94 resultados para Smallholders


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Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), a disease of cloven hooved animals caused by FMD virus (FMDV), is one of the most economically devastating diseases of livestock worldwide. The global burden of disease is borne largely by livestock-keepers in areas of Africa and Asia where the disease is endemic and where many people rely on livestock for their livelihoods and food-security. Yet, there are many gaps in our knowledge of the drivers of FMDV circulation in these settings. In East Africa, FMD epidemiology is complicated by the circulation of multiple FMDV serotypes (distinct antigenic variants) and by the presence of large populations of susceptible wildlife and domestic livestock. The African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is the only wildlife species with consistent evidence of high levels of FMDV infection, and East Africa contains the largest population of this species globally. To inform FMD control in this region, key questions relate to heterogeneities in FMD prevalence and impacts in different livestock management systems and to the role of wildlife as a potential source of FMDV for livestock. To develop FMD control strategies and make best use of vaccine control options, serotype-specific patterns of circulation need to be characterised. In this study, the impacts and epidemiology of FMD were investigated across a range of traditional livestock-keeping systems in northern Tanzania, including pastoralist, agro-pastoralist and rural smallholder systems. Data were generated through field studies and laboratory analyses between 2010 and 2015. The study involved analysis of existing household survey data and generated serological data from cross-sectional livestock and buffalo samples and longitudinal cattle samples. Serological analyses included non-structural protein ELISAs, serotype-specific solid-phase competitive ELISAs, with optimisation to detect East African FMDV variants, and virus neutralisation testing. Risk factors for FMDV infection and outbreaks were investigated through analysis of cross-sectional serological data in conjunction with a case-control outbreak analysis. A novel Bayesian modeling approach was developed to infer serotype-specific infection history from serological data, and combined with virus isolation data from FMD outbreaks to characterise temporal and spatial patterns of serotype-specific infection. A high seroprevalence of FMD was detected in both northern Tanzanian livestock (69%, [66.5 - 71.4%] in cattle and 48.5%, [45.7-51.3%] in small ruminants) and in buffalo (80.9%, [74.7-86.1%]). Four different serotypes of FMDV (A, O, SAT1 and SAT2) were isolated from livestock. Up to three outbreaks per year were reported by households and active surveillance highlighted up to four serial outbreaks in the same herds within three years. Agro-pastoral and pastoral livestock keepers reported more frequent FMD outbreaks compared to smallholders. Households in all three management systems reported that FMD outbreaks caused significant impacts on milk production and sales, and on animals’ draught power, hence on crop production, with implications for food security and livelihoods. Risk factor analyses showed that older livestock were more likely to be seropositive for FMD (Odds Ratio [OR] 1.4 [1.4-1.5] per extra year) and that cattle (OR 3.3 [2.7-4.0]) were more likely than sheep and goats to be seropositive. Livestock managed by agro-pastoralists (OR 8.1 [2.8-23.6]) or pastoralists (OR 7.1 [2.9-17.6]) were more likely to be seropositive compared to those managed by smallholders. Larger herds (OR: 1.02 [1.01-1.03] per extra bovine) and those that recently acquired new livestock (OR: 5.57 [1.01 – 30.91]) had increased odds of suffering an FMD outbreak. Measures of potential contact with buffalo or with other FMD susceptible wildlife did not increase the likelihood of FMD in livestock in either the cross-sectional serological analysis or case-control outbreak analysis. The Bayesian model was validated to correctly infer from ELISA data the most recent serotype to infect cattle. Consistent with the lack of risk factors related to wildlife contact, temporal and spatial patterns of exposure to specific FMDV serotypes were not tightly linked in cattle and buffalo. In cattle, four serial waves of different FMDV serotypes that swept through southern Kenyan and northern Tanzanian livestock populations over a four-year period dominated infection patterns. In contrast, only two serotypes (SAT1 and SAT2) dominated in buffalo populations. Key conclusions are that FMD has a substantial impact in traditional livestock systems in East Africa. Wildlife does not currently appear to act as an important source of FMDV for East African livestock, and control efforts in the region should initially focus on livestock management and vaccination strategies. A novel modeling approach greatly facilitated the interpretation of serological data and may be a potent epidemiological tool in the African setting. There was a clear temporal pattern of FMDV antigenic dominance across northern Tanzania and southern Kenya. Longer-term research to investigate whether serotype-specific FMDV sweeps are truly predictable, and to shed light on FMD post-infection immunity in animals exposed to serial FMD infections is warranted.


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Conservation Agriculture (CA) is mostly referred to in the literature as having three principles at the core of its identity: minimum soil disturbance, permanent organic soil cover and crop diversity. This farming package has been described as suitable to improve yields and livelihoods of smallholders in semi-arid regions of Kenya, which since the colonial period have been heavily subjected to tillage. Our study is based on a qualitative approach that followed local meanings and understandings of soil fertility, rainfall and CA in Ethi and Umande located in the semi-arid region of Laikipia, Kenya. Farm visits, 53 semistructured interviews, informal talks were carried out from April to June 2015. Ethi and Umande locations were part of a resettlement programme after the independence of Kenya that joined together people coming from different farming contexts. Since the 1970–80s, state and NGOs have been promoting several approaches to control erosion and boost soil fertility. In this context, CA has also been promoted preferentially since 2007. Interviewees were well acquainted with soil erosion and the methods to control it. Today, rainfall amount and distribution are identified as major constraints to crop performance. Soil fertility is understood as being under control since farmers use several methods to boost it (inorganic fertilisers, manure, terraces, agroforestry, vegetation barriers). CA is recognised to deliver better yields but it is not able to perform well under severe drought and does not provide yields as high as ‘promised’ in promotion campaigns. Moreover, CA is mainly understood as “cultivating with chemicals”, “kulima na dawa”, in kiswahili. A dominant view is that CA is about minimum tillage and use of pre-emergence herbicides. It is relevant to reflect about what kind of CA is being promoted and if elements like soil cover and crop rotation are given due attention. CA based on these two ideas, minimum tillage and use of herbicides, is hard to stand as a programme to be promoted and up-scaled. Therefore CA appears not to be recognised as a convincing approach to improve the livelihoods in Laikipia.


