941 resultados para Schöffer, Peter, approximately 1425-approximately 1502.
Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774), molusco exótico límnico de origem afroasiática, foi registrado pela primeira vez na Vila do Abraão, Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, em 2005. Atua como primeiro hospedeiro intermediário de diversos trematódeos de importância médica. As populações são compostas majoritariamente por fêmeas partenogenéticas que possuem um marsúpio onde se desenvolvem os juvenis. Os objetivos foram verificar: a presença de machos; se existem flutuações na produção de ovos e juvenis ao longo do tempo; quando a maturidade sexual é atingida e, a existência de parasitos relacionando sua presença com o número de ovos e juvenis. Para a contagem de ovos e juvenis, foram utilizadas fêmeas coletadas bimestralmente de setembro/07 a outubro/10, separadas em quatro classes de tamanho, segundo o diâmetro da concha: Classe I: < 3mm; Classe II: 3 a 5,99mm; Classe III: 6 a 8,99mm; Classe IV: > 9mm. Separamos cinco fêmeas/classe, totalizando 20 fêmeas/coleta, exceto nas amostras de setembro/07 (16 exemplares), abril/09 (19 exemplares) e de abril/10 (13 exemplares), totalizando 348 fêmeas. Para observação dos parasitos, ovos e juvenis o teto da cavidade palial foi retirado e o marsúpio dissecado. Classificamos os juvenis em classes de acordo com o número de voltas: com menos de duas; com duas a quatro e com mais de quatro. Os dados foram analisados utilizando Excel e SYSTAT 12. Para a histologia da gônada e do marsúpio, utilizamos cinco exemplares coletados mensalmente de setembro/12 a fevereiro/13, de cada classe de tamanho, totalizando 20 espécimes/coleta, exceto em outubro/12, quando 16 espécimes foram usados, pois somente um espécime da Classe IV foi encontrado. Os espécimes foram fixados em formalina Millonig de Carson, descalcificados em EDTA, incluídos em parafina e corados em hematoxilina e eosina. Foram encontrados 16 machos. Quantificamos 24.694 ovos e 31.474 juvenis, com as seguintes médias: Classe I: 0 ovos e 0,31 juvenis; Classe II: 24,19 ovos e 47,56 juvenis; Classe III: 114,84 ovos e 155,78 juvenis; Classe IV: 146,76 ovos e 158,41 juvenis. O teste de Kruskal-Wallis mostrou que existe variação significativa no número de ovos e juvenis ao longo do ano (p < 0,01 para ambos) e entre o número de ovos e juvenis entre as diferentes classes de tamanho de concha (p <0,01 para ambos). Foram contabilizados 27.877 juvenis com menos de duas voltas, 3.251 juvenis com duas a quatro voltas e 346 juvenis com mais de quatro voltas. Dentre 348 fêmeas, 111 estavam parasitadas (32% do total) por Centrocestus formosanus (Nishigori, 1924). O Teste de Mann-Whitney, levando em consideração todas as fêmeas, demonstrou que fêmeas parasitadas apresentaram menor número de ovos e juvenis que as não parasitadas ( p<0,01). Excluindo as fêmeas da Classe 1, o resultado do teste foi o mesmo (p< 0,01). Concluímos que: a população de M. tuberculata da Vila do Abraão não é formada somente por fêmeas; as fêmeas se reproduzem o ano todo, pois foram encontrados ovos e juvenis em todas as coletas; que quanto maior a fêmea há mais ovos e, em média, há mais juvenis no marsúpio; que a maturidade sexual é alcançada com aproximadamente 3 mm de diâmetro de concha, devido a presença de ovócitos vitelogênicos tardios e, que o parasitismo afeta negativamente M. tuberculata, reduzindo o número de ovos e juvenis formados
Alguns recifes de coral da Baía de Todos os Santos passaram a ser dominado pelo zoantídeo Epizoanthus gabrieli em 2003. Fenômeno resultante da degradação dos recife de coral que atinge 20% desses ecossistemas e ameaça outros 35% no mundo. Apesar de sua importância, apenas a mudança na comunidade para o domínio de macroalgas foi suficientemente estudado. Assim, torna-se urgente estudos sobres alterações envolvendo a dominância de outros organismos. Estes fornecem subsídios para produção de modelos funcionais que podem ajudar na tomada de decisão para o manejo destes ecossistemas tanto na prevenção destas alterações quanto na recuperação de suas comunidades. Os objetivos deste trabalho são (i) verificar se este fenômeno constitui uma mudança de fase, a partir da redução da abundância de corais e persistência da alta cobertura de E. gabrieli por pelo menos cinco anos, (ii) avaliar os efeitos da competição entre este zoantídeo e corais adultos e recrutas com experimentos manipulativos e (iii) investigar os efeitos desta dominância na assembleia de peixes recifais. Os resultados confirmaram a existência de uma mudança de fase, sugerindo que a abundância de E. gabrieli aumentou em 2003 ou antes e que até 2007 houve uma redução da cobertura de coral, condição que se mantêm pelo menos até 2013. As três espécies de corais testadas mostram-se muito sensíveis ao contato com E. gabrieli, com necrose em 78% das colônias e