916 resultados para Separation of Control and Observation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The electromagnetic form factors of the proton are fundamental quantities sensitive to the distribution of charge and magnetization inside the proton. Precise knowledge of the form factors, in particular of the charge and magnetization radii provide strong tests for theory in the non-perturbative regime of QCD. However, the existing data at Q^2 below 1 (GeV/c)^2 are not precise enough for a hard test of theoretical predictions.rnrnFor a more precise determination of the form factors, within this work more than 1400 cross sections of the reaction H(e,e′)p were measured at the Mainz Microtron MAMI using the 3-spectrometer-facility of the A1-collaboration. The data were taken in three periods in the years 2006 and 2007 using beam energies of 180, 315, 450, 585, 720 and 855 MeV. They cover the Q^2 region from 0.004 to 1 (GeV/c)^2 with counting rate uncertainties below 0.2% for most of the data points. The relative luminosity of the measurements was determined using one of the spectrometers as a luminosity monitor. The overlapping acceptances of the measurements maximize the internal redundancy of the data and allow, together with several additions to the standard experimental setup, for tight control of systematic uncertainties.rnTo account for the radiative processes, an event generator was developed and implemented in the simulation package of the analysis software which works without peaking approximation by explicitly calculating the Bethe-Heitler and Born Feynman diagrams for each event.rnTo separate the form factors and to determine the radii, the data were analyzed by fitting a wide selection of form factor models directly to the measured cross sections. These fits also determined the absolute normalization of the different data subsets. The validity of this method was tested with extensive simulations. The results were compared to an extraction via the standard Rosenbluth technique.rnrnThe dip structure in G_E that was seen in the analysis of the previous world data shows up in a modified form. When compared to the standard-dipole form factor as a smooth curve, the extracted G_E exhibits a strong change of the slope around 0.1 (GeV/c)^2, and in the magnetic form factor a dip around 0.2 (GeV/c)^2 is found. This may be taken as indications for a pion cloud. For higher Q^2, the fits yield larger values for G_M than previous measurements, in agreement with form factor ratios from recent precise polarized measurements in the Q2 region up to 0.6 (GeV/c)^2.rnrnThe charge and magnetic rms radii are determined as rn⟨r_e⟩=0.879 ± 0.005(stat.) ± 0.004(syst.) ± 0.002(model) ± 0.004(group) fm,rn⟨r_m⟩=0.777 ± 0.013(stat.) ± 0.009(syst.) ± 0.005(model) ± 0.002(group) fm.rnThis charge radius is significantly larger than theoretical predictions and than the radius of the standard dipole. However, it is in agreement with earlier results measured at the Mainz linear accelerator and with determinations from Hydrogen Lamb shift measurements. The extracted magnetic radius is smaller than previous determinations and than the standard-dipole value.


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Body height decreases throughout the day due to fluid loss from the intervertebral disk. This study investigated whether spinal shrinkage was greater during workdays compared with nonwork days, whether daily work stressors were positively related to spinal shrinkage, and whether job control was negatively related to spinal shrinkage. In a consecutive 2-week ambulatory field study, including 39 office employees and 512 days of observation, spinal shrinkage was measured by a stadiometer, and calculated as body height in the morning minus body height in the evening. Physical activity was monitored throughout the 14 days by accelerometry. Daily work stressors, daily job control, biomechanical workload, and recreational activities after work were measured with daily surveys. Multilevel regression analyses showed that spinal disks shrank more during workdays than during nonwork days. After adjustment for sex, age, body weight, smoking status, biomechanical work strain, and time spent on physical and low-effort activities during the day, lower levels of daily job control significantly predicted increased spinal shrinkage. Findings add to knowledge on how work redesign that increases job control may possibly contribute to preserving intervertebral disk function and preventing occupational back pain.


