939 resultados para Schistosomiasis - Praziquantel
OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic review of the prevalence of the HCV/ S. mansoni co-infection and associated factors in Schistosoma mansoni -infected populations. METHODS: The bibliographic search was carried out using the Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, Cochrane Library and Ibecs databases. The criteria for the studies' selection and the extraction data were based on systematic review methods. Forty five studies were found, with nine being excluded in a first screening. Thirteen articles were used for data extraction. RESULTS: The HCV infection rates in schistosomiasis populations range from 1% in Ethiopia to 50% in Egypt. Several studies had poorly defined methodologies, even in areas characterized by an association between hepatitis C and schistosomiasis, such as Brazil and Egypt, which meant conclusions were inconsistent. HCV infection rates in schistosomotic populations were heterogeneous and risk factors for acquiring the virus varied widely. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the limitations, this review may help to identify regions with higher rates of hepatitis C and schistosomiasis association. However, more studies are necessary for the development of public health policies on prevention and control of both diseases.
Noventa e quatro pacientes, 22 do sexo masculino e 72 do feminino, com idades variando de 11 a 71 anos, média de 25, apresentando a forma hepatesplênica da esquistossomose mansônica, foram tratados com uma nova droga antiesquistossomótica praziquantel objetivando-se investigar sua eficácia e tolerância. Duas doses orais 1 x 30 e 2 x 25 mg/kg foram comparadas. Efeitos colaterais foram verificados durante os primeiros dois dias seguintes à administração da droga, mas usualmente de média intensidade e curta duração. Os mais freqüentes e, por vezes, mais severos foram: dor ou desconforto abdominal, diarréia, tontura, cefaléia e náusea. Febre esteve presente em 19,2% dos casos e urticaria e prurido em dois pacientes. A investigação laboratorial mostrou, em alguns casos, ligeiras alterações enzimáticas (AST, ALT, γ-GT) 24 horas após a medicação. Nenhuma modificação da urinálise, da glicose sangüínea e dos dados hematológicos foi detectada, exceto o aumento comumente observado dos eosinófilos nos 7." e 30.° dias, relacionado à morte dos parasitas dentro do organismo. Da mesma forma, nenhuma anormalidade foi verificada no estudo eletroencefalográfico. Na eletrocardiografia, observou-se, em duas pacientes, uma ligeira e transitória alteração na repolarização ventricular. No que diz respeito à cura parasitológica, constatou-se, em 62 pacientes que concluíram seis meses de controle, um porcentual global de cura de 80,6%, sendo de 76,7% com a dose de 30 mg/lkg e de 84,4% com a de 2 x 25 mg/kg. Os pacientes não curados tiveram, por outro lado, uma acentuada redução no número de ovos do S. mansoni eliminados nas fezes. Além disso, cinco pacientes não curados, foram retratados seis ou mais meses depois, com a mesma dose inicial, obtendo-se 100°/o de negatividade nos exames de fezes. Os Autores acreditam que com a administração de doses um pouco mais altas como, por exemplo, 60 mg/kg, se possa obter um maior porcentual de cura, sem prejuízo da boa tolerância. A melhora clínica e laboratorial a longo prazo, isto é, seis ou mais meses após a medicação, foi marcante em todos os parâmetros estudados.
Foram tratados com praziquantel, dose oral única de 40 ou 50 mg/kg, 200 indivíduos portadores de esquistossomose mansoni, matriculados na Clínica de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. As idades dos pacientes variavam de seis a 63 anos, sendo que 33 (16,5%) eram menores de 15 anos. Os principais efeitos colaterais consistiram em tontura 27,5%; sonolência 21,0%; eólica 17,5%; náusea 16,0%; diarréia 9,0%; cefaléia 7,5%; vômito 4,0%; febre 2,0%; disenteria 1,0%; tremor 1,0%; exantema 1,0% e urticaria 0,5%. A toxicidade do medicamento foi investigada mediante a realização, pré e pós-tratamento, de exames hematimétricos, bem como de função renal (uréia e creatinina), hepática (enzimas de liberação hépato-canalicular e bilirrubinas), cardíaca (ECG) e neuropsiquiátrica (EEG). Não foram encontradas nesses controles alterações relevantes que repercutissem clinicamente. O controle de cura verificou-se em 115 indivíduos, através de oito coproscopias, no período de seis meses, subseqüente ao tratamento, utilizando-se duas técnicas (HOFFMAN e KATO/KATZ) para cada amostra de fezes. Dos 82 indivíduos que tiveram as oito coproscopias negativadas, 62 realizaram biópsia retal. Essa mostrou-se positiva em duas oportunidades, indicando um percentual de 3,2% de achados falsos negativos com relação às coproscopias. Os índices de cura variaram de 65,2%, nos pacientes menores de 15 anos, a 75% nos acima dessa idade. Para todas as faixas etárias a eficácia foi de 71,3%. Os resultados obtidos demonstram ter o praziquantel, nas doses empregadas, relativa eficácia no tratamento da esquistossomose mansoni, bem como ser determinante de baixos efeitos tóxico-colaterais.
