853 resultados para Siikala, Anna-Leena: Return to culture


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The condition and quality of cultured blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) are affected by various environmental characteristics including temperature, salinity, food concentration, composition and year-to-year variability, waves, tides, and currents. Mussels are a keystone species in the ecosystem, affecting the surrounding environment through filtration, biodeposition and nutrient recycling. This study evaluated the effects of culture depth and post-harvest handling on cultured blue mussels in Newfoundland, Canada. Depth was examined over two years; three shallow water (5 m depth) and three deep water sites (15 m depth) were compared for environmental characteristics, mussel physiological stress response, growth, and biochemical composition. The area examined presented complex hydrodynamic characteristics; deep water sites appeared to be located more often near or within the pycnocline than shallow water sites. Deep water sites presented lower temperatures than shallow sites from spring to fall. Physiological stress response varied seasonally, but was unaffected by culture depth. In Year 1 shallow and deep water mussels presented similar growth, while in Year 2 deep water mussels showed better final condition. Lipid and glycogen showed seasonal variation, but no significant differences between shallow and deep water were noted. Fatty acid profiles showed a higher content of omega-3s PUFA in deep water sites at the end of Year 2. Under extreme weather conditions, deep water appeared to provide a more stable environment for mussel growth than shallow water. Harvested mussels were kept under ambient live-holding conditions for one month during the fall, winter, and spring seasons. They were compared to freshly harvested mussels for condition, biochemical profile and palatability. A progressive loss of dry tissue weight and an increase in water content were shown over the holding period during the fall and spring seasons, when compared to field controls. The biochemical analysis suggested seasonal changes; differences in triacylglycerol content were found in the spring season when compared with controls. The palatability data indicated that the panellists were unable to determine a difference between mussels kept in holding and those freshly harvested from the site. This study presents new knowledge for mussel farming, especially in terms of environmental interactions and deep water culture.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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After the triple disaster of 11 March 2011, Japan is at an energy crossroad. In the short and medium run it depends on fossil fuel imports to ensure its energy security, but the long term will be determined by the decisions taken at present. For Japan energy security is a national security challenge, as stated in its National Security Strategy. The article reviews the Japanese nuclear path, studies the factors shaping the Japanese electricity market and analyzes the current energy situation. Moreover, it also assesses the principles that have marked Japan’s energy policy and the two last Strategic Energy Plans -one prior to Fukushima and the other after it- before tackling the debate on the optimal future energy mix that Japan should adopt to meet its energy security trilemma, marked by its environmental commitment.


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Using the philosophical position of phenomenology this article examines the ways in which ideas of wildness combine with Australian Gothic tropes such as the white colonial lost child and the bush as a haunted locale to compose key features of an Australian Ecogothic. Joan Lindsay’s enigmatic novel Picnic at Hanging Rock (1967) has prompted scholars such as Lesley Kathryn Hawkes to describe how in Australian literature for both adults and children ‘the environment is far more than a setting or backdrop against which the plot takes place’ (Hawkes, 2011,67). On St Valentine’s Day in 1900 three young Australian girls and their teacher disappear from a school picnic at the ancient site of Mount Macedon in Victoria. The analysis, which focuses on Lindsay’s posthumously published chapter eighteen (1987) examines how elements of the material, sensing world combine with the mythological or sacred to connect the human protagonists with the gothic landscape they inhabit. The resulting intersubjectivity problematizes colonial ideology and unsettles notions of national identity. Using the philosophical position of phenomenology this article examines the ways in which ideas of wildness combine with Australian Gothic tropes such as the white colonial lost child and the bush as a haunted locale to compose key features of an Australian Ecogothic. Joan Lindsay’s enigmatic novel Picnic at Hanging Rock (1967) has prompted scholars such as Lesley Kathryn Hawkes to describe how in Australian literature for both adults and children ‘the environment is far more than a setting or backdrop against which the plot takes place’ (Hawkes, 2011,67). On St Valentine’s Day in 1900 three young Australian girls and their teacher disappear from a school picnic at the ancient site of Mount Macedon in Victoria. The analysis, which focuses on Lindsay’s posthumously published chapter eighteen (1987) examines how elements of the material, sensing world combine with the mythological or sacred to connect the human protagonists with the gothic landscape they inhabit. The resulting intersubjectivity problematizes colonial ideology and unsettles notions of national identity.


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Explanation of Minimum Data Set (MDS), implementation of Section Q, overview of the program, local contacts and functions, Referral Agency information, role and assistance provided by Long-Term care Ombudsman


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Bibliography: p. 23-25.


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This flyer promotes the U.S. Premiere Screening of Return to Ithaca, a film by Laurent Cantet. The director and writer Cantet, co-writer Leonardo Padura, and actor Fernando Hechavarria attended the screening on November 13, 2015 at the Coral Gables Art Cinema.


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Background: Gli infortuni muscolari generano grande preoccupazione nella medicina sportiva e costituiscono la più frequente causa di assenza dal campo nel calcio. Nello specifico , a causa dei gesti tecnici caratteristici di questo sport, le HSI (lesioni muscolari agli Hamstring) sono le più frequenti nei calciatori, costringendoli all’assenza dal campo più di qualsiasi altro infortunio. Il protocollo di Askling è uno degli studi più popolari e riconosciuti nella riabilitazione delle HSI. Obiettivi: L’obiettivo della revisione sistematica è valutare l’efficacia del protocollo di Askling nel RTP del calciatore post lesione muscolare agli Hamstring. Questo contributo, quindi, discuterà gli attuali concetti clinici riguardanti la riabilitazione delle HSI, analizzando trial clinici randomizzati che confrontino gli effetti del protocollo di Askling con altri protocolli.

 Materiali e Metodi: Nella selezione degli articoli, sono state indagate le seguenti banche dati: “PubMed”, “PEDro” e “Cochrane Library”. Una volta realizzato il PICOS, questo è stato convertito nelle parole chiave pertinenti all’argomento di interesse della revisione. Sono stati presi in esame unicamente studi RCTs, di qualsiasi anno di pubblicazione e lingua, reperibili in modalità Full Text attraverso il servizio proxy offerto dall’Università di Bologna. Gli studi per essere inclusi devono avere un punteggio PEDro score > 5. Risultati: Il tempo medio del Return To Play è stato ridotto di 23 giorni, da 51 (C-Protocol) a 28 giorni (L-Protocol). Non vi è però alcuna differenza significativa tra i gruppi per i tassi di re-injury entro 2 mesi, da 2 a 6 mesi e da 6 a 12 mesi.
 Conclusioni: Emerge dalla letteratura che un protocollo riabilitativo costituito principalmente da esercizi che prediligono l’allungamento muscolare risulta più efficace di un protocollo convenzionale nel ridurre il tempo trascorso dall'infortunio all'allenamento completo senza restrizioni e/o al match play.


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