999 resultados para Sermons, Polish Jesus Christ - Passion Jesus Christ - Seven last words Catholic Church
In my lecture I would like to give a general introduction to a comparative approach of Polish and Hungarian history. I am convinced it could be not only an interesting, but a relevant issue as well. This approach could be touching emotionally for average Hungarian and Polish people because both nations strongly felt last centuries that they had common historical fate in East Central Europe. There is evidence which prove that Polish-Hungarian friendship is not only a modern phenomenon, but it is originated from the historical past. Historical memory calls the attention that Polish-Hungarian friendship was rooted already in the early modern history, and it was not constructed by historians, but a special relationship between the two nations was a widespread and accepted concept for the wider public in Hungary. I can cite the well-known proverb which represents it: „Pole and Hungarian – two good friends, joint fight and drinking are their ends.” In this lecture I don’t want to give a complete list of differences and similarities, but to call the attention to some interesting aspects of two nations’ common historical fate.
This Master's Thesis will re-evaluate the conclusions of the Vatican on the issue of women's ordination, as presented in the documents Inter Insigniores and Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, by researching the discoveries of scriptural scholarship on the significance of women in the New Testament ministries. The essential question is, are the two previously mentioned documents authoritative when they exclude women from priesthood on the basis of Scripture? Special emphasis is on the unprejudiced rereading of the status of women in the ministry of Jesus and the early church communities. The research proved that there is no significant evidence in the New Testament to reserve ordained ministries in the Church to men only.
Sediments recovered from seven Last Glacial Maximum grounding lines sites, around the Antarctic Peninsula, were analyzed using micromorphology. This is the first evidence that grounding line sediments from around the Antarctic Peninsula have complex deformational histories and subglacial origins. It was determined that grounding zone wedge contain multiple units, or diamicton layers, with homogenized boundaries. The multiple diamicton units / layers are due to the accretionary formation of a grounding line wedge. All the sediments were deposited via deformation, and continual reincorporation, homogenization of lower diamicton layers by upper diamicton layers produced what macroscopically appeared to be a single massive diamicton unit. The morainal ridge that was sampled, alternatively, is composed of a single unit, or diamicton layer, that was subglacial in origin and believed to have been pushed out to form a ridge that was subsequently deformed via glacial push.
Polarisé par l’événement du jubilé de l’an 2000, Jean-Paul II, tout au long de son pontificat, achemine l’Église catholique dans un long pèlerinage vers le IIIe millénaire de l’humanité. À l’aube du XXIe siècle, avec le contenu théologique du concile Vatican II pour boussole fiable, le pape polonais arbore une vision pastorale originale marquée par l’expression « nouvelle évangélisation ». Reprise de l’épiscopat d’Amérique latine, cette expression devient ainsi son emblème et son fer de lance durant les quelque 27 années de son pontificat. Largement récupérée par maints milieux ecclésiaux, l’expression méritait qu’on en produise une étude systématique à la lumière de la théologie pastorale de celui qui en a été le divulgateur privilégié. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi comme texte fondateur à notre étude sa lettre apostolique Tertio Millennio Adveniente publiée en 1994, en raison de la vision pastorale qui s’en dégage à l’aube de l’an 2000. Ce texte, qui couvre la période du concile Vatican II jusqu’à l’entrée de l’Église catholique dans le IIIe millénaire, définit le cadre temporel de notre recherche. Par ailleurs, il nous permet de retenir trois référents théologiques pour conduire notre étude. Nous les analysons et nous en conduisons une synthèse théologique à travers trois regards synoptiques qui acheminent progressivement la thèse vers sa conclusion. Le premier référent théologique retenu est l’exhortation apostolique Evangelii Nuntiandi du pape Paul VI ; le deuxième référent est l’ouvrage de Karol Wojtyla Aux sources du renouveau ; le troisième référent est l’exhortation postsynodale Ecclesia in America. Avec une démarche herméneutique justifiée, et par la synthèse de ces référents théologiques, trois aboutissants voient le jour. Le premier regarde l’application pastorale du concile Vatican II : dans un regard pastoral justifié par une anthropologie définie, le pasteur articule les constitutions Lumen Gentium et Gaudium et Spes pour proposer une praxis pastorale. Le second aboutissant parle alors de la notion de la créativité de la foi. Cette créativité de la foi se décline, elle, dans les médiations culturelles – troisième aboutissant – qui s’articulent elles-mêmes autour des concepts d’attitudes et de dialogue wojtylien. La critique proposée en conclusion de thèse porte directement sur l’anthropologie proposée par Jean-Paul II sous-jacente à chacun de ces trois aboutissants.
Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.
