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The article discusses the McDonald's Corporation audit and the ways to improve the handling of livestock on the way to slaughter.
The effect of residual cations in rare earth metal modified faujasite–Y zeolite has been monitored using magic angle spinning NMR spectral analysis and catalytic activity studies. The second metal ions being used are Na+, K+ and Mg+. From a comparison of the spectra of different samples, it is concluded that potassium and magnesium exchange causes a greater downfield shift in the 29Si NMR peaks. Also, lanthanum exchanged samples show migration behavior from large cages to small cages, which causes the redistribution of second counter cations. It is also observed that Mg2+ causes the most effective migration of lanthanum ions due to its greater charge. The prepared systems were effectively employed for the alkylation of benzene with 1-octene in the vapor phase. From the deactivation studies it is observed that the as-exchanged zeolites possess better stability towards reaction condition over the pure HFAU zeolite.
Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science And Technology.
Of the several physical processes occurring in the sea, vertical motions have special significance because of their marked effects on the oceanic environment. upwelling is the process in the sea whereby subsurface layers move up towards the surface. The reverse process of surface water sinking to subsurface depths is called sinking. Upwelling is a very conspicuous feature along the west coasts of continents and equatorial regions, though upwelling also occurs along certain east coasts of continents and other regions, The Thesis is an outcome of some investigations carried out by the author on upwelling and sinking off the west and east coasts of India. The aim of the study is to find out the actual period and duration of upwelling and sinking, their driving mechanism, various associated features and the factors that affect these processes. It is achieved by analysing the temperature and density fields off the west and east coasts of India, and further conclusions are drawn from the divergence field of surface currents, wind stress and sea level variations.
The present study is on the nature, problems and prospects of the handloom industry in Kerala. The problems of the industry are mostly in the nature of low earnings of the workers, underutilisation of the existing capacity and low profit in its various sectors. The majority of the handloom co-operative societies are either dormant or facing liquidation. The income and employment of weavers are so pitiably low that they are living in utter poverty and starvation. Frequent price fluctuations of yarns, dyes and chemicals increase the cost of production and reduce the profitability. Consequently handloom fabrics are not able to compete with mill cloths and powerloom products. Accumulating the unsold stocks in the godowns of co-operative societies and with master weavers has become the practice of the day. Spinning mills in Kerala are producing only lower counts of yarns. S, handloom industry has to depend on textile mills in Tamil Nadu for higher counts of yarn. They create artificial scarcity and increase the prices exflorbitantly. Wage rates prevailing in Kerala are higher than those in Tamil Hadu. So rich master weavers are migrating to Tamil.Nadu and exporting the fabrics. under the label 'Kera1a Handlooms'. Governmental efforts to tackle the crisis by way of rebates and subsidies are found to be futile.
Diversity of different groups of Bacillus and Actinomycetes in the water and sediment samples from kumarakom estuary was analysed to find out potential strains for further application. Bacillus genera was identified and grouped into five phenogroups .Phenogroups show differences in the shape of the spore,position of the spore,and swelling of the sporangium.Ability of the isolates to elaborate various hydrolytic enzymes and their ability to reduce nitrate and ferment various carbohydrate sources were also studied.
I) To study the changes in the content of brain rrrorroamirres in streptozotocirr-irrduced tliabetes as a lirnction of age and to lirrd the role oliadrenal lrornroncs in diabetic state. 2) To assess the adrenergic receptor function in the brain stem ofstreptozotocin-induced diabetic rats ofdillerent ages. 3) To study the changes in the basal levels of second messenger cAMP in the brain stenr ofstreptozotocin-induced diabetic rats as a function of age. 4) To study the changes occurring in the content ofmorroamines and their metabolites in whole pancreas and isolated pancreatic islets of streptozotocin-diabetic rats as a function ofage and the effect of adrenal hormones. 5) To study the adrenergic receptors and basal levels of cAMP in isolated pancreatic islets in young and old streptozotoein-diabetic rats. 6) The in virro study of CAMP content in pancreatic islets of young and old rats and its ellect on glucose induced insulin secretion. 7) 'lhe in vitro study on the involvement of dopamine and corticosteroids in glucose induced insulin secretion in pancreatic islets as a function of age.
