894 resultados para Sex, Pornography, Web, Internet


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Using postings from an internet forum, this paper explores the ways in which some women try to influence the sex of a future child. The extensive reproductive work involved give an indication of the women’s commitment to being able to choose a particular sex; in this case a preference for girls rather than boys. The findings revealed stereotypical views of masculinity and femininity at the heart of the preference. The presumption of fixed gendered identities helped to frame this desire as ‘natural,’ lessen the threat to maternal identities, and reinforce the logic of ‘choice,’ and support their reproductive work practices.


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High-throughput screening of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions brings important perspectives in the Systems Biology field, as the analysis of these interactions provides new insights into protein/gene function, cellular metabolic variations and the validation of therapeutic targets and drug design. However, such analysis depends on a pipeline connecting different tools that can automatically integrate data from diverse sources and result in a more comprehensive dataset that can be properly interpreted. We describe here the Integrated Interactome System (IIS), an integrative platform with a web-based interface for the annotation, analysis and visualization of the interaction profiles of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest. IIS works in four connected modules: (i) Submission module, which receives raw data derived from Sanger sequencing (e.g. two-hybrid system); (ii) Search module, which enables the user to search for the processed reads to be assembled into contigs/singlets, or for lists of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest, and add them to the project; (iii) Annotation module, which assigns annotations from several databases for the contigs/singlets or lists of proteins/genes, generating tables with automatic annotation that can be manually curated; and (iv) Interactome module, which maps the contigs/singlets or the uploaded lists to entries in our integrated database, building networks that gather novel identified interactions, protein and metabolite expression/concentration levels, subcellular localization and computed topological metrics, GO biological processes and KEGG pathways enrichment. This module generates a XGMML file that can be imported into Cytoscape or be visualized directly on the web. We have developed IIS by the integration of diverse databases following the need of appropriate tools for a systematic analysis of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions. IIS was validated with yeast two-hybrid, proteomics and metabolomics datasets, but it is also extendable to other datasets. IIS is freely available online at: http://www.lge.ibi.unicamp.br/lnbio/IIS/.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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With the advent and development of technology, mainly in the Internet, more and more electronic services are being offered to customers in all areas of business, especially in the offering of information services, as in virtual libraries. This article proposes a new opportunity to provide services to virtual libraries customers, presenting a methodology for the implementation of electronic services oriented by these customers' life situations. Through analytical observations of some national virtual libraries sites, it could be identified that the offer of services considering life situations and relationship interest situations can promote the service to their customers, providing greater satisfaction and, consequently, improving quality in the offer of information services. The visits to those sites and the critical analysis of the data collected during these visits, supported by bibliographic researches results, have enabled the description of this methodology, concluding that the provision of services on an isolated way or in accordance with the user's profile on sites of virtual libraries is not always enough to ensure the attendance to the needs and expectations of its customers, which suggests the offering of these services considering life situations and relationship interest situations as a complement that adds value to the business of virtual library. This becomes relevant when indicates new opportunities to provide virtual libraries services with quality, serving as a guide to the information providers managers, enabling the offering of new means to access information services by such customers, looking for pro - activity and services integration, in order to solve definitely real problems.


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Introduction: Internet users are increasingly using the worldwide web to search for information relating to their health. This situation makes it necessary to create specialized tools capable of supporting users in their searches. Objective: To apply and compare strategies that were developed to investigate the use of the Portuguese version of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) for constructing an automated classifier for Brazilian Portuguese-language web-based content within or outside of the field of healthcare, focusing on the lay public. Methods: 3658 Brazilian web pages were used to train the classifier and 606 Brazilian web pages were used to validate it. The strategies proposed were constructed using content-based vector methods for text classification, such that Naive Bayes was used for the task of classifying vector patterns with characteristics obtained through the proposed strategies. Results: A strategy named InDeCS was developed specifically to adapt MeSH for the problem that was put forward. This approach achieved better accuracy for this pattern classification task (0.94 sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve). Conclusions: Because of the significant results achieved by InDeCS, this tool has been successfully applied to the Brazilian healthcare search portal known as Busca Saude. Furthermore, it could be shown that MeSH presents important results when used for the task of classifying web-based content focusing on the lay public. It was also possible to show from this study that MeSH was able to map out mutable non-deterministic characteristics of the web. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In 2002, an integrated basic science course was introduced into the Bachelor of Dental Sciences programme at the University of Queensland, Australia. Learning activities for the Metabolism and Nutrition unit within this integrated course included lectures, problem-based learning tutorials, computer-based self-directed learning exercises and practicals. To support student learning and assist students to develop the skills necessary to become lifelong learners, an extensive bank of formative assessment questions was set up using the commercially available package, WebCT®. Questions included short-answer, multiple-choice and extended matching questions. As significant staff time was involved in setting up the question database, the extent to which students used the formative assessment and their perceptions of its usefulness to their learning were evaluated to determine whether formative assessment should be extended to other units within the course. More than 90% of the class completed formative assessment tasks associated with learning activities scheduled in the first two weeks of the block, but this declined to less than 50% by the fourth and final week of the block. Patterns of usage of the formative assessment were also compared in students who scored in the top 10% for all assessment for the semester with those who scored in the lowest 10%. High-performing students accessed the Web-based formative assessment about twice as often as those who scored in the lowest band. However, marks for the formative assessment tests did not differ significantly between the two groups. In a questionnaire that was administered at the completion of the block, students rated the formative assessment highly, with 80% regarding it as being helpful for their learning. In conclusion, although substantial staff time was required to set up the question database, this appeared to be justified by the positive responses of the students.


