948 resultados para Sexual function
La vestibulodynie provoquée (VP) est la forme la plus répandue de douleur génito-pelvienne/trouble de la pénétration et la cause la plus fréquente de douleur vaginale chez les femmes pré-ménopausées. Les femmes qui en souffrent rapportent plus de détresse psychologique ainsi qu’un fonctionnement sexuel appauvri, une diminution de la fréquence des activités sexuelles et du plaisir, et plus d’attitudes négatives à l’égard de la sexualité. Les recherches portant sur les couples souffrant de VP ont montré le rôle prépondérant des variables relationnelles dans la modulation des conséquences sexuelles et psychologiques pour les femmes et leurs partenaires. Cependant, aucune analyse dyadique n’a été appliquée au facteur de risque étiologique le plus robuste, soit la maltraitance durant l’enfance. Par ailleurs, malgré des recommandations répétées pour inclure le partenaire dans le traitement psychologique pour la VP, aucune étude à ce jour n’a examiné l’efficacité d’une psychothérapie qui inclut systématiquement le partenaire et dont la cible est le couple. L’objectif général de cette thèse a été d’utiliser une perspective dyadique afin d’examiner les antécédents de maltraitance et l’efficacité d’une intervention conçue pour améliorer les issues des couples souffrant de VP. Le premier article vise à examiner les liens entre la maltraitance durant l’enfance des femmes souffrant de VP et leurs partenaires, et leur fonctionnement sexuel, leur ajustement psychologique, leur satisfaction conjugale et enfin avec la douleur rapportée par les femmes durant les relations sexuelles. Quarante-neuf couples souffrant de VP ont complété des questionnaires auto-rapportés. La maltraitance durant l’enfance chez les femmes était associée à un fonctionnement sexuel plus faible chez les femmes et les hommes, une augmentation de l’anxiété chez les femmes seulement, et une douleur affective accrue durant les relations sexuelles. La maltraitance durant l’enfance chez les hommes était associée à un fonctionnement sexuel plus faible, moins de satisfaction conjugale, plus d’anxiété chez les femmes et les hommes, et une douleur affective accrue durant les relations sexuelles rapportée par les femmes. En se basant sur les recommandations issues des études empiriques, une thérapie cognitive et comportementale pour les couples (TCCC) souffrant de VP a été développée. Le deuxième article présente les résultats d’une étude pilote testant son efficacité, fidélité et faisabilité potentielles. Neuf couples ont complété des questionnaires auto-rapportés pré- et post-traitement. La TCCC de 12 rencontres était manualisée. Les femmes ont rapporté une amélioration significative de la douleur, du fonctionnement et de la satisfaction sexuels, et les partenaires ont rapporté une amélioration significative de leur satisfaction sexuelle. Les couples ont rapporté des niveaux élevés de satisfaction quant à la psychothérapie, et les psychothérapeutes ont rapporté suivre le manuel de traitement de manière fidèle. Le troisième article, s’appuyant sur les résultats prometteurs de l’étude pilote, décrit le protocole de recherche pour un essai clinique randomisé mesurant l’efficacité de la TCCC comparée à une intervention médicale de première ligne, la lidocaïne topique, pour le traitement de la VP. Enfin, les implications cliniques et théoriques de la thèse sont discutées.
Quality of life has become a very important parameter in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and one of the major concepts identified by the patients to be important is related to sexuality after BPH therapy. The impact on sexuality resulting from the various treatment modalities of BPH, either medical, surgical or instrumental has been too often neglected in the past and poorly investigated. The present article reviews the influence on sexual function of current therapies for symptomatic BPH.
