877 resultados para Small cities - Urban network


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This case study examines the factors that shaped the identity and landscape of a small island-urban-village between the north and south forks of the Middle River and north of an urban area in Broward County, Florida. The purpose of the study is to understand how Wilton Manors was transformed from a “whites only” enclave to the contemporary upscale, diverse, and third gayest city in the U.S. by positing that a dichotomy for urban places exists between their exchange value as seen by Logan and Molotch and the use value produced through everyday activity according to Lefebvre. Qualitative methods were used to gather evidence for reaching conclusions about the relationship among the worldview of residents, the tension between exchange value and use value in the restructuration of the city, and the transformation of Wilton Manors at the end of the 1990s. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 21 contemporary participants. In addition, thirteen taped CDs of selected members of founding families, previously taped in the 1970s, were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. My findings indicate that Wilton Manors’ residents share a common worldview which incorporates social inclusion as a use value, and individual agency in the community. This shared worldview can be traced to selected city pioneers whose civic mindedness helped shape city identity and laid the foundation for future restructuration. Currently, residents’ quality of life reflected in the city’s use value is more significant than exchange value as a primary force in the decisions that are made about the city’s development. With innovative ideas, buildings emulating the new urban mixed-use design, and a reputation as the third gayest city in the United States, Wilton Manors reflects a worldview where residents protect use value as primary over market value in the decisions they make that shape their city but not without contestation.^


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Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Garden City model has been a predominant theory emerging from Ecological Urbanism. In his book Howard observed the disastrous effects of rapid urbanization and as a response, proposed the Garden City. Although Howard’s proposal was first published in the late 1800’s, the clear imbalance that Howard aimed to address is still prevalent in the UK today. Each year, the UK wastes nearly 15 million tons of food, despite this an estimated 500,000 people in the UK go without sufficient access to food. While the urban population is rapidly increasing and cities are becoming hubs of economic activity, producing wealth and improving education and access to markets, it is within these cities that the imbalance is most evident, with a significant proportion of the world’s population with unmet needs living in urban areas. Despite Howard’s model being a response to 17th century London, many still consider the Garden City model to be an effective solution for the 21st century. In his book, Howard details the metrics required for the design of a Garden City. This paper will discuss how, by using this methodology and comparing it with more recent studies by Cornell University and Matthew Wheeland (Pure Energies); it is possible to test the validity of Howard’s proposal to establish whether the Garden City model is a viable solution to the increasing pressures of urbanization.
This paper outlines how the analysis of Howard’s proposal has shown the model to be flawed, incapable of producing enough food to sustain the proposed 32,000 population, with a capacity to produce only 23% of the food required to meet the current average UK consumption rate. Beyond the limited productive capacity of Howard’s model, the design itself does little to increase local resilience or the ecological base. This paper will also discuss how a greater understanding of the
Land-share requirements enables the design of a new urban model, building on the foundations initially laid out by Howard and combining a number of other theories to produce a more resilient and efficient model of ecological urbanism.


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Food production and consumption for cities has become a global concern due to increasing numbers of people living in urban areas, threatening food security. There is the contention that people living in cities have become disconnected with food production, leading to reduced nutrition in diets and increased food waste. Integrating food production into cities (urban agriculture) can help alleviate some of these issues. Lack of space at ground level in high-density urban areas has accelerated the idea of using spare building surfaces for food production. There are various growing methods being used for food production on buildings, which can be split into two main types, soil-less systems and soil-based systems. This paper is a holistic assessment (underpinned by the triple bottom line of sustainable development) of these two types of systems for food production on buildings, looking at the benefits and limitation of each type in this context. The results illustrate that soil-less systems are more productive per square metre, which increases the amount of locally grown, fresh produce available in urban areas. The results also show that soil-based systems for cultivation on buildings are more environmentally and socially beneficial overall for urban areas than soil-less systems.


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Owing to na intense process of urban development, urban uneasiness and discomfort in the daily life of populations have nowadays, especially in the big cities, become increasingly ordinary issues. Population density, degeneration of central areas and pollution are some of the environmental stressors the urban man is subjected to. The existence of open areas in the urban network contributes to a better movement of the air and transforms salubrity conditions. Yet, it has been noticed that parks and squares are disappearing from the heart of the city districts. In their place there are either unused plots of land where garbage has been dumped or nearly all-paved squares with meager or no vegetation at all. Such areas, when handled properly, play an important role in the city because in addition to being zones for rendering a mild climate they perform social, cultural and hygienic functions. Aiming at demonstrating that proper handling of green areas can favorably influence the local microclimate, we have attempted to develop analysis from the point of view of bioclimatizing attributes of urban form and their relationship to the local microclimate found in the eight open areas located in the Ponta Negra Housing Complex in the city of Natal/RN


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2016.


