970 resultados para Soccer players - Physiology


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Three icons of the game of soccer in Australia. Alan Davidson (left), Josip Biskic (centre) and John Markovski of Preston (right). c.1980s.


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Harry Williams at Footscray, the first person of Aboriginal heritage to play soccer for Australia, c.1980.


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Socceroo Jimmy Rooney and English star Trevor Cherry prior to the international in Sydney on 31 May 1980.


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Sjel (Mike) de Bruyckere was regarded as one of the best players to come to Australia. He became a great coach, especially of children.


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Peter Blasby of Croatia makes a flying save. This picture won the National Soccer Photographer of the Year award in 1982 for Les Shorrock.


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Peter Ollerton (centre) heads for goal for the Socceroos against Iran at Olympic Park in Melbourne in front of a full house on 14 August 1977.


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Peter Wilson, Australia's inspirational captain in 1974 at the World Cup in West Germany, seen here playing for the Western Suburbs in the Philips Soccer League (National Soccer League of Australia) in the 1970s.


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Michael Weinstein (left) and George Wallace (right), respectively Chairman and Secretary of the Victorian Soccer Federation, flank Sepp Blatter (then General Secretary of FIFA) and Harry Cavan of Northern Ireland and Vice President of FIFA, during a 1980 planning meeting for the forthcoming World Youth Cup to be hosted by Australia in 1981.


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Game demands and training practices within team sports such as Australian football (AF) have changed considerably over recent decades, including the requirement of coaching staff to effectively control, manipulate and monitor training and competition loads. The purpose of this investigation was to assess the differences in external and internal physical load measures between game and training in elite junior AF. Twenty five male, adolescent players (mean ±SD: age 17.6 ± 0.5 y) recruited from three elite under 18 AF clubs participated. Global positioning system (GPS), heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) data were obtained from 32 game files during four games, and 84 training files during 19 training sessions. Matched-pairs statistics along with Cohen's d effect size and percent difference were used to compare game and training events. Players were exposed to a higher physical load in the game environment, for both external (GPS) and internal (HR, Session-RPE) load parameters, compared to in-season training. Session time (d = 1.23; percent difference = 31.4% (95% confidence intervals = 17.4 - 45.4)), total distance (3.5; 63.5% (17.4 - 45.4)), distance per minute (1.93; 33.0% (25.8 - 40.1)), high speed distance (2.24; 77.3% (60.3 - 94.2)), number of sprints (0.94; 43.6% (18.9 - 68.6)), mean HR (1.83; 14.3% (10.5 - 18.1)), minutes spent above 80% of predicted HRmax (2.65; 103.7% (89.9 - 117.6)) and Session-RPE (1.22; 48.1% (22.1 - 74.1)) were all higher in competition compared to training. While training should not be expected to fully replicate competition, the observed differences suggest that monitoring of physical load in both environments is warranted to allow comparisons and evaluate whether training objectives are being met. Key pointsPhysical loads, including intensity, are typically lower in training compared to competition in junior elite Australian football.Monitoring of player loads in team sports should include both internal and external measures.Selected training drills should look to replicate game intensities, however training is unlikely to match the overall physical demands of competition.


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Tecnologia social é um conceito recente, mas sua fundamentação teórica foi inspirada nas idéias do líder indiano Mahatma Gandhi, que popularizou a fiação manual da charkha, uma roca de fiar giratória, como uma solução para diminuir a miséria. O objetivo de uma tecnologia social é produzir um novo patamar de desenvolvimento, que permita o acesso e a produção do conhecimento por toda a população, unindo os saberes acadêmico e popular na busca de soluções sociais inovadoras. O esporte é considerado o maior fenômeno social e cultural da sociedade contemporânea, conectando-se a questões como tempo livre e lazer, mercantilização, espetacularização e inclusão social. Partindo da Grécia Antiga até chegar à sua institucionalização, na Inglaterra do século XIX, o esporte sempre esteve ligado ao contexto educacional. Atualmente, a legislação brasileira reconhece três dimensões do esporte: esporte de rendimento, esporte de participação e esporte educacional. O foco deste estudo é a experiência do Instituto Bola Pra Frente, trabalho social dos tetracampeões mundiais de futebol Jorginho e Bebeto, com esses dois temas: esporte educacional e tecnologia social. Buscamos contribuir para um melhor entendimento desses conceitos e avaliar sua contribuição para a promoção social. Este estudo levanta o histórico e aprofunda os conceitos atuais de tecnologia social: o que caracteriza e quais as implicações de uma tecnologia social, além de experiências de implementação. Como referencial de esporte educacional, esta pesquisa faz um breve histórico do esporte e do futebol, analisando a sua relação com a sociedade, a educação e o terceiro setor. Como referencial prático, este estudo levanta a história do Instituto Bola Pra Frente, aprofundando sua evolução desde 2000, quando foi fundado, no Complexo do Muquiço, no Rio de Janeiro, até os dias atuais, enfatizando quais são os seus conceitos norteadores, sistematizando as informações acerca de sua organização metodológica, metodologia pedagógica e avaliação de impacto social, além da aplicação dos quesitos básicos de uma tecnologia social ao caso do Instituto.


