978 resultados para Sibling Pairs


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We present an update of neutral Higgs boson decays into bottom quark pairs in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model. In particular the resummation of potentially large higher-order corrections due to the soft supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking parameters Ab and is extended. The remaining theoretical uncertainties due to unknown higher-order SUSY-QCD corrections are analyzed quantitatively.


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Using Dutch data (N = 6630), this article examines how sibling relationships (including full biological, half- and adopted siblings) differed for persons who experienced a negative life event (divorce, physical illness, psychological problems, addiction, problems with the law, victimization of abuse or financial problems) and those who did not. Results showed that people who experienced serious negative life events in the past often had less active, less supportive and more strained sibling ties. The group that experienced a physical illness formed an exception, showing more supportive and active sibling ties, but also higher levels of conflict. Results suggest inequality between persons who have experienced negative life events and those who have not in terms of access to positive and supportive sibling relationships.


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SUMMARY: A top scoring pair (TSP) classifier consists of a pair of variables whose relative ordering can be used for accurately predicting the class label of a sample. This classification rule has the advantage of being easily interpretable and more robust against technical variations in data, as those due to different microarray platforms. Here we describe a parallel implementation of this classifier which significantly reduces the training time, and a number of extensions, including a multi-class approach, which has the potential of improving the classification performance. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Full C++ source code and R package Rgtsp are freely available from http://lausanne.isb-sib.ch/~vpopovic/research/. The implementation relies on existing OpenMP libraries.


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In species with parental care, siblings compete for access to food resources. Typically, they vocally signal their level of need to each other and to parents, and jostle for the position in the nest where parents deliver food. Although food shortage and social interactions are stressful, little is known about the effect of stress on the way siblings resolve the conflict over how food is shared among them. Because glucocorticoid hormones mediate physiological and behavioral responses to stressors, we tested whether corticosterone, the main glucocorticoid in birds, modulates physical and vocal signaling used by barn owl siblings (Tyto alba) to compete for food. Although corticosterone-implanted (cort-) nestlings and placebo-nestlings were similarly successful to monopolize food, they employed different behavioral strategies. Compared to placebo-nestlings, cort-individuals reduced the rate of vocally communicating with their siblings (but not with their parents) but were positioned closer to the nest-box entrance where parents predictably deliver food. Therefore, corticosterone induced nestlings to increase their effort in physical competition for the best nest position at the expense of investment in sib-sib communication without modifying vocal begging signals directed to parents. This suggests that in the barn owl stress alters nestlings' behavior and corticosterone could mediate the trade-off between scramble competition and vocal sib-sib communication. We conclude that stressful environments may prevent the evolution of sib-sib communication as a way to resolve family conflicts peacefully.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Donor cytomegalovirus seropositivity was reported to improve leukemia outcomes in HLA-A2 identical hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) recipients, due to a possible cross-reactivity of donor HLA-A2-restricted CMV-specific T cells with minor histocompatibility (H) antigen of recipient cells. This study analyzed the role of donor CMV serostatus and HLA-A2 status on leukemia outcomes in a large population of HLA-identical HCT recipients. DESIGN AND METHODS: Leukemia patients transplanted between 1992 and 2003 at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center were categorized as standard risk [leukemia first remission, chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP)] and high risk (advanced disease) patients. Time-to-event analysis was used to evaluate the risk of relapse and death associated with HLA-A2 status and donor CMV serostatus. RESULTS: In standard risk patients, acute leukemia (p<0.001) and sex mismatch (female to male, p=0.004)) independently increased the risk of death, while acute leukemia increased the risk of relapse (p<0.001). In high risk patients acute leukemia (p=0.01), recipient age > or = 40 (p=0.005) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) seropositivity (p<0.001) significantly increased the risk death; HSV seropositivity (p=0.006) increased the risk of relapse. Donor CMV serostatus had no significant effect on mortality or relapse in any HLA group. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION: This epidemiological study did not confirm the previously reported effect of donor CMV serostatus on the outcomes of leukemia in HLA-A2-identical HCT recipients. Addressing the question of cross-reactivity of HLA-A2-restricted CMV-specific T cells with minor H antigens in a clinical study would require knowledge of the patient's minor H antigen genotype. However, because of the unbalanced distribution of HLA-A2-restricted minor H antigens in the population and their incomplete identification, this question might be more appropriately evaluated in in vitro experiments than in a clinical study.


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La regressió basada en distàncies és un mètode de predicció que consisteix en dos passos: a partir de les distàncies entre observacions obtenim les variables latents, les quals passen a ser els regressors en un model lineal de mínims quadrats ordinaris. Les distàncies les calculem a partir dels predictors originals fent us d'una funció de dissimilaritats adequada. Donat que, en general, els regressors estan relacionats de manera no lineal amb la resposta, la seva selecció amb el test F usual no és possible. En aquest treball proposem una solució a aquest problema de selecció de predictors definint tests estadístics generalitzats i adaptant un mètode de bootstrap no paramètric per a l'estimació dels p-valors. Incluim un exemple numèric amb dades de l'assegurança d'automòbils.


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At the University of Lausanne third-year medical students are given the task of spending a month investigating a question of community medicine. In 2009, four students evaluated the legitimacy of health insurers intervening in the management of depression. They found that health insurers put pressure on public authorities during the development of legislation governing the health system and reimbursement for treatment. This fact emerged during the scientific investigation led jointly by the team in the course of the "module of immersion in community medicine." This paper presents each step of their study. The example chosen illustrates the learning objectives covered by the module.


