900 resultados para Serviço social - Comunidade - Campinas (SP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This research presents the labors developed by the Social Service unto socially excluded HIV/Aids positives at public hospitals in Rio Grande do Norte (RN). It purposes to identify and to analyze the demands brought by the holder onto the Social Service professional as well as the challenges the latter face to minister to the former. It privileges, from the methodological viewpoint, the qualitative and quantitative analysis with the application of questionnaires, direct observation, semi-structured interviews and bibliographic references. Data were collected from 12 (twelve) social assistants who work at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital in Natal (7) and Rafael Fernandes Hospital in Mossoró (5). The central hypothesis that guided this study is that the social inclusion/exclusion process experienced by the HIV/Aids positive on society implies a demand for the Social Service that is inserted in the public health context (specially in HIV-referred public hospitals), whose agents, however, when attempting to answer those demands, meet obstacles due to both the precariousness of public health services and the social complexity that concerns the HIV/Aids epidemic. Results point out that, de facto, the HIV/Aids epidemic, because of the social exclusion/inclusion process to which the holder is subject results a demand for the social agents at hospitals. Demands rise principally from the patient s life condition, considering the increasing pauperization in the epidemic context. As to what it is concerned, social assistants, responding to the needs, come across concrete twofold challenges: the illness in itself, for all social, negative aspects that make part of quotidian life of holders; and the precarious state of the public health service in RN State, since that working conditions are unsatisfactory


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The present study is about the professional exercise of the Social Worker in ONGs associated with the ABONG in Natal city, state of Rio Grande do Norte, referring to the work conditions, claims and professional responses in front of the capital restructuration circumstances. The group of socio-historical transformations, as a result of the after-1970 dynamic capitalism, conducts a process of new configurations in the relationship between State and society that directly affect the social question nowadays, destroying social rights historically conquered for the workers. In this context, the ONGs assume a strategical social function of the social question, contributing with the change of responsibilities with the social from the State to the third sector. This social movement causes changes to the Social Work since this is one of the professions that act on the immediate expressions of the social question. After a qualitative research based on a theoricalmethodological critical and dialectical perspective, it was possible to discover some contradictions, details and tendencies of the professional exercise of the Social Worker in ONGs. Summarizing, the results of the research show that: a) it was detected a tendency of precarization, instability, insecurity, no-articulation, no-profissionalization of the professionals in the work conditions; b) demands are associated with a moment of the capital re-ordering, where new professional exigencies and responsibilities are related with capital necessities in the period of structural crisis; c) limits and contradictions are present in a professional daily work mainly in function of the characteristics of gestation and functioning of the ONGs; d) the professionals that were interviewed show significant difficulties in a articulation between the professional daily work in organizations and the totality of the social processes, limiting the capability of doing critics to the requisitions imposed by the capital


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O artigo aborda a questão urbana como objeto de pesquisa do Serviço Social. Resulta de pesquisa teórica e de análise das produções sobre esta temática, tendo por base artigos dos anais dos Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisadores em Serviço Social (ENPESS), no período 2000-2010. A ampliação e diversidade de espaços sócio-ocupacionais não correspondem necessariamente ao desenvolvimento de pesquisas, com aprofundamento teórico-metodológico exigido pela complexidade da questão urbana na contemporaneidade. Há crescente interesse pela temática de pesquisadores, profissionais e estudantes e esforços de sistematização e pesquisa evidenciados no número de trabalhos e na busca de qualidade dos mesmos. Mas há também necessidade de aprofundamento teórico-metodológico para uma produção do conhecimento em consonância com o Projeto Ético-Politico, o que supõe construção de vias de superação da sociabilidade capitalista


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Há poucos dados sistematizados sobre eventos adversos da vacina contra influenza no Brasil. Este trabalho visou identificar estes eventos em população acima de 60 anos que compareceu à Campanha Nacional de Vacinação do Idoso, em Distrito de Campinas, SP, em 2000. Foi realizada entrevista para relato de sintomas gerais e locais, com nexo temporal após a aplicação do imunobiológico, em amostra aleatória sistemática da população (n=206). Registraram-se 20,38% (IC 14,87-25,88) dos indivíduos com um ou mais sintomas, sendo a dor no local da vacina, a mais freqüente 12,6% (IC 8,09-17,15). Ajustou-se um modelo de regressão logística múltipla, tendo como variável dependente, a ocorrência de pelo menos um evento adverso. A variável independente que se mostrou associada às reações adversas foi o sexo (feminino) (OR=5,89 e IC 2,08-16,68). Os achados deste estudo reafirmam a pequena reatogenicidade da vacina contra a influenza.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade global da dieta e a adequação do consumo de cada componente da dieta de adolescentes segundo fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos e índice de massa corporal (IMC). Trata-se de estudo transversal, de base populacional, que analisou amostra representativa de 409 adolescentes, de 12 a 19 anos, utilizando o Índice de Qualidade da Dieta (IQD). Foram estimadas as prevalências de dietas classificadas no 1º quartil do IQD e as médias de escores de cada componente do IQD. Regressões múltiplas linear e de Poisson foram utilizadas nas análises. O escore médio do IQD foi de 59,7. Observou-se menor prevalência de dietas inadequadas no segmento de melhor escolaridade do chefe da família. Os estratos de menor nível socioeconômico, avaliados por renda e escolaridade, mostram um consumo inferior de verduras e legumes, frutas, leite e derivados e menor variedade da dieta e uma ingestão superior de cereais e derivados e leguminosas. Adolescentes com sobrepeso/obesidade consomem mais carnes e ovos e menos frutas comparados aos que apresentam baixo peso/eutrofia. As meninas tiveram maior ingestão de gordura total e menor ingestão de sódio. Os resultados identificam os componentes que merecem atenção nas estratégias de promoção de alimentação saudável e os segmentos mais vulneráveis à má alimentação.