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Resumo: Este estudo objetivou analisar a efetividade do Programa Cisternas utilizando abordagens teóricas orientadas aos atores, a partir do desenvolvimento de novas práticas sociais implementadas pelos agricultores beneficiários do Programa para a convivência com o Semiárido brasileiro. Elaborou-se um estudo de caso selecionando a Comunidade Sítios Areias, localizada no município de Sobral (CE). A coleta de dados foi realizada com a aplicação de questionários às famílias beneficiadas pelo Programa. O marco teórico utilizado foi a teoria da Abordagem dos Meios de Vida para caracterizar a efetividade do programa e compreender o processo de mudança social. Constatou-se que o Programa apesar de utilizar os preceitos do paradigma de desenvolvimento sustentável para a sua implantação, não possibilitou a efetividade do programa em promover modificações das práticas sociais, não revertendo a estratégia de migração das famílias, ocasionada pelo processo de desativação dos beneficiários com a agricultura. A implementação do programa não conseguiu combater a pobreza rural, mesmo proporcionando o acesso à água as famílias. Concluiu-se que a forma de intervenção exigia uma nova dinâmica para o Semiárido, bem mais complexa do que simplesmente a construção de tecnologias sociais de captação de água. Recomenda-se políticas integradas e que contribuam para a melhoria dos meios de vida das famílias, mas que também ensejem seu protagonismo e o fortalecimento de sua autonomia frente às adversidades climáticas frequentes da região. [Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Cisterns Programe according to the Sustainable Livelihood Approach]. Abstract: This study was carried out in order to analyze the effectiveness of the Cisterns Program according to the new social practices implemented by the family farmers in order to survive and live in the adverse environment of the Brazilian semiarid. The empirical space chosen was the Municipality of Sobral (CE) and the case study was the Community Areia Branca. Data was collected on all the families benefited from the Cisterns Program. The analytical theoretical framework used was the Sustainable Livelihood Approach to characterize the effectiveness of the program and the process of social change. It was found that despite using the concepts of sustainable development paradigm in the implementation of Cisterns Program, the program was not effective in promoting social changes or to reserve the migration practice as well, which is a family strategy due to deactivation of agricultural activities. The implementation of the program failed to combat rural poverty other than providing access to water. The form of intervention in the semiarid requires a new dynamic approach, which is far more complex than simply building social technologies for water storage. In order to fight poverty in the region, it is necessary to implement integrated policies able to improve life style and bring about changes in order to empower and give autonomy to the families helping them to face the adverse climatic conditions typical of the region.


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Resumo: Para execução do processo de raleamento na Caatinga é importante utilizar máquinas do tipo rotores trituradores acoplados em tratores de baixa potência, visando a diminuição de tempo e mão-de-obra dos agricultores familiares na, implantação de sistemas de exploração sustentáveis, sistemas agrossilvipastoris. Para o projeto de uma máquina que seja acessível a estes produtores, o primeiro passo é se conhecer a potência de corte necessária para a operação de raleamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e avaliar uma metodologia de ensaio para medir a potência durante o corte de uma espécie arbórea, podendo assim avaliar os parâmetros a serem utilizados futuramente no projeto da máquina. Como espécie teste, utilizou-se o eucalyptus citriodora, por ser uma madeira que apresenta resistência de corte elevada e similar ao das espécies da Caatinga. Observou-se que a metodologia proposta, ao padronizar os procedimentos, permitiu adquirir de forma rápida e precisa os valores dos parâmetros de importância no projeto de máquinas destinadas a cortar e triturar espécies arbóreas. Também a utilização dos dados obtidos por meio da aplicação da metodologia, possibilitam maior confiabilidade e precisão no projeto de máquinas destinadas a este tipo de trabalho. [Methodology for obtaining the cutting power of a forest crusher]. Abstract: For executions the thinning process in Caatinga is important to use machines as Rotors Crushers coupled in low- power tractors, aimed at decrease of time and hand labor of Family Farmers in the implementation of sustainable exploration systems, agrosylvopastoral Systems. For the project for the design of a machine that is accessible these producers, the first step is knowing the cut power needed for a thinning operation. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a test methodology to measure the power during the cutting of a tree species and can evaluate the cutting parameters used in the future in machine design. As a test species, we used the eucalyptus citriodora, as this wood has cut high resistance and similar to Species of Caatinga. It was observed that the methodology proposal, to the standardize procedures, allows to get quickly and accurately the values of importance parameters in the design of machines designed to cut and grind tree species. Also the use of data obtained through the application of the methodology , enable greater reliability and precision in machine design intended for this type of work.