911 resultados para Sensory analyses
The effect of addition of rosemary and oregano extracts on the sensory quality of irradiated beef burger was investigated. Batches of beef burgers were prepared with 400 ppm of rosemary or oregano extract and a group prepared with 200 ppm of synthetic butyl-hydroxytoluene (BHT)/butyl-hydroxy-anisol (BHA) was used as a control. Half of each formulation was irradiated at the maximum dose allowed for frozen meat (7 kGy). Samples were kept under frozen conditions (-20 degrees C) during the whole storage period, including during irradiation. Two analyses were performed after 20 and 90 days to verify the influence of the addition of the different types of antioxidants and the effect of irradiation and storage time on the acceptance of the product. Thirty-three and thirty-four untrained panelists were invited to participate in the first and second test, respectively. A structured hedonic scale ranging from 1 to 9 points was used in both analyses. BHT/BHA formulation obtained the highest score (6.73) and regarding the natural antioxidants, oregano received better acceptance (6.36). Irradiated samples formulated with oregano received a lower score, 6.03 in the first test and 5.06 in the second one, compared to the non-irradiated sample (6.36 and 5.79). In the second test (90 days), the sample formulated with BHT/BHA and which was irradiated received a higher score (6.59) when compared to the non-irradiated one (5.85). In both tests, the irradiated samples formulated with rosemary extract obtained a better score compared to the non-irradiated one, the scores being 5.00-3.82 and 5.00-3.76 in the first and second test, respectively. Our results allowed us to conclude that the natural antioxidants, rosemary and oregano extracts, present a good alternative for replacing synthetic additives in food industries, and that the irradiation process, in some cases, may help to enhance the sensory quality of food. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: The interaction between lipoxygenase-active soybean flour (LOX) and ascorbic acid (AA), on colour, rheological and sensory properties of wheat bread was studied with the aim of reducing the applied quantity of additives in bread formulations. RESULTS: The ascorbic acid (0-500 ppm) and active soybean flour (0-1%) mixture improved bread-crumb colour by lowering the yellow hue in a higher proportion than those expressed by the components alone, characterising a synergistic mechanism ((y) over cap (b) = 15.1- (1.7 x LOX) - (0.5 x AA) - (5.8 x LOX x AA), where : (y) over cap (b) represent the estimated value for the yellow hue parameter). No differences in flavour and porosity were seen between the samples. As supported by the instrumental methods, breads made with active soybean flour and ascorbic acid (LOX + AA) had whiter crumbs and were softer and springier than controls as assessed by a trained sensory panel. In summary, the combination of both active soybean flour and ascorbic acid showed synergism, promoting a greater bleaching effect than when used alone. CONCLUSION: These results suggest the potential use of active soybean flour as a synergistic ingredient in the substitution of artificial additives in bread making. Since the interaction on the bleaching response was not linear and active soybean flour showed a higher iron concentration (66.40 +/- 4.23 mu g g(-1)) than non-active soybean flour (52.30 +/- 0.40 mu g g(-1)), more studies are warranted to establish the biochemical mechanisms involved in this interaction. (c) 2007 Society of Chemical Industry.
Sensory analysis is a precise and descriptive measuring technique to quantify human responses to stimuli. Odor, one of these stimuli, is basically the result of the interaction between a chemical stimulus and the olfactory receptor system, which can be described using a number of different dimensions and measures through different sensory tests: threshold, intensity and quality. To measure fragrance performance on the skin, these parameters are very important, but the main attribute to be evaluated is substantivity, thus the importance of the sensory scale chosen to measure perception, discriminate different intensities and determine the substantivity of the fragrance. Some studies comparing the labeled magnitude scale (LMS) with other magnitude scales and their derivations showed that the use of the LMS scale to measure fragrance intensity could semantically understand the intensity of the stimulus. Tests using this scale confirmed the applicability and efficiency of the LMS. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS The objective of this article is to review the techniques used to measure odor and fragrance intensities applied on the skin. The review shows general sensory techniques and their goals, the newest olfactory mechanism and its contribution to sensory evaluation and which attributes should be considered to measure odor. Substantivity/retentivity or longevity can be regarded as the most important attributes if you want to measure fragrance performance on the skin. Past studies showed different scales tested to measure odor, and some of them demonstrated that the labeled magnitude scale is very suitable to measure fragrance on the skin.
The influence of the addition of a potential probiotic culture of Lactobacillus paracasei and of the prebiotic fiber inulin on the texture profile and on the sensory evaluation of probiotic and synbiotic fresh cream-cheeses was monitored. Three cheese-making trials were prepared in quintuplicate, all supplemented with a Streptococcus thermophilus starter culture (T1, T2 and T3). L. paracasei subsp. paracasei was added to T1 and T2, and inulin, to T2. The instrumental texture profile was determined after 1, 7, 14 and 21 days of storage of the cheeses. Sensory evaluation was performed after 7 days of storage. The presence of Lactobacillus paracasei in cheeses T1 and T2 and of inulin in cheeses T2 did not alter the texture profile significantly. Cheeses T1 were the least preferred in the sensory evaluation and differed signifcantly from T2 and T3, due to acidic taste, according to panelists. On the other hand, T2 was the most preferred one, though not significantly different from T3. The addition of the prebiotic ingredient inulin to fresh cream cheese processed with a potentially probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei strain resulted in a product with appropriate features and with aggregated functional properties.
