1000 resultados para Sistema nerviós-Cirurgia, Genètica


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La incidència de les demències en la societat actual va en augment. A causa de la seva llarga durada i de les conseqüències físiques, psicològiques i socials que representa s’ha evidenciat la necessitat de buscar diferents tipus d’intervencions, tant farmacològiques com biopsicosocials, que pal·liïn els seus efectes negatius, ajudin el malalt a preservar, el màxim temps possible, les seves funcions, i contribueixin a una millora de la qualitat de vida de la persona amb demència i dels seus cuidadors i familiars. En aquest article es farà una aproximació breu a les demències i als tractaments biopsicosocials, per entrar amb més detall en la intervenció musicoterapèutica. Es donarà a conèixer què és la musicoteràpia, quins són els beneficis que aquesta teràpia aporta al malalt i a la seva qualitat de vida segons les recerques científiques actuals més rellevants, per acabar mostrant com és el treball del musicoterapeuta en les diferents fases de les demències.


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Rationale Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) is a still poorly known drug of abuse, alternative to ecstasy or cocaine. Objective The major aims were to investigate the pharmacokineticsa and locomotor activity of mephedrone in rats and provide a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model. Methods Mephedrone was administered to male SpragueDawley rats intravenously (10 mg/kg) and orally (30 and 60 mg/kg). Plasma concentrations and metabolites were characterized using LC/MS and LC-MS/MS fragmentation patterns. Locomotor activity was monitored for 180240 min. Results Mephedrone plasma concentrations after i.v. administration fit a two-compartment model (α=10.23 h−1, β=1.86 h−1). After oral administration, peak mephedrone concentrations were achieved between 0.5 and 1 h and declined to undetectable levels at 9 h. The absolute bioavailability of mephedrone was about 10 % and the percentage of mephedrone protein binding was 21.59±3.67%. We have identified five phase I metabolites in rat blood after oral administration. The relationship between brain levels and free plasma concentration was 1.85±0.08. Mephedrone induced a dose-dependent increase in locomotor activity, which lasted up to 2 h. The pharmacokineticpharmacodynamic model successfully describes the relationship between mephedrone plasma concentrations and its psychostimulant effect. Conclusions We suggest a very important first-pass effect for mephedrone after oral administration and an easy access to the central nervous system. The model described might be useful in the estimation and prediction of the onset, magnitude,and time course of mephedrone pharmacodynamics as well as to design new animal models of mephedrone addiction and toxicity.


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Glibenclamide is neuroprotective against cerebral ischemia in rats. We studied whether glibenclamide enhances long-term brain repair and improves behavioral recovery after stroke. Adult male Wistar rats were subjected to transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) for 90 minutes. A low dose of glibenclamide (total 0.6mg) was administered intravenously 6, 12, and 24 hours after reperfusion. We assessed behavioral outcome during a 30-day follow-up and animals were perfused for histological evaluation. In vitro specific binding of glibenclamide to microglia increased after pro-inflammatory stimuli. In vivo glibenclamide was associated with increased migration of doublecortin-positive cells in the striatum toward the ischemic lesion 72 hours after MCAO, and reactive microglia expressed sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) and Kir6.2 in the medial striatum. One month after MCAO, glibenclamide was also associated with increased number of NeuN-positive and 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine-positive neurons in the cortex and hippocampus, and enhanced angiogenesis in the hippocampus. Consequently, glibenclamide-treated MCAO rats showed improved performance in the limb-placing test on postoperative days 22 to 29, and in the cylinder and water-maze test on postoperative day 29. Therefore, acute blockade of SUR1 by glibenclamide enhanced long-term brain repair in MCAO rats, which was associated with improved behavioral outcome.