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Statistical methods of multiple regression analysis, trend surface analysis and principal components analysis were applied to seismographic data recorded during production blasting at a diabase quarry in the urban area of Campinas (SP), Brazil. The purpose of these analyses was to determine the influence of the following variables: distance (D), charge weight per delay (W), and scaled distance (SD) associated with properties of the rock body (orientation, frequency and angle of geological discontinuities; depth of bedrock and thickness of the soil overburden) in the variation of the peak particle velocity (PPV). This approach yielded variables with larger influences (loads) on the variation of ground vibration, as well as behavior and space tendency of this variation. The results showed a better relationship between PPV and D, with D being the most important factor in the attenuation of the ground vibrations. The geological joints and the depth to bedrock have a larger influence than the explosive charges in the variation of the vibration levels, but frequencies appear to be more influenced by the amount of soil overburden.


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Isolated trees in pastures are now often, due to increasing devastation of forested areas, important feeding places for migratory or generalist birds. These trees serve both as food sources and as deposition sites for seeds from fruits consumed in neighboring areas. The objective of this study was to identify the avian consumers of the fruits of Cytharexyllum myrianthum trees in open pastures and describe their feeding behavior and how it influences seed dispersion. Forty two hours of observations included 198 feeding bouts of nine bird species. Turdus leucomelas (Muscicapidae) was the main consumer (28% of fruit consumption), swallowing the entire fruit. Next, was Tyrannus melancholicus (Tyrannidae, 23%), which may be the most efficient seed disperser of C. myrianthum because it regurgitates the seeds on sites far from the parent tree.


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The process of internalization of development occurred in the state of Sao Paulo resulted in accelerated growth of intermediate cities leading to a pattern of development with sprawl, segregation and suburbanization. In this process stands the Administrative Region of Campinas, the hinterland region of higher growth and accumulating a larger number of medium-sized cities. Such questions imply the need for appropriate urban policies to confront these challenges, under risk to jeopardize the quality of life and environment of these cities. The implementation of the Estatuto da Cidade brings new perspectives for urban management in medium-sized cities. This study aims to evaluate the deployment of instruments of urban management in medium-sized cities in São Paulo, with emphasis on Administrative Region of Campinas, based on the Profile of Brazilian Municipalities 2008 conducted by IBGE. The results point to a worrying situation, as it did not see a correlation between the deployment of these instruments and the size, growth and income in the mid-sized cities.


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Considering the current context of environmental concern, the main purpose of this research was to develop and apply indicators to evaluate the environmental risk for airports. As a result, 19 indicators related to storage and handling dangerous substances were created. These indicators represent five conditions varying from the worst (level 1) to the ideal condition (level 5). The indicators were applied, as a study of case, at Viracopos International Airport, Campinas (SP). The results showed a medium performance of 2.3, using a scale raging from 1.0 to 5.0, characterized as 'critical'. Then, the indicators were analyzed to determine the major weaknesses related to the environmental management at Viracopos International Airport, as well as to identify good practices and solutions. Among the suggested management strategies, we highlight the suitability of areas for storage of dangerous substances. In general, it can be inferred that the indicators proposed in this paper to evaluate the performance in the management of environmental risks at the Viracopos International Airport and propose actions to prevent, monitor, correct, and mitigate the environmental impacts of its operations.


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Forest fragmentation occurs normally in an area around the city or with high agricultural influence, such as the Forest of Quilombo that lies in Metropolitan Campinas/SP- Brazil. This forest is one such example since it is separated from the other forest fragments in the region for several types of human action. The objective of this study is to analyze the macro and micronutrients and soil edaphic insect fauna in the forest, pasture and sugar cane and inferring the impacts caused by the Mata do Quilombo cattle farming and urban expansion in chemical aspects of soil. Samples were collected in June/11, according to the procedure of method traps pitfall traps. In addition, at each sampling point four composite samples were collected for soil fertility analysis. Samples were collected at six points: pasture, degraded forest (near pasture), preserved forest (near pasture), degraded forest (near cane sugar), preserved forest (near cane sugar), and sugar cane sugar. The samples thus prepared were analyzed Ca, P, K, Mg, pH, organic matter, H + Al, Sum of Base (SB), Base Percentage Saturation (V%), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and trace elements (S, B, Cu, Fe, Mg and Zn). Generally it can be seen that the group of organisms of soil fauna presented with little biodiversity. The number of individuals also shows little species, taxonomic groups showing the highest degree of impact that the remaining forest has suffered. Regarding the analysis of fertility it can be observed that the soil of the surrounding areas of the forest is under direct influence of agriculture. © 2013 WIT Press.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)