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Tuber formation in potato (Solanum tuberosum) is promoted by short photoperiods and is inhibited by gibberellins (GAs). Endogenous levels of GA1 were shown to decrease in stolons and leaves of potato plants induced to tuberize, which suggests that photoperiodic regulation of GA biosynthesis may play a role in tuber induction. We report the isolation of three potato cDNA clones (StGA20ox1–3) encoding GA 20-oxidase, a key regulatory enzyme in the GA-biosynthetic pathway. Using northern analysis, we detected a differential pattern of tissue-specific expression of the mRNAs corresponding to these clones. StGA20ox mRNAs were also very abundant in leaves of the potato ga1 mutant, which is blocked in the 13-hydroxylation step, and were strongly down-regulated by gibberellic acid, suggesting a feedback regulation of these genes. In plants grown in short-day (inductive) conditions, levels of the StGA20ox transcripts in leaves fluctuated during a 24-h period, with a peak of accumulation observed about 4 h after the lights were turned off. Interruption of the night with a 30-min “night break” of light (noninductive conditions) did not have a marked effect on the levels of accumulation of the three GA 20-oxidase mRNAs during the day, but it induced a second peak of expression of StGA20ox1 and StGA20ox3 transcripts late in the night. This observation, together with the finding that StGA20ox1 mRNA is expressed at high levels in leaves, suggests that night-break induction of this gene might play a role in the control of tuberization by regulating endogenous levels of GAs in response to daylength conditions.


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Conventional chromatographic columns are packed with porous beads by the universally employed slurry-packing method. The lack of precise control of the particle size distribution, shape and position inside the column have dramatic effects on the separation efficiency. In the first part the thesis an ordered, three-dimensional, pillar-array structure was designed by a CAD software. Several columns, characterized by different fluid distributors and bed length, were produced by a stereolithographic 3D printer and compared in terms of pressure drop and height equivalent to a theroretical plate (HETP). To prevent the release of unwanted substances and to provide a surface for immobilizing a ligand, pillars were coated with one or more of the following materials: titanium dioxide, nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) and polystyrene. The external NFC layer was functionalized with Cibacron Blue and the dynamic binding capacity of the column was measured by performing three chromatographic cycles, using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as target molecule. The second part of the thesis deals with Covid-19 pandemic related research activities. In early 2020, due to the pandemic outbreak, surgical face masks became an essential non-pharmaceutical intervention to limit the spread. To address the consequent shortage and to support the reconversion of the Italian industry, in late March 2020 a multidisciplinary group of the University of Bologna created the first Italian laboratory able to perform all the tests required for the evaluation and certification of surgical masks. More than 1200 tests were performed on about 350 prototypes, according to the standard EN 14683:2019. The results were analyzed to define the best material properties and masks composition for the production of masks with excellent efficiency. To optimize the usage of surgical masks and to reduce their environmental burden, the variation of their performance over time of usage were investigated as to determine the maximum lifetime.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of diabetes in older people and the adopted control measures. Data regarding older diabetic individuals who participated in the Health Surveys conducted in the Municipality of Sao Paulo, SP, ISA-Capital, in 2003 and 2008, which were cross-sectional studies, were analyzed. Prevalences and confidence intervals were compared between 2003 and 2008, according to sociodemographic variables. The combination of the databases was performed when the confidence intervals overlapped. The Chi-square (level of significance of 5%) and the Pearson's Chi-square (Rao-Scott) tests were performed. The variables without overlap between the confidence intervals were not tested. The age of the older adults was 60-69 years. The majority were women, Caucasian, with an income of between > 0.5 and 2.5 times the minimum salary and low levels of schooling. The prevalence of diabetes was 17.6% (95%CI 14.9;20.6) in 2003 and 20.1% (95%CI 17.3;23.1) in 2008, which indicates a growth over this period (p at the limit of significance). The most prevalent measure adopted by the older adults to control diabetes was hypoglycemic agents, followed by diet. Physical activity was not frequent, despite the significant differences observed between 2003 and 2008 results. The use of public health services to control diabetes was significantly higher in older individuals with lower income and lower levels of education. Diabetes is a complex and challenging disease for patients and the health systems. Measures that encourage health promotion practices are necessary because they presented a smaller proportion than the use of hypoglycemic agents. Public health policies should be implemented, and aimed mainly at older individuals with low income and schooling levels. These changes are essential to improve the health condition of older diabetic patients.