Sensory acceptance of four trials of probiotic petit-suisse cheese was investigated. Cheeses were prepared using Streptococcus thermophilus TA 040 as starter not supplemented with any probiotic culture (T1-control), Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 (T2), Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BL04 (T3) and L. acidophilus + B. animalis subsp. lactis (T4). Sensory acceptance tests were performed after 7 and 14 days of storage at 4 +/- 1 degrees C, using a 9-point hedonic scale to evaluate flavour, texture and overall acceptability. The population of La-5 and BL04 remained at 7.0 log CFU g(-1) and at 8.0 log CFU g(-1), respectively, during storage for up to 28 days. After 7 and 14 days of storage, cheese T4 presented the highest sensory acceptance for all attributes evaluated and differed significantly from the other cheeses (P<0.05). After 14 days of storage, cheese T3 presented the lowest acceptance and differed significantly from the other cheeses (P<0.05). The supplementation of petit-suisse cheese T4 with both La-5 and BL04 in co-culture with a starter culture resulted in a product with high probiotic populations during storage and excellent sensory acceptance. The results also showed that, when added separately, La-5 and BL04 did not affect the sensory acceptability of petit-suisse cheese.
BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the effect of a potentially probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei LBC 82), added solely or together with the prebiotic ingredient inulin on instrumental texture attributes and sensory properties of a functional chocolate mousse during storage at 4 +/- 1 degrees C for up to 28 days. RESULTS: The addition of Lactobacillus paracasei resulted in a firmer and more adhesive chocolate mousse. This effect was intensified with the presence of inulin in the synbiotic formulation (5.24 N and -0.956 N, respectively, for firmness and adhesiveness after 28 days of storage) (P < 0.05). L. paracasei population did not vary (P > 0.05) during storage (always between 7.27 and 7.35 log cfu g(-1)), both for the probiotic and the synbiotic mousses. Synbiotic mousse differed from control and probiotic mousses during storage with respect to the color attribute. Moreover, both probiotic and synbiotic mousses presented taste, aroma and texture perceptions which were different from one another and from the control mousse after 14 and 21 days of storage. CONCLUSION: The use of inulin, together with the potentially probiotic strain of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, is advantageous, conferring potentially symbiotic potential to the chocolate mousse, as well as favorable texture and sensory properties. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.
Sensory acceptance of formulations of probiotic Minas fresh cheese was investigated. Cheeses were prepared and supplemented with Lactobacillus acidophilus (T1 - probiotic), Lactobacillus acidophilus + Streptococcus thermophilus (T2 - probiotic + starter) or produced with no addition of cultures (T3 - control). Sensory acceptance tests were performed after 7 and 14 days of storage at 5 degrees C, using a 9-point hedonic scale (1 = dislike extremely; 9 = like extremely). After 7 days, no significant difference was detected among cheeses T1, T2 and T3 (P > 0.05). After 14 days, cheeses T1 and T2 presented higher acceptance and differed significantly from cheeses T3. Cheeses T3 presented significant difference between 7 and 14 days of storage (P < 0.05), whereas probiotic cheeses T1 and T2 were stable in the same period (P > 0.05). The addition of L. acidophilus, either solely or in co-culture with a thermophilic starter culture, resulted in good acceptance of Minas fresh cheese, improving sensory performance of the product during storage.
The influence of inulin, oligofructose and oligosaccharides from honey, combined in different proportions, on the consumers` sensory acceptance, probiotic viable count and fructan content of novel potentially synbiotic petit-suisse cheeses was investigated. Probiotic populations varied from 7.20 up to 7.69 log cfu g(-1) (Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis) and from 6.08 up to 6.99 log cfu g(-1) (Lactobacillus acidophilus). The highest fructan contents were achieved by the cheese trials containing oligofructose and/or inulin (above 8.90 g 100 g(-1)). The control trial showed the lowest mean acceptance (6.63) after 28 days of refrigerated storage, whereas the highest acceptance (7.43) was observed for the trial containing 10 g 100 g(-1) oligofructose. Acceptance increased significantly during storage (P < 0.05) only for cheeses supplemented with oligoftuctose and/or inulin. Cheeses containing honey did not perform well enough compared to the cheeses with addition of inulin and/or oligofructose, and the best synbiotic petit-suisse cheese considering sensory and technological functional features was that containing oligofructose and inulin combined, therefore encouraging the commercial product use. (c) 2007 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study describes the volatile composition of aerial parts (leaves and stems), flowers and fruits from Bidens gardneri and Bidens sulphurea. The first species is widely distributed in Pantanal (Brazil) and is a traditional medicinal plant, while the second species is widely distributed throughout Brazil. In all analyses, observed were constituents like bicycloelemene, alpha-copaene, beta-caryophyllene, germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene and others. However, some compounds were identified only in one part of the plants analyzed. These results indicated sonic differences in the composition of the plants studied and they were in agreement with data of literature.
