972 resultados para Secretory Duct
The cortical collecting duct (CCD) plays a key role in regulated K(+) secretion, which is mediated mainly through renal outer medullary K(+) (ROMK) channels located in the apical membrane. However, the mechanisms of the regulation of urinary K(+) excretion with regard to K(+) balance are not well known. We took advantage of a recently established mouse CCD cell line (mCCD(cl1)) to investigate the regulation of K(+) secretion by mineralocorticoid and K(+) concentration. We show that this cell line expresses ROMK mRNA and a barium-sensitive K(+) conductance in its apical membrane. As this conductance is sensitive to tertiapin-Q, with an apparent affinity of 6 nM, and to intracellular acidification, it is probably mediated by ROMK. Overnight exposure to 100 nM aldosterone did not significantly change the K(+) conductance, while it increased the amiloride-sensitive Na(+) transport. Overnight exposure to a high K(+) (7 mM) concentration produced a small but significant increase in the apical membrane barium-sensitive K(+) conductance. The mRNA levels of all ROMK isoforms measured by qRT-PCR were not changed by altering the basolateral K(+) concentration but were decreased by 15-45% upon treatment with aldosterone (0.3 or 300 nM for 1 and 3 h). The paradoxical response of ROMK expression to aldosterone could possibly work as a preventative mechanism to avoid excessive K(+) loss which would otherwise result from the increased electrogenic Na(+) transport and associated depolarization of the apical membrane in the CCD. In conclusion, mCCD(cl1) cells demonstrate a significant K(+) secretion, probably mediated by ROMK, which is not stimulated by aldosterone but increased by overnight exposure to a high K(+) concentration.
Polycystic kidney diseases result from disruption of the genetically defined program that controls the size and geometry of renal tubules. Cysts which frequently arise from the collecting duct (CD) result from cell proliferation and fluid secretion. From mCCD(cl1) cells, a differentiated mouse CD cell line, we isolated a clonal subpopulation (mCCD-N21) that retains morphogenetic capacity. When grown in three-dimensional gels, mCCD-N21 cells formed highly organized tubular structures consisting of a palisade of polarized epithelial cells surrounding a cylindrical lumen. Subsequent addition of cAMP-elevating agents (forskolin or cholera toxin) or of membrane-permeable cAMP analogs (CPT-cAMP) resulted in rapid and progressive dilatation of existing tubules, leading to the formation of cystlike structures. When grown on filters, mCCD-N21 cells exhibited a high transepithelial resistance as well as aldosterone- and/or vasopressin-induced amiloride-sensitive and -insensitive current. The latter was in part inhibited by Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter (bumetanide) and chloride channel (NPPB) inhibitors. Real-time PCR analysis confirmed the expression of NKCC1, the ubiquitous Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter and cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) in mCCD-N21 cells. Tubule enlargement and cyst formation were prevented by inhibitors of Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporters (bumetanide or ethacrynic acid) or CFTR (NPPB or CFTR inhibitor-172). These results further support the notion that cAMP signaling plays a key role in renal cyst formation, at least in part by promoting chloride-driven fluid secretion. This new in vitro model of tubule-to-cyst conversion affords a unique opportunity for investigating the molecular mechanisms that govern the architecture of epithelial tubes, as well as for dissecting the pathophysiological processes underlying cystic kidney diseases.
