966 resultados para Social movements -- Mexico
This paper analyzes the psychosocial construction of the conceptions of time and social change, and their relation with the notion of progress set up by modernity as well as their contradictory aspects, considering their historicity as psychosocial and social phenomena. The social construction of the notion of time is discussed; it responds to social organization forms, thus turning the social changes into historical and temporal landmarks. The association between social changes and social movements is argued and the concept of progress is deconstructed. Finally, the importance of the idea of movement in the construction of time, change and progress concepts is pointed out; it is also explained how modernity imbued such notions with direction and goals, in the direction of an arrow, according to the prevailing interests, while modeling them in its own image and likeness.
El objetivo del proyecto consiste en reconstruir molecularmente la conformación de la "Asamblea Ambiental Ciudadana de Gualeguaychú" desde sus momentos fundacionales e indagar en la demanda social elaborada por los asambleístas de Gualeguaychú en oposición a la posible instalación de dos fábricas de pasta de celulosa, y la efectiva construcción de una de ellas, en la localidad de Fray Bentos, República Oriental del Uruguay. Asimismo, se inscribe en un interés más amplio por enmarcar la lucha ambiental desarrollada por la ciudadanía de Gualeguaychú en los procesos de movilización social protagonizados, en los últimos años en nuestro país, por diversos movimientos sociales organizados en el seno de la sociedad civil en defensa de los bienes naturales y que dado su carácter novedoso, concitan cada vez más la atención de la comunidad académica. Al respecto, en este proyecto de investigación nos interesa poner en discusión los trabajos de investigación elaborados hasta el momento en torno al movimiento social ambientalista de Gualeguaychú, no sólo destacando las diferentes perspectivas teóricas construidas respecto al mismo objeto de investigación; sino que además, nos permitan definir los lineamientos específicos a seguir al momento de llevar a cabo la investigación de forma empírica.
Before 1982 Mexico's welfare state regime was a limited conservative one that put priority on the social security of organized labor. But following the country's debt crisis in 1982, this regime changed to a hybrid liberal model. The Ernest Zedillo government (1995-2000) in particular pushed ahead with liberal reform of the social security system. This paper examines the characteristics and the policy making of the social security reforms in the 1990s. The results suggest that underlying these reforms was the restructuring of the economy and the need to cope with the cost of this restructuring. The paper also points out that one of the main factors making possible the rapid execution of the reforms were the weakened political clout of the officialist labor unions due to their steady breakdown during the 1990s and the increase in the monopolistic power of the state vis-a-vis the position of labor during the negotiations on social security reforms.
Mexico is now one of the countries with better policies on transparency and access to public information, according to various indicators and academics. Just fifteen years ago, Mexico was a country that lacked legal instruments thereon, whereby the institutions were deeply opaque and citizens could not exercise this right of access to public information. The development of the right of access to public information, in both law and public policy, a milestone in the history of Mexico. It has been, therefore gestation, as its formulation and implementation. In Mexico there have existed diverse social movements that have promoted democratization and the defense of human rights. In the framework of these movements the fight registers for the right of access to the public information that one presents as a successful model of civic action and government intervention, without for it, not to know the challenges that his deepening has still and take root both in the company and in the political class in general. How was it achieved to construct a new institutional of transparency that was functional? How was it possible that the above mentioned change was achieved? These are questions that interests formulated to the political science and to the public administration for the analysis of the change and improvement of institutions. The study of the political change is relevant since the public policies precisely try to solve a problem, to transform a reality but not always the change is achieved, is not even realized of successful form. In a nascent democratic regime, it turns out important to know what factors can collaborate in the conformation of a public successful sustainable politics in the time. Even more, on having treated itself about a substantive politics that it gives content and viability itself to the democracy in a marked country historically and culturally for the opaqueness and the corruption...
