984 resultados para SUSPENDED PARTICLES


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Asphalt binder is used in the production of hot mixes asphalt (HMA) for paving and, due to the high temperatures used, generates fumes thatcontainn-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Asphalt mixes prepared at lower temperatures, such as warm mixes asphalt (WMA), may contribute to reduce the emissions of those compounds and save energy. This paper investigatesn-alkanes and PAH in the total suspended particles during the preparation of WMA, in comparison with HMA, in laboratory. The results showed that the n-alkanes of the WMA and HMA presented C-max at n-C-26 and n-C-28, respectively; also, the total content of n-alkanes was higher for the HMA than forthe WMA. Besides, benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[a]anthracene were the major PAH in the WMA, while the higher temperatures of the HMA were observed to volatilize all larger PAH, demonstrating higher potential of inhalation exposure.


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Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is a group of chemicals that are toxic, undergo long-range transport and accumulate in biota. Due to their persistency the distribution and recirculation in the environment often continues for a long period of time. Thereby they appear virtually everywhere within the biosphere, and poses a toxic stress to living organisms. In this thesis, attempts are made to contribute to the understanding of factors that influence the distribution of POPs with focus on processes in the marine environment. The bioavailability and the spatial distribution are central topics for the environmental risk management of POPs. In order to study these topics, various field studies were undertaken. To determine the bioavailable fraction of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) the aqueous dissolved phase were sampled and analysed. In the same samples, we also measured how much of these POPs were associated with suspended particles. Different models, which predicted the phase distribution of these POPs, were then evaluated. It was found that important water characteristics, which influenced the solid-water phase distribution of POPs, were particulate organic matter (POM), particulate soot (PSC), and dissolved organic matter (DOM). The bioavailable dissolved POP-phase in the water was lower when these sorbing phases were present. Furthermore, sediments were sampled and the spatial distribution of the POPs was examined. The results showed that the concentration of PCDD/Fs, and PCNs were better described using PSC- than using POM-content of the sediment. In parallel with these field studies, we synthesized knowledge of the processes affecting the distribution of POPs in a multimedia mass balance model. This model predicted concentrations of PCDD/Fs throughout our study area, the Grenlandsfjords in Norway, within factors of ten. This makes the model capable to validate the effect of suitable remedial actions in order to decrease the exposure of these POPs to biota in the Grenlandsfjords which was the aim of the project. Also, to evaluate the influence of eutrophication on the marine occurrence PCB data from the US Musselwatch and Benthic Surveillance Programs are examined in this thesis. The dry weight based concentrations of PCB in bivalves were found to correlate positively to the organic matter content of nearby sediments, and organic matter based concentrations of PCB in sediments were negatively correlated to the organic matter content of the sediment.


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Se han eliminado las páginas en blanco


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Il presente lavoro ha avuto lo scopo di identificare le caratteristiche di filtrabilità della birra attraverso lo svolgimento di prove tecnologiche di filtrazione in scala di laboratorio e su scala pilota, utilizzando diverse tipologie di sistemi filtranti e sperimentando diversi materiali di membrana. La fase preliminare della caratterizzazione della filtrabilità della birra è stata condotta presso i laboratori del Campden-BRI – The Brewing Research International, Inghilterra, mentre le prove tecnologiche su scala pilota si sono svolte presso il CERB – Centro di Eccellenza per la Ricerca sulla Birra. Le prove di filtrazione e le analisi sui campioni hanno permesso di verificare le performance delle diverse membrane utilizzate in risposta alla variazione dei principali parametri del processo di filtrazione tangenziale. Sono stati analizzati diversi parametri di qualità della birra filtrata attraverso il monitoraggio del processo e lo svolgimento di prove analitiche sul prodotto volte ad evidenziare gli effetti delle differenti tecnologie adottate. Per quanto riguarda le prove di laboratorio per la caratterizzazione della filtrabilità della birra, l’analisi della PCS (Photon Correlation Spectroscopy) è stata utilizzata per verificare l’influenza di diversi trattamenti enzimatici sulla efficienza del processo di filtrazione e la loro influenza sulla stabilità colloidale della birra filtrata. Dai risultati ottenuti è emerso che il PCS è un valido strumento per determinare la distribuzione in classi di diametro e il diametro medio effettivo delle particelle solide in sospensione nella birra e può essere utilizzato sia per predire la stabilità della birra filtrata, sia per monitorare il processo di filtrazione in tempo reale.


