985 resultados para Seedling growth.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Utilização de composto orgânico de lodo de esgoto como substrato para produção de mudas de eucalipto
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da aplicação da poliamina putrescina no acúmulo de prolina e no crescimento inicial de plântulas de guandu cultivadas sob estresse hídrico ou salino, e avaliar se esta poliamina pode ser usada como atenuadora desses estresses. Sementes de duas cultivares de guandu, BRS Mandarim e Caqui, foram germinadas em caixas gerbox forradas com papel de filtro umedecido com 0,0, -0,2, -0,3, -0,4, -0,5 MPa de PEG 6000 ou 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 120 mmol L-1 de NaCl, na ausência (0 mmol L-1) ou na presença (0,5 mmol L-1) de putrescina. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 2x5x2 e 2x6x2 (duas cultivares, cinco níveis de deficiência hídrica ou seis níveis de estresse salino, e presença ou ausência de putrescina), com quatro repetições. O crescimento das plântulas é acentuadamente reduzido pelas condições de restrição hídrica e salinidade. A putrescina exógena incrementa, sob ambos os estresses, os teores de prolina nas plântulas de guandu, especialmente na cultivar BRS Mandarin, e atenua os efeitos da deficiência hídrica moderada nas cultivares estudadas. Os estresses de restrição hídrica e de salinidade causam acúmulo de prolina na parte aérea e nas raízes de ambas as cultivares. A prolina pode ser considerada um bom indicador bioquímico e fisiológico desses estresses em plântulas de guandu.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Palicourea rigida H.B.K. (Rubiaceae), a medicinal species commonly known as douradinha, has wide distribution across ecosystems in Central and South America. This species exhibits seed dormancy delaying germination until optimal conditions for seedling growth and development are in place. While dormancy ensures species survival, it also presents a technical problem for developing P. rigida’s plant production program. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate if secondary metabolites present in seeds influence the seed dormancy of P. rigida. Mature fruits were harvested from the native habitat, in the savanna region of the State of Minas Gerais during February 2009, 2010 and 2011. The content of phenolic compounds in the seed of P. rigida was measured, and the allelopathic effects were assessed using the germination of lettuces as model to detect phytotoxicity. The P. rigida seeds geminated at rates varying between 7% and 31% with a Seed Germination Index (SGI) of 0.09. Data suggest that the phenolic compounds present in the seeds may be responsible for seed dormancy.
Species coexistence and local-scale species richness are limited by the availability of seeds and microsites for germination and establishment. We conducted a seed addition experiment in seminatural grassland at three sites in southern Switzerland and repeated the experiment in two successive years to evaluate various circumstances under which seed limitation and establishment success affect community functioning. A collection of 144000 seeds of 22 meadow species including grasses and forbs of local provenance was gathered, and seeds were individually sown in a density that resembled natural seed rain. The three communities were seed limited. Three years after sowing, single species varied in emergence (0–50%), survival (0–69%), and establishment rates (0–27%). One annual and 13 perennial species reached reproductive stage. Low establishment at one site and reduced growth at another site indicated stronger microsite limitation compared to the third site. Recruitment was influenced by differences in abiotic environmental conditions between sites (water availability, soil minerals) and by within-site differences in biotic interaction (competition). At the least water-limited site, sowing resulted in an increase in phytomass due to establishment of short-lived perennials in the second and third years after sowing. This increase persisted over the following two years due to establishment of longer-lived perennials. After sowing in a wetter year with higher phytomass, however, productivity did not increase, because higher intensity of competition in an early phase of establishment resulted in less vigorous plants later on. Due to the generally favorable weather conditions during this study, sowing year had a small effect on numbers of established individuals over all species. Recruitment limitation can thus constrain local-scale species richness and productivity, either by a lack of seeds or by reduced seedling growth, likely due to competition from the established vegetation.
Two peptide transporter (PTR) homologs have been isolated from developing seeds of faba bear, (Vicia faba). VfPTR1 was shown to be a functional peptide transporter through complementation of a yeast mutant. Expression patterns of VfPTR1 and VfPTR2 as well as of the amino acid permease VfAAP1 (Miranda et al., 2001) were compared throughout seed development and germination. In developing seeds, the highest levels of VfPTR1 transcripts were reached during midcotyledon development, whereas VfAAP1 transcripts were most abundant during early cotyledon development, before the appearance of storage protein gene transcripts, and were detectable until late cotyledon development. During early germination, VfPTR1 mRNA appeared first in cotyledons and later, during seedling growth, also in axes and roots. Expression of VfPTR2 and VfAAP1 was delayed compared with VfPTR1, and was restricted to the nascent organs of the seedlings. Localization of VfPTR1 transcripts showed that this FTR is temporally and spatially regulated during cotyledon development. In germinating seeds, VfPTR1 mRNA was localized in root hairs and root epidermal cells, suggesting a role in nutrient uptake from the soil. In seedling roots, VfPTR1 was repressed by a dipeptide and by an amino acid, whereas nitrate was without influence.
1 Light availability may be crucial for understanding dynamics of plant–herbivore interactions in temperate and tropical forest communities. This is because local light availability can influence both tree seedling tolerance and susceptibility to herbivory – yet how they mediate levels of insect herbivory that vary with the density of host population is virtually unknown. Here we tested predictions of three key, non-mutually exclusive hypotheses of plant–herbivore interactions: the Limiting Resource Model (LRM), the Plant Vigour Hypothesis (PVH), and the Janzen-Connell Mechanism (JCM). 2 In an Amazonian forest, we planted Swietenia macrophylla seedlings (c. 5 months old) into natural canopy gaps and the shaded understorey and simulated the damage patterns of the specialist herbivore moth, Steniscadia poliophaea, by clipping seedling leaves. Over the next 8 months, we monitored seedling performance in terms of growth and survivorship and also quantified herbivory to new young leaves on a seasonal basis. 3 In support of the LRM, severe leaf damage (≥ 50%) was lethal for Swietenia macrophylla seedlings in the understorey, but in gaps only reduced seedling growth. In support of the PVH, gap seedlings suffered greater post-simulated herbivory (up to 100% defoliation) by S. poliophaea caterpillars than their understorey counterparts. 4 Adding a novel dimension to the Janzen–Connell hypothesis, we found that early wet season herbivory of seedlings in gaps increased with conspecific adult density within a 125-m radius; whereas in the understorey only those seedlings within 50 m of a Swietenia tree were attacked by caterpillars. 5 Synthesis. These results suggest lepidopterans that need young leaves for food may forage more widely in forests to find seedlings in light-rich canopy gaps. Moths may achieve this successfully by being first attracted to gaps, and then searching within them for suitable hosts. A conceptual model, integrating conspecific adult tree density with light-driven changes in seedling tolerance/vigour and their susceptibility to herbivory and mortality, is presented. Spatial variation in the light available to tree seedlings often affects their tolerance and vigour, which may have important consequences for leaf-chewing insects and the scale of density-dependent herbivory in forests.