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S'han estudiant les funcions neuropsicològiques en una mostra de 96 pacients amb malaltia de Parkinson (MP) i 42 controls aparellats per gènere, edat, escolaritat i intel.ligència verbal. Els resultats indiquen que els pacients afectats per MP, com a grup, presenten alteracions en les funcions visuoespacials, en la memòria i en les funcions frontals, però que aquests dèficits no estan sempre presents en tots els pacients. L'anàlisi de clusters realitzat ens mostra que les alteracions neuropsicològiques presents en la MP estan distribuides en subgrups. En un dels grups es va observar la presència d'afectació cognitiva generalitzada, mentre que el segon subgrup va mostrar absència de dèficits cognitius i, finalment, el darrer subgrup presentava alteracions específiques en les funcions visuoespacials i frontals. La puntuació verbal mostrava el mateix patró de deteriorament que les funcions frontals i es va trobar una diferència significativa entre els pacients i el grup control en aquesta funció. La presencia de depressió estava present en un 50% dels pacients i estava fortament relacionada amb els dèficits frontals. Els resultats d'aquest estudi mostren la importància d'avaluar les funcions neuropsicobiològiques i del llenguatge en els pacients afectats per MP, amb la finalitat de conèixer el patró de deteriorament, per tal d'afavorir-ne el funcionament i la qualitat de vida.


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L’apoptosi és un procés fisiològic que controla el nombre de cèl·lules en organismes superiors. L’apoptosi està estrictament regulada i s’ha vist que està implicada en la patogènesi d’algunes malalties del sistema nerviós. En aquest sentit, un excés de mort cel·lular contribueix a les malalties neurodegenerati- ves, mentre que, el seu dèficit és una de les raons del desenvolupament de tumors. El punt principal de regulació del procés apoptòtic és l’activació de les caspases, cisteïna-proteases que tenen especificitat pels residus aspàrtic. Les caspases es poden activar per dos mecanismes principals: (1) alliberament de citocrom C dels mitocondris alterats al citoplasma i (2) l’activació dels receptors de la membrana anomenats receptors de mort (DR, de l’anglès death receptor). Aquests receptors s’han caracteritzat extensament en el sistema immunitari, mentre que en el sistema nerviós les seves funcions són encara desconegudes. El present article se centra en el paper dels DR en la patogènesi de malalties neurodegeneratives i suggereix el seu potencial des del punt de vista terapèutic. També es descriuen diverses molècules intracel·lulars caracteritzades per la seva habilitat en la modulació dels DR. Entre elles, presentem dues noves proteïnes – lifeguard i FAIM – que s’expressen específicament al sistema nerviós.


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Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy with a wide PrPres dissemination in many non-neural tissues and with high levels of transmissibility within susceptible populations. Mechanisms of transmission are incompletely understood. It is generally assumed that it is horizontally transmitted by direct contact between animals or indirectly through the environment, where scrapie can remain infectious for years. In contrast, in utero vertical transmission has never been demonstrated and has rarely been studied. Recently, the use of the protein misfolding cyclic amplification technique (PMCA) has allowed prion detection in various tissues and excretions in which PrPres levels have been undetectable by traditional assays. The main goal of this study was to detect PrPres in fetal tissues and the amniotic fluid from natural scrapie infected ewes using the PMCA technique. Six fetuses from three infected pregnant ewes in an advanced clinical stage of the disease were included in the study. From each fetus, amniotic fluid, brain, spleen, ileo-cecal valve and retropharyngeal lymph node samples were collected and analyzed using Western blotting and PMCA. Although all samples were negative using Western blotting, PrPres was detected after in vitro amplification. Our results represent the first time the biochemical detection of prions in fetal tissues, suggesting that the in utero transmission of scrapie in natural infected sheep might be possible.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a commonly occurring brain tumor with a poor prognosis. GBM can develop both “de novo” or evolve from a previous astrocytoma and is characterized by high proliferation and infiltration into the surrounding tissue. Following treatment (surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy), tumors often reappear. Glioma-initiating cells (GICs) have been identified in GBM and are thought to be responsible for tumors initiation, their continued growth, and recurrence. β-catenin, a component of the cell-cell adhesion complex and of the canonical Wnt pathway, regulates proliferation, adhesion, and migration in different cell types. β-catenin and components of the Wnt canonical pathway are commonly overexpressed in GBM. Here, we review previous work on the role of Wnt/β-catenin signalling in glioma initiation, proliferation, and invasion. Understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating GIC biology and glioma progression may help in identifying novel therapeutic targets for GBM treatment.