La vestibulodynie provoquée (VP) est la forme la plus répandue de douleur génito-pelvienne/trouble de la pénétration et la cause la plus fréquente de douleur vaginale chez les femmes pré-ménopausées. Les femmes qui en souffrent rapportent plus de détresse psychologique ainsi qu’un fonctionnement sexuel appauvri, une diminution de la fréquence des activités sexuelles et du plaisir, et plus d’attitudes négatives à l’égard de la sexualité. Les recherches portant sur les couples souffrant de VP ont montré le rôle prépondérant des variables relationnelles dans la modulation des conséquences sexuelles et psychologiques pour les femmes et leurs partenaires. Cependant, aucune analyse dyadique n’a été appliquée au facteur de risque étiologique le plus robuste, soit la maltraitance durant l’enfance. Par ailleurs, malgré des recommandations répétées pour inclure le partenaire dans le traitement psychologique pour la VP, aucune étude à ce jour n’a examiné l’efficacité d’une psychothérapie qui inclut systématiquement le partenaire et dont la cible est le couple. L’objectif général de cette thèse a été d’utiliser une perspective dyadique afin d’examiner les antécédents de maltraitance et l’efficacité d’une intervention conçue pour améliorer les issues des couples souffrant de VP. Le premier article vise à examiner les liens entre la maltraitance durant l’enfance des femmes souffrant de VP et leurs partenaires, et leur fonctionnement sexuel, leur ajustement psychologique, leur satisfaction conjugale et enfin avec la douleur rapportée par les femmes durant les relations sexuelles. Quarante-neuf couples souffrant de VP ont complété des questionnaires auto-rapportés. La maltraitance durant l’enfance chez les femmes était associée à un fonctionnement sexuel plus faible chez les femmes et les hommes, une augmentation de l’anxiété chez les femmes seulement, et une douleur affective accrue durant les relations sexuelles. La maltraitance durant l’enfance chez les hommes était associée à un fonctionnement sexuel plus faible, moins de satisfaction conjugale, plus d’anxiété chez les femmes et les hommes, et une douleur affective accrue durant les relations sexuelles rapportée par les femmes. En se basant sur les recommandations issues des études empiriques, une thérapie cognitive et comportementale pour les couples (TCCC) souffrant de VP a été développée. Le deuxième article présente les résultats d’une étude pilote testant son efficacité, fidélité et faisabilité potentielles. Neuf couples ont complété des questionnaires auto-rapportés pré- et post-traitement. La TCCC de 12 rencontres était manualisée. Les femmes ont rapporté une amélioration significative de la douleur, du fonctionnement et de la satisfaction sexuels, et les partenaires ont rapporté une amélioration significative de leur satisfaction sexuelle. Les couples ont rapporté des niveaux élevés de satisfaction quant à la psychothérapie, et les psychothérapeutes ont rapporté suivre le manuel de traitement de manière fidèle. Le troisième article, s’appuyant sur les résultats prometteurs de l’étude pilote, décrit le protocole de recherche pour un essai clinique randomisé mesurant l’efficacité de la TCCC comparée à une intervention médicale de première ligne, la lidocaïne topique, pour le traitement de la VP. Enfin, les implications cliniques et théoriques de la thèse sont discutées.
Introducción Las pacientes con miomas uterinos pueden llegar a sufrir de síntomas urinarios y de disfunción sexual. Es para nosotros importante conocer la frecuencia de estas patologías en pacientes con miomas con indicación de cirugía atendidos en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi y la relación entre estas tres entidades. Metodología Estudio cuasi experimental de antes-después. El estudio se encuentra dividido en dos fases, en esta primera fase a las pacientes se les aplicó los cuestionarios FSFI, IIQ-7 y UDI-6 antes de realizar el procedimiento quirúrgico. En una segunda fase se realizará un nuevo abordaje a los 6 y 12 meses donde se aplicarán los mismos instrumentos. Se utilizó coeficiente de Spearman y Kruskall-Wallis para evaluar la relación. Resultados En esta primera fase se incluyeron 81 participantes, con una mediana de años de 46 (RIQ=42-49) mínimo 33 y máximo 71 años. La mediana de miomas fue de 1 (RIQ1-2) máximo 5 miomas. El resultado total de la FSFI fue de 21(RIQ=18,5-25,5). La mediana de la escala UDI -6 fue de 50,4 (RIQ=0-31,2) y la mediana de IIQ-7 fue de 4,75 (RIQ=0-23,7). Se presentó una correlación negativa débil entre los puntajes de FSFI y los cuestionarios UDI-6 (-0.3604) e IIQ 7 (-0.3530), con una prevalencia de riesgo de disfunción sexual de 61%. Conclusiones En esta primera fase de la investigación se pudo observar una existencia de correlación entre la función sexual y la sintomatología urinaria. La prevalencia de disfunción sexual es mayor que en población de mujeres sin patología de miomas uterino.
There is sparse systematic examination of the potential for growth as well as distress that may occur for some adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The presented study explored posttraumatic growth and its relationship with negative posttrauma outcomes within the specific population of survivors of childhood sexual abuse (N = 40). Results showed that 95% of the participants experienced clinically significant post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology related to their childhood sexual abuse. In conjunction with these high levels of negative symptoms, the population evidenced posttraumatic growth levels that were comparable to other trauma samples. This research has clinical relevance in terms of adding to the knowledge base on sexual abuse and the usefulness of this knowledge in therapeutic interventions and relationships.