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The Internet has the potential for delivering innovative, interactive physical activity (PA) interventions to large numbers of people. This study was designed to test the efficacy. of ant Internet intervention that consisted of a Web site plus 12 weekly e-mail tip sheets, compared with a waiting list control group. The Internet intervention was theory based and emphasized clear, graphical presentation of PA information. Sixty-five (30 intervention and 35 control) sedentary adult employees of several large hospitals (9 men and 56 women) were randomly assigned to 1 of the 2 study arms. Of the 65 participants, 57 completed the 1-month follow-up, and 52 completed the 3-month follow-up. At both 1 and 3 months, those in the intervention group were significantly more likely to have progressed, in stage of motivational readiness for PA than participants in the control group: 1 month, chi(2)(1, N = 52) = 4.05, p


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Visando oferecer um servi??o inteligente, eficiente, ??gil e com maior qualidade ao contribuinte, a Diretoria de Arrecada????o do INSS disponibilizou, em conson??ncia com o Plano de A????o do Governo Eletr??nico e o Programa Nacional de Desburocratiza????o, o programa Baixa de Empresa Web, que viabiliza a emiss??o da certid??o de baixa para fins de registro ou arquivamento no ??rg??o pr??prio. Esse programa busca as informa????es contributivas da empresa e verifica a exist??ncia de restri????es ou impedimentos nos diversos bancos de dados do INSS, disponibilizando, em tempo real, o resultado do processamento. Os contribuintes podem acess??-lo pela Internet, no site da Previd??ncia Social (www.previdenciasocial.gov.br), e os servidores, pela Intranet


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Este estudo pretende conhecer o nível de divulgação de informação sobre responsabilidade social(RS) e analisar possíveis factores determinantes em 60 municípios portugueses. Assumindo que os municípios utilizam cada vez mais Internet como meio de comunicação com seus stakholders, a metodologia de estudo consistiu na analise de conteúdo dos websites e dos documentos disponíveis para download. com vista a determinar se para cada item de informação necessária é elaboração dos Índices de Divulgação de Informação, que permitissem medir o nível de divulgação de informação de cada município. Como forma de analisar a associação existente entre os índices de divulgação de informação criados e os potenciais factores determinantes, foram efectuados diversos testes ás hipóteses formuladas. Os resultados apontam para níveis de divulgação médios na maioria dos índices analisados. O Índice de Divulgação Total(IDT) apurado foi de 0,46. Para cada bloco de informação, o índice que apresentou um valor mais alto foi o da Informação Económica(IDE) com 0,66, seguindo-se o da Informação Social(IDS) com 0,61 e o Ambiental(IDA) com 0,36. O Índice de divulgação de informação genérica(IDG) sobre o RS foi o qeu apresentou valores mais reduzidos, 0,22. Foi efectuada uma analise univariada e bivariada que surgem vários factores como explicativos dos níveis de divulgação de informação. Da aplicação do Modelo de Regressão Linear Multiplica resulta que o IDG é influenciado pelo facto e o município implementar a Agenda 21 Local(A21L) e a pela percentagem de despesas ambientais nas despesas totais(DAMB);que apenas a elevada percentagem de despesas de licenciados(ESCOL)influência o IDE; e a localização do município(LOC, a A21L e a Carga Fiscal(FISC) tem influência no IDA e que a percentagem de habitantes com idade <19 anos e >65 anos(POPID) influencia negativamente o IDA; por ultimo e no que diz respeito ao Índice de Divulgação Total, a CARAT, a A21L, o possuir Certificação e a FISC influenciam positivamente o IDT, enquanto que a POPID influencia negativamente.


