799 resultados para School year.
A disponibilidade gratuita na Internet de imagens de satélite e SIG somada à facilidade dos alunos no manuseio de multimídia através dos seus smartphones criam possibilidades para trabalhar com geotecnologias e recursos de multimídia no ensino de Cartografia. Nesta pesquisa foram avaliadas as contribuições, os limites e as possibilidades da inserção da tecnologia espacial, geoprocessamento e recursos de multimídia nas aulas de Geografia do sétimo ano da rede pública municipal de São Gonçalo/RJ; foi desenvolvida uma metodologia em meio digital, por meio da Internet, denominada Mapeando Meu Rio (MMR) cuja temática abordada foi a Percepção Socioambiental do Rio Alcântara. Observaram-se o interesse e o envolvimento dos alunos no decorrer das atividades propostas, por meio do uso de recursos de multimídia e geotecnologias como materiais de apoio à Educação Ambiental. Os resultados da avaliação do MMR mostraram que os alunos chegaram ao final do sétimo ano com dificuldades em relação à alfabetização cartográfica; isso foi constatado tanto na produção dos mapas mentais como também pela utilização do GPS, Google Earth e do ArcGIS Online. Os alunos tiveram dificuldades em utilizar os conhecimentos básicos da Cartografia para elaborar uma representação espacial, mais especificamente, legenda, coordenadas geográficas e orientação espacial. A alfabetização cartográfica não deve ser considerada como conteúdo que se restringe ao 6 ano, mas uma linguagem de comunicação para o entendimento da dinâmica espacial no decorrer do Ensino Fundamental e do Ensino Médio. As atividades geográficas deve permitir ao aluno melhorar a compreensão do espaço geográfico de uma maneira mais significativa para construir abstrações a partir da própria realidade, ou seja, do espaço vivido.
Esta tese é composta por dois artigos que buscaram avaliar a relação entre pressão arterial e consumo alimentar em adolescentes, no ensaio comunitário randomizado denominado PAPPAS (Pais, Alunos e Professores Pela Alimentação Saudável), conduzido com alunos do 5 ano de vinte escolas públicas do município de Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro. Este ensaio teve como objetivo principal reduzir o ganho de peso excessivo dos adolescentes, por meio de intervenções que estimularam o consumo de frutas e feijão e desencorajaram o consumo de bebidas adoçadas e biscoitos. A pesquisa foi conduzida durante o ano letivo de 2010. A coleta de dados de consumo alimentar e medidas antropométricas ocorreu em três fases: (1) início do ano letivo, (2) metade do ano letivo e (3) fim do ano letivo. A pressão arterial foi mensurada nas fases 2 e 3. Nove sessões de educação nutricional foram realizadas. Pais/responsáveis e professores receberam informação e material de divulgação sobre os mesmos temas abordados em sala de aula. As análises estatísticas consideraram os dados faltantes e o efeito de conglomerado. No primeiro artigo é apresentado o efeito da intervenção na pressão arterial dos adolescentes. Os hábitos alimentares dos adolescentes são inadequados e redução do consumo de biscoitos e refrigerantes, bem como aumento do consumo de frutas, podem contribuir para redução da pressão arterial. Os achados nessa população de adolescentes com baixa prevalência de pressão arterial elevada sugerem que a qualidade da dieta pode contribuir para redução da pressão arterial, independente de possíveis modificações no IMC. Os resultados reforçam a importância da promoção de hábitos alimentares saudáveis para prevenir doenças cardiovasculares na vida adulta. No segundo artigo, em análise transversal, verificou-se a associação entre pressão arterial e consumo de refrigerante. O consumo de refrigerantes é comum entre adolescentes. Consumidores de refrigerante diet/light, seguido por consumidores de refrigerantes adoçados com açúcar, apresentaram pressão arterial mais alta indicando que a redução do consumo de refrigerantes é importante, bem como a prevenção da substituição de bebidas adoçadas com açúcar por bebidas diet/light. Os resultados sugerem que escolhas alimentares inadequadas podem estar associadas ao aumento da pressão arterial.