ocupação do esqueleto dos corais em 35% dos casos em um período de 118 dias. Além disso, um modelo feito a partir dos dados de proporção de colônias de corais em contato com este zoantídeo e a cobertura de E. gabrieli sugere que quando o zoantídeo atinge 6% de cobertura, 50% das colônias de corais entram em contato com o mesmo. Estes dados são fortes evidências de que a redução da cobertura de coral observada entre 2003 e 2007 foi causada por competição entre estes organismos. Não foi observado efeito negativo no recrutamento do coral em substrato artificial livre em recifes dominados por E. gabrieli, nem nas proximidades das suas colônias. Isso sugere que uma suposta redução da cobertura deste zoantídeo deve ser acompanhada pelo aumento da taxa de recrutamento de corais e que a competição com a inibição do recrutamento não suporta um efeito de histerese. Foi constatado que esta mudança de fase reduz a riqueza de espécies de peixes recifais, apresentando dez espécies a menos que os recifes normais, e que favorecem os invertívoros moveis em detrimento dos carnívoros e invertívoros sésseis. Contudo não se observou diferença na abundância de peixes.
Young-of-year (YOY) blue-fish (Pomatomus saltatrix) along the U.S. east coast are often assumed to use estuaries almost exclusively during the summer. Here we present data from 1995 to 1998 indicating that YOY (30–260 mm FL) also use ocean habitats along the coast of New Jersey. An analysis of historical and recent data on northern and southern ocean beaches (0.1–2 m) and the inner continental shelf (5–27 m) during extensive sampling in New Jersey waters from 1995 to 1998 indicated that multiple cohorts occurred (June–August) in every year. When comparable collections of YOY were made in the ocean and in an adjacent estuary, the abundance was 1–2 orders of magnitude greater on ocean beaches during the summer. The YOY were even more abundant in ocean habitats in the fall (September–October), presumably as a result of YOY leaving estuaries to join the coastal migration south. During 1999 and 2000, YOY bluefish were tagged with internal sequential coded wire microtags in order to refine our under-standing of habitat use and movement. Few (0.04%) of the fish tagged on ocean beaches were recaptured; however, 2.2% of the fish tagged in the estuary were recaptured from 2 to 27 days after tagging. Recaptured fish grew quickly (average 1.37 mm FL/d). On ocean beaches YOY fed on a variety of invertebrates and fishes but their diet changed with size. By approximately 80–100 mm FL, they were piscivorous and fed primarily on engraulids, a pattern similar to that reported in estuaries. Based on distribution, abundance, and feeding, both spring- and summer-spawned cohorts of YOY bluefish commonly use ocean habitats. Therefore, attempts to determine factors affecting recruitment success based solely on estuarine sampling may be inadequate and further examination, especially of the contribution of the summer-spawned cohort in ocean habitats, appears warranted.
One-cell-thick monolayers are the simplest tissues in multicellular organisms, yet they fulfill critical roles in development and normal physiology. In early development, embryonic morphogenesis results largely from monolayer rearrangement and deformation due to internally generated forces. Later, monolayers act as physical barriers separating the internal environment from the exterior and must withstand externally applied forces. Though resisting and generating mechanical forces is an essential part of monolayer function, simple experimental methods to characterize monolayer mechanical properties are lacking. Here, we describe a system for tensile testing of freely suspended cultured monolayers that enables the examination of their mechanical behavior at multi-, uni-, and subcellular scales. Using this system, we provide measurements of monolayer elasticity and show that this is two orders of magnitude larger than the elasticity of their isolated cellular components. Monolayers could withstand more than a doubling in length before failing through rupture of intercellular junctions. Measurement of stress at fracture enabled a first estimation of the average force needed to separate cells within truly mature monolayers, approximately ninefold larger than measured in pairs of isolated cells. As in single cells, monolayer mechanical properties were strongly dependent on the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton, myosin, and intercellular adhesions interfacing adjacent cells. High magnification imaging revealed that keratin filaments became progressively stretched during extension, suggesting they participate in monolayer mechanics. This multiscale study of monolayer response to deformation enabled by our device provides the first quantitative investigation of the link between monolayer biology and mechanics.
