153 resultados para Schlafly, Phyllis


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Shared Decision Making (SDM) is widely accepted as the preferred method for reaching treatment decisions in the oncology setting including those about clinical trial participation: however, there is some disagreement between researchers over the components of SDM. Specific standardized coding systems are needed to help overcome this difficulty.


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To investigate how involvement preferences of patients with breast cancer change during the treatment decision-making process and determine the impact of meeting patients' expectations on decision-making outcomes.


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To assess the relative impact of cognitive and emotional aspects of shared decision making (SDM) on patient outcomes.


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BACKGROUND: The International Breast Cancer Study Group conducted a phase III trial in Australian/New Zealand (ANZ) and Swiss/German/Austrian (SGA) centres on training doctors in clear and ethical information delivery about treatment options and strategies to encourage shared decision making. METHODS: Medical, surgical, gynaecological and radiation oncologists, and their patients for whom adjuvant breast cancer therapy was indicated, were eligible. Doctors were randomised to participate in a workshop with standardised teaching material and role playing. Patients were recruited in the experimental and control groups before and after the workshop. RESULTS: In ANZ centres, 21 eligible doctors recruited a total of 304 assessable patients. In SGA centres, 41 doctors recruited 390 patients. The training was well accepted. There was no overall effect on patient decisional conflict (primary endpoint) 2 weeks after the consultation. Overall, patients were satisfied with their treatment decision, their consultation and their doctors' consultation skills. Considerable variation was observed in patient outcomes between SGA and ANZ centres; the effect sizes of the intervention were marginal (<0.2). CONCLUSIONS: Shared decision making remains a challenge. A sustained training effect may require more intensive training tailored to the local setting. Cross-cultural differences need attention in conducting trials on communication interventions.


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GuideView is a system designed for structured, multi-modal delivery of clinical guidelines. Clinical instructions are presented simultaneously in voice, text, pictures or video or animations. Users navigate using mouse-clicks and voice commands. An evaluation study performed at a medical simulation laboratory found that voice and video instructions were rated highly.


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BACKGROUND Through 2 international traveler-focused surveillance networks (GeoSentinel and TropNet), we identified and investigated a large outbreak of acute muscular sarcocystosis (AMS), a rarely reported zoonosis caused by a protozoan parasite of the genus Sarcocystis, associated with travel to Tioman Island, Malaysia, during 2011-2012. METHODS Clinicians reporting patients with suspected AMS to GeoSentinel submitted demographic, clinical, itinerary, and exposure data. We defined a probable case as travel to Tioman Island after 1 March 2011, eosinophilia (>5%), clinical or laboratory-supported myositis, and negative trichinellosis serology. Case confirmation required histologic observation of sarcocysts or isolation of Sarcocystis species DNA from muscle biopsy. RESULTS Sixty-eight patients met the case definition (62 probable and 6 confirmed). All but 2 resided in Europe; all were tourists and traveled mostly during the summer months. The most frequent symptoms reported were myalgia (100%), fatigue (91%), fever (82%), headache (59%), and arthralgia (29%); onset clustered during 2 distinct periods: "early" during the second and "late" during the sixth week after departure from the island. Blood eosinophilia and elevated serum creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) levels were observed beginning during the fifth week after departure. Sarcocystis nesbitti DNA was recovered from 1 muscle biopsy. CONCLUSIONS Clinicians evaluating travelers returning ill from Malaysia with myalgia, with or without fever, should consider AMS, noting the apparent biphasic aspect of the disease, the later onset of elevated CPK and eosinophilia, and the possibility for relapses. The exact source of infection among travelers to Tioman Island remains unclear but needs to be determined to prevent future illnesses.


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Small, cool planets represent the typical end-products of planetary formation. Studying the architectures of these systems, measuring planet masses and radii, and observing these planets' atmospheres during transit directly informs theories of planet assembly, migration, and evolution. Here we report the discovery of three small planets orbiting a bright (K-s = 8.6 mag) M0 dwarf using data collected as part of K2, the new ecliptic survey using the repurposed Kepler spacecraft. Stellar spectroscopy and K2 photometry indicate that the system hosts three transiting planets with radii 1.5-2.1 R-circle plus, straddling the transition region between rocky and increasingly volatile-dominated compositions. With orbital periods of 10-45 days the planets receive just 1.5-10x the flux incident on Earth, making these some of the coolest small planets known orbiting a nearby star; planet d is located near the inner edge of the system's habitable zone. The bright, low-mass star makes this system an excellent laboratory to determine the planets' masses via Doppler spectroscopy and to constrain their atmospheric compositions via transit spectroscopy. This discovery demonstrates the ability of K2 and future space-based transit searches to find many fascinating objects of interest.


