995 resultados para Scattering, Radiation


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Despite the quantum nature of the process, collective scattering by dense cold samples of two-level atoms can be interpreted classically describing the sample as a macroscopic object with a complex refractive index. We demonstrate that resonances in Mie theory can be easily observable in the cooperative scattering by tuning the frequency of the incident laser field or the atomic number. The solution of the scattering problem is obtained for spherical atomic clouds who have the parabolic density characteristic of BECs, and the cooperative radiation pressure force calculated exhibits resonances in the cloud displacement for dense clouds. At odds with uniform clouds which show a complex structure including narrow peaks, these densities show resonances, yet only under the form of quite regular and contrasted oscillations. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012


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Radiation dose assessment is essential for several medical treatments and diagnostic procedures. In this context, nanotechnology has been used in the development of improved radiation sensors, with higher sensitivity as well as smaller sizes and energy dependence. This paper deals with the synthesis and characterization of gold/alanine nanocomposites with varying mass percentage of gold, for application as radiation sensors. Alanine is an excellent stabilizing agent for gold nanoparticles because the size of the nanoparticles does not augment with increasing mass percentage of gold, as evidenced by UV-vis spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, and transmission electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction patterns suggest that the alanine crystalline orientation undergoes alterations upon the addition of gold nanoparticles. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy indicates that there is interaction between the gold nanoparticles and the amine group of the alanine molecules, which may be the reason for the enhanced stability of the nanocomposite. The application of the nanocomposites as radiation detectors was evaluated by the electron spin resonance technique. The sensitivity is improved almost 3 times in the case of the nanocomposite containing 3% (w/w) gold, so it can be easily tuned by changing the amount of gold nanoparticles in the nanocomposites, without the size of the nanoparticles influencing the radiation absorption. In conclusion, the featured properties, such as homogeneity, nanoparticle size stability, and enhanced sensitivity, make these nanocomposites potential candidates for the construction of small-sized radiation sensors with tunable sensitivity for application in several medical procedures.


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Reactions initiated by collisions with low-energy secondary electrons has been found to be the prominent mechanism toward the radiation damage on living tissues through DNA strand breaks. Now it is widely accepted that during the interaction with these secondary species the selective breaking of chemical bonds is triggered by dissociative electron attachment (DEA), that is, the capture of the incident electron and the formation of temporary negative ion states [1,2,3]. One of the approaches largely used toward a deeper understanding of the radiation damage to DNA is through modeling of DEA with its basic constituents (nucleotide bases, sugar and other subunits). We have tried to simplify this approach and attempt to make it comprehensible at a more fundamental level by looking at even simple molecules. Studies involving organic systems such as carboxylic acids, alcohols and simple ¯ve-membered heterocyclic compounds are taken as starting points for these understanding. In the present study we investigate the role played by elastic scattering and electronic excitation of molecules on electron-driven chemical processes. Special attention is focused on the analysis of the in°uence of polarization and multichannel coupling e®ects on the magnitude of elastic and electronically inelastic cross-sections. Our aim is also to investigate the existence of resonances in the elastic and electronically inelastic channels as well as to characterize them with respect to its type (shape, core-excited or Feshbach), symmetry and position. The relevance of these issues is evaluated within the context of possible applications for the modeling of discharge environments and implications in the understanding of mutagenic rupture of DNA chains. The scattering calculations were carried out with the Schwinger multichannel method (SMC) [4] and its implementation with pseudopotentials (SMCPP) [5] at di®erent levels of approximation for impact energies ranging from 0.5 eV to 30 eV. References [1] B. Boudai®a, P. Cloutier, D. Hunting, M. A. Huels and L. Sanche, Science 287, 1658 (2000). [2] X. Pan, P. Cloutier, D. Hunting and L. Sanche, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 208102 (2003). [3] F. Martin, P. D. Burrow, Z. Cai, P. Cloutier, D. Hunting and L. Sanche, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 068101 (2004). [4] K. Takatsuka and V. McKoy, Phys. Rev. A 24, 2437 (1981); ibid. Phys. Rev. A 30, 1734 (1984). [5] M. H. F. Bettega, L. G. Ferreira and M. A. P. Lima, Phys. Rev. A 47, 1111 (1993).