The effects of estradiol (E(2)) on growth hormone (GH) production was investigated in gonad-intact female goldfish. It was first necessary to generate a specific antibody for use in immunocytochemistry, Western, and dot-blot analyses of GH production. To accomplish this, grass carp GH (gcGH) cDNA was cloned by the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and expressed in Echerichia coli and a specific polyclonal antibody to recombinant gcGH was generated in the rabbit. In Western blot, the anti-gcGH antibody specifically immunoreacted with recombinant gcGH, purified natural common carp GH, and with a single 21.5-kDa GH form from pituitary extracts of grass carp, common carp, goldfish, and zebrafish but not salmon, trout, or tilapia. Intraperitoneal injection of the recombinant gcGH enhanced the growth rates of juvenile common carp demonstrating biological activity of this GH preparation. Electron microscopic studies showed that the anti-gcGH-I antibody specifically reacted with GH localized in the secretory granules of the goldfish somatotroph. Using anti-gcGH-I in a dot-blot assay, it was found that in vivo implantation of solid silastic pellets containing E(2) (100 mu g/g body weight for 5 days) increased pituitary GH content by 150% in female goldfish. In a second, independent study employing a previously characterized anticommon carp GH antibody for radioimmunoassay, it was found that E(2) increased pituitary GH content by 170% and serum GH levels by approximately 350%. The E(2)-induced hypersecretion of GH and increase in pituitary GH levels was not associated with changes in steady-state pituitary GH mRNA levels, suggesting that this sex steroid may enhance GH synthesis at the posttranscriptional or translational level. Previous observations indicate that GH can stimulate ovarian E(2) production. The present results show that E(2) can in turn stimulate GH production, indicating the existence of a novel pituitary GH-ovarian feedback system in goldfish. (C) 1997 Academic Press.
Variation in dinoflagellate cyst assemblages through the last approximately 300 years was studied in two sediment cores, one from the heavily polluted Frierfjord, and one from the adjoining, relatively unpolluted Brevikfjord, in order to docu1ent possible dinoflagellate responses to pollution. Changes in the cyst-flora were compared with historical information on the development of industry and also with geochemistry of the sediments, reflecting aspects of pollution. In the Frierfjord core, increasing pollution was accompanied by a decrease in cyst concentration, possibly reflecting reduced production, at least of dinoflagellates, and a shift toward more heterotrophic species, possibly reflecting reduced light penetration in the euphotic zone, or increased production of prey for the heterotrophs. These trends seem to have reversed as pollution decreased after about 1975, suggesting that cyst assemblages contain signals that may prove useful for tracing the development of pollution. Cyst assemblages in the Brevikfjord core only showed minor changes.
Mighall, T. Abrahams, P. Grattan, J. Hayes, D. Timberlake, S. Forsyth, S. Geochemical evidence for atmospheric pollution derived from prehistoric copper mining at Copa Hill, Cwmystwyth, mid-Wales, UK. The Science of the Total Environment. 2002. 292 pp 69-80
M66 an X-ray induced mutant of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) cv. Guardian exhibits broad-spectrum resistance to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici), yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici), and leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici), along with partial resistance to stagnonospora nodorum blotch (caused by the necrotroph Stagonosporum nodorum) and septoria tritici blotch (caused by the hemibiotroph Mycosphaerella graminicola) compared to the parent plant ‘Guardian’. Analysis revealed that M66 exhibited no symptoms of infection following artificial inoculation with Bgt in the glasshouse after adult growth stage (GS 45). Resistance in M66 was associated with widespread leaf flecking which developed during tillering. Flecking also occurred in M66 leaves without Bgt challenge; as a result grain yields were reduced by approximately 17% compared to ‘Guardian’ in the absence of disease. At the seedling stage, M66 exhibited partial resistance. M66, along with Tht mutants (Tht 12, Tht13), also exhibit increased tolerance to environmental stresses (abiotic), such as drought and heat stress at seedling and adult growth stages, However, adult M66 exhibited increased susceptibility to the aphid Schizaphis graminum compared to ‘Guardian’. Resistance to Bgt in M66 was characterized with increased and earlier H2O2 accumulation at the site of infection which resulted in increased papilla formation in epidermal cells, compared to ‘Guardian’. Papilla formation was associated with reduced pathogen ingress and haustorium formation, indicating that the primary cause of resistance in M66 was prevention of pathogen penetration. Heat treatment at 46º C prior to challenge with Bgt also induced partial disease resistance to Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici in ‘Guardian’ and M66 seedlings. This was characterized by a delay in primary infection, due to increased production of ROS species, such as hydrogen peroxide, ROS-scavenging enzymes and Hsp70, resulting in cross-linking of cell wall components prior to inoculation. This actively prevented the fungus from penetrating the epidermal cell wall. Proteomics analysis using 2-D gel electrophoresis identified primary and secondary disease resistance effects in M66 including detection of ROS scavenging enzymes (4, 24 hai), such as ascorbate peroxidase and a superoxidase dismutase isoform (CuZnSOD) in M66 which were absent from ‘Guardian’. Chitinase (PR protein) was also upregulated (24 hai) in M66 compared to ‘Guardian’.Monosomic and ditelosomic analysis of M66 revealed that the mutation in M66 is located on the long arm of chromosome 2B (2BL). Chromosome 2BL is known to have key genes involved in resistance to pathogens such as those causing stripe rust and powdery mildew. The TaMloB1 gene, an orthologue of the barley Mlo gene, is also located on chromosome 2BL. Sanger sequencing of part of the coding sequence revealed no deletions in the TaMloB1 gene between ‘Guardian’ and M66.
