947 resultados para Schäffer, Norbert
As concentrações de Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn e Pb nas diferentes fases do ambiente sedimentar (trocável, orgânica, redutível e residual) são analisadas nos sedimentos de fundo dos canais de drenagem mais importantes de Belém - Quintino, Tamandaré, Reduto e Una - e no rio Guamá. Os resultados mostram que a maioria dos metais associa-se preferencialmente à fase residual no rio Guamá e às fases redutível e residual, no caso dos canais. De um modo geral, os metais Fe, Zn e Pb se associam geralmente à fração redutível, enquanto Cu, Cr, Mn, Co e Ni mostram-se relacionados à fração residual.
Cyclizations, Lewis acids, silicon, terpenoids, total synthesis, desymmetrization, enantiselective desymmetrization, ringclosing metathesis, asymmetric ring-closing metathesis, Brevicomin
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2012
The purpose of the research is the creation of mathematical models in MATLAB based on the double exponential model of the photovoltaic cell. The developed model allows for different physical and environmental parameters. An equivalent circuit of the model includes a photocurrent source, two diodes, and a series and parallel resistance. The paper presents the simulation results for each parameter. The simulation data are displayed graphically and numerical results are saved in a file.
Johannes Fromme; Norbert Meder; Nikolaus Vollmer
A composição e a variação sazonal da fauna de Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera) foi avaliada entre setembro de 2005 e agosto de 2006 em três fragmentos de Mata Atlântica na região sul de Santa Catarina (Brasil): Parque Ecológico José Milanese (Criciúma, 28º41'23''S, 49º25'55''W), Parque Ecológico de Maracajá (Maracajá, 28º52'51''S, 49º27'59''W) e Balneário Morro dos Conventos (Araranguá, 28º56'05''S, 49º21'47''W). Foram realizadas coletas mensais ao longo de trilhas nas três áreas, utilizando guarda-chuva entomológico e rede de varredura para amostrar nas bordas de mata. Para um esforço amostral de 108 horas foram coletados 595 indivíduos, distribuídos em 4 famílias, 29 gêneros e 49 espécies. Pentatomidae foi a família mais abundante (82,69%) seguida de Cydnidae (15,97%), Scutelleridae (0,84%) e Tessaratomidae (0,50%). Pentatomidae também apresentou a maior riqueza com 37 espécies. As espécies mais abundantes foram Mormidea notulifera Stål, 1860, Oebalus ypsilongriseus (De Geer, 1773), Arvelius albopunctatus (De Geer, 1773), Edessa subrastrata Bergroth, 1891, Galgupha schulzii (Fabricius, 1781) e Agroecus scabricornis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1844). O período de maior captura foi entre o final da primavera e início do outono, representando 71,76% do total coletado. O Parque do Maracajá apresentou abundância e riqueza sgnificativamente maiores do que as demais áreas. Este estudo representa o primeiro inventário da diversidade de Pentatomoidea em habitats naturais no estado de Santa Catarina.
v. 5
Realizaram os Autores um estudo histopatológico de dois casos de encefalite aguda toxoplásmica humana mostrando a distribuição dos acúmulos inflamatórios, nitidamente em relação com rêde vascular, a composição celular dêstes acúmulos e a sua histogênese. Os resultados são discutidos e comparados com material experimental de coelhos.
This paper examines the issue of fiscal sustainability in emerging market countries and industrial countries. We highlight the importance of the time series properties of the primary surplus and debt, and find evidence of a positive long run relationship. Consequently we emphasise, that especially for emerging markets, it is important to recognise the implications of global capital market shocks for fiscal sustainability, a relationship which has hitherto been ignored in the empirical literature. Using a factor model we demonstrate that the relationship between deficit and debt is conditional upon a global factor and we suggest that this global factor is related to world-wide liquidity. We also demonstrate that this acts as a constraint on emerging market economies’ fiscal policy.
In this paper we re-examine the long standing and puzzling correlation between national savings and investment in industrial countries. We apply an econometric methodology that allows us to separate idiosyncratic correlation at the country level from correlation at the global level. In a major break with the existing literature, we find no evidence of a long run relationship in the idiosyncratic components of savings and investment. We also find that the global components in savings and investments comove, indicating that they react to shocks of a global nature.
In this paper the role of institutions in determining foreign direct investment (FDI) is investigated using a large panel of 107 countries during 1981 and 2005. We find that institutions are a robust predictor of FDI and that the most significant institutional aspects are linked to propriety rights, the rule of law and expropriation risk. Using a novel data set, we also study the impact of institutions on FDI at the sectoral level. We find that institutions do not have a significant impact on FDI in the primary sector but that institutional quality matters for FDI in manufacturing and particularly in services. We also provide policy implications for institutional reform.
This paper operates at the interface of the literature on the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on host countries, and the literature on the determinants of institutional quality. We argue that FDI contributes to economic development by improving institutional quality in the host country and we attempt to test this proposition using a large panel data set of 70 developing countries during the period 1981 and 2005, and we show that FDI inflows have a positive and highly significant impact on property rights. The result appears to be very robust and is and not affected by model specification, different control variables, or a particular estimation technique. As far as we are aware this is the first paper to empirically test the FDI – property rights linkage.
The disconnect between rising short and low long interest rates has been a distinctive feature of the 2000s. Both research and policy circles have argued that international forces, such as global monetary policy (e.g. Rogoff, 2006); international business cycles (e.g. Borio and Filardo, 2007); or a global savings glut (e.g Bernanke, 2005) may be responsible. In this paper, we employ recent advances in panel data econometrics to document the disconnect and link it explicitly to the existence of a global latent factor that dominates the long end of the term spread for the recent period; the saving glut story emerges as the most likely contender for the global factor.
This paper examines international capital flows to emerging and developing countries. We assess whether commonalities exist, the permanence of shocks to commonalities and their determinants. Also, we consider individual country coherence with global capital flows and we measure the extent of co-movements in the volatility of capital flows. Our results suggest there are commonalities in capital inflows, although aggregate or disaggregate capital flows respond differently to shocks. We find that the US long run real interest rate is an important determinant of global capital flows, and real commodity prices are relevant but to a lesser extent. We also find a role for human capital in explaining why some countries can successfully ride the wave of financial globalisation.