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o presente tema - "Agressão no jogo de futebol” - teve primeiramente como objetivo investigar o problema da agressão no esporte popular brasileiro. Assim sendo o trabalho oferece uma visão introdutória, exploratória e descritiva dos aspectos principais com relação ao problema. Desta forma a análise está ligada a várias opiniões e posições que já foram expressas por um número de autores, e esta nossa análise está intimamente ligada a tudo que já foi publicado sobre este tema. Contudo, apresentamos uma ligeira inovação, uma contribuição muito especial. Ao dissertarmos de uma maneira, a mais clara possível, nos limitamos num ponto especifico que é o de vivermos a realidade do jogo de futebol. Cuidadosamente, conduzimos o tema principal do trabalho em direção ao papel fundamental dos dirigentes, treinadores, médicos desportistas, juizes de campo, preparadores físicos, advogados desportistas e psicólogos. Em suma, nós conduzimos nossa atenção ,para as pessoas diretamente envolvidas com a prática do esporte em geral na sociedade contemporânea, assim como da luta para combater os problemas cria dos pela agressão, aspecto particularmente relevante para os jogadores de futebol em situações de forte competição. Na segunda parte do trabalho, nós tivemos a oportunidade de fazer alguns contatos diretos 'e pessoais com vários jogadores conhecidos do futebol no Brasil, assim como outros tipos de profissionais que lidam com este esporte. Podemos dizer, que tal ordem de contatos foi desenvolvida através de, várias observações não só na hora dos treinos, mas também durante um número de jogos eliminatórios (finais), juntamente com algumas entrevistas individuais que depois eles concederam. Quando todas as peças foram colocadas nos próprios lugares é que o quadro ficou mais completo, expondo os fatores mútuos e interativos nos jogos. Falando de maneira geral, o modelo de melhor compreensão proposto para este trabalho foi detalhado de forma que pode ser baseado na observação direta da pesquisa de campo mas com um número especifico de dados para este tipo de· pesquisa, cujos principais objetivos foram as simples situações corriqueiras (significatiyas). Com este material, em nossas mãos, nós pudemos reformular algumas questões vitais que poderiam enriquecer o dia-a-dia da psicologia neste campo de conhecimento. Sem dúvida, essa ênfase atual da questão da agressão - e um problema crescente. O significado do combate a agressão não é fácil, digamos, de enquadrar numa simples elaboração de palavras. Na pesquisa que fizemos a conclusão é de que a agressão deve ser combatida desde muito cedo nos estágios das "escolas de futebol".


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O grau de desenvolvimento das capacidades físicas no futebol é fator determinante do nível desportivo do jogador. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar valores de limiar anaeróbio e consumo máximo de oxigênio entre jogadores profissionais de futebol de diferentes posições. Para tanto, 25 atletas (idade = 22,08 ± 8,28 anos, peso = 76,12 ± 9,8kg, altura = 179,8 ± 7,1cm e relação corporal = 12,21 ± 3,67% de gordura corporal) foram divididos em cinco grupos, como se segue: goleiros (GO), zagueiros (ZA), laterais (LA), meio-campistas (MC) e atacantes (AT). O VO2max foi determinado em esteira ergométrica através de análise direta e a velocidade de corrida correspondente ao limiar anaeróbio fixo de 4mM (V4mM), em teste de campo (2 x 1.000m a 90 e 95% da velocidade máxima para a distância) através de interpolação linear. A V4mM foi menor (p < 0,05) para o grupo GO em relação aos demais grupos. Além disso, os grupos LA e MC apresentaram valores de V4mM significantemente maiores em relação aos grupos ZA e AT. O grupo GO mostrou VO2max significantemente menor em relação a todos os outros grupos, sendo que estes últimos não apresentaram diferença entre si. Uma vez que os atletas de diferentes posições não realizavam treinamento diferenciado, os autores creditam as diferenças encontradas à especificidade da movimentação durante partidas e coletivos.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of warm-up on agility (AG) and on vertical jump (VJ) tests in youth soccer players. Sixteen players performed the AG and VJ tests without warm-up (NW) and with warm-up (WW) randomly, within two weeks, at least 48 h interval, during season. The warm-up was performed only a light running during 10 min. The paired t-test identified significant difference (p <0,05) between the NW and WW conditions in the tests of SR and CJ (9,14 +/- 0,28 vs 8,94 +/- 0,30 s e 51,4 +/- 4,2 vs 54,5 +/- 6,4 cm, respectively). The warm-up performed on light intensity running was effective to improve the AG and VJ tests performance in youth soccer players.