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Innovative, aggressive treatments and prolonged survival rates for patients with childhood cancers have placed new demands on the patient, parent and physician. As a result, counterproductive coping behaviors are often noted in adolescent cancer patients.^ One of the main ways the environment is manipulated by the individual to achieve personal comfort is through selectivity of information. An individual will usually pull the support personally needed to cope from the environment if sufficient resources are available. However, information provided young cancer patients is often filtered through the physicians and parents perspectives of the patient's needs without systematic input from the patient. In order to ensure that adequate information resources are available to help teenage patients cope with their illness, health professionals must have insights into the information needs of those patients. No previous efforts to address this subject were found in the literature.^ This study was designed to identify adolescent perspectives of their disease-related information needs and to compare their viewpoints with those of their parents and physicians. Sixty-five outpatient cancer patients (ages 11-20) receiving treatment at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute in Houston, Texas, 60 of their parents, and 53 physicians, who were involved in the treatment of pediatric patients at M. D. Anderson, were asked to complete self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires used were developed, administered and analyzed by the investigator. Specific areas addressed in the questionnaires included: Perceptions of cancer-related tests and treatments, the importance of 30 disease-related items of information, responses evoked by receipt of information, current and preferred sources of information, delivery of information at the time of diagnosis, and disease-related information requested for patients, family, friends and teachers.^ Adolescent perceptions of their information needs and their preferences for delivery of information were determined. The relationships between patient-parent and patient-physician perceptions were then analyzed to determine areas in which agreements and disparities in viewpoint existed. Programmatic and research recommendations were then provided.^ Hopefully, through these efforts, the adolescent patient will be helped to receive relevant information support from those deemed to be most important to his/her efforts to cope with cancer. ^


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A pronounced deficit of nitrogen (N) in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the Arabian Sea suggests the occurrence of heavy N-loss that is commonly attributed to pelagic processes. However, the OMZ water is in direct contact with sediments on three sides of the basin. Contribution from benthic N-loss to the total N-loss in the Arabian Sea remains largely unassessed. In October 2007, we sampled the water column and surface sediments along a transect cross-cutting the Arabian Sea OMZ at the Pakistan continental margin, covering a range of station depths from 360 to 1430 m. Benthic denitrification and anammox rates were determined by using 15N-stable isotope pairing experiments. Intact core incubations showed declining rates of total benthic N-loss with water depth from 0.55 to 0.18 mmol N m**-2 day**-1. While denitrification rates measured in slurry incubations decreased from 2.73 to 1.46 mmol N m**-2 day**-1 with water depth, anammox rates increased from 0.21 to 0.89 mmol N m**-2 day**-1. Hence, the contribution from anammox to total benthic N-loss increased from 7% at 360 m to 40% at 1430 m. This trend is further supported by the quantification of cd1-containing nitrite reductase (nirS), the biomarker functional gene encoding for cytochrome cd1-Nir of microorganisms involved in both N-loss processes. Anammox-like nirS genes within the sediments increased in proportion to total nirS gene copies with water depth. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses of NirS revealed different communities of both denitrifying and anammox bacteria between shallow and deep stations. Together, rate measurement and nirS analyses showed that anammox, determined for the first time in the Arabian Sea sediments, is an important benthic N-loss process at the continental margin off Pakistan, especially in the sediments at deeper water depths. Extrapolation from the measured benthic N-loss to all shelf sediments within the basin suggests that benthic N-loss may be responsible for about half of the overall N-loss in the Arabian Sea.


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A quantative study was made of silicoflagellates recovered from Sites 642 (lower Miocene-upper Pliocene), 643 (lower Miocene-upper Miocene), and 644 (upper Pliocene-Quaternary) on the Voring Plateau. Although disconformities are present in these sequences, they represent a much more complete record of the Neogene than was recovered previously in the Norwegian Sea by DSDP Leg 38. Silicoflagellates are rare or absent for glacial sequences younger than 2.65 Ma, and generally sparse and poorly preserved in the lower upper Pliocene and upper Miocene. Lower and middle Miocene assemblages are diverse and generally well preserved. Temporal changes in the silicoflagellate assemblage are indicative of major paleoceanographic changes in the Norwegian Sea. A regional zonation for the Neogene of the Norwegian Sea is proposed, consisting of eleven zones: Naviculopsis lata Zone, N. quadrata Zone (emended), N. ponticula Zone (emended), Distephanus speculum hemisphaericus Zone (new), Caryocha ernestinae Zone (new), Bachmannocena circulus var. apiculata/Caryocha Zone (new), Distephanus crux scutulatus Zone (new), Bachmannocena diodon nodosa Zone (new), Distephanus boliviensis Zone (new), Ds. jimlingii Zone (elevated from subzonal to zonal status) with Subzones a and b (new), and Ds. speculum Zone (new). The ranges and abundances of over 100 species and morphotypes are tabulated.