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O ataque ao sítio web da Al-Jazeera, levado a cabo por hackers na primeira semana da Guerra do Iraque, terá constituído o primeiro sinal importante da assimilação da imprensa online pelo campo da guerra informática, apresentada desde há décadas como «guerra do futuro», mas mantendo um estatuto marginal no quadro dos conflitos militares entre estados. O acontecimento atravessa o terreno cientificamente minado do estudo da Internet, nomeadamente pela «retórica de substituição» que acompanhou o nascimento das principais tecnologias de comunicação e que regressou em força com a chegada do novo meio. Mas este e outros perigos não nos devem inibir de encarar de frente o significado do bloqueio do sítio web da Al-Jazeera, nas suas dimensões bélica, simbólica e política. É o que este artigo procura fazer, a partir da confrontação das teorizações já produzidas acerca das notícias online e da guerra informática com um conjunto de dados empíricos relevantes.


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O contínuo desenvolvimento na área da Web 2.0 potencia a implementação de portais Web de carácter multi-funcional com uma elevada versatilidade e uma grande riqueza interactiva. Este projecto pretende tirar partido do desenvolvimento ocorrido nas tecnologias desta área de forma a apresentar uma proposta de portal institucional para o Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) que espelhe a Instituição como inovadora e actual. Para a implementação desta proposta foi desenvolvida uma plataforma de integração ao nível da camada de apresentação, seguindo os conceitos Web 2.0 aplicáveis, assente em tecnologias cliente suportadas em browser. Com esta plataforma pretende-se disponibilizar os alicerces para a integração das várias aplicações de front-office da Instituição numa camada homogénea, reduzindo a curva de aprendizagem das várias aplicações e contribuindo para uma integração destas que diminua a complexidade de utilização e facilite a manutenção e evolução. Sendo uma plataforma de integração, foi disponibilizada a possibilidade de efectuar as comunicações com base em JSON, XML, cabeçalhos dos pedidos http e Web services SOAP, sendo utilizadas mensagens ACL a nível aplicacional. O que permite um maior desacoplamento tecnológico entre a plataforma e os serviços utilizados. O desenvolvimento do projecto foi assente nos conceitos de desenvolvimento ágil, baseado na prototipagem. A gestão do projecto foi feita com recurso a uma aplicação de gestão de projecto colaborativa, o Redmine, que permitiu a adequação do projecto às necessidades ao longo do desenvolvimento e uma partilha mais fácil do estado do mesmo e de informações críticas do seu desenvolvimento aos vários intervenientes.


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This study investigates Portuguese companies’ use of the Internet to communicate social responsibility information, and the factors that affect this use. It examines the characteristics of companies that influence the prominence of social responsibility information on the Internet. Firm-specific factors that explain SRD by companies operating in a European country in which capital market fund raising is not regarded to be an important source of financing are analysed. The results are interpreted through the lens of a “political economy” framework which combines stakeholder and legitimacy theories perspectives, according to which companies disclose social responsibility information to present a socially responsible image so that they can legitimise their behaviours to their stakeholder groups and influence the external perception of reputation. Results suggest that a theoretical framework combining stakeholder and legitimacy theories may provide an explanatory basis for SRD by Portuguese companies. However, this study does not provide us with enough evidence to determine that the prominence given to CSR activities by Portuguese companies in their websites is linked to relationships with their stakeholders


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O avanço e difusão da tecnologia, em particular da Internet, obrigaram à disponibilização de informação com qualidade e facilmente acessível. Tais exigências vêm confirmar a relevância do papel da interface como elemento principal na interacção do utilizador com os sistemas de informação. É, por isso, fundamental que a interface seja fácil de usar e que vá ao encontro das expectativas e necessidades de todos os utilizadores. O desenvolvimento de interfaces que satisfaçam utilizadores com necessidades distintas, independentemente das suas capacidades motoras e perceptivas, culturais e sociais não é uma tarefa que possa se considerada simples [1]. De acordo com vários especialistas em Interacção Homem-Computador, [1], [2] e [3] as interfaces devem ser construídas respeitando os princípios de desenho centrado no utilizador, visando um elevado grau de usabilidade e em conformidade com directrizes de acessibilidade básicas. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para avaliação da acessibilidade de um sítio Web, baseado num documento disponibilizado pela Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI, [4], a ser aplicada à secretaria on-line de uma escola do ensino superior.