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Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) present important motor deficits that derive from altered motor development of infants and young children. DYRK1A, a candidate gene for DS abnormalities has been implicated in motor function due to its expression in motor nuclei in the adult brain, and its overexpression in DS mouse models leads to hyperactivity and altered motor learning. However, its precise role in the adult motor system, or its possible involvement in postnatal locomotor development has not yet been clarified. During the postnatal period we observed time-specific expression of Dyrk1A in discrete subsets of brainstem nuclei and spinal cord motor neurons. Interestingly, we describe for the first time the presence of Dyrk1A in the presynaptic terminal of the neuromuscular junctions and its axonal transport from the facial nucleus, suggesting a function for Dyrk1A in these structures. Relevant to DS, Dyrk1A overexpression in transgenic mice (TgDyrk1A) produces motor developmental alterations possibly contributing to DS motor phenotypes and modifies the numbers of motor cholinergic neurons, suggesting that the kinase may have a role in the development of the brainstem and spinal cord motor system.


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Wnt factors regulate neural stem cell development and neuronal connectivity. Here we investigated whether Wnt-3a and Wnt-3, expressed in the developing spinal cord, regulate proliferation and the neuronal differentiation of spinal cord neural precursors (SCNP). Wnt-3a promoted a sustained increase of SCNP proliferation, whereas Wnt-3 enhanced SCNP proliferation transiently and increased neurogenesis through β-catenin signaling. Consistent with this, Wnt-3a and Wnt-3 differently regulate the expression of Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Furthermore, Wnt-3a and Wnt-3 stimulated neurite outgrowth in SCNP-derived neurons through ß-catenin and TCF4-dependent transcription. GSK-3ß inhibitors mimicked Wnt signaling and promoted neurite outgrowth in established cultures. We conclude that Wnt-3a and Wnt-3 signal through the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway to regulate different aspects of SCNP development. These findings may be of therapeutic interest for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and nerve injury.


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Proper dialogue between presynaptic neurons and their targets is essential for correct synaptic assembly and function. At central synapses, Wnt proteins function as retrograde signals to regulate axon remodeling and the accumulation of presynaptic proteins. Loss of Wnt7a function leads to defects in the localization of presynaptic markers and in the morphology of the presynaptic axons. We show that loss of function of Dishevelled-1 (Dvl1) mimics and enhances the Wnt7a phenotype in the cerebellum. Although active zones appear normal, electrophysiological recordings in cerebellar slices from Wnt7a/Dvl1 double mutant mice reveal a defect in neurotransmitter release at mossy fi ber–granule cell synapses. Deficiency in Dvl1 decreases, whereas exposure to Wnt increases, synaptic vesicle recycling in mossy fi bers. Dvl increases the number of Bassoon clusters, and like other components of the Wnt pathway, it localizes to synaptic sites. These fi ndings demonstrate that Wnts signal across the synapse on Dvl-expressing presynaptic terminals to regulate synaptic assembly and suggest a potential novel function for Wnts in neurotransmitter release.


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Tyrosine phosphorylation of ß-catenin, a component of adhesion complexes and the Wnt pathway, affects cell adhesion, migration and gene transcription. By reducing ßcatenin availability using shRNA-mediated gene silencing or expression of intracellular N-cadherin, we show that ß-catenin is required for axon growth downstream of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) signalling. We demonstrate that receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) Trk and Met interact with and phosphorylate ß-catenin. Neurotrophins (NT) stimulation of Trk receptors results in phosphorylation of ß-catenin at residue Y654 and increased axon growth and branching. Conversely, pharmacological inhibition of Trk or a Y654F mutant blocks these effects. ß-catenin phospho(P)-Y654 colocalizes with the cytoskeleton at growth cones. However, HGF that also increases axon growth and branching, induces ß-catenin phosphorylation at Y142 and a nuclear localization. Interestingly, dominant negative ΔN-TCF4 abolishes the effects of HGF in axon growth and branching, but not of NT. We conclude that NT and HGF signalling differentially phosphorylate ß-catenin, targeting ß-catenin to distinct compartments to regulate axon morphogenesis by TCF4-transcription-dependent and independent mechanisms. These results place ß-catenin downstream of growth factor/RTK signalling in axon differentiation.


