resentment and blame. Although addressing structural issues would instigate immediate change, in my opinion, internal student conflicts are the primary cause for the current negative social atmosphere. I believe that pressure to conform is rooted in lack of personal identity. Because students simply do not know themselves, they form strong social groups that become the definition of themselves. Without confident self-awareness, large and powerful groups coerce students to accept social norms resulting in the individual’s outward distaste for change, yet internal discomfort.


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El tratamiento informativo de los Juegos Paralímpicos de 2008 en los medios españoles aparece ligado casi exclusivamente a los valores asociados al universo deportivo, según un estudio previo. Los paralímpicos son atletas, no personas con discapacidad. Ni se tendió al sensacionalismo ni se ofreció una imagen estereotipada. Debido a la particularidad del acontecimiento, también desaparecen reivindicaciones y problemas. Se trata de información deportiva en la que importa el resultado, los éxitos, las medallas. Para profundizar en la comprensión de la representación televisiva de los deportistas con discapacidad, el objeto de estudio es ahora la información televisiva al margen de la dinámica noticiosa de la cobertura diaria de los Juegos. El análisis de otro tipo de piezas, reportajes, ha permitido descubrir marcas tendentes a la estereotipación vinculadas al campo semántico periodístico, aquel que se hace visible a través del uso de recursos que propician la emotividad y la espectacularización. Emergen las historias de vida y detalles íntimos. Los protagonistas muestran una gran autoestima y una autoidentidad positiva al alejarse de las representaciones sociales habituales de la discapacidad.


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The present study examined the role that group norms, group identification, and imagined audience (in-group vs. out-group) play in attitude-behavior processes. University students (N = 187) participated in a study concerned with the prediction of consumer behavior. Attitudes toward drinking their preferred beer, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, group norm, and group identification were assessed. Intentions and perceived audience reactions to consumption were assessed. As expected, group norms, identification, and imagined audience interacted to influence likelihood of drinking one's preferred beer and perceived audience reactions. High identifiers were more responsive to group norms in the presence of an in-group audience than an out-group audience. The present results indicate that audience concerns impact upon the relationship between attitude., and behavior.


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The majority of ‘service’ literature has focused on the production side of service work (i.e. employees and management), while treating the role of the customer and/or consumer as secondary (Korczynski and Ott, 2004). Those authors who have addressed the role consumption plays in shaping and maintaining individuals' self- identity have tended to overemphasize the dominance of consumer culture in shaping ‘our consciousness’ (Ritzer, 1999), with little in the way of empirical evidence to support these assertions. This paper develops the conceptualization of service work and consumer culture literature, by placing more emphasis on the customer in the service encounter. Using an ethnographic study of a ‘high class’ department store, this paper addresses employee and customer identity and the nature of managerial, employee and customer control within this ‘exclusive’ context. Of particular interest is how employees and customer’s ‘embody’ this control. Using Bourdieu’s (1986) conception of class and habitus, the concept of exclusivity goes beyond the management /service worker dyad by providing a means of investigating identity control by the organization over both customers and service workers. However, an organization’s exclusivity is not a closed normative pursuit of control, and shows this enterprise is part of a contested terrain, while revealing the ambiguity and ‘openness’ of control practices and pursuits. In order to uphold the ideal of exclusivity, management, service workers and customers must all engage in a precarious quest for establishing and maintaining a sense of control and/or identity. This paper demonstrates the continuing contradiction between bureaucratic practices of control and consumer culture, and highlights the need for research that investigates the context -dependent nature of control in service-related and consumer studies.