Introduction : Un chylothorax est une pathologie comprenant des manifestations respiratoires, nutritionnelles et immunologiques. La récidive du chylothorax ou l'échec du traitement conservateur imposent un traitement chirurgical. Ce travail rapporte notre expérience de ligature supra-diaphragmatique, vidéo-assistée du canal thoracique, pour chylothorax récurrent non traumatique. Patients et méthodes : Entre 1999 et 2004, nous avons recensé six observations (quatre du côté droit, un du côté gauche et un bilateral) Le chylothorax s'est développé chez trois patients traités par radio et chimiothérapie pour tumeur (deux lymphomes et une tumeur du sein) un dans le contexte d'une lymphangioléiomatose et un après greffe cardiaque. Résultats : Les patients ont bénéficié sous anesthésie générale, d'une ligature du canal thoracique supra-diaphragmatique, vidéo-assistée. Le temps opératoire moyen a été de 102 minutes. Le chylothorax a régressé chez cinq des six patients en sept jours. Un patient a été repris par thoracotomie droite au huitième jour pour chylothorax persistant. Dans la phase post-opératoire, un patient a développé une détresse respiratoire nécessitant une ventilation mécanique. Un autre patient a présenté un chylopéritoine important traité par un stent de Le Veen®. Le séjour moyen a été de quatorze jours sans mortalité péri-opératoire. Conclusion : Le traitement du chylothorax non traumatique récurrent est, en première intention, un traitement médical. En cas de récidive ou d'échec du traitement conservateur, le traitement chirurgical par ligature du canal thoracique supra- diaphragmatique, vidéo-assistée, permet de traiter avec succès le chylothorax récurrent non traumatique. -- Background: Chylothorax is an uncommon disorder with respiratory, nutritional and immunological manifestations. Surgical management is indicated in case of recurrence or failure after conservative treatment. We report our experience with video-assisted right-sided supradiaphrag¬matic thoracic duct ligation for non-traumatic, non-postoperative persistent or recurrent chylothorax. Patients and methods: The medical records of six patients operated at our institution between 1999 and 2004 were retrospectively reviewed. A right-sided chylothorax was found in four patients, a left-sided in one, and a bilateral in one. Three patients developed chylothorax after chemotherapy and chest irradiation for malignant diseases (lymphoma in two patients and breast cancer in one), one in the context of lymphangioleiomyomatosis, one due to a non-diagnosed lymphoma, and one after heart transplantation. Results: The mean operative time was 102 min, with an average length of hospital stay of 14 days. Persistent cessation of chylous effusion within 7 days after surgery was observed in 5/6 patients without recurrence during a mean follow-up time of 41 months. One patient with undiagnosed mediastinal lymphoma required re-operation and thoracic duct ligation on day 8 by right-sided thoracotomy due to persistent chylothorax. No 30-day mortality was recorded. Two patients presented postoperative complications including respiratory insufficiency requiring mechanical ventilation in one, and chylous ascites development requiring peritoneo-venous LeVeen shunting in one patient. Conclusions: Recurrent or persistent non-traumatic chylothorax may be successfully treated by video-assisted right supradiaphragmatic thoracic duct ligation.
Since nitric oxide (NO) participates in the renal regulation of blood pressure, in part, by modulating transport of Na(+) and Cl(-) in the kidney, we asked whether NO regulates net Cl(-) flux (JCl) in the cortical collecting duct (CCD) and determined the transporter(s) that mediate NO-sensitive Cl(-) absorption. Cl(-) absorption was measured in CCDs perfused in vitro that were taken from aldosterone-treated mice. Administration of an NO donor (10 μM MAHMA NONOate) reduced JCl and transepithelial voltage (VT) both in the presence or absence of angiotensin II. However, reducing endogenous NO production by inhibiting NO synthase (100 μM N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester) increased JCl only in the presence of angiotensin II, suggesting that angiotensin II stimulates NO synthase activity. To determine the transport process that mediates NO-sensitive changes in JCl, we examined the effect of NO on JCl following either genetic ablation or chemical inhibition of transporters in the CCD. Since the application of hydrochlorothiazide (100 μM) or bafilomycin (5 nM) to the perfusate or ablation of the gene encoding pendrin did not alter NO-sensitive JCl, NO modulates JCl independent of the Na(+)-dependent Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchanger (NDCBE, Slc4a8), the A cell apical plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase and pendrin. In contrast, both total and NO-sensitive JCl and VT were abolished with application of an epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) inhibitor (3 μM benzamil) to the perfusate. We conclude that NO reduces Cl(-) absorption in the CCD through a mechanism that is ENaC-dependent.
