152 resultados para Schütz
Loss of appetite and ensuing weight loss is a key feature of severe illnesses. Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) contributes significantly to the adverse outcome of these conditions. Pharmacological interventions to target appetite stimulation have little efficacy but considerable side effects. Therefore nutritional therapy appears to be the logical step to combat inadequate nutrition. However, clinical trial data demonstrating benefits are sparse and there is no current established standard algorithm for use of nutritional support in malnourished, acutely ill medical inpatients. Recent high-quality evidence from critical care demonstrating harmful effects when parenteral nutritional support is used indiscriminately has led to speculation that loss of appetite in the acute phase of illness is indeed an adaptive, protective response that improves cell recycling (autophagy) and detoxification. Outside critical care, there is an important gap in high quality clinical trial data shedding further light on these important issues. The selection, timing, and doses of nutrition should be evaluated as carefully as with any other therapeutic intervention, with the aim of maximising efficacy and minimising adverse effects and costs. In light of the current controversy, a reappraisal of how nutritional support should be used in acutely ill medical inpatients outside critical care is urgently required. The aim of this review is to discuss current pathophysiological concepts of PEM and to review the current evidence for the efficacy of nutritional support regarding patient outcomes when used in an acutely ill medical patient population outside critical care.
Für Patienten an der Hämodialyse ist nach Versagen der klassischen arterio-venösen Fisteln oder Shunts ein direkter Gefässzugang mittels Katheter lebensnotwendig. Permanente zentralvenöse Katheter penetrieren die Hals- und Thoraxweichteile und die Haut ohne rigide Befestigung. Die Infektionsrate ist hoch und führt oft zur Explantation. Knochenverankerte Hörgeräte sind zur Behandlung bei Schalleitungsschwerhörigkeit etabliert. Das Implantat sitzt fest im Felsenbein und der Aufsatz penetriert die Haut. Schwere Infektionen, die eine Explantation nötig machen, sind sehr selten. Wir nehmen an, dass einer der Hauptgründe für die tiefe Komplikationsrate die starke Befestigung des Implantats am Knochen ist, wodurch die Hautbewegungen relativ zum Knochen minimiert werden. Basierend auf den Erfahrungen mit implantierten Hörsystemen haben wir einen perkutanen knochenverankerten Hämodialysezugang im Bereich des Felsenbeins als vorteilhafte Alternative zum herkömmlichen zentralvenösen Katheterzugang entwickelt. Dabei wurde die Felsenbeinanatomie und Knochendicke zur Lokalisierung des idealen Implantationsortes untersucht; die Schraubenstabilität im Knochen getestet; ein Titanimplantat inklusive Ventile und Katheter, sowie chirurgische Instrumente zur sicheren Implantation entwickelt. Der knochenverankerte Hämodialysezugang wurde auf Flussrate, Dichtigkeit und Reinigung getestet; die Platzierung des Katheters mittels Seldingertechnik in die V. jugularis interna über eine Halsinzision festgelegt. Die Resultate unserer Arbeit zeigen die technische Machbarkeit eines im Felsenbein verankerten neuartigen Hämodialysezuganges und bilden die Grundlage einer inzwischen bewilligten klinischen Pilotstudie.
AIM To relate the mean percentage of bleeding on probing (BOP) to smoking status in patients enrolled in supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). MATERIALS AND METHODS Retrospective data on BOP from 8'741 SPT visits were related to smoking status among categories of both periodontal disease severity and progression (instability) in patients undergoing dental hygiene treatment at the Medi School of Dental Hygiene (MSDH), Bern, Switzerland 1985-2011. RESULTS A total of 445 patients were identified with 27.2% (n = 121) being smokers, 27.6% (n = 123) former smokers and 45.2% (n = 201) non-smokers. Mean BOP statistically significantly increased with disease severity (p = 0.0001) and periodontal instability (p = 0.0115) irrespective of the smoking status. Periodontally stable smokers (n = 30) categorized with advanced periodontal disease demonstrated a mean BOP of 16.2% compared to unstable smokers (n = 15) with a mean BOP of 22.4% (p = 0.0291). Assessments of BOP in relation to the percentage of sites with periodontal probing depths (PPD) ≥ 4 mm at patient-level yielded a statistically significantly decreased proportion of BOP in smokers compared to non-smokers and former smokers (p = 0.0137). CONCLUSIONS Irrespective of the smoking status, increased mean BOP in SPT patients relates to disease severity and periodontal instability while smokers demonstrate lower mean BOP concomitantly with an increased prevalence of residual PPDs.