Esta pesquisa tem como foco observar como alunos de escola básica utilizam os operadores argumentativos como recurso de coesão textual em uma redação dissertativo-argumentativa, modelo Enem. As produções foram constituídas durante o ano letivo de 2014, por alunos do 2 ano do ensino médio de uma escola pública. O trabalho foi desenvolvido à luz da Teoria da Argumentação, da Linguística Textual bem como das concepções de texto e gênero textual. O corpus analisado é constituído de 20 produções textuais de 10 alunos de uma escola básica. São 10 redações produzidas no início do ano e 10 no final do ano letivo mencionado. Com base nessas produções, foi possível estabelecer uma comparação no que diz respeito ao uso de operadores argumentativos como recurso coesivo. Constatou-se que esses elementos são utilizados tanto na primeira redação produzida quanto na segunda. Entretanto a ênfase no uso e na diversidade desses recursos foi maior nas produções do 2 semestre. Esses resultados foram apresentados de forma qualitativa e quantitativa, por meio de gráficos, para uma melhor visualização dos resultados. As reflexões acerca de leitura e produção de textos, problemas discursivos, textuais e linguísticos desenvolvidas durante o ano letivo, com o grupo de alunos que produziu os textos-corpus, são fatores que concorrem para esse resultado.
Istotą artykułu jest dookreślenia podmiotowości w systemie autopojetycznym, jakim może być szkoła. Na początku postaramy się dookreślić znaczenie rozumienia podmiotu i podmiotowości. Przy czym, poszukując ich źródłowych odniesień odwołamy się do myśli Arystotelesa i Kartezjusza, by następnie poddać je krytyce jako niespełnionych oczekiwań nowożytnej i współczesnej cywilizacji. Jednak, powołując się dalej na poglądy M. Heideggera w tym temacie, okazuje się, że podmiot może być traktowany zgoła inaczej niż opisuje to literatura przedmiotu. Przybliżając zatem inne ujęcie podmiotu, postaramy się wykazać, że wyłania się on na styku jego związku z osobowością, co sugeruje, że to właśnie kształcenie i kształtowanie powinno być traktowane jako najważniejsza dziedzina ludzkiej wiedzy. Dopełnienie tej tezy będzie zatem wymagało wyjaśnienia takich pojęć, jak: osobowość i praktyka edukacyjna. I skoro zatem praktyka edukacyjna jest tak istotna i dla kształtowania osobowości, i wyłaniania się podmiotu, to w dalszej części naszej wypowiedzi położymy nacisk na zinstytucjonalizowaną formę praktyki edukacyjnej czyli nauczanie klasowo-lekcyjne, traktowane jako układ autopojetyczny. Wyjaśnienie znaczenia tego układu będzie stanowić kolejną fazę toczonych tutaj rozważań, a ich celem będzie obrona poglądu, że to, co zostanie „wniesione” do klas szkolnych w postaci zasobów i reguł na początku każdego roku szkolnego, będzie się przekładać na kształtowanie i kształcenie osobowości, i tym samym na możliwości samodoświadczania „Się” podmiotowości. Ponieważ pogląd ten może budzić pewne zastrzeżenia, toteż powołamy się na pewne rozważania dotyczące istnienia tzw. podmiotu rekonstruującego, a więc takiego, który wpisany jest w sens istnienia np. projekcji filmowej, spektaklu teatralnego, czytanej książki.
This research is an exploration of the expression of student voice in Irish post-primary schools and how its affordance could impact on students’ and teachers’ experiences in the classroom, and at whole-school level through a student council. Student voice refers to the inclusion of students in decisions that shape their experiences in classrooms and schools, and is fundamental to a rights-based perspective that facilitates students to have a voice and a say in their education. Student voice is essential to the development of democratic principles, active citizenship, and learning and pedagogy. This qualitative research, based in three post-primary case-study schools, concerns teachers in eighteen classrooms engaging in dialogic consultation with their students over one school year. Teachers considered the students’ commentary and then adjusted their practice. The operation of student councils was also examined through the voices of council members, liaison teachers and school principals. Theorised within socio-cultural (social constructivist), social constructionist and poststructural frames, the complexity of student voice emerges from its conceptualisation and enactment. Affording students a voice in their classroom presented positive findings in the context of relationships, pedagogical change and students’ engagement, participation and achievement. The power and authority of the teacher and discordant student voices, particularly relating to examinations, presented challenges affecting teachers’ practice and students’ expectations. The functional redundancy of the student council as a construct for student voice at whole-school level, and its partial redundancy as a construct to reflect prefigurative democracy and active citizenship also emerge from the research. Current policy initiatives in Irish education situate student voice in pedagogy and as dialogic consultation at classroom and whole-school level. This work endorses the necessity for and benefit of such a positioning with the author further arguing that it should not become the instrumental student voice of data source, accountability and performativity.