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La necesidad cotidiana de los ciudadanos de desplazarse para realizar diferentes actividades, sea cual fuere su naturaleza, se ha visto afectada en gran medida por los cambios producidos. Las ventajas generadas por la inclusión de la bicicleta como modo de transporte y la proliferación de su uso entre la ciudadanía son innumerables y se extienden tanto en el ámbito de la movilidad urbana como del desarrollo sostenible. En la actualidad, hay multitud de programas para la implantación, fomento o aumento de la participación ciudadana relacionado con la bicicleta en las ciudades. Pero en definitiva, todos y cada uno de estas iniciativas tienen la misma finalidad, crear una malla de vías cicladles eficaz y útil. Capaces de permitir el uso de la bicicleta en vías preferentes con unas garantías de seguridad altas, incorporando la bicicleta en el modelo de intermodalidad del transporte urbano. Con la progresiva implantación del carril bici, muchas personas han empezado a utilizarlas para moverse por la ciudad. Pero todo lo nuevo necesita un periodo de adaptación. Y, la realidad es que la red de viales destinados para estos vehículos está repleta de obstáculos para el ciclista. La actual situación ha llevado a cuestionar qué cantidad de kilómetros de carriles bici son necesarios para abastecer la demanda existente de este modo de transporte y, si las obras ejecutadas y proyectadas son las correctas y suficientes. En este trabajo se presenta una herramienta, basada en un modelo de programación matemática, para el diseño óptimo de una red destinada a los ciclistas. En concreto, el sistema determina una infraestructura para la bicicleta adaptada a las características de la red de carreteras existentes, con base en criterios de teoría de grafos ponderados. Como una aplicación del modelo propuesto, se ofrece el resultado de estos experimentos, obteniéndose un número de conclusiones útiles para la planificación y el diseño de redes de carriles bici desde una perspectiva social. Se realiza una aplicación de la metodología desarrollada para el caso real del municipio de Málaga (España). Por último se produce la validación del modelo de optimización presentado y la repercusión que tiene éste sobre el resultado final y la importancia o el peso del total de variables capaces de condicionar el resultado final de la red ciclista. Se obtiene, por tanto, una herramienta destinada a la mejora de la planificación, diseño y gestión de las diferentes infraestructuras para la bicicleta, con capacidad de interactuar con el modelo de red vial actual y con el resto de los modos de transportes existentes en el entramado urbano de las ciudades.


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Owing to na intense process of urban development, urban uneasiness and discomfort in the daily life of populations have nowadays, especially in the big cities, become increasingly ordinary issues. Population density, degeneration of central areas and pollution are some of the environmental stressors the urban man is subjected to. The existence of open areas in the urban network contributes to a better movement of the air and transforms salubrity conditions. Yet, it has been noticed that parks and squares are disappearing from the heart of the city districts. In their place there are either unused plots of land where garbage has been dumped or nearly all-paved squares with meager or no vegetation at all. Such areas, when handled properly, play an important role in the city because in addition to being zones for rendering a mild climate they perform social, cultural and hygienic functions. Aiming at demonstrating that proper handling of green areas can favorably influence the local microclimate, we have attempted to develop analysis from the point of view of bioclimatizing attributes of urban form and their relationship to the local microclimate found in the eight open areas located in the Ponta Negra Housing Complex in the city of Natal/RN