The complexes [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2), [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) ([9]aneN(2)S = 1-thia-4. 7-diazacyclononane and [9]aneNS(2) = 1,4-dithia-7-azacyclononane) have been prepared and the latter two characterised by X-ray crystallography. The Mossbauer spectra (isomer shift/mm s(-1), quadrupole splitting/mm s(-1), 4.2 K) for [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) (0.52, 0.57), [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) (0.25, 2.72) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) (0.43, 0.28) are typical for iron(II) and iron(III) complexes. Variable-temperature susceptibility measurements for [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) (2-300 K) revealed temperature-dependent behaviour in both the solid state [2.95 mu(B) (300 K)-0.5 mu(B) (4.2 K)] and solution (Delta H degrees 20-22 kJ mol(-1), Delta S degrees 53-60 J mol(-1) K-1). For [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) in the solid state [2.3 mu(B) (300 K)-1.9 mu(B) (4.2 K)] the magnetic data were fit to a simple model (H = -lambda L . S + mu L-z) to give the spin-orbit coupling constant (lambda) of -260 +/- 10 cm(-1). The solid-state X-band EPR spectrum of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) revealed axial symmetry (g(perpendicular to) = 2.607, g(parallel to) = 1.599). Resolution of g(perpendicular to) into two components at Q-band frequencies indicated a rhombic distortion. The low-temperature single-crystal absorption spectra of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) exhibited additional bands which resembled pseudotetragonal low-symmetry splitting of the parent octahedral (1)A(1g) --> T-1(2g) and (1)A(1g) ---> T-1(1g) transitions. However, the magnitude of these splittings was too large, requiring 10Dq for the thioether donors to be significantly larger than for the amine donors. Instead, these bands were tentatively assigned to weak, low-energy S --> Fe-II charge-transfer transitions. Above 200 K, thermal occupation of the high-spin T-5(2g) ground state resulted in observation of the T-5(2g) --> E-5(g) transition in the crystal spectrum of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2). From a temperature-dependence study, the separation of the low-spin (1)A(1g) and high-spin T-5(2g) ground states was approximately 1700 cm(-1). The spectrum of the iron(III) complex [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) is consistent with a low-spin d(5) configuration.
Theoretical and numerical analyses of convective instability in porous media with upward throughflow
Exact analytical solutions have been obtained for a hydrothermal system consisting of a horizontal porous layer with upward throughflow. The boundary conditions considered are constant temperature, constant pressure at the top, and constant vertical temperature gradient, constant Darcy velocity at the bottom of the layer. After deriving the exact analytical solutions, we examine the stability of the solutions using linear stability theory and the Galerkin method. It has been found that the exact solutions for such a hydrothermal system become unstable when the Rayleigh number of the system is equal to or greater than the corresponding critical Rayleigh number. For small and moderate Peclet numbers (Pe less than or equal to 6), an increase in upward throughflow destabilizes the convective flow in the horizontal layer. To confirm these findings, the finite element method with the progressive asymptotic approach procedure is used to compute the convective cells in such a hydrothermal system. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Sensory axons of different sensory modalities project into typical domains within insect ganglia. Tactile and gustatory axons project into a ventral layer of neuropil and proprioceptive afferents, including chordotonal axone, into an intermediate or dorsal layer. Here, we describe the central projections of sensory neurons in the first instar Drosophila larva, relating them to the projection of the same sensory afferents in the embryo and to sensory afferents of similar type in other insects. Several neurons show marked morphologic changes in their axon terminals in the transition between the embryo and larva. During a short morphogenetic period late in embryogenesis, the axon terminals of the dorsal bipolar dendrite stretch receptor change their shape and their distribution within the neuromere. In the larva, external sense organ neurons (es) project their axons into a ventral layer of neuropil. Chordotonal sensory neurons (ch) project into a slightly more dorsal region that is comparable to their projection in adults. The multiple dendrite (md) neurons show two distinctive classes of projection. One group of md neurons projects into the ventral-most neuropil region, the same region into which es neurons project. Members of this group are related by lineage to es neurons or share a requirement for expression of the same proneural gene during development. Other md neurons project into a more dorsal region. Sensory receptors projecting into dorsal neuropil possibly provide proprioceptive feedback from the periphery to central motorneurons and are candidates for future genetic and cellular analysis of simple neural circuitry. J. Comp. Neurol. 425:34-44, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In gastropod mollusks, neuroendocrine cells in the anterior ganglia have been shown to regulate growth and reproduction. As a first step toward understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of these physiological processes in the tropical abalone Haliotis asinina, ive have identified sets of POU, Sox, and Pax transcription factor genes that are expressed in these ganglia. Using highly degenerate oligonucleotide primers designed to anneal to conserved codons in each of these gene families, we have amplified by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 2 POU genes (HasPOU-III and HasPOU-IV), 2 Sox genes (HasSox-B and HasSox-C), and two Pax genes (HasPax-258 and HaxPax-6). Analyses with gene-specific primers indicated that the 6 genes are expressed in the cerebral and pleuropedal ganglia of both reproductively active and spent adults, in a number of sensory structures, and in a subset of other adult tissues.