This study examines the road to statehood for the Zionist and Palestinian movements. There are three components which frame this investigation: 1. social movements and the practices in which they engage that are aimed at establishing statehood for a people; 2. distinctive configurations of the international system and the manner in which both the material and ideational foundations of that system pulls units towards conformity and predictable behavior; and finally, 3. the role of agency, that is, the way in which instrumentally rational individuals attempt to push the structure in which they are embedded towards a configuration that is better suited to their interests and objectives The most influential factor guiding these struggles for national liberation are those forces which emanate from the prevailing structure of the international system. Not only was it demonstrated that the established material and ideational preferences of existing states have strong bearing on a movement’s ideological orientation and by consequence its chosen course of struggle, but hegemonic order configurations also define political cleavages and in so doing present movement leaders with both tactical and strategic opportunities by harnessing or exploiting those cleavages. From the agency perspective, the cases showed that the leadership of each movement was highly influential in the determination of a movement’s success or failure.
The European Union’s social policy perspectives have changed quite dramatically over the last several decades. Now EU’s social policy discourse often promises to “invest in people,” sometimes “to invest in children,” and always to pay particular attention to youth. This paper argues that the tools of historical institutionalism can lead to understanding the ideational roots of this social investment perspective so distant from the “European social model.” Coming out of social movements, and with collective identities shaped both by those movement roots and national experiences, activists have effectively focused their practices on altering the social representations of European social solidarity through their interest group interventions, their participation in policy forums, and their mobilization within civil society at the European and sub-European levels. They have been able to make common cause with several epistemic communities that themselves revamped their ideas in the face of new institutional constraints, in order to advance their interests in promoting particular directions for social policy. The paper documents that “ideas” are not a variable and discourse “sometimes important” but that the ideas carried by movements and in epistemic communities are integral to the very definition of their interests that they promote within and with institutions.
Gender mainstreaming emerged in the mid-1990s as an innovative and controversial policy tool for reducing gender inequalities. The European Union seeks to propagate the practice of gender mainstreaming both within EU institutions and among member states. Feminist scholars and policy elites discuss and debate gender main-streaming widely, but have yet to consider how local feminist activists, who could play a central role in diffusing gender mainstreaming, understand, interpret and respond to this agenda. This paper examines whether and why local feminist movements in two cities in eastern Germany adopt gender mainstreaming. Consideration of the characteristics of the contexts in which local feminist movements are embedded clarifies the conditions under which social movements rally round new policy paradigms.
Social movement theories offer useful conceptual and analytical tools to the study and research of global media reform movements. This article is a critical analysis of the Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS) campaign. It explores its successes and blind-spots in the light of social movement theory, in particular resource mobilization theory (RMT), and offers practical directions for the movement to move on from where it is to where it ought to be.
A proposta do presente estudo é verificar a ação pastoral da Igreja Católica junto ao povo de rua da cidade de São Paulo, tendo como objetivo formar um conceito teórico sobre a contribuição social da pastoral em um contexto urbano, a partir da ação de Entid ades de apoio ao povo de rua. A metodologia utilizada foi a bibliográfica. As implicações do estudo foram o direcionamento que a práxis pastoral está direcionada à priorização da superação e do reconhecimento da necessidade material e psicossocial de quem está morando na rua. A concretização da práxis se dá por meio de uma prática interventora sócio-politica, a qual visa a efetivação de medidas públicas para uma demanda de pessoas que usam a rua como moradia. A ação pastoral contribui ao mostrar a ausência de política pública que dificulta o reconhecimento deste grupo social como pessoas capacitadas a produzir e pertencer a sociedade em geral. E, ao mesmo tempo em que aponta a lacuna exposta pelo poder público, o agir pastoral sinaliza alternativa para o reconhecimento de pessoas que moram na rua com parcerias entre entidades não governamentais e movimentos sociais, como o MST, sendo assim uma via de reinserção social, além da promoção de Fóruns para a criação de medidas públicas com participação direta de pessoas que vivem na rua e albergues da cidade de São Paulo. Portanto, verifica-se uma práxis pastoral fundamentada por uma responsabilidade social dinamizada pela prática de parceria participativa que envolva as diversas esferas sociais para efetivação concreta dos direitos sociais da pessoa em situação de rua que vive em áreas urbana como a Cidade de São Paulo.