The `VuoKKo` trial consisted of 236 women referred and randomised due to menorrhagia in the five university hospitals of Finland between November 1994 and November 1997. Of these women, 117 were randomised to hysterectomy and 119 to use levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) to treat this complaint. Their follow-up visits took place six and twelve months after the treatment and five years after the randomisation. The first aim in the primary trial was quality-of-life and monetary aspects, and secondly in the present study to compare ovarian function, bone mineral density (BMD) and sexual functioning after these two treatment options. Ovarian function seemed to decrease after hysterectomy, demonstrated by increased hot flashes and serum follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations twelve months after the operation. Such an increase was not seen among LNG-IUS users. The pulsatility index of intraovarian arteries measured by two-dimensional ultrasound decreased in the hysterectomy group, but not in the LNG-IUS group. The decrease in serum inhibin B concentrations was similar in both groups, while ovarian artery circulation remained unchanged. BMD of the women measured by dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at the lumbar spine and femoral neck at baseline and at five years after treatment showed BMD decrease at the lumbar spine among hysterectomised women, but not among LNG-IUS users. In both groups, BMD at the femoral neck had decreased. Differences between the groups were not, however, significant. Sexual functioning assessed by McCoy s sexual scale showed that sexual satisfaction as well as intercourse frequency had increased and sexual problems decreased among hysterectomised women six months after treatment. Among LNG-IUS users, sexual satisfaction and sexual problems remained unchanged. Although, the two groups did not differ in terms of sexual satisfaction or sexual problems at one-year and five-year follow-ups, LNG-IUS users were less satisfied with their partners than hysterectomised women.
Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were gavaged with vehicle (olive oil) or 37.5, 75, 150 or 300 mg/kg of (DELTA)('9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on days 18 or 19 of gestation. Male offspring as well as a group of hypophysectomized rats (positive control) were sacrificed at 35 days of age, while females and hypophysectomized control were sacrificed at 36 days of age. The sex-differences in ethylmorphine-N-demethylase and aniline hydroxylase liver activities were evaluated.^ Ethylmorphine-N-demethylase activity showed a significant difference between males and females from control and 37.5, 75 and 150 mg/kg THC dosed groups. Female offspring exposed prenatally to 300 mg/kg THC had a significant increase (p < .01) in N-demethylation activity, while their male counterparts had similar enzyme activity to those found in the male groups from control and 37.5 to 150 mg/kg THC dosed. Moreover, the percent increase in the 300 mg/kg THC dosed females was similar to that detected in the hypophysectomized female rats (positive control). As expected no sex difference in aniline hydroxylase activity was detected in control as well as exposed groups, including the 300 mg/kg THC dosed group.^ It is concluded that (DELTA)('9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol administered once by gavage in days 18 or 19 of gestation alters the liver Mixed Function Oxidase (MFO) sexual dimorphism imprinting process of the rat. ^
Despite the benefits of resistance, susceptibility to infectious disease is commonplace. Although specific susceptibility may be considered an inevitable consequence of the co-evolutionary arms race between parasite and host, a more general constraint may arise from the cost of an immune response. This “cost” hypothesis predicts a tradeoff between immune defense and other components of fitness. In particular, a tradeoff between immunity and sexually selected male behavior has been proposed. Here we provide experimental support for the direct phenotypic tradeoff between sexual activity and immunity by studying the antibacterial immune response in Drosophila melanogaster. Males exposed to more females showed a reduced ability to clear a bacterial infection, an effect that we experimentally link to changes in sexual activity. Our results suggest immunosuppression is an important cost of reproduction and that immune function and levels of disease susceptibility will be influenced by sexual selection.
Research examining post-trauma pathology indicates negative outcomes can differ as a function of the type of trauma experienced. Such research has yet to be published when looking at positive post-trauma changes. Ninety-Four survivors of trauma, forming three groups, completed the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) and Impact of Events Scale-Revised (IES-R). Groups comprised survivors of i) sexual abuse ii) motor vehicle accidents iii) bereavement. Results indicted differences in growth between the groups with the bereaved reporting higher levels of growth than other survivors and sexual abuse survivors demonstrated higher levels of PTSD symptoms than the other groups. However, this did not preclude sexual abuse survivors from also reporting moderate levels of growth. Results are discussed with relation to fostering growth through clinical practice.