Seventy three children (6-15 years) and 75 adults (18-47 years) with active schistosomiasis mansoni were treated with oltipraz. All cases had at least 100 eggs per gram of feces as determined by the Kato-Katz technique. Children and adults were divided in two groups receiving respectively 25 or 30 mg/kg, as a single oral dose. Clinical examination, laboratories tests (haemogram, urinalysis, hepatic and kidney functions tests, glycemia, cholesterol, triglicerides, lipoprotein HLD and LDL) and ECG were performed before, 3 or 7 days and 1 month after treatment. Parasitological control with 3 daily coprological examinations, was done on the 1st, 3rd j 6th month after drug administration. Giddiness, somnolence, headache, nausea, vomiting and abdominal distress were the most frequent side effects. Pain in the finger tips that need further investigations also occurred. No significant alteration in complementary tests were observed, whereas eosinophilia 1 month after treatment was detected, probably indicating worm death. The cure rate in children was 81.8% and 74.2% with 25 and 30 mg/kg respectively, and in adults 75.0% and 81.2% of the patients. No statistical significant difference was observed between cure rate and side effects at different dosages employed, neither between adults nor children. In all groups the percentage of egg reduction in feces in the non cured patients was higher than 96.0%. Further investigation with this new compound is necessary to accomplish the real value of oltipraz in the schistosomiasis chemotherapy.
Twenty adult patients presenting dermal cysticercosis without cerebral or ocular involvement were treated with praziquantel. The first eleven cases received 60 mg/kg/day and the last nine cases 30 mg/kg/day. In both groups the daily dose was split into three oral intakes 4 to 6 hours apart and the drug administration lasted for 6 consecutive days. The latter group of patients also got dexamethasone, 3 mg daily, from one day before until four days after the treatment period with praziquantel. The drug proved to be 100% efficacious as demonstrated histopathologically by the death of the cysticerci of Taenia solium (Cysticercus cellulosae) in serial biopsies taken from the 2nd week on after the end of treatment, as well as clinically by the steady disappearence of the dermal nodules during the 6 months following the therapy. Tolerance of praziquantel was good as the incidence and severity of side-effects were not relevant. The drug safety was confirmed through laboratory tests which failed to detect any abnormal findings related to the hematopoietic, liver and kidney functions.
Single doses of praziquantel were administered by oral route, at various time intervals, following the experimental infection of mice with Hymenolepis nana eggs (2000 per animal), to investigate the drug action against different development stages of the parasite. It was shown that either 25 or 50 mg/kg given on the 4th day after inoculation had just a partial effect against the cysticercoids. Moreover, 25 mg/kg given on the 7th day was not able to kill all juvenile forms as well. However, this dose administered on the 10th day, when the parasites had reached maturity taut oviposition was not yet initiated was 100% efficacious. The same degree of efficacy was achieved with the administration of 25 mg/kg on the 14th day when the fully mature worms already lay eggs. These animal findings indicate that in the treatment of human hymenolepiasis praziquantel, 25 mg/kg, should be taken twice, 10 days apart, so that the second dose kills the larval and juvenile forms which have survived the first one. This should be particularly recommended for treating H. nana infection in close communities.
