877 resultados para Sandwich course


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Considering that the future of the construction sector in most European countries will mainly lie in the renovation of the existing building stock, in the next coming years thousands of energy inefficient buildings will need renovation to force EU member states to reach the EU 2020 targets and implement the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). Seeing the actual crisis in the construction sector as an opportunity, this work aims to develop a concept for prefabricated customizable sandwich panels for the multifunctional renovation of buildings, focusing also on technological innovation. More than a conventional solution, this proposal aims to combine sustainable and recycled building materials, available technologies and systems with advanced design and manufacturing tools within an integrated and mass-customizable approach of advanced building renovation prefabricated solutions. The adoption of these new proposed solutions would improve the living standards of the inhabitants of our cities, reducing energy inefficiency and other existing construction/renovation problems, while enabling some advanced features like the incorporation of technical modules that could even monitor the building performance during its full lifetime and the living conditions of its occupants.


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The authors appreciate the collaboration of the following labs: Civitest for developing DHCC materials, PIEP for conducting VARTM process (Eng. Luis Oliveira) and Department of Civil Engineering of Minho University to perform the tests (Mr. Antonio Matos and Eng. Marco Jorge).


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Entendendo a presente crise do setor da construção como uma oportunidade para promover a reabilitação do parque habitacional existente, este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um conceito de painéis sandwich customizáveis para a renovação multifuncional de edifícios. Mais do que uma solução convencional, esta proposta visa combinar materiais de construção sustentáveis, sistemas e tecnologias disponíveis com ferramentas de fabrico e design avançado, numa abordagem integrada e personalizada de soluções de pré-fabricação em massa para a reabilitação do parque habitacional. Pretende-se com a adoção das soluções propostas contribuir não só para a redução da ineficiência energética dos edifícios, mas também minimizar os problemas de construção existentes, estudando também a incorporação na fachada de módulos avançados, como painéis solares, para melhorar o seu desempenho energético.


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One of the first scientific maps of the Amazon region, The Course of the Amazon River (Le Cours de La Rivière des Amazones), was constructed by Nicolas Sanson, a French cartographer of the seventeenth century, and served as the prototype for many others. The evaluation of this chart, until now, has been that it is a very defective map, a sketch based on a historical account, according to the opinion of La Condamine. Thus, the aim of the present work was to prove that the map of the Amazon River traced by Nicolas Sanson is a scientific work, a map that presents precise geographic coordinates considering its time, shows a well-determined prime meridian, and also employs a creative methodology to deduce longitudes from latitudes and distances that had been covered. To show such characteristics, an analysis of the accuracy of the map was made by comparing its latitudes and longitudes with those of a current map. We determined the prime meridian of this map and analyzed the methodology used for the calculation of longitudes. The conclusion is that it is actually a good map for the time, particularly considering the technology and the limited information that Sanson had at his disposal. This proves that the negative assertion of La Condamine is unfounded.


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Dissertação de International Master in Sustainable Built Environment


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Undergraduate medical education is moving from traditional disciplinary basic science courses into more integrated curricula. Integration models based on organ systems originated in the 1950s, but few longitudinal studies have evaluated their effectiveness. This article outlines the development and implementation of the Organic and Functional Systems (OFS) courses at the University of Minho in Portugal, using evidence collected over 10 years. It describes the organization of content, student academic performance and acceptability of the courses, the evaluation of preparedness for future courses and the retention of knowledge on basic sciences. Students consistently rated the OFS courses highly. Physician tutors in subsequent clinical attachments considered that students were appropriately prepared. Performance in the International Foundations of Medicine examination of a self-selected sample of students revealed similar performances in basic science items after the last OFS course and 4 years later, at the moment of graduation. In conclusion, the organizational and pedagogical approaches of the OFS courses achieve high acceptability by students and result in positive outcomes in terms of preparedness for subsequent training and long-term retention of basic science knowledge.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of subsequent pregnancy after peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) on maternal and fetal outcome. METHODS: Prospective study of 34 patients with the diagnosis of PPCM (mean age= 26years). At the time of first diagnosis 5 were in NYHA functional class (FC) II for heart failure, one in FC III and 28 in FC IV. After clinical treatment, patients were advised to avoid new pregnancies and a follow-up was obtained. RESULTS: There were 12 (35.3%) subsequent pregnancies in patients (pt) aged 19 to 44 years (mean 32), divided into two groups: GI: 6 pts who had normalized their heart size and GII: 6 pts with persistent cardiomegaly. GI had initially mild clinical manifestations ( 3 were in FC II, 1 in FC II and 2 in FC IV) and complete recovery of cardiac function (FC I). A new pregnancy was well-tolerated in 5 (83.3%); 1 pt presented with preeclampsia, and progressed to FC II. Presently, 5 pt are in FC I and 1 in FC II. GII pts had more severe heart failure at the onset of PPCM (1 pt in FC II and 5 in FC IV); during follow-up, 4 pt were in FC I and 2 in FC II. A new pregnancy was well tolerated in all of them, but the eldest, who had had 2 pregnancies and had a progressive worsening of clinical status, dying 8 years after the last pregnancy and 13 years after the diagnosis of PPCM. The remaining 5 pt are still alive, 3 in FC I and 2 in FC II, with worsening of FC in 1. Subsequent pregnancies occurred 3-7 years after clinical treatment of PPCM and no fetal distress was observed. CONCLUSION: Subsequent pregnancies are well-tolerated after PPCM, but not devoid of risk. No fetal distress was observed. A minimum interval of 3 years after the recovery of function seems to be safe for subsequent pregnancies.


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Sandwich geometries, mainly in the form of panels and beams, are commonly applied in various transportation industries, such as aerospace, aeronautic and automotive. Sandwich geometries represent important advantages in structural applications, namely high specific stiffness, low weight, and possibility of design optimization prior to manufacturing. The aim of this paper is to uncover the influence of the number of reinforcements (ribs), and of the thickness on the mechanical behavior of all-metal sandwich panels subjected to uncoupled bending and torsion loadings. In this study, four geometries are compared. The orientation of the reinforcements and the effect of transversal ribs are also considered in this study. It is shown that the all the relations are non-linear, despite the elastic nature of the analysis in the Finite Element software ANSYS MECHANICAL APDL.


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