Introduction: In team sports the ability to use peripheral vision is essential to track a number of players and the ball. By using eye-tracking devices it was found that players either use fixations and saccades to process information on the pitch or use smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) to keep track of single objects (Schütz, Braun, & Gegenfurtner, 2011). However, it is assumed that peripheral vision can be used best when the gaze is stable while it is unknown whether motion changes can be equally well detected when SPEM are used especially because contrast sensitivity is reduced during SPEM (Schütz, Delipetkose, Braun, Kerzel, & Gegenfurtner, 2007). Therefore, peripheral motion change detection will be examined by contrasting a fixation condition with a SPEM condition. Methods: 13 participants (7 male, 6 female) were presented with a visual display consisting of 15 white and 1 red square. Participants were instructed to follow the red square with their eyes and press a button as soon as a white square begins to move. White square movements occurred either when the red square was still (fixation condition) or moving in a circular manner with 6 °/s (pursuit condition). The to-be-detected white square movements varied in eccentricity (4 °, 8 °, 16 °) and speed (1 °/s, 2 °/s, 4 °/s) while movement time of white squares was constant at 500 ms. 180 events should be detected in total. A Vicon-integrated eye-tracking system and a button press (1000 Hz) was used to control for eye-movements and measure detection rates and response times. Response times (ms) and missed detections (%) were measured as dependent variables and analysed with a 2 (manipulation) x 3 (eccentricity) x 3 (speed) ANOVA with repeated measures on all factors. Results: Significant response time effects were found for manipulation, F(1,12) = 224.31, p < .01, ηp2 = .95, eccentricity, F(2,24) = 56.43; p < .01, ηp2 = .83, and the interaction between the two factors, F(2,24) = 64.43; p < .01, ηp2 = .84. Response times increased as a function of eccentricity for SPEM only and were overall higher than in the fixation condition. Results further showed missed events effects for manipulation, F(1,12) = 37.14; p < .01, ηp2 = .76, eccentricity, F(2,24) = 44.90; p < .01, ηp2 = .79, the interaction between the two factors, F(2,24) = 39.52; p < .01, ηp2 = .77 and the three-way interaction manipulation x eccentricity x speed, F(2,24) = 3.01; p = .03, ηp2 = .20. While less than 2% of events were missed on average in the fixation condition as well as at 4° and 8° eccentricity in the SPEM condition, missed events increased for SPEM at 16 ° eccentricity with significantly more missed events in the 4 °/s speed condition (1 °/s: M = 34.69, SD = 20.52; 2 °/s: M = 33.34, SD = 19.40; 4 °/s: M = 39.67, SD = 19.40). Discussion: It could be shown that using SPEM impairs the ability to detect peripheral motion changes at the far periphery and that fixations not only help to detect these motion changes but also to respond faster. Due to high temporal constraints especially in team sports like soccer or basketball, fast reaction are necessary for successful anticipation and decision making. Thus, it is advised to anchor gaze at a specific location if peripheral changes (e.g. movements of other players) that require a motor response have to be detected. In contrast, SPEM should only be used if a single object, like the ball in cricket or baseball, is necessary for a successful motor response. References: Schütz, A. C., Braun, D. I., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2011). Eye movements and perception: A selective review. Journal of Vision, 11, 1-30. Schütz, A. C., Delipetkose, E., Braun, D. I., Kerzel, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2007). Temporal contrast sensitivity during smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Vision, 7, 1-15.
Roland Schütz
95 Briefe und Beilagen zwischen Siegfried Kracauer und Max Horkheimer, 1936-1949; 2 Briefe zwischen Else Staudinger vom American Committee for Refugee Scholars, Writers and Artists New York und Max Horkheimer, 10.07.1945, 24.07.1945; 2 Briefe zwischen Meyer Schapiro und Siegfried Kracauer 19.11.1937, 03.12.1937; 2 Briefe von Leo Löwenthal an Schapiro Meyer, 1940, 1941; 1 Brief und 1 Beilage von Max Horkheimer an A. Schütz, 02.08.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Trude Krautheimer, 30.07.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid New York, 10.06.1940; 2 Briefe ziwschen dem Department of State Washington und Max Horkheimer, 05.04.1939, 1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Betty Drury Max Horkheimer, 05.11.1938, 07.11.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Margaret Krafft und Max Horkheimer, 1938, 1939; 1 Brief von Gertrud Kurth-Kieslinger an Max Horkheimer, 02.10.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Werner Kraft und Max Horkheimer, 19.01.1940, 01.03.1940; 1 Brief und 1 Beilage von Friedrich Krause an Max Horkheimer, 05.01.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Karl Krayl und Max Horkheimer, 201.10.1937, 25.11.1937; 11 Briefe zwischen Ernst Krenek und Max Horkheimer, 1937-1941; 1 Brief von S. Krezel an Max Horkheimer, 12.02.1936; 1 Brief von Charles I. Krieger an Max Horkheimer, 01.08.1940; 1 Brief von H. Kronstein an Max Horkheimer, 20.05.1935; 3 Briefe zwischen Germaine Krull und Max Horkheimer, 1934, 06.09.1937, 1937; 3 Briefe zwischen Lawrence S. Kubie Sekretär der American Psychoanalytic Association, New York und Max Horkheimer, 11.05.1938, 1938; 5 Briefe und Beilagen zwsichen Julius Kühl und Max Horkheimer, 18.10.1939-1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Herr Guggenheim, 20.02.1940; 1 Brief von Julius Kühl an die ESKA, 31.03.1945; 4 Briefe zwischen B. Kugelmann und Max Horkheimer, 1934, 1938, 1939; 1 Brief von Georg Kunzel an Max Horkheimer, 01.08.1930;
u.a.: Begegnung mit Johann Wolfgang von Goethe;
veröffentlicht in: Schopenhauer, Arthur : Arthur Schopenhauers sämtliche Werke - München : Piper - Bd. 15 : Der Briefwechsel Arthur Schopenhauers ; 2 (1849 - 1860), Nr. 732