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The macroscopic properties of oily food dispersions, such as rheology, mechanical strength, sensory attributes (e.g. mouth feel, texture and even flavour release) and as well as engineering properties are strongly determined by their microstructure, that is considered a key parameter in the understanding of the foods behaviour . In particular the rheological properties of these matrices are largely influenced by their processing techniques, particle size distribution and composition of ingredients. During chocolate manufacturing, mixtures of sugar, cocoa and fat are heated, cooled, pressurized and refined. These steps not only affect particle size reduction, but also break agglomerates and distribute lipid and lecithin-coated particles through the continuous phase, this considerably modify the microstructure of final chocolate. The interactions between the suspended particles and the continuous phase provide information about the existing network and consequently can be associated to the properties and characteristics of the final dispersions. Moreover since the macroscopic properties of food materials, are strongly determined by their microstructure, the evaluation and study of the microstructural characteristics, can be very important for a through understanding of the food matrices characteristics and to get detailed information on their complexity. The aim of this study was investigate the influence of formulation and each process step on the microstructural properties of: chocolate type model systems, dark milk and white chocolate types, and cocoa creams. At the same time the relationships between microstructural changes and the resulting physico-chemical properties of: chocolate type dispersions model systems dark milk and white chocolate were investigated.


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The concentrations of suspended particulate pigments, C37-C38 alkenones, total organic carbon and nitrogen in the Ligurian Sea (northwestern Mediterranean) have been studied at 5 and 30 m depth during well defined thermocline conditions. An accurate description of the short term changes of these compounds has been achieved by means of four 36-h sampling cycles each encompassing consecutive filtration periods of 4 h. During sampling the thermocline changes were followed closely by simultaneous measurements of water column temperature, salinity and other physical parameters. The analysis of the collected samples indicates that the Haptophyte pigments and alkenones are essentially synthesized at the levels of highest primary production and therefore the C37 alkenone record reflects the seawater temperature at this depth level. The study also shows that part of these alkenones are distributed throughout the water column in association to the suspended particles. This process results in C37 alkenone distributions that, due to their high resistance to chemical and microbial degradation, record the temperature of the highest primary productivity layers even at shallow (e.g., 5 m depth) or deep (e.g., 1100 m depth) waters.


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The ingestion of microplastics has been shown for a great variety of marine organisms. However, benthic marine mesoherbivores such as the common periwinkle Littorina littorea have been largely disregarded in studies about the effects of microplastics on the marine biota, probably because the pathway for microplastics to this functional group of organisms was not obvious. In laboratory experiments we showed that the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus retains suspended microplastics on its surface. The numbers of microplastics that adhered to the algae correlated with the concentrations of suspended particles in the water. In choice feeding assays L. littorea did not distinguish between algae with adherent microplastics and clean algae without microplastics, indicating that the snails do not recognize solid nonfood particles in the submillimeter size range as deleterious. In periwinkles that were feeding on contaminated algae, microplastics were found in the stomach and in the gut. However, no microplastics were found in the midgut gland, which is the principle digestive organ of gastropods. Microplastics in the fecal pellets of the periwinkles indicate that the particles do not accumulate rapidly inside the animals but are mostly released with the feces. Our results provide the first evidence that seaweeds may represent an efficient pathway for microplastics from the water to marine benthic herbivores.