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Up to 20% of women with hypertensive pregnancy disorders might persist with chronic hypertension. This study compared clinical and echocardiographic features between women whose hypertension began as hypertensive pregnancy disorders (PH group) and women whose diagnosis of hypertension did not occur during pregnancy (NPH group). Fifty PH and 100 NPH women were cross-sectionally evaluated by clinical, laboratory, and echocardiography analysis, and the groups were matched by duration of hypertension. PH exhibited lower age (46.6 ± 1.4 vs. 65.3 ± 1.1 years; P < .001), but higher systolic (159.8 ± 3.9 vs. 148.0 ± 2.5 mm Hg; P = .009) and diastolic (97.1 ± 2.4 vs. 80.9 ± 1.3 mm Hg; P < .001) blood pressure than NPH, although used more antihypertensive classes (3.4 ± 0.2 vs. 2.6 ± 0.1; P < .001). Furthermore, PH showed higher left ventricular wall thickness and increased prevalence of concentric hypertrophy than NPH after adjusting for age and blood pressure. In conclusion, this study showed that PH may exhibit worse blood pressure control and adverse left ventricular remodeling compared with NPH.


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The biofilm formation of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from the processing of ricotta on stainless steel coupons was evaluated, and the effect of cleaning and sanitization procedures in the control of these biofilms was determined. The formation of biofilms was observed while varying the incubation temperature (7, 25 and 39°C) and time (0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8days). At 7°C, the counts of E. faecalis and E. faecium were below 2log10CFU/cm(2). For the temperatures of 25 and 39°C, after 1day, the counts of E. faecalis and E. faecium were 5.75 and 6.07log10CFU/cm(2), respectively, which is characteristic of biofilm formation. The tested sanitation procedures a) acid-anionic tensioactive cleaning, b) anionic tensioactive cleaning+sanitizer and c) acid-anionic tensioactive cleaning+sanitizer were effective in removing the biofilms, reducing the counts to levels below 0.4log10CFU/cm(2). The sanitizer biguanide was the least effective, and peracetic acid was the most effective. These studies revealed the ability of enterococci to form biofilms and the importance of the cleaning step and the type of sanitizer used in sanitation processes for the effective removal of biofilms.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of hypertension and control practices among the elderly. The survey analyzed data from 872 elderly people in São Paulo, Brazil, through a cluster sampling, stratified according to education and income. A Poisson multiple regression model checked for the existence of factors associated with hypertension. The prevalence of self-reported hypertension among the elderly was 46.9%. Variables associated with hypertension were self-rated health, alcohol consumption, gender, and hospitalization in the last year, regardless of age. The three most common measures taken to control hypertension, but only rarely, are oral medication, routine salt-free diet and physical activity. Lifestyle and socioeconomic status did not affect the practice of control, but knowledge about the importance of physical activity was higher among those older people with higher education and greater income. The research suggests that health policies that focus on primary care to encourage lifestyle changes among the elderly are necessary.