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The main problem connected to cone beam computed tomography (CT) systems for industrial applications employing 450 kV X-ray tubes is the high amount of scattered radiation which is added to the primary radiation (signal). This stray radiation leads to a significant degradation of the image quality. A better understanding of the scattering and methods to reduce its effects are therefore necessary to improve the image quality. Several studies have been carried out in the medical field at lower energies, whereas studies in industrial CT, especially for energies up to 450 kV, are lacking. Moreover, the studies reported in literature do not consider the scattered radiation generated by the CT system structure and the walls of the X-ray room (environmental scatter). In order to investigate the scattering on CT projections a GEANT4-based Monte Carlo (MC) model was developed. The model, which has been validated against experimental data, has enabled the calculation of the scattering including the environmental scatter, the optimization of an anti-scatter grid suitable for the CT system, and the optimization of the hardware components of the CT system. The investigation of multiple scattering in the CT projections showed that its contribution is 2.3 times the one of primary radiation for certain objects. The results of the environmental scatter showed that it is the major component of the scattering for aluminum box objects of front size 70 x 70 mm2 and that it strongly depends on the thickness of the object and therefore on the projection. For that reason, its correction is one of the key factors for achieving high quality images. The anti-scatter grid optimized by means of the developed MC model was found to reduce the scatter-toprimary ratio in the reconstructed images by 20 %. The object and environmental scatter calculated by means of the simulation were used to improve the scatter correction algorithm which could be patented by Empa. The results showed that the cupping effect in the corrected image is strongly reduced. The developed CT simulation is a powerful tool to optimize the design of the CT system and to evaluate the contribution of the scattered radiation to the image. Besides, it has offered a basis for a new scatter correction approach by which it has been possible to achieve images with the same spatial resolution as state-of-the-art well collimated fan-beam CT with a gain in the reconstruction time of a factor 10. This result has a high economic impact in non-destructive testing and evaluation, and reverse engineering.


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High spectral resolution radiative transfer (RT) codes are essential tools in the study of the radiative energy transfer in the Earth atmosphere and a support for the development of parameterizations for fast RT codes used in climate and weather prediction models. Cirrus clouds cover permanently 30% of the Earth's surface, representing an important contribution to the Earth-atmosphere radiation balance. The work has been focussed on the development of the RT model LBLMS. The model, widely tested in the infra-red spectral range, has been extended to the short wave spectrum and it has been used in comparison with airborne and satellite measurements to study the optical properties of cirrus clouds. A new database of single scattering properties has been developed for mid latitude cirrus clouds. Ice clouds are treated as a mixture of ice crystals with various habits. The optical properties of the mixture are tested in comparison to radiometric measurements in selected case studies. Finally, a parameterization of the mixture for application to weather prediction and global circulation models has been developed. The bulk optical properties of ice crystals are parameterized as functions of the effective dimension of measured particle size distributions that are representative of mid latitude cirrus clouds. Tests with the Limited Area Weather Prediction model COSMO have shown the impact of the new parameterization with respect to cirrus cloud optical properties based on ice spheres.