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The ring sulfoxidation of thioridazine (THD), a widely used neuroleptic agent, yields two diastereoisomeric pairs, fast- and slow-eluting (FE and SE) thioridazine 5-sulfoxide (THD 5-SO). Until now, studies in which concentrations of these metabolites were measured in THD-treated patients have revealed no significant differences in their concentrations. Preliminary experiments in our laboratory had shown that sunlight and, to a lesser extent, dim daylight led to racemization and probably also to photolysis of the diastereoisomeric pairs as measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Similar results were also obtained with direct UV light (UV lamp). In appropriate light-protected conditions, THD, northioridazine, mesoridazine, sulforidazine, and FE and SE THD 5-SO were measured in 11 patients treated with various doses of THD for at least 1 week. Significantly higher concentrations of the FE stereoisomeric pair were found. The concentration ratios THD 5-SO (FE)/THD 5-SO (SE) ranged from 0.89 to 1.75 in plasma and from 1.15 to 2.05 in urine. Because it is known that the ring sulfoxide contributes to the cardiotoxicity of the drug even more potently than the parent compound does, these results justify further studies to determine whether there is stereoselectivity in the cardiotoxicity of THD 5-SO.


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Thioridazine is a commonly prescribed phenothiazine drug administered as a racemate and it is believed that its antipsychotic effect is mainly associated with (R)-thioridazine. A method based on high-performance liquid chromatography has been developed for the determination of the enantiomers of thioridazine and thioridazine 2-sulfone (THD 2-SO2 or sulforidazine) and of the enantiomers of the diastereoisomeric pairs of thioridazine 2-sulfoxide (THD 2-SO or mesoridazine) and thioridazine 5-sulfoxide (THD 5-SO) in the plasma of thioridazine-treated patients. The method involves sequential achiral and chiral HPLC. The limits of quantitation for total (R) + (S) concentrations were found to be 15 ng/ml for thioridazine and 5 ng/ml for its metabolites. The limits for the determination of the (R)/(S) ratios were found to be 60 ng/ml for racemic THD and 10 ng/ml for racemic THD 2-SO, THD 2-SO2, THD 5-SO (FE) and THD 5-SO (SE). The method has been used to determine the concentrations of the enantiomers of thioridazine and of its metabolites in the plasma of a patient treated with 100 mg of racemic thioridazine hydrochloride per os per day for 14 days. The results show a high enantioselectivity in the metabolism of this drug: the (R)/(S) ratios for THD, THD 2-SO (FE), THD 2-SO (SE), THD 2-SO2, THD 5-SO (FE) and THD 5-SO (SE) were found to be 3.90, 1.22, 6.10, 4.10, 0.09 and 28.0, respectively.


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We describe the effect of hydrodynamic interactions in the sedimentation of a pair of inextensible semiflexible filaments under a uniform constant force at low Reynolds numbers. We have analyzed the different regimes and the morphology of such polymers in simple geometries, which allow us to highlight the peculiarities of the interplay between elastic and hydrodynamic stresses. Cooperative and symmetry breaking effects associated to the geometry of the fibers gives rise to characteristic motion which give them distinct properties from rigid and elastic filaments.


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The number of cell divisions in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) following transplantation of bone marrow or mobilized peripheral blood into myelo-ablated recipients is unknown. This number is expected to depend primarily on the number of transplanted stem cells, assuming that stem cells do not differ in engraftment potential and other functional properties. In a previous study, we found that the telomere length in circulating granulocytes in normal individuals shows a biphasic decline with age, most likely reflecting age-related changes in the turnover of HSCs. In order to study HSCs' proliferation kinetics following stem cells transplantation, we analyzed the telomere length in donor-derived nucleated blood cells in four HLA-matched bone marrow transplant recipients relative to comparable cells from the sibling donors. In each case, the telomeres in granulocytes were shorter in the recipient than in the donor. This difference was established in the first year post transplantation and did not change after that. The telomere length in naïve and memory T cells showed marked differences after transplantation, complicating the interpretation of telomere length data using unseparated nucleated blood cells. Interestingly, the telomere length in naïve T cells that were first observed six months post transplantation was very similar in donor and recipient pairs. Our observations are compatible with a limited number of additional cell divisions in stem cell populations after bone marrow transplantations and support the idea that different populations of stem cells contribute to short-term myeloid and long-term lympho myeloid hematopoiesis.


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OBJECTIVE: We examined the analytic validity of reported family history of hypertension and diabetes among siblings in the Seychelles. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Four hundred four siblings from 73 families with at least two hypertensive persons were identified through a national hypertension register. Two gold standards were used prospectively. Sensitivity was the proportion of respondents who indicated the presence of disease in a sibling, given that the sibling reported to be affected (personal history gold standard) or was clinically affected (clinical status gold standard). Specificity was the proportion of respondents who reported an unaffected sibling, given that the sibling reported to be unaffected or was clinically unaffected. Respondents gave information on the disease status in their siblings in approximately two-thirds of instances. RESULTS: When sibling history could be obtained (n=348 for hypertension, n=404 for diabetes), the sensitivity and the specificity of the sibling history were, respectively, 90 and 55% for hypertension, and 61 and 98% for diabetes, using clinical status and, respectively, 89 and 78% for hypertension, and 53 and 98% for diabetes, using personal history. CONCLUSION: The sibling history, when available, is a useful screening test to detect hypertension, but it is less useful to detect diabetes.


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This paper presents an Italian to CatalanRBMT system automatically built bycombining the linguistic data of theexisting pairs Spanish-Catalan andSpanish-Italian. A lightweight manualpostprocessing is carried out in order tofix inconsistencies in the automaticallyderived dictionaries and to add very frequentwords that are missing accordingto a corpus analysis. The system isevaluated on the KDE4 corpus and outperformsGoogle Translate by approximatelyten absolute points in terms ofboth TER and GTM.