Secretory component (SC) represents the soluble ectodomain of the polymeric Ig receptor, a membrane protein that transports mucosal Abs across epithelial cells. In the protease-rich environment of the intestine, SC is thought to stabilize the associated IgA by unestablished molecular mechanisms. To address this question, we reconstituted SC-IgA complexes in vitro by incubating dimeric IgA (IgAd) with either recombinant human SC (rSC) or SC isolated from human colostral milk (SCm). Both complexes exhibited an identical degree of covalency when exposed to redox agents, peptidyl disulfide isomerase, and temperature changes. In cross-competition experiments, 50% inhibition of binding to IgAd was achieved at approximately 10 nM SC competitor. Western blot analysis of IgAd digested with intestinal washes indicated that the alpha-chain in IgAd was primarily split into a 40-kDa species, a phenomenon delayed in rSC- or SCm-IgAd complexes. In the same assay, either of the SCs was resistant to degradation only if complexed with IgAd. In contrast, the kappa light chain was not digested at all, suggesting that the F(ab')2 region was left intact. Accordingly, IgAd and SC-IgAd digestion products retained functionality as indicated by Ag reactivity in ELISA. Size exclusion chromatography under native conditions of digested IgAd and rSC-IgAd demonstrates that SC exerts its protective role in secretory IgA by delaying cleavage in the hinge/Fc region of the alpha-chain, not by holding together degraded fragments. The function of integral secretory IgA and F(ab')2 is discussed in terms of mucosal immune defenses.
Immunity and hormonal responses in the reproductive tissues of postmenopausal women are poorly understood. Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), a multifunctional antimicrobial protein expressed at mucosal surfaces, is thought to play a key role in infectious and inflammatory contexts. The aim of this study was to measure SLPI production along the female reproductive tract in postmenopausal women with and without hormonal treatment. We additionally quantified estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and progesterone receptor A (PRA) in these tissues. Expression of SLPI was decreased in the vagina and ectocervix of women under hormonal treatment. Endocervical ERα mRNA expression was increased while this did not reach significance at the protein level. SLPI expression in the endometrium was not influenced by hormonal treatment. We observed attenuated ERα expression in the cervix and endometrium of hormonally treated women, whereas vaginal expression was increased. PRA expression was augmented in the cervix and endometrium and unchanged in the vagina. Taken together, our results indicate that hormonal responses and receptor expression are differentially regulated in vaginal tissue compared with the cervix and endometrium.
In cortical collecting ducts (CCDs) perfused in vitro, inhibiting the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) reduces Cl(-) absorption. Since ENaC does not transport Cl(-), the purpose of this study was to determine how ENaC modulates Cl(-) absorption. Thus, Cl(-) absorption was measured in CCDs perfused in vitro that were taken from mice given aldosterone for 7 days. In wild-type mice, we observed no effect of luminal hydrochlorothiazide on either Cl(-) absorption or transepithelial voltage (V(T)). However, application of an ENaC inhibitor [benzamil (3 μM)] to the luminal fluid or application of a Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase inhibitor to the bath reduced Cl(-) absorption by ∼66-75% and nearly obliterated lumen-negative V(T). In contrast, ENaC inhibition had no effect in CCDs from collecting duct-specific ENaC-null mice (Hoxb7:CRE, Scnn1a(loxlox)). Whereas benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) absorption did not depend on CFTR, application of a Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransport inhibitor (bumetanide) to the bath or ablation of the gene encoding Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) blunted benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) absorption, although the benzamil-sensitive component of V(T) was unaffected. In conclusion, first, in CCDs from aldosterone-treated mice, most Cl(-) absorption is benzamil sensitive, whereas thiazide-sensitive Cl(-) absorption is undetectable. Second, benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) absorption occurs by inhibition of ENaC, possibly due to elimination of lumen-negative V(T). Finally, benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) flux occurs, at least in part, through transcellular transport through a pathway that depends on NKCC1.