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The scavenging of 231Pa and 230Th was investigated in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean by combining results from sediment trap and in situ filtration studies. We present the first high-resolution profile of dissolved 230Th and 231Pa in surface waters across the ACC, showing a dramatic southward increase of both radionuclides around the southern ACC Front at 533S. High dissolved 231Pa/230Th ratios combined with low 230Th/231Pa fractionation factors (F) in these surface waters result in extremely high 231Pa94/230Th94 ratios of material collected in the shallow traps. Particulate 231Pa94/230Th94 ratios in a shallow trap near Bouvet Island increase continuously during the productive period in austral summer, and drop back in the low flux period. This behavior, following the Rayleigh fractionation principle, is interpreted to be due to an increase in the dissolved 231Pa/230Th ratio in the euphotic zone resulting from preferential scavenging of 230Th relative to 231Pa, even in opal-dominated regions. In the post-bloom stage, the depleted radionuclide concentrations are replenished by upwelling of Circumpolar Deep Water. The high particulate 231Pa94/230Th94 signal is weakened during downward transport of the bloom particles in the water column by incorporation of deep suspended particles, which have a lower 231Pa94/230Th94 ratio. It is shown that under the special hydrographic conditions in the Southern Ocean scavenging from the upper water column significantly influences the budgets of 230Th and 231Pa in the sediment. Nevertheless, the budgets are still made up primarily by scavenging from the large standing stock of deep suspended particles.


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Spectral absorption coefficients of total particulate matter ap (lambda) were determined using the in vitro filter technique. The present analysis deals with a set of 1166 spectra, determined in various oceanic (case 1) waters, with field chl a concentrations ([chl]) spanning 3 orders of magnitude (0.02-25 mg/m**3). As previously shown [Bricaud et al., 1995, doi:10.1029/95JC00463] for the absorption coefficients of living phytoplankton a phi (lamda), the ap (labda) coefficients also increase nonlinearly with [chl]. The relationships (power laws) that link ap (lambda) and a phi (lambda) to [chl] show striking similarities. Despite large fluctuations, the relative contribution of nonalgal particles to total absorption oscillates around an average value of 25-30% throughout the [chl] range. The spectral dependence of absorption by these nonalgal particles follows an exponential increase toward short wavelengths, with a weakly variable slope (0.011 ± 0.0025/nm). The empirical relationships linking ap (lambda) to ([chl]) can be used in bio-optical models. This parameterization based on in vitro measurements leads to a good agreement with a former modeling of the diffuse attenuation coefficient based on in situ measurements. This agreement is worth noting as independent methods and data sets are compared. It is stressed that for a given ([chl]), the ap (lambda) coefficients show large residual variability around the regression lines (for instance, by a factor of 3 at 440 nm). The consequences of such a variability, when predicting or interpreting the diffuse reflectance of the ocean, are examined, according to whether or not these variations in ap are associated with concomitant variations in particle scattering. In most situations the deviations in ap actually are not compensated by those in particle scattering, so that the amplitude of reflectance is affected by these variations.


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Hydrocarbons, sterols and alkenones were analyzed in samples collected from a 10 month sediment trap time series deployed in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean. Fluxes and within-class distributions varied seasonally. During higher mass and organic carbon (OC) flux periods, which occurred in austral summer and fall, fresh marine inputs were predominant. Vertical fluxes were most intense in January, but limited to one week in duration. They were, however, low compared with other oceanic regions. In contrast, low mass and OC flux periods were characterized by a strong unresolved complex mixture (UCM) in the hydrocarbon fraction and a high proportion of stanols as a result of zooplanktonic grazing. Terrigenous inputs were not detectable. The alkenone compositions were consistent with previous data on suspended particles from Antarctic waters. However, UK'37 values diverged from the linear and exponential fits established by Sikes et al. (1997, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(97)00017-3) in the low temperature range. The seasonal pattern of alkenone production implied that IPT (integrated production temperature) is likely to be strongly imprinted by austral summer and fall SST (sea surface temperature).