The socioeducational program of actions developed by Dom José de Medeiros Delgado, first Bishop of Diocese of Caicó city in Rio Grande do Norte, from 1941 to 1951, is analyzed by the present work in a historical perspective, based upon the school culture refecence.Through this reference point, the general and peculiar school culture proper of catholic schools founded by Dom Delgado was learned.The schools are: the Ginásio Diocesano Seridoense (1942), the Escola Doméstica Popular Darci Vargas (1943, the Prevocacional School of Caicó (1944) and the Santo Cura d ars Seminar (1946). The socioeducational actions of Dom Delgado Bishop affected seven other towns surrounding Caicó. Places where catholic schools were founded and named after Escola do Pobre . In fight for schools for all social segments of city and rural natures, Dom Delgado founded four rural schools in the surroundings of Serra Negra, São João do Sabugi, Jardim do Seridó e Lagoa Nova. It is also part of his beneficial work the creation of rural cooperatives for the parents of the students from such schools
This paper notebook contains abstracts of sermons attended between January 12, 1745/6 and November 15, 1747 in Kingston, Massachusetts, presumably by William Sever. The notebook lists the minister by last name, the location ("King." for Kingston), the date the sermon was delivered, the biblical passage used, and one-to-two-page entries on the sermon containing numbered notes and a section titled "Improvements and Applications." From the front of the volume, the pages contain entries for sermons attended between January 12 1745/6 through November 30, 1746, and there are no entries for June-September 1746. Sermon entries for December 7, 1746 to November 15, 1747 are written tête-bêche from the other end of the volume, and there are no entries for February-July 1747. Almost all of the sermons were delivered by Rev. William Rand, but there are sporadic sermons by additional ministers, who based on the last name are presumed to be John Angier (1701-1787; Harvard AB 1720), Ebenezer Gay (1696-1787; Harvard AB 1714), Nathaniel Eells (1678-1750; Harvard AB 1699), Josiah Torrey (1720-1783; Harvard AB 1741) and Daniel Shute (1722-1802; Harvard AB 1743).
The hand-sewn notebook contains a 30-page manuscript draft of the Dudleian lecture delivered by Samuel Mather on May 10, 1769 at Harvard College. The sermon begins with the Biblical text 2 Thess. 11:11, 12. The copy includes a small number of edits and struck-out words. The item has unattached pages and is in fragile condition. The lecture was never published.
Early on the morning of December 13, 1981, General Wojciech Jaruzelski, the leader of the communist Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR), declared martial law, ending the so-called "Polish Crisis," which began with the creation of the Independent Free Trade Union "Solidamosc" in August 1980. Over the next eight years, the Communist government and the opposition struggled over power, culminating in 1989 with the creation of a Solidamosc-led government which ended fifty years of Communist rule in Poland and led the way to further democratic revolutions throughout Eastern Europe. The purpose of this dissertation is to utilize newly available and underutilized archival sources as well as oral history interviews, from both international and American perspectives, to fully chronicle American policy toward Poland from the declaration of martial law until the creation of the Solidarnosc government. Rather than explaining Polish-American relations in bilateral terms, the dissertation illuminates the complex web of influences that determined American policy in Washington and affected its implementation within Poland. This includes descriptions of internal tensions within the Reagan administration, differences between American decisions in Washington and implementation in Warsaw, lobbying from Polish-American groups, clashes between Capitol Hill and the White House, coordination with American labor organizations to support Solidarnosc, disagreements with West European allies in NATO and international financial organizations, cooperation with the Vatican and the Polish Catholic Church, synchronization with American humanitarian organizations working in Poland, limitations caused by the realities of Soviet power in Eastern Europe, and complications caused by domestic Polish concerns. By taking a broad view of American policy and highlighting internal Polish decisions, with both the Communist government and the democratic opposition, the dissertation provides concrete examples of America's role in Poland's transformation, arguing, however, that this role was very limited. These conclusions are relevant to arguments about the end of the Cold War, the nature of American power, as well as current discussions about possibilities to promote democracy within hostile regimes.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Text of the homilies in Latin; commentary in Italian. Appendix contains Italian translation of the homilies.
A Jesuit reformer and poet [F. [Spee] (19th cent., August, 1885)--Revelations of the after-world (19th cent., February, 1887)--Savonarola (The Weekly register, September, 1899)--M. Emery, superior of St. Sulpice (1789-1811) (Dub. R., October, 1887)--Auricular confession.--The pope and the Anglican archbishops (19th cent., July, 1897)--Ritualism, Roman Catholicism, and converts (Contemp., February, 1879)--On certain ecclesiastical miracles (19th cent., August 1891)--Irresponsible opinion (Macmil., March, 1885)--The ethics of war (19th cent., May 1899)--The passion of the past (Macmil., September, 1887)--Some memories of a prison chaplain (Macmil., February, 1898)--Purcell's life of Cardinal Manning.--Appendix: Some notes on Fr. Ryder's controversy with Dr. Ward.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.