The thesis compares two contrasting strategies employed with the aim of combating particular forms of racism within contemporary Britain. Both are assessed as political strategies in their own right and placed within the broader context of reformist and revolutionary political traditions. The sociology of social movements is examined critically, as are Marxist and post-Marxist writings on the role of human agency within social structures and on the nature of social movements. The history of the Anti Nazi League (ANL) in the late 1970s and its opposition to the National Front is considered as an example of anti-racist social movement based on the Trotskyist model of the United Front. The degree to which the Anti Nazi League corresponded to such a model is analysed as are the potential broader applications for such a strategy. The strategy with which the ANL is compared is the development of anti-racist and equal opportunities policies within local government in the 1980s, primarily by Labour-controlled local authorities. The theory of the local state and the political phenomenon of municipal socialism are discussed, specifically the role of various groups operating in and around local authorities in the formation and implementation of anti-racist policy and practice. Following this general discussion, two case studies in each of the areas of local authority housing, education and employment are explored to consider in depth the problems of specific anti-racist policies. In summation the efficacy of the two strategies are considered as parts of wider political currents in tandem with their declared specific objectives.
The present study was to apprehend the controversies that underlie the political organization of the category nowadays. The research established time frame as the decade from 2003 to 2013, more precisely the situation that opens with Lula's election to the Presidency and its repercussions for the Brazilian left, social movements and for the category. Through documentary research, we studied the professional aspects that are organized politically in different fields , notably the Federal Council of Social Service (CFESS) and the National Federation of Social Workers (FENAS). Seeking to understand their relationship with the Ethical - Political Project of the profession, public documents were analyzed expressing the political positions of these entities, placing the controversies and political differences between them and understanding the political organization as a means to building professionals and corporate projects many.
Este trabajo analiza el surgimiento de la Unión de Mujeres de la Argentina (UMA). El disparador es comprender cómo un proyecto del Partido Comunista Argentino desbordó los límites partidarios intentando constituirse como un movimiento de masas femenino. La atención se colocará sobre el hecho de que este conjunto de mujeres rescató una experiencia de movilización que las precedió: la Junta de la Victoria (JV). La UMA capitalizó en el contexto de los primeros años del gobierno peronista (1947-1949) varias propuestas de la JV durante la entreguerras. Así logró movilizar redes de sociabilidad y adhesión que se conjugaron con un proyecto de mujer ciudadana activa y partícipe justificada en la arena política, social y económica desde su lugar de madre. El corpus se compone de entrevistas a dirigentes de ambas agrupaciones y del Partido Comunista así como de recursos escritos tales como diarios y revistas que se pondrán en juego para comprender las complejidad de la temática propuesta
Este trabajo analiza el surgimiento de la Unión de Mujeres de la Argentina (UMA). El disparador es comprender cómo un proyecto del Partido Comunista Argentino desbordó los límites partidarios intentando constituirse como un movimiento de masas femenino. La atención se colocará sobre el hecho de que este conjunto de mujeres rescató una experiencia de movilización que las precedió: la Junta de la Victoria (JV). La UMA capitalizó en el contexto de los primeros años del gobierno peronista (1947-1949) varias propuestas de la JV durante la entreguerras. Así logró movilizar redes de sociabilidad y adhesión que se conjugaron con un proyecto de mujer ciudadana activa y partícipe justificada en la arena política, social y económica desde su lugar de madre. El corpus se compone de entrevistas a dirigentes de ambas agrupaciones y del Partido Comunista así como de recursos escritos tales como diarios y revistas que se pondrán en juego para comprender las complejidad de la temática propuesta