Der Bericht "Erziehung und Bildung in Offenbach. Bericht 2015" (EBO), herausgegeben von Stadt Offenbach am Main, wird zum 9. Mal veröffentlicht. Erstmals wurden Daten der integrierten Ausbildungsberichterstattung für Hessen (iABE) einbezogen. Sie ermöglichen eine wohnortspezifische Analyse der Übergänge von der Sekundarstufe I in unterschiedliche Zielbereiche, wie z.B. Berufsabschluss oder Hochschulreife. Der EBO 2015 bietet vermehrt Zeitreihen, um langfristige Entwicklungen im Bildungsbereich darzustellen. Der Standortbestimmung dienen darüber hinaus interkommunale Vergleiche. Der EBO beinhaltet seit dem Bericht 2009 den von der Jugendhilfeplanung entwickelten „Index bildungsrelevanter sozialer Belastung“. Mit diesem können besondere pädagogischen Bedarfe in den 14 Grundschulbezirken ermittelt und faire, d.h. die unterschiedlichen Anteile bildungsbenachteiligter Schüler/-innen berücksichtigende, Schulleistungsvergleiche ermöglicht werden. Im Rahmen dieser Analyse rücken erstmals die Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund in den Fokus: So fällt auf, dass im Übergang Grundschule/Gymnasium die Übergangsquote bei Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund um 15 Prozentpunkte niedriger liegt als die der Mädchen ohne Migrationshintergrund. Sie liegt sogar knapp unter der Übergangsquote der Jungen mit Migrationshintergrund. Eine Erklärung dafür, dass die Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund beim Übergang zum Gymnasium nicht zu den Bildungsgewinnern zählen, steht aber aus. Der Bericht verdeutlicht auch, dass der Bereich der Sprachförderung in allen Bildungsbereichen – „lebenslang“ – in der Kommune eine herausragende Rolle spielt. Der Bericht greift Linien des "Orientierungsrahmen für Bildungsentwicklung“ der Stadt Offenbach" auf. Der Prozess und die Erarbeitung wurden erstmals von der Fachstelle Bildungskoordinierung und Beratung federführend koordiniert. (DIPF/Autor)
It is now common for young people in full-time compulsory education to hold part-time jobs. However, whilst the 1990s experienced a rise in illicit drug use particularly among young people and an increase in the level of interest for identifying factors associated with drug use, little attention has been paid to the influence of the money young people have to spend and its potential links with drug use. Four thousand five hundred and twenty-four young people living in Northern Ireland completed a questionnaire in school year 10 (aged 13/14 years). The findings suggested there was a positive association between the amount of money (and its source) young people received and higher rates of drug use. The study concludes that money, and how it is spent by young people, may be an important factor for consideration when investigating drug use during adolescence. The findings may help inform drug prevention strategies particularly through advice on money management, and taking responsibility for their own money.
This paper reports on the findings from a longitudinal survey of the drug use behaviours of young people who were attending Emotional and Behavioural Difficulty (EBD) units from the age of 11-16 years. It forms part of the Belfast Youth Development Study, a longitudinal study of adolescent drug use. This paper presents a follow-up report to a cross-sectional paper that reported on drug use behaviours of a sample of young people attending EBD units when aged 12/13 years at school year 9 (McCrystal et al 2005a). In the present paper reported drug use and behaviours associated with increased risk of its use between the ages of 11-16 years were examined. The findings show that those attending EBD Units consistently reported higher levels of licit and illicit drug use throughout adolescence. Compared with young people in mainstream school, higher levels of behaviours associated with drug use including antisocial behaviour, disaffection with school, and poor communication with their parents/guardians were noted. These findings have implications for the development and timing of targeted prevention initiatives for young people attending EBD units at all stages of adolescent development.
In a prospective study of 501 infants of low birth weight (LBW) who mostly weighed 2,041 g (4 1/2 lb) or less, and of 203 control infants of full birth weight (FBW > 2,500 g), 335 LBW and 139 FBW children were followed beyond the age of 6 years and 6 months. The incidence of neurological defects was negatively correlated with birth weight, and the mean "global" IQ of different birth weight groups retained a direct relationship. While the relationship of birth weight to IQ gradually became less marked, the effect of social class was increasingly evident from the age of 2 years and 6 months. The preterm children whose birth weight was appropriate for gestational age (AGA) attained a slightly higher mean IQ and significantly better grade placement in the third school year than the children who were unduly light for their gestational age. Details of the neurological and ophthalmological defects are given, and the predictive significance of neonatal variables is analyzed.