Cattle feed industry is a major segment of animal feed industry. This industry is gradually evolving into an organized sector and the feed manufactures are increasingly using modern and sophisticated methods that seek to incorporate best global practices. This industry has got high potential for growth in India, given the fact that the country is the world’s leading producer of milk and its production is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 4 per cent. Besides, the concept of branded cattle feed as a packaged commodity is fast gaining popularity in rural India. There can be a positive change in the demand for cattle feed because of factors like (i) shrinkage of open land for cattle grazing, urbanization and resultant shortage of conventionally used cattle feeds, and (ii) introduction of high yield cattle requires specialized feeds. Earlier research studies done by the present authors have revealed the significant growth prospects of the branded cattle feed industry, the feed consumption pattern and the relatively high share of branded feeds, feed consumption pattern based on product types (like, pellet and mash), composition of cattle feed market and the relatively large shares of Kerala Feeds Ltd. (KFL) and Kerala Solvent Extractions Ltd. (KSE) brands, the major factors influencing the purchasing decisions etc. As a continuation of the earlier studies, this study makes a closer look into the significance of product types in the buyer behavior, level of awareness about the brand and its implications on purchasing decisions, and the brandshifting behavior and its determinants
Hydrographic characteristics of the southwest coast of India and its adjoining Cochin backwaters (CBW) were studied during the summer monsoon period. Anomalous formation of anoxia and denitrification were observed in the bottom layers of CBW, which 5 have not been previously reported elsewhere in any tropical estuarine systems. The prevalent upwelling in the Arabian Sea (AS) brought cool, high saline, oxygen deficient and nutrient-rich waters towards the coastal zone and bottom layers of CBW during the high tide. High freshwater discharge in the surface layers brought high amount of nutrients and makes the CBW system highly productive. Intrusion of AS waters seems 10 to be stronger towards the upstream end ( 15 km), than had been previously reported, as a consequence of the lowering of river discharges and deepening of channels in the estuary. Time series measurements in the lower reaches of CBW indicated a low mixing zone with increased stratification, 3 h after the high tide (highest high tide) and high variation in vertical mixing during the spring and neap phases. The upwelled waters 15 (O2 40 μM) intruded into the estuary was found to lose more oxygen during the neap phase (suboxic O2 4 μM) than spring phase (hypoxic O2 10 μM). Increased stratification coupled with low ventilation and presence of high organic matter have resulted in an anoxic condition (O2 = 0), 2–6 km away from barmouth of the estuary and leads to the formation of hydrogen sulphide. The reduction of nitrate and formation of nitrite 20 within the oxygen deficient waters indicated strong denitrification intensity in the estuary. The expansion of oxygen deficient zone, denitrification and formation of hydrogen sulphide may lead to a destruction of biodiversity and an increase of green house gas emissions from this region
Information on the distribution of dissolved Folin phenol active substances (FPAS) such as tannin and lignin in the seawater along the west coast of India is provided. Notable amounts of FPAS (surface concentrations: 80 f.1gll to 147 f.1gll and bottom concentrations: 80 f.1gll to 116 f.1gll) were detected in the seawater along the coast. The distribution pattern brings about a general depth-wise decrease. A seaward decrease was observed in the southern stations whereas reverse was the case in northern stations. A significant negative correlation was observed between FPAS concentration and dissolved oxygen in sub-surface samples. The appreciable amounts of FPAS detected in the coastal waters indicate the presence of organic matter principally originating from terrestrial (upland and coastal marsh) ecosystems in the marine environment. In this context, they may be used as tracers to determine the fate of coastalborn dissolved organic matter in the ocean and to determine directly the relationship between allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter
The Kerala model of development mostly bypassed the fishing community, as the fishers form the main miserable groups with respect to many of the socio-economic and quality of life indicators. Modernization drive in the fishing sector paradoxically turns to marginalization drives as far as the traditional fishers in Kerala are concerned. Subsequent management and resource recuperation drives too seemed to be detrimental to the local fishing community. Though SHGs and cooperatives had helped in overcoming many of the maladies in most of the sectors in Kerala in terms of livelihood and employment in the 1980s, the fishing sector by that time had been moving ahead with mechanization and export euphoria and hence it bypassed the fishing sector. Though it has not helped the fishing sector in the initial stages, but because of necessity, it soon has become a vibrant livelihood and employment force in the coastal economy of Kerala. Initial success made it to link this with the governmental cooperative set up and soon SHGs and Cooperatives become reinforcing forces for the inclusive development of the real fishers.The fisheries sector in Kerala has undergone drastic changes with the advent of globalised economy. The traditional fisher folk are one of the most marginalized communities in the state and are left out of the overall development process mainly due to the marginalization of this community both in the sea and in the market due to modernization and mechanization of the sector. Mechanization opened up the sector a great deal as it began to attract people belonging to non-fishing community as moneylenders, boat owners, employers and middle men which often resulted in conflicts between traditional and mechanized fishermen. These factors, together with resource depletion resulted in the backwardness experienced by the traditional fishermen compared to other communities who were reaping the benefits of the overall development scenario.The studies detailing the activities and achievements of fisher folks via Self Help Groups (SHGs) and the cooperative movement in coastal Kerala are scant. The SHGs through cooperatives have been effective in livelihood security, poverty alleviation and inclusive development of the fisher folk (Rajasenan and Rajeev, 2012). The SHGs have a greater role to play as estimated fall in demand for marine products in international markets, which may result in reduction of employment opportunities in fish processing, peeling, etc. Also, technological advancement has made them unskilled to work in this sector making them outliers in the overall development process resulting in poor quality of physical and social infrastructure. Hence, it is all the more important to derive a strategy and best practice methods for the effective functioning of these SHGs so that the