In this paper, coupled fire and evacuation simulation tools are used to simulate the Station Nightclub fire. This study differs from the analysis conducted by NIST in three key areas; (1)an enhanced flame spread model and (2)a toxicity generation model are used, (3)the evacuation is coupled to the fire simulation. Predicted early burning locations in the full-scale fire simulation are in line with photographic evidence and the predicted onset of flashover is similar to that produced by NIST. However, it is suggested that both predictions of the flashover time are approximately 15 sec earlier than actually occurred. Three evacuation scenarios are then considered, two of which are coupled with the fire simulation. The coupled fire and evacuation simulation suggests that 180 fatalities result from a building population of 460. With a 15 sec delay in the fire timeline, the evacuation simulation produces 84 fatalities which are in good agreement with actual number of fatalities. An important observation resulting from this work is that traditional fire engineering ASET/RSET calculations which do not couple the fire and evacuation simulations have the potential to be considerably over optimistic in terms of the level of safety achieved by building designs.
Plug-assisted thermoforming produces a wide range of polymer products through a combination of deformation by air pressure and contact with tool surfaces. In this paper the role of tool/sheet contact in determining the process output is investigated. A combination of thermoforming, friction and heat transfer tests were carried out on common tool and sheet materials. The results show that the typical friction coefficients for the material combinations are within the range 0.1 to 0.3, but the values rise sharply on approaching thermoforming temperatures. Thermal imaging tests demonstrate that all of the plug materials significantly cool the heated sheet on contact, even over very short periods of time. The temperature of the plug is very important. At low plug temperatures heat transfer effects predominate, whereas at high plug temperatures friction effects predominate. A plug temperature of approximately 100oC balances these effects and creates the most effective material distribution.
In this study, the resistance of biodegradable biomaterials, composed of blends of poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) and the polymeric antimicrobial complex, polyvinylpyrrolidone–iodine (PVP-I) to the adherence of a clinical isolate of Escherichia coli is described. Blends of PCL composed of a range of high (50,000 g mol1) to low (5000 g mol1) molecular weight ratios of polymer and either
devoid of or containing PVP-I (1% w/w) were prepared by solvent evaporation. Following incubation (4 h), there was no relationship between m. wt. ratio of PCL in ?lms devoid of PVP-I and adherence ofE. coli. Conversely, microbial adherence to PCL containing PVP-I decreased as the ratio of high:low m. wt. polymer was decreased and was approximately 1000 fold lower than that to comparator ?lms devoid of PVP-I. Following periods of immersion of PVP-I containing PCL ?lms under sink conditions in phosphate buffered saline, subsequent adherence of E. coli was substantially reduced for 2 days (40:60 m. wt. ratio) and 6 days (100:0 m. wt. ratio). Concurrent exposure of PCL and E. coli to sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (sub-MIC) of PVP-I signi?cantly reduced microbial adherence to the biomaterial; however, the molecular weight ratio of PCL did not affect this outcome. Pretreatment of PCL with similar sub-MIC of PVP-I prior to inclusion within the microbial adherence assay signi?cantly decreased the subsequent adherence of E. coli. Greatest reduction in adherence was observed following treatment of PCL (40:60 m. wt. ratio) with 0.0156% w/w PVP-I. In conclusion, this study has illustrated the utility of PVP-I as a suitable therapeutic agent for incorporation within PCL as a novel biomaterial. Due to the combined antimicrobial and biodegradable properties, these biomaterials offer a promising strategy for the reduction in medical device related infection. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Liquid droplets suspended by the tip of a thin wire, a glass capillary, or a needle form high-Q optical resonators, thanks to surface tension. Under gravity equilibrium conditions, the maximum drop diameter is approximately 1.5 mm for paraffin oil (volume ∼ 0.5 μL) using, for instance, a silica fiber with 250 μm thickness. Whispering gallery modes are excited by a free-space near-infrared laser that is frequency locked to the cavity resonance. The droplet cavity serves as a miniature laboratory for sensing of chemical species and particles.