Duas semanas após o insucesso da terapêutica com mebendazol 400 mg diários durante quatro dias consecutivos , 101 indivíduos de uma comunidade semifechada, 50,5% infectados por Hymenolepis nana, em sua maioria crianças entre dois e seis anos de idade, foram tratados com praziquantel (*) em duas doses orais de 20 a 25 mg/kg, administradas com dez dias de intervalo. O diagnóstico da himenolepíase, bem como os controles de cura parasitológica realizados nos 7.º, 14.°, 21°, 30.°, 60.° e 90.° dias depois da administração da segunda dose de praziquantel, basearam-se em exames de fezes pelo método quantitativo de KATO/KATZ. A tolerância ao medicamento foi excelente e a negativação dos exames ocorreu independentemente da intensidade do parasitismo. Nos 7.° e 14° dias pós-tratamento encontraram-se ovos de H. nana, respectivamente em nove e em dois pacientes, mas esses ovos apresentavam-se distorcidos. No controle do 21.° dia todos os resultados mostraram-se negativos, traduzindo um índice de cura de 100%. A partir do 30.° dia verificou-se em três crianças a eliminação de ovos normais do parasita. Tendo em vista serem essas as únicas que viviam em regime de semi-internação nessa comunidade e a positividade tardia dos exames, esses casos foram considerados como reinfecção. Conclui-se, pelos resultados alcançados, que o esquema posológico empregado, fundamentado nas investigações experimentais conduzidas por CAMPOS & col. (1983), é eficaz e seguro para o tratamento da himenolepíase, em especial, quando se pretende tentar erradicá-la numa comunidade fechada.
Foram selecionadas, numa comunidade fechada, 20 crianças com himenolepíase, apresentando carga parasitária acima de 1 000 ovos/g de fezes, visando a averiguar a eficácia terapêutica do praziquantel e as alterações morfológicas induzidas nos ovos de H. nana por sua administração oral, em dois esquemas posológicos. Os pacientes foram alocados em dois grupos com igual número de casos. O grupo "A" foi tratado com uma única dose de 25 mg/kg de peso corporal e o grupo "B" com a mesma dose, porém repetida 10 dias depois. A partir do terceiro dia até o 19.°, verificou-se, em ambos os grupos, o surgimento, com um pico em torno do sétimo dia, de ovos distorcidos do parasita. Os ovos normais decresceram gradativamente, desaparecendo em 100% dos casos do grupo "B", do 19° dia em diante, mas mantendo-se presentes em 20% dos casos no grupo "A". A tolerância ao medicamento mostrou-se igualmente excelente com as duas posologias empregadas. Conclui-se pela elevada eficácia terapêutica do praziquantel na himenolepíase, sugerindo-se administrá-lo em duas doses de 25 mg/kg, com um intervalo de dez dias, nos pacientes intensamente parasitados e que convivam em comunidades fechadas.
A population-based clinical epidemiologic study on schistosomiasis mansoni was carried out in Tuparecê, Minas Gerais. The patients were interviewed for symptoms, water contact, past history and examined for spleen and liver enlargement. From the 830 people registered in the census, 777 (93.6%) had their stools examined (Kato-Katz method) and 696 (83.9%) were clinically evaluated. The overall index of Schistosoma mansoni infection was 43.2%. Significant and increased infection risks could be detected in the young age group (2-14 years old) regarding occupation, time of residence in the area and frequency of water contact. Bloody stools were significantly more prevalent among positives, while diarrhea was significantly more prevalent among those negative. The area was shown to have a low morbidity as well as a low intensity of infection measured by the number of S. mansoni eggs per gram of feces. A close correlation was found between water contact pattern and the age prevalence curve. It has emphasized the importance of habits in determining prevalence rates, besides suggesting that schistosomiasis mansoni in the area is manifested as a light and somewhat harmless infection with little consequence for the population as a whole.
The susceptibility of the MAP Brazilian strain (F1 to F5 progenies) of S. mansoni to four antischistosomal drugs has been reported in a previous study. In the present investigation, progeny F14 of the same strain, was tested for stability to the same 4 drugs. A new medication, Oltipraz (35,972 RP), was added to the study. Five groups of 12 mice infected with cercariae by tail immersion were treated with hycanthone, oxamniquine, niridazole, praziquantel and Oltipraz. An untreated group was used as control. Schistosomal activity was assessed by the localization of worms in the portal vein system, by oogram changes, and percentage of parasite reduction. The stability of the susceptibility of progeny F14 did not change in relation to generations F1 to F5; the progeny was resistant to hycanthone and oxamniquine; but sensitive to niridazole, praziquantel and Oltipraz. We emphasize the importance of the phenomenon of resistance of the worm in view of the fact that oxamniquine has been widely used in Brazilian areas where mansonic schistosomiasis is endemic.