Significant research has demonstrated direct and indirect associations between substance use and sexual behaviour. Substance use is related to sexual risk-taking and HIV seroconversion among some substance-using MSM. It remains unclear what factors mediate or underlie this relationship, and which substances are associated with greater harm. Substance-related expectancies are hypothesised as potential mechanisms. A conceptual model based on social-cognitive theory was tested, which explores the role of demographic factors, substance use, substance-related expectancies and novelty-seeking personality characteristics in predicting unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) while under the influence, across four commonly used substance types. Phase 1, a qualitative study (N = 20), explored how MSM perceive the effects of substance use on their thoughts, feelings and behaviours, including sexual behaviours. Information was attained through discussion and interviews, resulting in the establishment of key themes. Results indicated MSM experience a wide range of reinforcing aspects associated with substance use. General and specific effects were evident across substance types, and were associated with sexual behaviour and sexual risk-taking. Phase 2 consisted of developing a comprehensive profile of substance-related expectancies for MSM (SEP-MSM) regarding alcohol, cannabis, amyl nitrite and stimulants that possessed sound psychometric properties and was appropriate for use among this group. A cross-sectional questionnaire with 249 participants recruited through gay community networks was used to validate these measures, and involved online data collection, participants rating expectancy items and subsequent factor analysis. Results indicated expectancies can be reliably assessed, and predicted substance use patterns. Phase 3 examined demographic factors, substance use, substance-related expectancies, and novelty-seeking traits among another community sample of MSM (N = 277) throughout Australia, in predicting UAI while under the influence. Using a cross-sectional design, participants were recruited through gay community networks and completed online questionnaires. The SEP-MSM, and associated substance use, predicted UAI. This research extends social-cognitive theory regarding sexual behaviour, and advances understanding of the role of expectancies associated with substance use and sexual risk-taking. Future applications of the SEP-MSM in health promotion, prevention, clinical interventions and research are likely to contribute to reducing harm associated with substance-using MSM (e.g., HIV transmission).
Introduction Female sexual functioning is affected by a range of factors including motivation, psychological well-being, and relationship issues. In understanding female sexual dysfunction (FSD), there has been a tendency to privilege diagnostic and medical over relationship issues. Aim To investigate the association between women’s experience of intimacy in close relationships - operationalized in terms of attachment and degree of differentiation of self - and FSD. Methods Two hundred and thirty sexually active Australian women responded to an invitation to complete a set of validated scales to assess potential correlates of sexual functioning. Main Outcome Measures The Female Sexuality Function Index, the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, the Differentiation of Self Inventory, as well as a set of study-specific questions were subject to hierarchical multiple regression analyses Results Relational variables of attachment avoidance and to a lesser degree, attachment anxiety were associated with FSD. Participants with lower levels of differentiation of self were more likely to report sexual difficulties. The inability to maintain a sense of self in the presence of intimate others was the strongest predictors of sexual problems. A history of sexual abuse in adulthood and higher levels of psychological distress were also associated with sexual difficulties. Conclusions The findings provide support for a relational understanding of female sexual functioning. Attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety, and degree of differentiation of self are shown to be associated with sexual difficulties. The findings support the need to focus on relational and psychological factors in women’s experience of sex.
Traditional taxonomy based on morphology has often failed in accurate species identification owing to the occurrence of cryptic species, which are reproductively isolated but morphologically identical. Molecular data have thus been used to complement morphology in species identification. The sexual advertisement calls in several groups of acoustically communicating animals are species-specific and can thus complement molecular data as non-invasive tools for identification. Several statistical tools and automated identifier algorithms have been used to investigate the efficiency of acoustic signals in species identification. Despite a plethora of such methods, there is a general lack of knowledge regarding the appropriate usage of these methods in specific taxa. In this study, we investigated the performance of two commonly used statistical methods, discriminant function analysis (DFA) and cluster analysis, in identification and classification based on acoustic signals of field cricket species belonging to the subfamily Gryllinae. Using a comparative approach we evaluated the optimal number of species and calling song characteristics for both the methods that lead to most accurate classification and identification. The accuracy of classification using DFA was high and was not affected by the number of taxa used. However, a constraint in using discriminant function analysis is the need for a priori classification of songs. Accuracy of classification using cluster analysis, which does not require a priori knowledge, was maximum for 6-7 taxa and decreased significantly when more than ten taxa were analysed together. We also investigated the efficacy of two novel derived acoustic features in improving the accuracy of identification. Our results show that DFA is a reliable statistical tool for species identification using acoustic signals. Our results also show that cluster analysis of acoustic signals in crickets works effectively for species classification and identification.
We propose a new equation to describe the relation between otolith length (OL) and somatic length (fork length [FL]) of fish for the entire lifespan of the fish. The equation was developed by applying a mathematical smoothing method based on an allometric equation with a constant term for walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) —a species that shows an extended longevity (>20 years). The most appropriate equation for defining the relation between OL and FL was a four-phase allometric smoothing function with three inflection points. The inflection points correspond to the timing of settlement of walleye pollock, changes in sexual maturity, and direction of otolith growth. Allometric smoothing functions describing the relation between short otolith radius and FL, long otolith radius and FL, and FL and body weight were also developed. The proposed allometric smoothing functions cover the entire lifespan of walleye pollock. We term these equations “allometric smoothing functions for otolith and somatic growth over the lifespan of walleye pollock.”