Secretory immunoglobulin (Ig) A (SIgA) is essential in protecting mucosal surfaces. It is composed of at least two monomeric IgA molecules, covalently linked through the J chain, and secretory component (SC). We show here that a dimeric/polymeric IgA (IgA(d/p)) is more efficient when bound to SC in protecting mice against bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. We demonstrate that SC ensures, through its carbohydrate residues, the appropriate tissue localization of SIgA by anchoring the antibody to mucus lining the epithelial surface. This in turn impacts the localization and the subsequent clearance of bacteria. Thus, SC is directly involved in the SIgA function in vivo. Therefore, binding of IgA(d/p) to SC during the course of SIgA-mediated mucosal response constitutes a crucial step in achieving efficient protection of the epithelial barrier by immune exclusion.
The hybridoma cell line ZAC3 expresses Vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-specific mouse IgA molecules as a heterogeneous population of monomeric (IgAm), dimeric (IgAd), and polymeric (IgAp) forms. We describe a gentle method combining ultrafiltration, ion-exchange chromatography, and size exclusion chromatography for the simultaneous and qualitative separation of the three molecular forms. Milligram quantities of purified IgA molecules were recovered allowing for direct comparison of the biological properties of the three forms. LPS binding specificity was tested after purification; IgAd and IgAp were found to bind strongly to LPS whereas IgAm did not. Secretory IgA (sIgA) could be reconstituted in vitro by combining recombinant secretory component (rSC) and purified IgAd or IgAp, but not IgAm. Surface plasmon resonance-based binding experiments using LPS monolayers indicated that purified reconstituted sIgA and IgA molecules recognize LPS with identical affinity (KA 1.0 x 10(8)M-1). Thus, this very sensitive assay provides the first evidence that the function of SC in sIgA complex is not to modify the affinity for the antigen. KA falls to 6.6 x 10(5) M-1 when measured by calorimetry using detergent-solubilized LPS and IgA, suggesting that the LPS environment is critical for recognition by the antibody.
Recombinant secretory immunoglobulin A containing a bacterial epitope in domain I of the secretory component (SC) moiety can serve as a mucosal delivery vehicle triggering both mucosal and systemic responses (Corthésy, B., Kaufmann, M., Phalipon, A., Peitsch, M., Neutra, M. R., and Kraehenbuhl, J.-P. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 33670-33677). To load recombinant secretory IgA with multiple B and T epitopes and extend its biological functions, we selected, based on molecular modeling, five surface-exposed sites in domains II and III of murine SC. Loops predicted to be exposed at the surface of SC domains were replaced with the DYKDDDDK octapeptide (FLAG). Another two mutants were obtained with the FLAG inserted in between domains II and III or at the carboxyl terminus of SC. As shown by mass spectrometry, internal substitution of the FLAG into four of the mutants induced the formation of disulfide-linked homodimers. Three of the dimers and two of the monomers from SC mutants could be affinity-purified using an antibody to the FLAG, mapping them as candidates for insertion. FLAG-induced dimerization also occurred with the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) and might reflect the so-far nondemonstrated capacity of the receptor to oligomerize. By co-expressing in COS-7 cells and epithelial Caco-2 cells two pIgR constructs tagged at the carboxyl terminus with hexahistidine or FLAG, we provide the strongest evidence reported to date that the pIgR dimerizes noncovalently in the plasma membrane in the absence of polymeric IgA ligand. The implication of this finding is discussed in terms of IgA transport and specific antibody response at mucosal surfaces.
Caprine and ovine IgA were identified by cross-reaction with anti-human and anti-bovine IgA sera in colostrum, mature milk, saliva, urine and serum. Secretory component (SC) was shown in the free form and associated with polymeric serum IgA in secretions. Mean molecular weights were determined for the IgA and the free secretory components. The high IgA content of saliva suggested that it was a major secretory immunoglobulin in these species. Traces of secretory IgA were also found in normal sera but most of the serum IgA had no secretory determinant. Secretory IgA, serum IgA and free secretory component were purified. Levels of the sheep and goat immunoglobulins were measured in various fluids.