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Maternal ingestion of high concentrations of radon-222 (Rn-222) in drinking during pregnancy may pose a significant radiation hazard to the developing embryo. The effects of ionizing radiation to the embryo and fetus have been the subject of research, analyses, and the development of a number of radiation dosimetric models for a variety of radionuclides. Currently, essentially all of the biokinetic and dosimetric models that have been developed by national and international radiation protection agencies and organizations recommend calculating the dose to the mother's uterus as a surrogate for estimating the dose to the embryo. Heretofore, the traditional radiation dosimetry models have neither considered the embryo a distinct and rapidly developing entity, the fact that it is implanted in the endometrial layer of the uterus, nor the physiological interchanges that take place between maternal and embryonic cells following the implantation of the blastocyst in the endometrium. The purpose of this research was to propose a new approach and mathematical model for calculating the absorbed radiation dose to the embryo by utilizing a semiclassical treatment of alpha particle decay and subsequent scattering of energy deposition in uterine and embryonic tissue. The new approach and model were compared and contrasted with the currently recommended biokinetic and dosimetric models for estimating the radiation dose to the embryo. The results obtained in this research demonstrate that the estimated absorbed dose for an embryo implanted in the endometrial layer of the uterus during the fifth week of embryonic development is greater than the estimated absorbed dose for an embryo implanted in the uterine muscle on the last day of the eighth week of gestation. This research provides compelling evidence that the recommended methodologies and dosimetric models of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and International Commission on Radiological Protection employed for calculating the radiation dose to the embryo from maternal intakes of radionuclides, including maternal ingestion of Rn-222 in drinking water would result in an underestimation of dose. ^


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The ice cover of the Arctic Ocean has been changing dramatically in the last decades and the consequences for the sea-ice associated ecosystem remain difficult to assess. Algal aggregates underneath sea ice have been described sporadically but the frequency and distribution of their occurrence is not well quantified. We used upward looking images obtained by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to derive estimates of ice algal aggregate biomass and to investigate their spatial distribution. During the IceArc expedition (ARK-XXVII/3) of RV Polarstern in late summer 2012, different types of algal aggregates were observed floating underneath various ice types in the Central Arctic basins. Our results show that the floe scale distribution of algal aggregates in late summer is very patchy and determined by the topography of the ice underside, with aggregates collecting in dome shaped structures and at the edges of pressure ridges. The buoyancy of the aggregates was also evident from analysis of the aggregate size distribution. Different approaches used to estimate aggregate biomass yield a wide range of results. This highlights that special care must be taken when upscaling observations and comparing results from surveys conducted using different methods or on different spatial scales.


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Arctic sea ice has declined and become thinner and younger (more seasonal) during the last decade. One consequence of this is that the surface energy budget of the Arctic Ocean is changing. While the role of surface albedo has been studied intensively, it is still widely unknown how much light penetrates through sea ice into the upper ocean, affecting sea-ice mass balance, ecosystems, and geochemical processes. Here we present the first large-scale under-ice light measurements, operating spectral radiometers on a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) under Arctic sea ice in summer. This data set is used to produce an Arctic-wide map of light distribution under summer sea ice. Our results show that transmittance through first-year ice (FYI, 0.11) was almost three times larger than through multi-year ice (MYI, 0.04), and that this is mostly caused by the larger melt-pond coverage of FYI (42 vs. 23%). Also energy absorption was 50% larger in FYI than in MYI. Thus, a continuation of the observed sea-ice changes will increase the amount of light penetrating into the Arctic Ocean, enhancing sea-ice melt and affecting sea-ice and upper-ocean ecosystems.


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"From the Medical Division, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, under contract with the United States Atomic Energy Commission, and from the Medical School, Shinshu University, Matsumotoshi, Japan."--Page 1.


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Absolute calibration relates the measured (arbitrary) intensity to the differential scattering cross section of the sample, which contains all of the quantitative information specific to the material. The importance of absolute calibration in small-angle scattering experiments has long been recognized. This work details the absolute calibration procedure of a small-angle X-ray scattering instrument from Bruker AXS. The absolute calibration presented here was achieved by using a number of different types of primary and secondary standards. The samples were: a glassy carbon specimen, which had been independently calibrated from neutron radiation; a range of pure liquids, which can be used as primary standards as their differential scattering cross section is directly related to their isothermal compressibility; and a suspension of monodisperse silica particles for which the differential scattering cross section is obtained from Porod's law. Good agreement was obtained between the different standard samples, provided that care was taken to obtain significant signal averaging and all sources of background scattering were accounted for. The specimen best suited for routine calibration was the glassy carbon sample, due to its relatively intense scattering and stability over time; however, initial calibration from a primary source is necessary. Pure liquids can be used as primary calibration standards, but the measurements take significantly longer and are, therefore, less suited for frequent use.