In this present work we describe a poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticle formulation for intracellular delivery of plasmid DNA. This formulation was developed to encapsulate DNA within PLGA nanoparticles that combined salting out and emulsion evaporation processes. This process reduced the requirement for sonication which can induce degradation of the DNA. A monodispersed nanoparticle population with a mean diameter of approximately 240 nm was produced, entrapping a model plasmid DNA in both supercoiled and open circular structures. To induce endosomal escape of the nanoparticles, a superficial cationic charge was introduced using positively charged surfactants cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and dimethyldidodecylammonium bromide (DMAB), which resulted in elevated zeta potentials. As expected, both cationic coatings reduced cell viability, but at equivalent positive zeta potentials, the DMAB coated nanoparticles induced significantly less cytotoxicity than those coated with CTAB. Fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that the DMAB coated cationic nanoparticles were able to evade the endosomal lumen and localise in the cytosol of treated cells. Consequently, DMAB coated PLGA nanoparticles loaded with a GFP reporter plasmid exhibited significant improvements in transfection efficiencies with comparison to non-modified particles, highlighting their functional usefulness. These nanoparticles may be useful in delivery of gene therapies to targeted cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Support for family caregivers is a core function of palliative care. However, there is a lack of consistency in the way needs are assessed, few longitudinal studies to examine the impact of caregiving, and a dearth of evidence-based interventions. In order to help redress this situation, identification of suitable instruments to examine the caregiving experience and the effectiveness of interventions is required. A systematic literature review was undertaken incorporating representatives of the European Association for Palliative Care’s International Palliative Care Family Caregiver Research Collaboration and Family Carer Taskforce. The aim of the review was to identify articles that described the use of instruments administered to family caregivers of palliative care patients (pre and post-bereavement). Fourteen of the 62 instruments targeted satisfaction with service delivery and less than half were developed specifically for the palliative care context. In approximately 25% of articles psychometric data were not reported. Where psychometric results were reported, validity data were reported in less than half (42%) of these cases. While a considerable variety of instruments have been administered to family caregivers, the validity of some of these requires further consideration. We recommend that others be judicious before developing new instruments for this population.
Psychological and social profile of family caregivers upon commencement of palliative care provision
Palliative care services are required to support patients who have advanced, life-threatening, noncurable disease, and their family caregivers. Comprehensive psychological and social support for bereaved family members also is expected. However, recent systematic reviews have demonstrated significant gaps in evidence-based approaches for such support. Furthermore, a comprehensive understanding of the psychological and social response to the family caregiver role is required for support to be optimized.
We sought to examine the psychological and social profile of family caregivers on commencement of receiving palliative care services.
A self-report questionnaire was administered to primary family caregivers of patients within two weeks of admission to three palliative care services in Melbourne, Australia. The questionnaire incorporated six instruments that measured 11 family caregiver-related psychosocial factors; four instruments that measured caregiver psychological distress factors; 14 mental health lifetime risk factors; and a sociodemographic questionnaire.
Three hundred and two family caregivers participated. Nearly half (44%) of the caregivers had a probable anxiety and/or depressive disorder, with 40% scoring more than the cutoff score for probable anxiety and 20% scoring more than the cutoff score for probable depression. Additionally, approximately 15% of caregivers met the criteria for pre-loss grief, and around 10% reported moderate to severe levels of demoralization. Caregivers who had a probable anxiety and/or depressive disorder also reported higher levels of pre-loss grief.
This study provides further evidence of the prevalence of poor psychosocial well-being in this population. The results reinforce the need to develop suitable strategies for psychological and social support for family caregivers.