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The behaviour of the albino and melanic variants of Biomphalaria glabrata of Belo Horizonte (MG. Brazil) was studied comparatively, in terms of their respective susceptibilities to infection by Schistosoma mansoni of the same origin, through observation of the elimination of cercariae for a three-month period and the calculation of mortality and infection rates, in control and in infected snails. The number of amoebocytes, granulocytes and hyalinocytes in the circulating hemolymph during different periods of infection was analyzed. The evolution of the infection in the tissues was observed by means of histological cross-sections. The melanic variant showed greater susceptibility to infection and a higher mortality rate. The albino variant showed a higher number of circulating amoebocytes, both granulocytes and hyalinocytes. A higher number of degenerated sporocysts were seen in the histological cross-sections of the albino variant. The results suggest that the melanic variant of B. glabrata was more susceptible to infection by S. mansoni than was the albino variant.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main causes of death in the Western world. Among the risk factors that are modifiable by diet, for reducing cardiovascular disease risks, the total plasma concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, and HDL-C are the most important. Dietary measures can balance these components of the lipid profile thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The main food components that affect the lipid profile and can be modified by diet are the saturated and trans fats, unsaturated fats, cholesterol, phytosterols, plant protein, and soluble fiber. A wealth of evidence suggests that saturated and trans fats and cholesterol in the diet raise the total plasma cholesterol and LDL-C. Trans fats also reduce HDL-C, an important lipoprotein for mediating the reverse cholesterol transport. On the other hand, phytosterols, plant proteins, isoflavones, and soluble fiber are protective diet factors against cardiovascular diseases by modulating plasma lipoprotein levels. These food components at certain concentrations are able to reduce the total cholesterol, TG, and LDL-C and raise the plasma levels of HDL-C. Therefore, diet is an important tool for the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases, and should be taken into account as a whole, i.e., not only the food components that modulate plasma concentrations of lipoproteins, but also the diet content of macro nutrients and micronutrients should be considered.


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Background: Detailed analysis of the dynamic interactions among biological, environmental, social, and economic factors that favour the spread of certain diseases is extremely useful for designing effective control strategies. Diseases like tuberculosis that kills somebody every 15 seconds in the world, require methods that take into account the disease dynamics to design truly efficient control and surveillance strategies. The usual and well established statistical approaches provide insights into the cause-effect relationships that favour disease transmission but they only estimate risk areas, spatial or temporal trends. Here we introduce a novel approach that allows figuring out the dynamical behaviour of the disease spreading. This information can subsequently be used to validate mathematical models of the dissemination process from which the underlying mechanisms that are responsible for this spreading could be inferred. Methodology/Principal Findings: The method presented here is based on the analysis of the spread of tuberculosis in a Brazilian endemic city during five consecutive years. The detailed analysis of the spatio-temporal correlation of the yearly geo-referenced data, using different characteristic times of the disease evolution, allowed us to trace the temporal path of the aetiological agent, to locate the sources of infection, and to characterize the dynamics of disease spreading. Consequently, the method also allowed for the identification of socio-economic factors that influence the process. Conclusions/Significance: The information obtained can contribute to more effective budget allocation, drug distribution and recruitment of human skilled resources, as well as guiding the design of vaccination programs. We propose that this novel strategy can also be applied to the evaluation of other diseases as well as other social processes.


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This paper describes the manufacture of tubular UF and MF porous and supported ceramic membranes to oil/water emulsions demulsification. For such a purpose, a rigorous control was realized over the distribution and size of pores. Suspensions at 30 vol.% of solids (zirconia or alumina powder and sucrose) and 70 vol.% of liquids (isopropyl alcohol and PVB) were prepared in a jar mill varying the milling time of the sucrose particles, according to the pores size expected. The membranes were prepared by isostatic pressing method and structurally characterized by SEM, porosimetry by mercury intrusion and measurements of weight by immersion. The morphological characterization of the membranes identified the formation of porous zirconia and alumina membranes and supported membranes. The results of porosimetry analysis by mercury intrusion presented an average pore size of 1.8 mu m for the microfiltration porous membranes and for the ultrafiltration supported membranes, pores with average size of 0.01-0.03 mu m in the top-layer and 1.8 mu m in the support. By means of the manufacture method applied, it was possible to produce ultra and microfiltration membranes with high potential to be applied to the separation of oil/water emulsions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports on design of digital control for wind turbines and its relation to the quality of power fed into the Brazilian grid on connecting to it a 192 MW wind farm equipped with doubly fed induction generators. PWM converters are deployed as vector controlled regulated current voltage sources for their rotors, for independent control of both active and reactive power of those generators. Both speed control and active power control strategies are analyzed, in the search for maximum efficiency of conversion of wind kinetic energy into electric power and enhanced quality of delivered power. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.