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In this work, the angular distributions for elastic and. inelastic scattering of fast neutrons in fusion .reactor materials have been studied. Lithium and lead material are likely to be common components of fusion reactor wall configuration design. The measurements were performed using an associated particle time-of- flight technique. The 14 and 14.44 Mev neutrons were produced by the T(d,n} 4He reaction with deuterons being accelerated in a 150kev SAMES type J accelerator at ASTON and in.the 3. Mev DYNAMITRON at the Joint Radiation Centre, Birmingham respectively. The associated alpha-particles and fast. neutrons were detected.by means of a plastic scintillator mounted on a fast focused photomultiplier tube. The samples used were extended flat plates of thicknesses up to 0.9 mean-free-path for Lithium and 1.562 mean-free-path for Lead. The differential elastic scattering cross-sections were measured for 14 Mev neutrons for various thicknesses of Lithium and Lead in the angular range from zero to; 90º. In addition, the angular distributions of elastically scattered 14,.44 Mev .neutrons from Lithium samples were studied in the same angular range. Inelastic scattering to the 4.63 Mev state in 7Li and the 2.6 Mev state, and 4.1 Mev state in 208Pb have:been :measured.The results are compared to ENDF/B-IV data files and to previous measurements. For the Lead samples the differential neutron scattering:cross-sections for discrete 3 Mev ranges and the angular distributions were measured. The increase in effective cross-section due to multiple scattering effects,as the sample thickness increased:was found to be predicted by the empirical .relation ....... A good fit to the exoerimental data was obtained using the universal constant............ The differential elastic scattering cross-section data for thin samples of Lithium and Lead were analyzed in terms of optical model calculations using the. computer code. RAROMP. Parameter search procedures produced good fits to the·cross-sections. For the case of thick samples of Lithium and Lead, the measured angular distributions of :the scattered neutrons were compared to the predictions of the continuous slowing down model.


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In the present work, the elastic scattering of fast neutrons from iron and concrete samples were studied at incident neutron energies of 14.0 and 14.4 Mev, using a neutron spectrometer based on the associated particle time-of-flight technique. These samples were chosen because of their importance in the design of fusion reactor shielding and construction. Using the S.A.M.E.S. accelerator and the 3 M v Dynamitron accelerator at the Radiation Centre, 14.0 and 14.4 Mev neutrons were produced by the T(d, n)4He reaction at incident deuteron energies of 140 keV and 900 keV mass III ions respectively. The time of origin of the neutron was determined by detecting the associated alpha particles. The samples used were extended flat plates of thicknesses up to 1.73 mean free paths for iron and 2.3 mean free paths for concrete. The associated alpha particles and fast neutrons were detected by means of a plastic scintillator mounted on a fast focused photomultiplier tube. The differential neutron elastic scattering cross-sections were measured for 14 Mev neutrons in various thicknesses of iron and concrete in the angular range from zero to 90°. In addition, the angular distributions of 14.4 Mev neutrons after passing through extended samples of iron were measured at several scattering angles in the same angular range. The measurements obtained for the thin sample of iron were compared with the results of Coon et al. The differential cross-sections for the thin iron sample were also analyzed on the optical model using the computer code RAROMP. For the concrete sample, the angular distribution of the thin sample was compared with the cross-sections calculated from the major constituent elements of concrete, and with the predicted values of the optical model for those elements. No published data could be found to compare with the results of the concrete differential cross-sections. In the case of thick samples of iron and concrete, the number of scattered neutrons were compared with a phenomological calculation based on the continuous slowing down model. The variation of measured cross-sections with sample thickness were found to follow the empirical relation σ = σ0 eαx. By using the universal constant "K", good fits were obtained to the experimental data. In parallel with the work at 14.0 and 14.4 Mev, an associated particle time-of-flight spectrometer was investigated which used the 2H(d,n)3He reaction for 3.02 Mev neutron energy at the incident deuteron energy of 1 Mev.