Two cross-sectional studies on schistosomiasis mansoni were done in Comercinho, Minas Gerais (Brazil), at an interval of 7 years. In 1974 and 1981 feces examinations (KATO-KATZ method) were done in 89 and 90% of the population (about 1,500 inhabitants) and clinical examinations were done in 78 and 92% of the patients who excreted Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the feces, respectively. The rate of infection by S. mansoni did not change (69.9% in 1974 and 70.4% in 1981), but the geometrical mean of eggs per gram of feces (431 ± 4 and 334 ± 4, respectively) and the rate of splenomegaly (11 and 7%, respectively) decreased significantly in 1981, when compared to 1974. This reduction was observed only in the central zones of the town (zones 1-2) where the rate of dwellings with piped water increased from 17 to 44%. In the surroundings (zones 3-4), where the proportion of houses with piped water did not change significantly between 1974 (10%) and 1981 (7%), the geometrical mean of S. mansoni eggs and the rate of splenomegaly did not change either.
Cinco pacientes portadores de esquistossomose mansônica hépato-esplênica, associada à salmonelose, foram tratados com dose única de praziquantel (60 mg/kg peso), havendo desaparecimento da hipertermia do 1.° ao 3.° dia após a terapêutica e cura clínica subseqüente da salmonelose e da esquistossomose. O estudo da sensibilidade "in vitro" das bactérias isoladas: Salmonella minnesota, Salmonella dublin, Salmonella panama e Salmonella typhi (2 pacientes) não mostrou ação direta do praziquantel sobre tais enterobactérias. Os soros coletados antes e 24 horas após o tratamento não foram capazes de inibir o crescimento das bactérias isoladas dos respectivos pacientes.
The delay produced by drug, in the process of cercaria-schistosomulum transformation, was used to verify the sensibility of different larval stages to the host cell immune responses, in vivo. The peritoneal cavity of mice, a model used for in vivo observations, was choiced for the experiments. As well characterized schistosomules, cercariae and larvae in the process of transformation were coated and arrested by host cells, and could not be recovered by simple saline washings. After 10-²M EDTA saline washings, they were released alive, with good vitality and movements. Thus, different kind of larvae in the process of adaptation of the cercaria to the host are strongly coated by immune cells, but these fail to kill the invading organisms, at least during a few hours after invasion.
Germfree (GF and conventional (CV) mice were infected intraperitoneally with GF cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni and kept for six weeks. Twenty four hours before killing, they were injected with [³H]-thymidine. Schistosoma worms, harvested after perfusion of portal system, were counted as well as eggs from liver and intestines. Liver was also used for DNA, protein, and collagen determinations. [³H] -Thymidine incorporation and collagen determinations were used to establish the indices given by the difference between their contents in infected and control animals and expressed per thousand eggs in liver. The recovery of worms in GF mice was around twice as much as in CV ones, and the total number of eggs was higher in the liver of GF animals. No hypertrophy of liver cells was observed by the ratio protein/DNA, but [³H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA was higher than in controls in both GF and CV infected animals. The [³H]-thymidine and collagen indices were lower in GF animals which indicate a more discrete cellular replication and smaller collagen content in relation to the number of eggs present in livers of these mice. It was concluded that the disease seems to be less severe in GF animals.
In a series of 36 cases of renal disease associated with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis the following morphologic types of glomerulonephritis were found: mesangio-capillary (33.2%), mesangial proliferative (25.0%), focal glomerular sclerosis (16.7%) and sclerosing glomerulonephritis (8.3%). No significant statistical differences were found when these results were compared with those from 36 cases of glomerulonephritis not associated with hepatosplenic disease. On the other hand, endocapillary glomerulonephritis was found to be predominant in the latter group of cases. These results did not substantiate the assumption that mesangio-capillary glomerulonephritis is specifically related to hepatosplenic schistosomiais. However, if the types of glomerulonephritis that predominantly involve the me-sangium are considered together, they are significantly associated with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. Mesangial involvement is known to occur in other parasitic diseases and that may be related to a common immunopathogenesis.