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We tested the hypothesis that overweight/obese men aged 50–70 years will have a greater salivary cortisol, salivary alpha amylase and heart rate (HR) responses to psychological stress compared with age matched lean men. Lean (BMIZ20–25 kg/m2; nZ19) and overweight/obese (BMIZ27–35 kg/m2; nZ17) men (50–70 years) were subjected to a well-characterised psychological stress (Trier Social Stress Test, TSST) at 1500 h. Concentrations of cortisol and alpha amylase were measured in saliva samples collected every 7–15 min from 1400 to 1700 h. HR was recorded using electrocardiogram. Body weight, BMI, percentage body fat, resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure were significantly higher (P!0.05) in overweight/obese men compared with lean men. Both groups responded to the TSST with a substantial elevation in salivary cortisol (372%), salivary alpha amylase (123%) and HR (22%). These responses did not differ significantly between the groups (time!treatment interaction for salivary cortisol, salivary alpha amylase and HR; PZ0.187, PZ0.288, PZ0.550, respectively). There were no significant differences between the groups for pretreatment values, peak height, difference between pretreatment values and peak height (reactivity) or area under the curve for salivary cortisol, salivary alpha amylase or HR (PO0.05 for all). The results showed that, for men with a moderate level of overweight/obesity who were otherwise healthy, the response of salivary cortisol, salivary alpha amylase and HR to acute psychological stress was not impaired.


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First-differencing is generally taken to imply the loss of one observation, the first, or at least that the effect of ignoring this observation is asymptotically negligible. However, this is not always true, as in the case of generalized least squares (GLS) detrending. In order to illustrate this, the current article considers as an example the use of GLS detrended data when testing for a unit root. The results show that the treatment of the first observation is absolutely crucial for test performance, and that ignorance causes test break-down.


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This article develops a context-sensitive approach to analyse how and why voice operates in small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), an area that remains under-theorised and under-researched. By building on a priori frameworks with proven ability to unpack complexity and take account of the wider context of SMEs, this article explores how resources (human and social capital) and constraints (product market, labour market and strategic orientation) interact to shape voice practices. The article finds significant differences between 'reported' compared with 'actual' practices in situ, and identifies different types of firms ('strategic market regulation', 'strategic market-led' and 'non-strategic market-led') along with the factors that influence the form and practice of voice. Overall, the article argues that researchers should further pursue research that appreciates the layered nature of ontology and the role played by firm context to explain complex organisational phenomena, if we are to advance our understanding of voice practices in SMEs and beyond.


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INTRODUCTION: Although there is a documented social gradient for osteoporosis, the underlying mechanism(s) for that gradient remain unknown. We propose a conceptual model based upon the allostatic load theory, to suggest how DNA methylation (DNAm) might underpin the social gradient in osteoporosis and fracture. We hypothesise that social disadvantage is associated with priming of inflammatory pathways mediated by epigenetic modification that leads to an enhanced state of inflammatory reactivity and oxidative stress, and thus places socially disadvantaged individuals at greater risk of osteoporotic fracture. METHODS/RESULTS: Based on a review of the literature, we present a conceptual model in which social disadvantage increases stress throughout the lifespan, and engenders a proinflammatory epigenetic signature, leading to a heightened inflammatory state that increases risk for osteoporotic fracture in disadvantaged groups that are chronically stressed. CONCLUSIONS: Our model proposes that, in addition to the direct biological effects exerted on bone by factors such as physical activity and nutrition, the recognised socially patterned risk factors for osteoporosis also act via epigenetic-mediated dysregulation of inflammation. DNAm is a dynamic modulator of gene expression with considerable relevance to the field of osteoporosis. Elucidating the extent to which this epigenetic mechanism transduces the psycho-social environment to increase the risk of osteoporotic fracture may yield novel entry points for intervention that can be used to reduce individual and population-wide risks for osteoporotic fracture. Specifically, an epigenetic evidence-base may strengthen the importance of lifestyle modification and stress reduction programs, and help to reduce health inequities across social groups. MINI ABSTRACT: Our conceptual model proposes how DNA methylation might underpin the social gradient in osteoporotic fracture. We suggest that social disadvantage is associated with priming of inflammatory signalling pathways, which is mediated by epigenetic modifications, leading to a chronically heightened inflammatory state that places disadvantaged individuals at greater risk of osteoporosis.


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© 2015 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Many hypotheses have been proposed to account for cooperative behaviour, with those favouring kin selection receiving the greatest support to date. However, the importance of relatedness becomes less clear in complex societies where interactions can involve both kin and non-kin. To help clarify this, we examined the relative effect of indirect versus key direct benefit hypotheses in shaping cooperative decisions. We assessed the relative importance of likely reciprocal aid (as measured by spatial proximity between participants), kin selection (using molecular-based relatedness indices) and putative signals of relatedness (vocal similarity) on helper/helper cooperative provisioning dynamics in bell miners (Manorina melanophrys), a species living in large, complex societies. Using network analysis, we quantified the extent of shared provisioning (helping at the same nests) among individual helpers (excluding breeding pairs) over three seasons and 4290 provisioning visits, and compared these with the location of individuals within a colony and networks built using either genetic molecular relatedness or call similarity indices. Significant levels of clustering were observed in networks; individuals within a cluster were more closely related to each other than other colony members, and cluster membership was stable across years. The probability of a miner helping at another’s nest was not simply a product of spatial proximity and thus the potential for reciprocal aid. Networks constructed using helping data were significantly correlated to those built using molecular data in 5 of 10 comparisons, compared to 8 of 10 comparisons for networks constructed using call similarity. This suggests an important role of kinship in shaping helping dynamics in a complex cooperative society, apparently determined via an acoustic ‘greenbeard’ signal in this system.