This article examines the relationship between the learning organisation and the implementation of curriculum innovation within schools. It also compares the extent of innovative activity undertaken by schools in the public and the private sectors. A learning organisation is characterised by long-term goals, participatory decision-making processes, collaboration with external stakeholders, effective mechanisms for the internal communication of knowledge and information, and the use of rewards for its members. These characteristics are expected to promote curriculum innovation, once a number of control factors have been taken into account. The article reports on a study carried out in 197 Greek public and private primary schools in the 1999-2000 school year. Structured interviews with school principals were used as a method of data collection. According to the statistical results, the most important determinants of the innovative activity of a school are the extent of its collaboration with other organisations (i.e. openness to society), and the implementation of development programmes for teachers and parents (i.e. communication of knowledge and information). Contrary to expectations, the existence of long-term goals, the extent of shared decision-making, and the use of teacher rewards had no impact on curriculum innovation. The study also suggests that the private sector, as such, has an additional positive effect on the implementation of curriculum innovation, once a number of human, financial, material, and management resources have been controlled for. The study concludes by making recommendations for future research that would shed more light on unexpected outcomes and would help explore the causal link between variables in the research model.
Purpose: To study the effect of free glasses combined with teacher incentives on in-school glasses wear among Chinese urban migrant children. Design: Cluster-randomized controlled trial. Methods: Children with VA <= 6/12 in either eye due to refractive error in 94 randomly-chosen primary schools underwent randomization by school to receive free glasses, education on their use and a teacher incentive (Intervention), or glasses prescriptions only (Control). Intervention group teachers received a tablet computer if >= 80% of children given glasses wore them during un-announced visits 6 weeks and 6 months (main outcome) after intervention. Results: Among 4376 children, 728 (16.7%, mean age 10.9 years, 51.0% boys) met enrollment criteria and were randomly allocated, 358 (49.2%, 47 schools) to Intervention and 370 (50.8%, 47 schools) to Control. Among these, 693 children (95.2%) completed the study and underwent analysis. Spectacle wear was significantly higher at 6 months among Intervention children (Observed [main outcome]: 68.3% versus 23.9%, Adjusted Odds Ratio [OR]=11.5, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 5.91-22.5, P<0.001; Self-reported: 90.6% versus 32.1%, OR = 43.7, 95% CI = 21.7-88.5, P < 0.001). Other predictors of observed wear at 6 months included baseline spectacle wear (P<0.001), uncorrected VA<6/18 (P=0.01) and parental spectacle wear (P=0.02). The 6-month observed wear rate was only 41% among similar-aged children provided free glasses in our previous trial without teacher incentives. Conclusions: Free spectacles and teacher incentives maintain classroom wear in the large majority of children needing glasses over a school year. Low wear among Control children demonstrates the need for interventions.
Objective: To assess the effect of provision of free glasses on academic performance in rural Chinese children with myopia. Design: Cluster randomized, investigator masked, controlled trial.Setting 252 primary schools in two prefectures in western China, 2012-13. Participants: 3177 of 19 934 children in fourth and fifth grades (mean age 10.5 years) with visual acuity <6/12 in either eye without glasses correctable to >6/12 with glasses. 3052 (96.0%) completed the study.Interventions Children were randomized by school (84 schools per arm) to one of three interventions at the beginning of the school year: prescription for glasses only (control group), vouchers for free glasses at a local facility, or free glasses provided in class. Main outcome measures: Spectacle wear at endline examination and end of year score on a specially designed mathematics test, adjusted for baseline score and expressed in standard deviations. Results: Among 3177 eligible children, 1036 (32.6%) were randomized to control, 988 (31.1%) to vouchers, and 1153 (36.3%) to free glasses in class. All eligible children would benefit from glasses, but only 15% wore them at baseline. At closeout glasses wear was 41% (observed) and 68% (self reported) in the free glasses group, and 26% (observed) and 37% (self reported) in the controls. Effect on test score was 0.11 SD (95% confidence interval 0.01 to 0.21) when the free glasses group was compared with the control group. The adjusted effect of providing free glasses (0.10, 0.002 to 0.19) was greater than parental education (0.03, −0.04 to 0.09) or family wealth (0.01, −0.06 to 0.08). This difference between groups was significant, but was smaller than the prespecified 0.20 SD difference that the study was powered to detect. Conclusions: The provision of free glasses to Chinese children with myopia improves children’s performance on mathematics testing to a statistically significant degree, despite imperfect compliance, although the observed difference between groups was smaller than the study was originally designed to detect. Myopia is common and rarely corrected in this setting. Trial Registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN03252665.
Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade profissional de educação pré-escolar
El trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el desarrollo de la autonomía educativa de los adolescentes en el Proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del 7mo año de Educación Básica de la Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Delta del Cantón Daule en el período lectivo 2014 – 2015
O presente estudo, de carácter quantitativo e qualitativo, assenta na temática do insucesso escolar. O mesmo foi orientado pela questão de partida que o perspectivou: “Quais as causas, consequências e dimensão do fenómeno do insucesso escolar nos alunos que iniciaram, em 1999/2000, a sua escolaridade, no concelho de Ourique? Baseados no quadro conceptual de um estudo de caso, seleccionámos uma “coorte” de alunos, que entrevistámos, com vista a inteirarmo-nos das experiências e situações reais que os conduziram a situações de insucesso escolar procurando dar resposta aos seguintes objectivos: 1) avaliar, quantitativamente, o insucesso escolar na população discente seleccionada; 2) identificar as, eventuais, causas do insucesso escolar verificado; 3) identificar as, eventuais, consequências do insucesso escolar verificado; 4) avaliar possíveis intervenções no sentido de mitigar o fenómeno do insucesso escolar. Para tal, analisámos o percurso escolar de um universo de 46 alunos, entre 1999/2000 e 2007/08, tendo verificado que 24 desses alunos vivenciaram episódios de insucesso escolar, ao longo do seu trajecto académico. Destes, entrevistámos 12 alunos, tendo essa abordagem possibilitado ir de encontro aos nossos objectivos. Através da análise e interpretação dos dados recolhidos, concluímos que: 1) a taxa de insucesso escolar é superior a 50%, na coorte de alunos que iniciaram a sua escolaridade, no ano lectivo 1999/00, no concelho de Ourique; 2) há uma forte participação dos pais e encarregados de educação nas vivências escolares dos alunos (80% do total da amostra); 3) o número médio de retenções, nos alunos com episódios de insucesso escolar, é de 1,5 retenções; 4) o 7.º ano de escolaridade é o ano em que se verifica um maior número de retenções, seguido do 4.º ano de escolaridade; 5) a maioria dos alunos (58,3%) encontra-se relativamente distante do seu meio familiar; 6) um número significativo de alunos com episódios de insucesso escolar (83,3%) referiu que recebe apoio da família; 7) a incapacidade individual foi a causa do insucesso escolar mais referida/inferida pelos entrevistados; 8) evidenciou-se que retenções precoces induzem a retenções posteriores; 9) a importância do 1.º Ciclo é relevante, quando os entrevistados indicam que a falta de apoio no 1.º Ciclo terá induzido a situações futuras de insucesso escolar. No final deste trabalho são efectuadas propostas que possam potenciar futuras investigações, nomeadamente de investigação acção, promovendo intervenção; ### Abstract: The schools failure: The causes of consequences in context the Agrupamento Vertical de Ourique The present study, of quantitative and qualitative content, is based on the thematic of the failure rate in schools. The study was oriented towards the fundamental issue which has been put in perspective: “What are the causes, consequences and dimension of the phenomena of the failure rate in schools that can be seen in the students that started in 1999/2000 their school education in the municipality of Ourique?” Based on the conceptual framework of a study case, we selected a group of students, which we interviewed, in order to know about the real experiences and situations that led them to situations of school failure, trying to give answers and to achieve the following goals: 1) to evaluate quantitatively the school failure of the selected students population; 2) to identify the eventual causes of the verified school failure; 3) to identify the eventual consequences of the verified school failure; 4) to evaluate the possible interventions in order to minimize the school failure phenomena. Therefore, we analysed the school path of an amount of 46 students between 1999/2000 and 2007/2008 and we reached the conclusion that 24 of those students experienced episodes of school failure. We interviewed 12 of those 24 and that approach permitted us to reach our goals. Through the analysis and the interpretation of the collected data we conclude that: 1) the rate of school failure is over 50% in the group of students that started their schooling in the school year 1999/2000 in the municipality of Ourique; 2) there is a strong participation of parents and tutors in the students’ school life( 80% of the sample); 3) the average number of retention in the students with episodes of school failure is 1, 5 retentions; 4) the 7th grade is the one in which we verify the highest number of retentions followed by the 4th grade ; 5) the majority of the students (53,8%) are far away from their family environment; 6) a significant number of students with episodes of school failure (83,3%) referred that they get support from their family; 7) the individual incapacity was the most referred/inferred cause of school failure by the ones who were interviewed ; 8) it became an evidence that early retentions lead to future retentions; 9) the importance of the basic education is relevant when the interviewed students show that the lack of support in the basic education should have led to future situations of school failure. At the end of this work we present some proposals that can lead to future investigation, namely of investigation/action promoting intervention.