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitetura com Especialização em Urbanismo, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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This dissertation has two main themes: first, the economic impact of tourism on cities and, secondly, the determinants of European long-run development, with a focus on the pre-Industrial era. The common thread is the attempt to develop economic geography models that incorporate spatial frictions and are liable to be given empirical content. Chapter 1, written in conjunction with G. Alfredo Minerva, provides an empirical analysis of the relationship between tourism and economic activity across Italian municipalities, and lays down the basic elements of an urban theory of tourism in an a-spatial setting. Chapter 2 extends these ideas to a quantitative urban framework to study the economic impact and the welfare consequences of tourism into the city of Venice. The model is given empirical content thanks to a large collection of data at the Census tract level for the Municipality of Venice, and then used to perform counterfactual policty analysis. In chapter 3, with Matteo Santacesaria, we consider a setting where agents are continuously distributed over a two-dimensional heterogeneous geography, and are allowed to do business at a finite set of markets. We study the equilibrium partition of the economic space into a collection of mutually-exclusive market areas, and provide condition for this equilibrium partition to exist and to be unique. Finally, chapter 4 "The rise of (urban) Europe: a Quantitative-Spatial analysis", co-authored with Matteo Cervellati and Alex Lehner, sets up a quantitative economic geography model to understand the roots of the Industrial Revolution, in an attempt to match the evolution of the European urban network, and the corresponding city-size distribution, over the period A.D. 1000-1850. It highlights the importance of agricultural trade across cities for the emergence of large manufacturing hubs.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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O tratamento de esgotos de pequenas cidades por lagoas de estabilização é uma maneira simples, eficiente e de baixo custo. Os esgotos são uma fonte de contaminação das águas e solos e, conseqüentemente, contribuem para a transmissão de doenças, além de serem uma ameaça à preservação do meio ambiente. Surge a necessidade de investigar as condições dos efluentes lançados nos cursos d´água. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma investigação da qualidade das águas residuárias tratadas por lagoas de estabilização de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto localizadas no município de São Lourenço da Serra no Vale da Ribeira no Estado de São Paulo e verificar os riscos sanitários e a comunidade aquática no Rio São Lourenço da Serra. Foram realizadas amostragens para avaliar o conjunto de lagoas anaeróbia e facultativa da estação de tratamento de esgoto do Município de São Lourenço da Serra. Os parâmetros utilizados foram pH, temperatura do ar e da água, condições climáticas, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio e nitrogênio amoniacal, bactérias termotolerantes, pigmentos fotossintéticos e comunidade zooplanctônica. Verificou-se que s sistemas de lagoa anaeróbia e facultativa foram eficientes na produção de efluente e apresentou alguns valores de acordo com a Resolução Conama nº 357, que estabelecem os valores limites para lançamento em corpos d´água. O rio São Lourenço está localizado em uma área de proteção ambiental. Os dados são comparados aos limites estabelecidos na Classe 1 e 2 e demonstram processo de eutrofização, colocando em risco à biodiversidade aquática e a saúde da população


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Sensor/actuator networks promised to extend automated monitoring and control into industrial processes. Avionic system is one of the prominent technologies that can highly gain from dense sensor/actuator deployments. An aircraft with smart sensing skin would fulfill the vision of affordability and environmental friendliness properties by reducing the fuel consumption. Achieving these properties is possible by providing an approximate representation of the air flow across the body of the aircraft and suppressing the detected aerodynamic drags. To the best of our knowledge, getting an accurate representation of the physical entity is one of the most significant challenges that still exists with dense sensor/actuator network. This paper offers an efficient way to acquire sensor readings from very large sensor/actuator network that are located in a small area (dense network). It presents LIA algorithm, a Linear Interpolation Algorithm that provides two important contributions. First, it demonstrates the effectiveness of employing a transformation matrix to mimic the environmental behavior. Second, it renders a smart solution for updating the previously defined matrix through a procedure called learning phase. Simulation results reveal that the average relative error in LIA algorithm can be reduced by as much as 60% by exploiting transformation matrix.


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Consider the problem of designing an algorithm for acquiring sensor readings. Consider specifically the problem of obtaining an approximate representation of sensor readings where (i) sensor readings originate from different sensor nodes, (ii) the number of sensor nodes is very large, (iii) all sensor nodes are deployed in a small area (dense network) and (iv) all sensor nodes communicate over a communication medium where at most one node can transmit at a time (a single broadcast domain). We present an efficient algorithm for this problem, and our novel algorithm has two desired properties: (i) it obtains an interpolation based on all sensor readings and (ii) it is scalable, that is, its time-complexity is independent of the number of sensor nodes. Achieving these two properties is possible thanks to the close interlinking of the information processing algorithm, the communication system and a model of the physical world.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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This paper presents the most recent developments of the Simulator of Intelligent Transportation Systems (SITS). The SITS is based on a microscopic simulation approach to reproduce real traffic conditions in an urban or non-urban network. In order to analyse the quality of the microscopic traffic simulator SITS a benchmark test was performed. A dynamical analysis of several traffic phenomena, applying a new modelling formalism based on the embedding of statistics and Laplace transform, is then addressed. The paper presents also a new traffic control concept applied to a freeway traffic system.