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There is a need for outreach programs to attract a diverse range of students to the computing discipline. The lack of qualified computing graduates to fill the growing number of computing vacancies is of concern to government and industry and there are few female students entering the computing pipeline at high school level. This paper presents three outreach programs that have the underlying assumption that students need to be reminded about the creativity and potential of computing so that it remains on the radar of their future career options. Each program instigated social and cultural change through a paradigm shift where girls moved from being ICT consumers to ICT creators. By exposing students to a wide variety of ICT activities and careers during secondary schooling, they were more likely to consider studying information systems, computer science or any other computing course at the university level. Results are presented showing student attitudinal changes as well as observed increases in enrolments at secondary school and university courses


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Introduction: The progress in technology, associated to the high survival rate in premature newborn infants in neonatal intensive care units, causes an increase in morbidity. Individuals with CP present complex motor alterations, with primary deficits of abnormal muscle tone affecting posture and voluntary movement, alteration of balance and coordination, decrease of force, and loss of selective motor control with secondary problems of contractures and bone deformities.Objective: The aim of this work is to describe the spontaneous movement and strategies that lead infants with cerebral palsy to move.Methods: Seven infants used to receive assistance at the Essential Stimulation Center of CIAM (Israeli Center for Multidisciplinary Support - Philanthropic Institution), with ages ranging between six and 18 months with diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP) were assessed.Results: The results show the difficulty presented by the infants with respect to the spontaneous motor functions and the necessity of help from the caregiver in order to perform the functional activity (mobility). Prematurity prevails as the major risk factor among the complications.Conclusion: The child development can be understood as a product of the dynamic interactions involving the infant, the family, and the context. Thus, the social interactions and family environment in which the infant live may encourage or limit both the acquisition of skills and the functional independence.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Introduction The social agenda is long-term in nature, in the sense that poverty alleviation along with a better distribution of income, wealth and opportunities are long-term goals. A sound macroeconomic policy, on the other hand, has to do largely with the consistent management of short-term policy instruments pursuing a sustainable and predictable pace for aggregate economic variables and major prices (wages, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates). In spite of the different arena and rationale in which they play, there are strong links between the two. First and most obvious, macroeconomic adjustment and structural reform are more likely to be sustainable when they are equitable. Second, social intervention —i.e., policies, programmes and reforms aimed at improving social performance in the long run—, needs stable funding which is not always available in view of macroeconomic constraints. Third, macroeconomic instability —especially episodes of recession or hyperinflation— increases poverty and inequality, while restoring macroeconomic equilibrium does not restore previous social balances. Finally, there is no unique macroeconomic policy mix to tackle a given situation, and the policy options may not be neutral from a social standpoint. Monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies, together with structural reform, have major consequences for the social wellbeing of societies, not only in terms of protection against shocks and crises but also in terms of equity. Many, if not all, of the necessary social policies are of a domestic nature. This report thus concentrates on domestic strategies aimed at maximizing the linkages between consistent macroeconomic policies and social progress. Pursuing them, however, depends to a considerable extent on the international enabling environment in which the global financial system, the unsettled debt crisis and increasing ODA flows play a significant role. Countries operate in a world economy where market players everywhere immediately scrutinize domestic monetary, financial or fiscal policy decisions and the performance of exchange rate regimes of individual countries. Under these conditions, the room for manoeuvre of policymakers has become considerably constrained. Consequently, it is becoming increasingly complex to incorporate the social dimensions into such policy decisions, to the extent that external analysts consider that authorities are sacrificing sound macroeconomic policies. The main message of the report is that the expediency of short-term economic efficiency as embedded in much of the advice on macroeconomic stability needs to be tempered by long-term development objectives. The report starts with a short historical background which describes the ascendancy of macroeconomic policies over social development policies (chapter I). It continues with an evaluation of the relation between macroeconomic consistency and social effort (chapter II), and the importance of sustainable and stable growth for social progress (chapter III). The report then turns to the need for an equity-enhancing growth strategy (chapter IV) and an analysis of the priorities of social policies in an integrated approach to growth (chapter V). The final chapter adds some final institutional remarks.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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The 2015 edition of Social Panorama of Latin America analyses poverty trends, as measured by ECLAC. It also examines changes in income distribution and in other aspects of inequality. With a view to contributing to the development of public policies to overcome poverty and socioeconomic inequality, this edition examines the latest trends in social spending and the challenges posed by demographic change, and provides in-depth analysis of persistent gaps in the labour market, of the challenges facing policies and programmes that foster inclusion in the labour market and production, and of social development institutions in Latin America.


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Introduction: The progress in technology, associated to the high survival rate in premature newborn infants in neonatal intensive care units, causes an increase in morbidity. Individuals with CP present complex motor alterations, with primary deficits of abnormal muscle tone affecting posture and voluntary movement, alteration of balance and coordination, decrease of force, and loss of selective motor control with secondary problems of contractures and bone deformities. Objective: The aim of this work is to describe the spontaneous movement and strategies that lead infants with cerebral palsy to move. Methods: Seven infants used to receive assistance at the Essential Stimulation Center of CIAM (Israeli Center for Multidisciplinary Support - Philanthropic Institution), with ages ranging between six and 18 months with diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP) were assessed. Results: The results show the difficulty presented by the infants with respect to the spontaneous motor functions and the necessity of help from the caregiver in order to perform the functional activity (mobility). Prematurity prevails as the major risk factor among the complications. Conclusion: The child development can be understood as a product of the dynamic interactions involving the infant, the family, and the context. Thus, the social interactions and family environment in which the infant live may encourage or limit both the acquisition of skills and the functional independence.