980 resultados para Sand dune activity
El objetivo general de la tesis es contribuir al conocimiento de la vegetación sammófila del centro-oeste de la Argentina mediante el análisis geosinfitosociológico (florístico y sinecológico) (paisaje vegetal) de la vegetación de los Médanos Grandes–San Juan, uno de los sistemas eólicos más importantes de Argentina. El análisis realizado permite definir en el sistema dos subambientes, el dominado por procesos eólicos, con megadunas, y el dominado por procesos fluvio-eólicos, sin megadunas. El sistema, en general estabilizado y fijo, tiene actividad sólo en las crestas con escasa cobertura vegetal. La vegetación juega un papel determinante en la dinámica de la arena y en el modelado de este sistema, estando estrechamente relacionada con la disponibilidad de agua que se ajusta a tres modelos: -el de escurrimiento superficial y subsuperficial desde la bajada pedemontana de la sierra de Pie de Palo al norte, -el de la freática relacionada con los ríos San Juan, al oeste, y Bermejo, al este, y – el del agua de lluvia que en las megadunas determina un bulbo húmedo con contenidos de 1,21-2,4 g de agua/100 g de arena, entre los 15-35 m de profundidad, aprovechada por las raíces de los arbustos. Cuatro comunidades vegetales dominan en el sistema:-el pastizal de Panicum urvilleanum en las crestas, el -matorral de Tricomaria usillo-Bulnesia retama en las laderas de las dunas e intermédanos a más de 690 m, el -matorral de Atriplex lampa en los sectores marginales con suelos salinos y el -bosque de Prosopis flexuosa en los intermédanos bajos. Sintaxonómicamente la vegetación pertenece a tres Clases, la Panico urvilleani-Sporoboletea rigentis Esk., 1992 en ambientes sammófilos, la Suaedetea divaricatae Alonso et Conticello ex Martinez Carretero, 2001 en ambientes halófilos y la Larreetea divaricato-cuneifoliae Roig, 89 en la estepa arbustiva del Monte. La relación entre las comunidades vegetales y las asociaciones geomorfológicas permite establecer dos paisajes: el Paisaje I o de Sistema eólico que incluye el 55 % de la superficie y el Paisaje II o de Sistema fluvio-eólico. Palabras claves: eólico, megadunas, comunidades vegetales, dinamismo, bioclima, paisaje vegetal.
Seven cores from the West African continental margin in 12-18° N have been investigated by means of a coarse fraction analysis. Four of the seven cores contain allochthonous material: turbidites and debris flow deposits. The source of the allochthonous material is in about 300-600 m water depth. The age of the slide induced debris flow deposits is at the end of oxygen isotope stage 2. One debris flow deposit is covered by a turbidite (core GIK13211-1). The turbidites in the deep-sea core GIK13207-3 originate from river-influenced sediments from the West-African continental margin, whereas the autochthonous sequences are influenced by volcanic material from the Cape Verde Islands. Particle by particle supply from upper slope areas has been found in all four cores from the continental slope. Current sorting occurs on the submarine diapir (core GIK13289-3), whereas core GIK13291-1 on the NW-flanc, 200 m below core GIK13289-3, has no current sorting, except for stage 1 and parts of stage 5. The current sorting is reflected by parallel variations of median diameters of whole tests and of fragments of planktonic foraminifers, by higher median diameters of foraminifers on top of the diapir, by reduced accumulation rates and increased sand fraction percentages in core GIK13289-3 compared to core GIK13291-1. The Late Quarternary climatic history of the West-African near coastal area (12-18° N) has been redrawn: - in oxygen isotope stage 1 a humid climate is found in 12-18° N (This "humid impression" in 18° N, which is actually an arid area, is due to the poleward directed undercurrent, which transports Senegal river material to the north). - in oxygen isotope stage 2 an arid climate existed in 14-18° N, whereas in 12° N river discharfe persisted. But within stage 2 dune formation occured in 12° N on the (dry) shelf, additionally to fluviatile sediment input. - Older periods are preserved in autochthonous sediments of core GIK13289-3 and GIK13291-1, where oxygen stage 3,5 and 7 (the latter only in core GIK13289-3 present) show a humid climate (as well as in stage 5 of core GIK13255-3), interrupted by short arid intervals in core GIK12389-3, and stage 4 and 6 show an arid climate, interrupted by short humid periods The allochthonous stage 5 sediment in core GIK13211-1 also reflects a humid climate. The dissolution of planktonic foraminifers is strongest in th eLate Holocene and shows a minimum in the early Holocene, where also pteropods are preserved. The degree of carbonate dissolution is related mainly to the fine matter content (< 63 µm) whereas water depth is a less decisvive factor.
Surface sediments from 5 profiles between 30 and 3000 m water depth off W Africa (12-19° N) have been studied for their sand fraction composition and their total calcium carbonate and organic matter contents to evaluate the effect of climatic and hydrographic factors on actual sedimentation. On the shelf and upper slope (< 500 m), currents prevent the deposition of significant amounts of fine-grained material. The sediments forming here are characterized by high sand contents (> 60 %; in most samples > 89 %), low organic carbon contents (in most samples < 0.8 %), high median diameters of the sand fraction (120-500 µm), and by a predominance of quartz and biogenic relict shells (most abundant: molluscs and bryozoans) in the sand fraction. Median diameters of total sand fraction and of major biogenic sand fraction components (biogenic relict material, benthonic molluscs, benthonic and planktonic foraminifers) co-vary to some extent and show maximum values in 100-300 m water depth, reflectingthe sorting effect of currents (perhaps the northward flowing undercurrent). In this water depth, biogenic relict material is considerably enriched relative to wuartz, the second dominating sand fraction component on the shelf and upper slope, resulting in distinct calcium carbonate maxima of the bulk sediments. The influence of the undercurrent is also reflected in a northward transport of fine grained river load and perhaps in the distribution of the red stained, coarse silt and sand-size clay aggregates, which show maxima in 300-500 m water depth. They probably originate from tropical soils. Abundant coarse red-stained quartz on the shelf off Cape Roxo (12-130° N) suggests a southward extension of last glacial dune fields to this latitude. Below about 500 m water depth, current influence becomes negligible - as indicated by a strong decrease in sand content, a concomitant increase in sedimentary organic carbon contents (up to 2.5-3.5 %), and the occurence of high mica/quartz ratios in the sand fraction. Downslope transport, presumably due to the bioturbation mechanism, is indicated by the presence of coarse shelf-borne particles (glauconite, relict shells) down to about 1000 m water depth. The fine/coarse ratio (clay + silt/sand) of the sediments from water deoth > 500 m never exceed a value of 11 in northern latitudes (19° - 26° N), but shows distinct maxima, ranging from 50 to 120, at latitudes 18°, 17° 15°30', and 14° N in about 2000 m water depth. This distribution is attributed to the deposition of fine-grained river load at the continental slope between 18° and 14° N, brought into the sea by the Senegal and souther rivers and transported northward ny the undercurrent. Strong calcium carbonate dissolution is indicated by the complete disappearance of pteropodes (aragonite) and high fragmentation of the planktoic foraminifers (calcite) in sediments from water depth > 300-600 m. Fragmentation ratios of planktonic foraminifers were found to depend on the organic carbon/carbonate ratios of the sediment suggesting that calcite dissolution at the sea bottom may also be significant in shelf and continental slope water depths if the organic matter/carbonate ratio of the surface sediment is high and the test remain long enough within the oxidizing layer on the top of the sulfate reduction zone. The fact that in the region under study intensity and anual duration of upwelling decrease from north to south is neither reflected in the composition on the sand fraction (i.e. radiolarian and fish debris contents, radiolarian/planktonic foraminiferal ratios, benthos/plankton ratios of foraminifers), nor in the sedimentary organic carbon distribution. On the contrary, these parameters even show in comparable water depths a tendency for highest values in the south, partly because primary production rates remain high in the whole region, particularly on the shelf, due to the nutrient input by rivers in the south. In addition, several hydrographic, sedimentological and climatic factors severely affect their distribution - for example currents, dissolution, grain size composition, deposition of river load, and bulk sedimentation rats.
During the drilling of Hole 603B on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93, an unexpected series of sand-, silt-, and claystone turbidites was encountered from Cores 603B-45 through -76 (1224-1512 m sub-bottom depth). Complete and truncated Bouma sequences were observed, some indicating deposition by debris flows. Sand emplacement culminated with the deposition of a 30-m-thick, unconsolidated sand unit (Cores 603B-48 through -45). The purpose of this preliminary study is to determine the nature of the heavy mineral suites of this sediment in order to make tentative correlations with onshore equivalents. The heavy mineralogy of Lower Cretaceous North American mid-Atlantic coastal plain sediment has been extensively studied. This sediment is classified as the Potomac Group, which has a varied heavy mineral suite in its lower part (Patuxent Formation), and a limited suite in its upper part (Patapsco Formation). The results of this study reveal a similar trend in the heavy mineral suites of sediment in Hole 603B. Hauterivian through lower Barremian sediment has a heavy mineral suite that is dominated by zircon, apatite, and garnet, with minor amounts of staurolite and kyanite. Beginning in the mid-Barremian, a new source of sediment becomes dominant, one which supplies an epidote-rich heavy mineral suite. The results of the textural analyses show that average grain size of the light mineral fraction increases upsection, whereas sorting decreases. The epidote-rich source may have delivered sediment with a slightly coarser mean grain size. This sediment may represent a more direct continental input at times of maximum turbidite activity (mid-Barremian) and during deposition of the upper, unconsolidated sand unit.
During the early 2000s the Greenland Ice Sheet experienced the largest ice-mass loss of the instrumental record, largely as a result of the acceleration, thinning and retreat of large outlet glaciers in West and southeast Greenland. The quasi-simultaneous change in the glaciers suggests a common climate forcing. Increasing air and ocean temperatures have been indicated as potential triggers. Here, we present a record of calving activity of Helheim Glacier, East Greenland, that extends back to about AD 1890, based on an analysis of sedimentary deposits from Sermilik Fjord, where Helheim Glacier terminates. Specifically, we use the annual deposition of and grains as a proxy for iceberg discharge. Our record reveals large fluctuations in calving rates, but the present high rate was reproduced only in the 1930s. A comparison with climate indices indicates that high calving activity coincides with a relatively strong influence of Atlantic water and a lower influence of polar water on the shelf off Greenland, as well as with warm summers and the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Our analysis provides evidence that Helheim Glacier responds to short-term fluctuations of large-scale oceanic and atmospheric conditions, on timescales of 3-10 years.
The saliva of blood-sucking arthropods contains powerful pharmacologically active substances and may be a vaccine target against some vector-borne diseases. Subtractive cloning combined with biochemical approaches was used to discover activities in the salivary glands of the hematophagous fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. Sequences of nine full-length cDNA clones were obtained, five of which are possibly associated with blood-meal acquisition, each having cDNA similarity to: (i) the bed bug Cimex lectularius apyrase, (ii) a 5′-nucleotidase/phosphodiesterase, (iii) a hyaluronidase, (iv) a protein containing a carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD), and (v) a RGD-containing peptide with no significant matches to known proteins in the blast databases. Following these findings, we observed that the salivary apyrase activity of L. longipalpis is indeed similar to that of Cimex apyrase in its metal requirements. The predicted isoelectric point of the putative apyrase matches the value found for Lutzomyia salivary apyrase. A 5′-nucleotidase, as well as hyaluronidase activity, was found in the salivary glands, and the CRD-containing cDNA matches the N-terminal sequence of the HPLC-purified salivary anticlotting protein. A cDNA similar to α-amylase was discovered and salivary enzymatic activity demonstrated for the first time in a blood-sucking arthropod. Full-length clones were also found coding for three proteins of unknown function matching, respectively, the N-terminal sequence of an abundant salivary protein, having similarity to the CAP superfamily of proteins and the Drosophila yellow protein. Finally, two partial sequences are reported that match possible housekeeping genes. Subtractive cloning will considerably enhance efforts to unravel the salivary pharmacopeia of blood-sucking arthropods.
The primary goal of this thesis was to determine if spaced synaptic stimulation induced the differential expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the Drosophila melanogaster central nervous system (CNS). Prior to attaining this goal, we needed to identify and validate a spaced stimulation paradigm that could induce the formation of new synaptic growth at a model synapse, the larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Both Channelrhodopsin- and high potassium-based stimulation paradigms adapted from (Ataman, et al. 2008) were tested. Once validation of these paradigms was complete, we sought to characterize the miRNA expression profile of the larval CNS by miRNA array. Following attainment of these data, we used quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) to determine if acute synaptic stimulation caused the differential expression of neuronal miRNAs. We found that upon high potassium spaced training in a wild type (Canton S) genotype, 5 miRNAs showed significant differential expression when normalized to a validated reference gene, the U1 snRNA. Moreover, absolute quantification of our RT-qPCR study implicated one miRNA: miR-958 as being significantly regulated by activity. Investigation into potential targets for miR-958 revealed it to be a potential regular of Dlar, a protein tyrosine phosphatase implicated in synapse development. This investigation provides the foundation to directly test our underlying hypothesis that, following spaced training, differential expression of miRNAs alters the translation of proteins required to induce and maintain these structural changes at the synapse.
"September 1977."
"August 1967."
"August 1980."
[Xsh 53.3]
[Negative by Fuller]