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Currently one of the major concerns in sports is to identify, select, discover and reveal talents in soccer. As principal reasons is perceived the search direct or indirect for resources for players, clubs, media, sports brands and their sponsors. However, high salaries are an exception and not a rule, because the majority of professional players in Brazil receives 1 minimum salary per month. It is also known that on professional clubs, daily, arriving several players to try to be a professional soccer player, however, the majority of clubs - almost all does not present methodological, systematic and analytical aspects to select promising players. The selective processes ("sieves" or "big sieves") developed by technical observers ( olheiros") summarized in the observation of the sportive performance of a big group of players in a period of few minutes given to each player. In this period the target behavior is the ability with the ball. If promising players are identified on that selection, they are referred to the club for a new observation, which will be conducted by the responsible coach of base category in question. It is understood by base categories, the amateur categories (not professional), to serve as a "base" for the formation of the cast of professional clubs. What are sub-13 (under 13 years), sub-15 (under 15 years), sub-17 (under 17 years) and sub-20 (under 20 years). The absence of common criterias and performance indicators of these professionals may hamper the evaluation of promising players, and be a costly activity for the club. This study proposes to identify, characterize and categorize the criterias and methods of behavioral evaluation, used by coaches of base categories of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) to evaluate the sportive performance of young soccer players, with the purpose of to compare the criterias of evaluation of sportive performance of young soccer players, used by coaches with different time of experience in function. The proposal had 2 pilot studies, the first (June and July, 2007) were interviewed 29 coaches, 17 of category sub-13 and 12 of category sub-17. The data were tabulated and organized into spreadsheets in order to describe, and developed a set of descriptors of behavior. And the second (May and June, 2008), with revisions made based on observations, analysis and descriptions found in the first, were interviewed 14 technical of category sub-15. After the results found in pilots, it was possible to outline the study in question, which had 46 coaches base categories of the RN. And from the results show that the characteristic of greatest importance, according to the interviewees was the behavior, the 2nd most important characteristic considered was the motivation, the 3rd was the ability and the 4th was the physical condition and the last was the affiliation. And by analyzing the results to the methods of evaluation of sportive performance used by coaches, it was noted clearly that most uses only the observation to select young soccer players. Therefore, needs a systematization to the selection of soccer players, since there is complexity in the verification of characteristics and aspects involved with purpose to avoid wrong evaluations and selections and the results negligible


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Aim. Extrinsic compression of the popliteal artery and absence of surrounding anatomical abnormalities characterize the functional popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES). The diagnosis is confirmed to individuals who have typical symptoms of popliteal entrapment and occlusion or important stenosis of the popliteal artery with color duplex sonography (CDS), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or arteriography during active plantar flexion-extension maneuvers. However, variable result findings in normal asymptomatic subjects have raised doubts as to the validity of these tests. The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency of popliteal artery compression in 2 groups of asymptomatic subjects, athletes and non-athletes.Methods. Forty-two individuals were studied. Twenty-one subjects were indoor soccer players, and 21 were sedentary individuals. Physical activity was evaluated through questionnaires, anthropometric measurements, and cardiopulmonary exercise test. Evaluation of popliteal artery compression was performed in lower limbs with CDS, ankle-brachial index (ABI) measurements and continuous wave Doppler of the posterior tibial artery.Results. The athletes studied fulfilled the criteria of high level of physical activity whereas sedentary subjects met the criteria of low level of activity. Popliteal artery compression was observed with CDS in 6 (14.2%) studied subjects; 2 of whom (4.7%) were athletes and 4 (9.5%) were non-athletes. This difference was not statistically significant (p=0.21). Doppler of the tibial arteries and ABI measurements gave good specificity and sensibility in the identification of popliteal artery compression.Conclusion. The frequency of popliteal artery compression during maneuvers in normal subjects was 14.2% irrespective of whether or not they performed regular physical activities. Both Doppler and ABI showed good agreement with CDS and should be considered in screening popliteal arteries in individuals suspected of PAES.