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Axon morphogenesis is a complex process regulated by a variety of secreted molecules, including morphogens and growth factors, resulting in the establishment of the neuronal circuitry. Our previous work demonstrated that growth factors [Neurotrophins (NT) and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)] signal through β-catenin during axon morphogenesis. HGF signaling promotes axon outgrowth and branching by inducing β-catenin phosphorylation at Y142 and transcriptional regulation of T-Cell Factor (TCF) target genes. Here, we asked which genes are regulated by HGF signaling during axon morphogenesis. An array screening indicated that HGF signaling elevates the expression of chemokines of the CC and CXC families. In line with this, CCL7, CCL20, and CXCL2 significantly increase axon outgrowth in hippocampal neurons. Experiments using blocking antibodies and chemokine receptor antagonists demonstrate that chemokines act downstream of HGF signaling during axon morphogenesis. In addition, qPCR data demonstrates that CXCL2 and CCL5 expression is stimulated by HGF through Met/b-catenin/TCF pathway. These results identify CC family members and CXCL2 chemokines as novel regulators of axon morphogenesis downstream of HGF signaling.


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Mephedrone is a drug of abuse marketed as 'bath salts'. There are discrepancies concerning its long-term effects. We have investigated the neurotoxicity of mephedrone in mice following different exposition schedules. Schedule 1: four doses of 50 mg/kg. Schedule 2: four doses of 25 mg/kg. Schedule 3: three daily doses of 25 mg/kg, for two consecutive days. All schedules induced, in some animals, an aggressive behavior and hyperthermia as well as a decrease in weight gain. Mephedrone (schedule 1) induced dopaminergic and serotoninergic neurotoxicity that persisted 7 days after exposition. At a lower dose (schedule 2) only a transient dopaminergic injury was found. In the weekend consumption pattern (schedule 3), mephedrone induced dopamine and serotonin transporter loss that was accompanied by a decrease in tyrosine hydroxylase and tryptophan hydroxylase 2 expression one week after exposition. Also, mephedrone induced a depressive-like behavior, as well as a reduction in striatal D2 density, suggesting higher susceptibility to addictive drugs. In cultured cortical neurons, mephedrone induced a concentration-dependent cytotoxic effect. Using repeated doses for 2 days in an elevated ambient temperature we evidenced a loss of frontal cortex dopaminergic and hippocampal serotoninergic neuronal markers that suggest injuries at nerve endings.


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Los ejercicios de percusión corporal propuestos por el método BAPNE pretenden estimular a través del juego nuestras dimensiones corporal, emocional y cognitiva. Ello requiere, en primer lugar, focalizar la atención para el aprendizaje y coordinación de todas las actividades involucradas (canto, movimiento, percusión extremidades superiores e inferiores) lo cual demanda una buena disposición de nuestras funciones cognitivas. El movimiento es vital para nuestra salud, y la música está íntimamente relacionada con el movimiento. Es conocido que incluso en estados de escucha pasiva de música, el área cerebral que planifica los mecanismos necesarios para los movimientos está activa, aunque externamente no lo manifestemos. Se ha constatado la existencia de conexiones neuronales entre las áreas auditiva y motora, y de ahí nuestra tendencia a imitar con movimientos corporales la música que percibimos y escuchamos. Por otra parte, son conocidos muchos de los beneficios terapéuticos que las actividades musicales pueden aportarnos en todas sus modalidades, desde el aprendizaje hasta la interpretación (ya sea vocal o instrumental) pasando por la simple escucha activa o pasiva. Todo pa rece indicar, pues, que el movimiento es básico para nuestra salud y que la música, íntimamente ligada a él, es una fuente placentera y agradable para experimentarlo.


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The use of body percussion through BAPNE method in neurorehabilitation offers the possibility of studying the development of motor skills, attention, coordination, memory and social interaction of patients with neurological diseases. The experimental protocol was carried out on 52 patients with severe acquired brain injury. Patients were selected for the cut - off scores in the standard neuropsychologic al tests of sustained attention , divided and alert ; at least one emisoma intact, cut -off scores in the standard for procedural and semantic memory ; eye sight , hearing and speech intact. The first group of patients has supported the protocol BAPNE tougher with the traditional rehabilitation activities . The control group continued to perform exclusively the cognitive and neuromotor rehabilitation according to traditional protocols. At 6 months after administration of the protocol is expected to re-test to assess if present , the maintenance of the effects of rehabilitation obtained. Experimentation is carried out for 10 weeks following the protocol of BAPNE method in the Roboris Foundation of Rome.