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A mathematical model has been developed for predicting the spectral distribution of solar radiation incident on a horizontal surface. The solar spectrum in the wavelength range 0.29 to 4.0 micrometers has been divided in 144 intervals. Two variables in the model are the atmospheric water vapour content and atmospheric turbidity. After allowing for absorption and scattering in the atmosphere, the spectral intensity of direct and diffuse components of radiation are computed. When the predicted radiation levels are compared with the measured values for the total radiation and the values with glass filters RG715, RG630 and OG530, a close agreement (± 5%) has been achieved under clear sky conditions. A solar radiation measuring facility, close to the centre of Birmingham, has been set up utilising a microcomputer based data logging system. A suite of computer programs in the BASIC programming language has been developed and extensively tested for solar radiation data, logging, analysis and plotting. Two commonly used instruments, the Eppley PSP pyranometer and the Kipp and Zonen CM5 pyranometer, have been compared under different experimental conditions. Three models for computing the inclined plane irradiation, using total and diffuse radiation on a horizontal surface, have been tested for Birmingham. The anisotropic-alI-sky model, proposed by Klucher, provides a good agreement between the measured and the predicted radiation levels. Measurements of solar spectral distribution, using glass filters, are also reported for a number of inclines facing South.


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La TiO2 è uno dei materiali più studiati degli ultimi decenni. I motivi sono da ricercarsi nelle sue numerose applicazioni, possibili in molti campi come dispositivi fotovoltaici, depurazione da agenti inquinanti o filtraggio di raggi UV. Per le celle elettrochimiche in particolare, il biossido di titanio offre molti vantaggi, ma non è privo di ostacoli. Il limite principale è lo scarso assorbimento dello spettro visibile, dovuto all’energy gap elevato (circa 3.2 eV). La ricerca da diversi anni si concentra sul tentativo di aumentare l’assorbimento di luce solare: promettenti sono i risultati raggiunti grazie alla forma nanoparticellare della TiO2, che presenta proprietà diverse dal materiale bulk. Una delle strategie più studiate riguarda il drogaggio tramite impurità, che dovrebbero aumentare le prestazioni di assorbimento del materiale. Gli elementi ritenuti migliori a questo scopo sono il vanadio e l’azoto, che possono essere usati sia singolarmente che in co-doping. In questo lavoro abbiamo realizzato la crescita di nanoparticelle di V-TiO2, tramite Inert Gas Condensation. La morfologia e la struttura atomica sono state analizzate attraverso microscopia a trasmissione, analizzandone la mappe tramite image processing. Successivamente abbiamo studiato le proprietà di assorbimento ottico dei campioni, nello spettro visibile e nel vicino ultravioletto, attraverso il metodo della riflettanza diffusa, determinando poi il bandgap tramite Tauc Plot. L’esperimento centrale di questo lavoro di tesi è stato condotto sulla beamline ID26 dell’European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, a Grenoble. Lì, abbiamo effettuato misure XANES, allo scopo di studiare gli stati fotoeccitati del materiale. L’eccitazione avveniva mediante laser con lunghezza d’onda di 532 nm. Tramite gli spettri, abbiamo analizzato la struttura locale e lo stato di ossidazione del vanadio. Le variazioni indotta dal laser hanno permesso di capire il trasferimento di carica e determinare la vita media.


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The collisional (or free-free) absorption of soft x rays in warm dense aluminium remains an unsolved problem. Competing descriptions of the process exist, two of which we compare to our experimental data here. One of these is based on a weak scattering model, another uses a corrected classical approach. These two models show distinctly different behaviors with temperature. Here we describe experimental evidence for the absorption of 26-eV photons in solid density warm aluminium (Te≈1 eV). Radiative x-ray heating from palladium-coated CH foils was used to create the warm dense aluminium samples and a laser-driven high-harmonic beam from an argon gas jet provided the probe. The results indicate little or no change in absorption upon heating. This behavior is in agreement with the prediction of the corrected classical approach, although there is not agreement in absolute absorption value. Verifying the correct absorption mechanism is decisive in providing a better understanding of the complex behavior of the warm dense state.