960 resultados para School sites.
We know that studies on reading and writing take place within the Linguistic for several decades and, with de computer, the language entered the network and this is opening a learning space for writing classes, no more reduced to a classroom but expanded to a universe that has no geographical boundaries, namely de Internet. Our research fits into this context and is part of the project The discourse on writing practices in contemporary Brazilian media: the art making, the pedagogical practice, and the production of meaning to develop discourse analysis on the practice of writing on sites dedicated to teaching and learning of this practice. The main objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between school attendance of redaction - made here as discourse gender, as you know Bakhtin - and the discourse of the sites that constitute our corpus. We set out the hypothesis that the sites are intended for the teaching/learning of writing seeking to create virtually teaching imaginarily conditions similar to those that exist in school attendance of the Portuguese language. We are interested in, therefore, observe, discursively, as the image is created of the interlocutors to which they are intended considering that the enunciators are not in front of those who occupy the place of real students, because they are virtual students. We, too, to know as the gender class manifested itself in those sites, as these sites dialogue with the face-to-face class in relation to ideology, the function of the teacher, the conception of language and writing. The constitution of the corpus was from search tools on the internet. The sites that we analyzed were: alunosonline.com.br, brasilescola.com.br, coladaweb.com.br, guiadoestudante.com.br, infoescola.com.br, mundoeducação.com.br, mundovestibular.com.br, português.com.br, professorjuscelino.com.br and redaçãodissertativa.com.br. The selection was qualitative, considering the...
This thesis addresses the question of how business schoolsestablished as public privatepartnerships (PPPs) within a regional university in the English-speaking Caribbean survived for over twenty-one years and achieved legitimacy in their environment. The aim of the study was to examine how public and private sector actors contributed to the evolution of the PPPs. A social network perspective provided a broad relational focus from which to explore the phenomenon and engage disciplinary and middle-rangetheories to develop explanations. Legitimacy theory provided an appropriate performance dimension from which to assess PPP success. An embedded multiple-case research design, with three case sites analysed at three levels including the country and university environment, the PPP as a firm and the subgroup level constituted the methodological framing of the research process. The analysis techniques included four methods but relied primarily on discourse and social network analysis of interview data from 40 respondents across the three sites. A staged analysis of the evolution of the firm provided the ‘time and effects’ antecedents which formed the basis for sense-making to arrive at explanations of the public-private relationship-influenced change. A conceptual model guided the study and explanations from the cross-case analysis were used to refine the process model and develop a dynamic framework and set of theoretical propositions that would underpin explanations of PPP success and legitimacy in matched contexts through analytical generalisation. The study found that PPP success was based on different models of collaboration and partner resource contribution that arose from a confluence of variables including the development of shared purpose, private voluntary control in corporate governance mechanisms and boundary spanning leadership. The study contributes a contextual theory that explains how PPPs work and a research agenda of ‘corporate governance as inspiration’ from a sociological perspective of ‘liquid modernity’. Recommendations for policy and management practice were developed.
In this school, we introduced the basis of the mathematical analysis to study
differential equations (ordinary and partial). One aim to prepare students and staff members for more concrete problems arising in mathematical modeling in engineering and biological processes. Theoretical and numerical lectures were given, with a presentation of free scientific computing software using Python.
A website and a drive were created to facilitate exchanges between students, lecturers and organizers: