1000 resultados para Sacchini, Antonio, 1730-1786.
[Chant grégorien. Messe]
Il y a une table générale alphabétique des noms en tête du volume.
This article deals with the main characteristcs of the apontamentos, a Santiaguense caboverdean creole grammar published both in Capeverdean an Portuguese in 1887
No início do século XVIII, a ilha de Santiago, devido a uma nova conjuntura internacional, já não é a placa giratória onde eram armazenadas as mercadorias africanas para serem exportadas para vários pontos do Atlântico. A economia da ilha, deixando de se basear no comércio e na produção de mercadorias para o trato com a costa da Guiné virou-se, inteiramente, para a agricultura de subsistência e para o abastecimento de géneros aos vários navios que atracavam nos seus portos para fazer aguada. A sociedade santiaguense transfigura-se, a estrutura social escravocrata desmorona-se pouco a pouco.
Provient de la « Bibliothèque de la Chancellerie. »
Popularizing science without the support of scholars. Jean Lanteires and the Journal de Lausanne (1786-1792). - Founded in 1786 by Jean Lanteires, the Journal de Lausanne is a widespread, weekly journal with the express aim of disseminating scientific knowledge among the lower and middle classes. Its articles are easily comprehensible and cover a wide range of topics from literature to agriculture, from natural sciences to charity. Considerable space is given to reader's questions and comments. The journal can be situated somewhere between an almanac and a scientific journal. Lanteires' attempt to solicit contributions from scholars of medicine and natural sciences received a dismissive response. Of the few articles written by specialists, the majority deal with agriculture and charity. Lanteires' difficult relationship with the scholarly community is reflected in the journal's content. This makes the Journal de Lausanne a privileged observatory for studying the social context of the vulgarization process in late-eighteenth-century Switzerland and Europe.