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Energy drinks have become very popular over the past few years with over half the student population in colleges and universities consuming them at least once a month (Malinauskas et al., 2007). It has been reported that the most common reasons why students consume energy drinks are to maintain alertness, reduce symptoms of hangover, increase energy, to help with driving and to prevent sleepiness (Attila and Cakir, 2011; Malinauskas et al., 2007). Previous research has suggested that energy drinks enhance sensorimotor speed, behaviour, and reduce levels of fatigue (Alford et al., 2001; Horne and Reyner, 2001; Howard and Marczinski, 2010; Kennedy and Scholey, 2004; Smit et al., 2004). The two key ingredients found in energy drinks are caffeine and glucose which have been examined together and alone, which have indicated enhanced reaction times, improvement in both verbal memory and sustained attention and more recently there is evidence to show that expectancy may play a key role in predicting intentions of future consumption (Adan and serra-Grabulosa, 2010). According to Kirsch (1997) people have specific expectations when they consume psychoactive substances that trigger physiological and psychological reactions, which tend to be independent of the psychoactive substance ingested. The concept of expectancy effects can be unambiguous especially when the information provided to the participants prior to the experimental study is specific to a possible outcome response. This thesis investigated the extent of expectancy effect on cognition and mood when psychoactive drinks containing caffeine and glucose were consumed in comparison to non-psychoactive drinks. The investigation commenced with examining the independent effects of caffeine and glucose, followed by the combination of caffeine and glucose as an energy drink on mood and cognition. The investigation advanced by comparing drink presentation effects (i.e., consuming the experimental drink from a branded bottle versus from a glass) irrespective of drink content on mood and cognition. Finally, the investigation lead to exploring what factors may predict expectancy effects when participants’ consumed psychoactive drinks among healthy adults. This was done by applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour model (TPB) (Azjen, 1991) to explore the contribution of specific attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control to the extent of expectancy effects as well as to behavioural intention, with additional variables including; beliefs, habits, past-behaviour, selfidentity. Self-identity representing someone who drinks energy drinks regularly. The level of internal consistency for Cronbach’s alpha was conducted for each variable within the TPB model and for the additional variables included for test reliability. This thesis consisted of four studies, which found that consumption of caffeine and glucose independently and also in combination resulted in psychoactive effects on mood and cognition. Experiment 2 was the only study, which indicated an expectancy effect for immediate verbal recall task and the mood subscale tension. Conversely, for experiment 4 there was a reverse effect found for the immediate verbal recall task. However, there were significant expectancy and psychoactive effects found for mood subscales throughout the four studies. It was also found that the TPB model had two significant variables past-behaviour and self-identity predicted intentions suggesting that participants who regularly consume psychoactive beverages have salient beliefs about consuming psychoactive drinks and the TPB model can be utilised to predict their intentions. Furthermore, the Theory of planned behaviour model found that habit and self-identity significantly predicted participants’ expectancy effects on the vigour. Indicating consumers of energy drinks are familiar with expected outcome response. This model was unsuccessful in predicting expectancy response for cognitive performance. Thus, overall the findings from the four studies indicated that caffeine and glucose have cognitive enhancing properties, which also positively improve mood. However, expectancy effects have been identified for mood only, whereas the overall findings within this thesis were unable to identify significant predictors of expectancy effect and response.


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OBJECTIVES: Pregnancy may provide a 'teachable moment' for positive health behaviour change, as a time when women are both motivated towards health and in regular contact with health care professionals. This study aimed to investigate whether women's experiences of pregnancy indicate that they would be receptive to behaviour change during this period. DESIGN: Qualitative interview study. METHODS: Using interpretative phenomenological analysis, this study details how seven women made decisions about their physical activity and dietary behaviour during their first pregnancy. RESULTS: Two women had required fertility treatment to conceive. Their behaviour was driven by anxiety and a drive to minimize potential risks to the pregnancy. This included detailed information seeking and strict adherence to diet and physical activity recommendations. However, the majority of women described behaviour change as 'automatic', adopting a new lifestyle immediately upon discovering their pregnancy. Diet and physical activity were influenced by what these women perceived to be normal or acceptable during pregnancy (largely based on observations of others) and internal drivers, including bodily signals and a desire to retain some of their pre-pregnancy self-identity. More reasoned assessments regarding benefits for them and their baby were less prevalent and influential. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that for women who conceived relatively easily, diet and physical activity behaviour during pregnancy is primarily based upon a combination of automatic judgements, physical sensations, and perceptions of what pregnant women are supposed to do. Health professionals and other credible sources appear to exert less influence. As such, pregnancy alone may not create a 'teachable moment'. Statement of contribution What is already known on this subject? Significant life events can be cues to action with relation to health behaviour change. However, much of the empirical research in this area has focused on negative health experiences such as receiving a false-positive screening result and hospitalization, and in relation to unequivocally negative behaviours such as smoking. It is often suggested that pregnancy, as a major life event, is a 'teachable moment' (TM) for lifestyle behaviour change due to an increase in motivation towards health and regular contact with health professionals. However, there is limited evidence for the utility of the TM model in predicting or promoting behaviour change. What does this study add? Two groups of women emerged from our study: the women who had experienced difficulties in conceiving and had received fertility treatment, and those who had conceived without intervention. The former group's experience of pregnancy was characterized by a sense of vulnerability and anxiety over sustaining the pregnancy which influenced every choice they made about their diet and physical activity. For the latter group, decisions about diet and physical activity were made immediately upon discovering their pregnancy, based upon a combination of automatic judgements, physical sensations, and perceptions of what is normal or 'good' for pregnancy. Among women with relatively trouble-free conception and pregnancy experiences, the necessary conditions may not be present to create a 'teachable moment'. This is due to a combination of a reliance on non-reflective decision-making, perception of low risk, and little change in affective response or self-concept.